PAO» 3 V / B I THB 8PRINOFTKLD NBWS TlfURRDAY FKBRUARY ». 1»2S TRAIN SCHEDULE Springfield Stege N erta beend N O TIC K OF F IN A L SETTLEM ENT, í r*n S U M M O N S ‘ u* *Lh*.r*.by ,N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TWB J « Wells, Administrator ol the .................................. — Eetalt “ BTATE OF OKKOON FOR THK of Axel Oliver Sandstrom. deceaoed. . COUNTY OF LANE bae Bled his final report and account ’ . N 26.N Statee Lend Office, Roseburg, Ore­ superior to sll rights or claims you 50 0« 451.69 Dec. 1. 1925, gon, January 29, 1929. may hnve thereto and foreclosed and the Estate of Nellie Deedon, deceased. and sell for cash, at public auction, described as follows, to-wit: 243 31 Dec 1, 1926. 35 0« L L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. Beginning at a point 177.6 feet north subject to redemption as provided by said premises sold under foreclosure NOTICE Is hereby given that E E. Ja. 5-12-19-2«: F. 2: March 1, 1927, 126 0« law. all of tne right, title, and Interest of the southwest corner of Block One I 1122 71 Faulkner, of Corvallis. Oregon, filed as by law In such cases made and 24551 Dec. 1. 1926. 26.00 of aald defendant Charles N. Andrews (1) In Whitney's Addition to E ugene,1 application No 017649. under the Act provided. 189 34 July 1. 192«, 26.00 and Mina Andrews, his wife and Lane County, Oregon, and running THIS summons Is published once of March 20, 1922 (42 Btat.. 4«6) to 393.74 July 1. 192«, 5000 Arthur O. Buah. and all persons claim­ thence North M feet to the Northwest exchange the N% NWH NW’U NBH. each week tor four consecutive weeks 445.58 Dec. 1, 1926, 60 00 ing by. through or under them or any corner of Lot Eight (8) In Block One BW>4 NWH NWH NEH. NWH In The Springfield News, a weekly 645.58 Dec 1, 1925, 76.00 or either of them In and to said (1) In said Whitney's Addition to Eu­ KWH NWH NEH. W«4 8W H RWH newspaper, published In Springfield, 60.14 Dec. 1. 1925. 26 00 gene, thence East 180 feet to the premises NEU. 8WH 9BH NWH. BEH 8EH luine County, Oregon, by order of the 45.83 Dec. 1, 1925. 26 00 FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff, Northeast corner of said lot, thence 8EH NWH. W% NWH HEH. EH llort O. F Sklpworth. Judge of said 190 65 Dec. 1, 1925, 25 00 By BEULAH BRINNICK, Deputy. South along the w est line of the alley NEH NEH SWH. SW>4 NEH NE% court, made January 17th, 1928. and 78 05 Dec 1. 1925. 25 00 F 2-918-23: M. 1: 6« feet, and thence West 180 feet to KWH. 8H NEH 8W14, WH NWH this summons dated and flrat publish­ the place of beginning, being all o f ! and , the costs and disbursement« . of NEH SWH. WH 8EH SWH. WH ed January 19th, 1928 Lot Eight (8) and the North 22 8 f e e t , «««; and for a decree foreclosing WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney EH KKH fW % , Section 11, WH NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION of Lot Seven (7) In said Block One the c’18» ? 1 mortgage from said Sha»- FOREST EXCHANGE NEH NWH. WH EH NEH NWH. for Plaintiff, residence and Postofllce (1) In W hitney’s Addition to Eugene. "on Lumber Company and said N . * Bee. 14, Tp. 15 8., It 10 West. W M , address. Eugene, Oregon. No. 017757 Lumber Company to cross-corn- Ja. 19-2«: F .2-9-1«: Department of the Interior, United Lane County, Oregon; and that t h e ; " containing 140 seres, within the Slus States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ said defendants and each and all of : Plalnant recorded In the office of the law National Forest, In exchange for you have no right, title, estate, lien County Clerk of Lane County Oregon, timber of equal value from approxi­ gon, January 9, 1928. N O T IC E Interest In or to said premises, or at page 547 in Volume 14 of U»e