The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 09, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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u m im
By Spacial
»«.«••»•« •»
•truetton of a reservoir with suggest­
ed heights of 240 and >10 feet, the
report states.
What threatened to be a strike at
the Thomas M Kay Woolen Mill of
Haleiu waa amicably settled, and 32
weavers went back to work Because
of poor conditions In the woolen mar­
ket Kay was on the verge ot making
a cut lu wages when the workers
walked out. As the result of a con­
ference the workers returned and
accepted a I per cent wage cut. reach­
ing a 50 »0 agreement with (he owner.
•'For the same reason you do.” re­
plied Davenport blandly; 'Just tu
hear the motor go,*'
"Well." sighed Ortmstesd after a
moment, "this trip certainly promisse
to be Interesting If the thing works
even partially aa you say It doee. you
muet have a brand new principle In
battery construction "
"It Is » new principle," said D» «en-
port. "Would you like to hear about
¡ Albany wlth a mrniber. hlp Of <8
»ehoolmen fn.nt the two countlee J
q . Mcl-aughlln. superintendent of the
I Corvallis schools. Is president.
M t . ami Mrs. Day Morgan, who
A check for »34.247 52, representing
| have lived In Washington the past Brief RfiSUme Of Happenings 01
~ G A R D E N J ty A Y _
OJ. lw0 hay0 returned to Oregon.
Klamath county's share of receipts
the Week Collected for
derived from sales of United States
” M~ * A- Hris.ow of Portland ar- and .p e u tla stjta n d a y ‘ ‘ ¿ h* h0U1* ° ‘
forest service timber end forest rent­
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor.
Our Readers.
rived at the Wylie home for an indeS-
als during 1927. has been received by
Thurston high school basketball
nlte ' «it. Mrs. Bristol is Mr. Wylie s
the county treasurer's office.
teams played at Santa Clara last Frl
After several months' delay. Clacka­
" ’h ta o Chase h a. built a sun porch day evening The girl, worn but the
sociation of Collection Agencies has mas county has received s check from
» bo J 8 were defeated. One of their p i»
Governor Pat ter sou has refused to
CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery
the United States treasury for »250.
on ins house.
betng unable t0 p|ay helped to been effected at Eugene
The tax levy in The Dalles this year «89.17. representing payment la ll»U remove Clare A. less, slate Insurant«
Edith and Junior Cameron wen,
commissioner, from bis office, as re- l,n Pr,CM «’“ !>«•»•• and oth,r work “
Is 48 50 mills, or 4 38 mills lower than of taxes for revested Oregon A Cali­
visitors at the Maxwell home Satur- ,
__ _______ ___________
fornia Railroad company gran' lands. quested by assessm ent certificate
( _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ the 1827 levy of 52 28 mills.
holders In The Hunkers' Life Com
Eugene's postal receipts for Janu­
The St. Helens Wood Products com pany of Iowa The request fur Lee a
Mr. and Mrs. L. 9 ->slley and son.
ary totaled »12.977.51. an Increase of party Is Installing new machinery and removal, ou grounds that hs refused
Alfred, of Wendling spent Saturday
2.1 per cent over January, 1927.
making additions to the broom handle to cancel (he company's license In
night and Sunday at the J. R Fish — . --------
Perry Williams flnlahed shigllng
Forest fires In Clatsop county dur­ factory which will Increase the dally Oregon, was made to the governor
the Pleasant Hill Christian church
ing 1927 burned over 888 acres and output of broom and mop handles both by letter and at a verbal hear
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Maxwell and
from »0.000 to 40,000 in an eight hour Ing The governor said he saw no
destroyed ttmber valued at »21.885
N o w don’t make u niln-
daughter. Grace wer<, gueets at the ,
1 uni not dlMouuaiux
O C ^ w e u “ « erecting a new Primary grade, will entertain her
prixo fighters or champion*
the afflrmatlvs _ and negative the operation of the insurance depart
W. O. t ogswen
I young foiks at a valentine party at ped from Redmond to Portland, des I Both ______________
Hhlpu, but u dainty. In oon-
tlned fo. Hamburg. Antwerp and Ure teams of The Dalles high school were meat aa now conducted.
Chaae of O. S. C. spent the
Saturday ‘ n “rnooa ot th,S men.
MplciiouH Hpectacle frame.
I victorious In s dual debate with Hood
Mayor George U Baker haa an River high school tesm s at Hood
week end at horns.
T he thing th at'» new and
Jim McPherson has secured the con- The grade school Is planning on
nounced that he will
be __________
a candidate ’ River. The debate question Involved
1» the now ''Wlr»*-
tract to supply the Chase Gardens having s valentine box. next V edne*
Portland for tha fourth ' the proposal for staid development of
enforcnd" T em ple which*
plant with fuel for two years
day and the young folks have ara n ( __
hydro-electric power.
keep« the fram e from