Chat- NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN that or mately 4 4 acres of the SWH NEH OF THE SALE OF SPRINGFIELD -nrt »hereof, and for such other ’ teI Mortgage Records of said county, W. H. Britts, of 1158 Alameda Drive anv NEH. Section 4. Trrwnshlp 20 8.. IMPROVEMENT BONDS. and further relief as to the Court mav and decreeing said sums above men- Range 12 West. W. M . within said NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that Portland Oregon, filed application aeem Just and equitable. ; Honed to he a first mortgage lien upon Sluslaw National Forest. In accordance with the provisions of No. 017767. under the Act of March 20 This Summons is served upon you I personal property described In The purpose of this notice Is Io Ordinance Number 628 of the Town of 1922 (42 Stat.. 4051. to exchange the by publication hv virtue of an order . sa>o mortgage In Lane County, Or«- allow all persona claiming the lands Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, the NWH- Section 22 Tp. 1 N.. Ranre 8 of the Hon G. F. Sklpworth. Circuit , Fon, to-wit; selected, or having bona fide objec­ City Recorder will receive sealed bids "Close your eyes so that the alco­ East. W M., within the Mount Hood Judge, dated and filed Jan 17, 1928, | 1 Tacome Donkey Engine tions to such application, an oppor­ for the purchase of 913.000 00 of Im­ National Forest, for the timber on directing that this Summons be served 1 Seattle Donkey Engine No. 2959 tunity to file their protest with the provement bonds, said bonds to be in hol won't get Into them." 1 Steam Pump the nineteen acres from the SW*4 upon you by publication In the Spring Register of the U. 8 Land Office at denominations of 9500.00 each Said "Have no fear. I'll open only my Sec. 18, and NWi4, Sec. 19. Tp. 20 S., field News, once each week for four 3 Water Pumps and Pipe (4^4 mile« Roseburg Oregon Any such protests bonds to bear Interest at the rate mouth." of pipe) R 4 East, W M . within the Cascade ' we(.ks The date of first publication Is or objections must be filed In thia of six per cent per annum, subject 70 Window frames with glass National Forest. Jan. 19. 1928. office within thirty days from the to redemption at any semi annual In­ The purpose of this notice is to 1 WELLS & WELLS, Attorneys for 11 matresses "I have not the pleasure o t knowing date of the flrat publication of this terest payment period after being In allow all persons claming the land Plaintiff. Residence and Post Office 24 Iron bunks; 2 scrapers notice, beginning February 2. 1929. force for one year, by paying the face your wife.” selected, or having some bona fide Address, Eugene, Oregon. 1 Skyline Non-coal. of the bond with accrued interest "Then how do you know it's a plea­ objections to such application, an op­ 1 Pr. pullev flanges Ja 19-2«: F .2-9-16: HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register. Each bid must be accompanied by a sure T” portunity to file their protest with tha 10 2-7-16" Dolley Boxes F 2-918-23: M. 1: certified check In favor of the City 1 Sack set colors Register of the U. S. Land Office at Recorder, for at least three per cent 1 Lot skid rolls SHERTVf'S SALE ON Roseburg, Oregon. Lawyer: "Courage, my friend. You­ of the purchase price ns a guarantee 7 lumber trucks FORECLOSURE Any such protest or objection must All klndB of Coal, Coke anti of the good faith on the part of the ’re going on a long Journey. What are be filed In this office within thirty NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That ■ 6 set switch points, couplets with bidder. No bid will be considered for your last wishes?" throws and plates days from the date of the first publica­ by virtue of an execution and order, B riquets less than par and accrued Interest tion of his notice, beginning January of sale Issued out of the Clrcul’ Uoiirt 1 24x7” spur friction 2-15-16 Condemned: “Get me a returrn Said bonds to be dated March 1st. 19,1928 Non-coal. of the State of Oregon for the County t 1 Jitney RAINIER COAL CO. 1928, and date of closing bids and of ticket." HAMILL A CANADAY, Register. of Lane on the 12th day of January 2 Haul-beck blocks 15 E. 7th St. Phone 412 opening sealed bids, February 14th, Ja. 19-26: F .2-9-16: 1928, upon a judvment rendered In 2 Moving blocks 1928. , 3300' No. 4 light wire Lawyer for auto accident victim said Court on the 11th day of January, Eugene, Ore. 1 M PETERSON, Recorder. 400’ No. 12 light wire, small 1928, in a suit wherein The First Na­ "Gentlemen of the Jury, the driver of NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON Ja 12-19 36: F. 2-9: 1 Steam water pump tional Bank of Springfield, Oregon, a EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE the car stated he was going only six Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ corporation was Plaintiff and W. H. 1 Moving block miles an hour. Think of the long agonv tue of an execution and order of sale Clark and _______ his wife, L. Tim­ 11 Flat boxes of my poor client, the victim, as the In foreclosure issued out of the Clr-1 mons and R. F. Timmons, her hus­ 2 shaft couplings complete car drove so slowly over him!" cult Court of Lane County, Oregon, j band. and Sam Sorenson and L. M I 28 Pulley flanges on the «uh day of January, 1928, In a ; Travis Inc. a corporation were de- ! 1 ton Bteel and iron, assorted suit wherein on the 3rd day of Janu­ fendants and wherein the Plaintif? re- 1 steam condensor "Walter, this steak Is tough.” ary. 1928, In said court Elmer Roberts, covgred judgment against the said de- ' 6 angle boxes "Of course, sir. It’s the piece do as administrator of the Estate of fendants W. H. Clark ano ....... Clark. 1 2 2 7-16 flanges 8” sleeve Rea. Phona 140 Pl*n° Movlng resistance.” Jack Rodman, deceased, plaintiff, re­ his w!fe. for ,he sum of $2959.00 teget- I 2 2 7-16 flanges 10” sleeve SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER covered Judgment against the defend­ her with Interest thereon from the 1 steel truck W1LL19 BERT8CH, Prop. ants Josephine Mills, L. L. Mills and 30th day of November 1926, at the rate 1 10 Guy lines There was a certain old geezer, George M. Svarverud for the sum o f ' of 8% per annum until paid and for. i Rail bender OFFICE AT SERVICE QARAUE do drill Met an old maid and tried to please $565.60 with Interest at 7 per cent per the sum og $110 54 taxes with interest ' 633 Maln 8treet blocks 7 her. annum from the 12th day of Novem- ! thereon from the 15th day of Sept- _ pr. loading tongs, with clevl; Successor to Sutton Transfer her, 1937, and for the further sum of ember. 1927 at 6»rr per annum and ; Said property being at Shannon When she said, "Stop, mister,” $75.00 attorneys fees and the costs , for the sum 88 M u ila o " " c o in ty .^ e g o ^ a n T r n “tiZ He grabbed her and kissed her. and disbursements herein, which Judg- , fee«*together with he costs and d i * , woods npnr g8|(, m)n an(, for a Now his friends call him the lemon ment was enrolled and docketed in the bursements which Judgment was en- foreclosure of said m o r te a e e and WM. G. HUGHES Clerk s office of said Court In said j rolled and , k ted , the office of oi%.Vd propert“- T s ’a t S squeezer. FIR K AN D A U TO IN S U R A N C E ET,Uonty a°n L 3rd„d ayt of Ja"uary' 1 S i T sn nsrv « IA 8ald Judgment and decree, and for a NOTARY public .1928, and said execution to me direct- day of January 1928 and said execu- . . rtprrp(l Raid m ort, I left all my future behind me. 'ed commanding me in the name of I Hon x ,,. to, me directed commanding K" geh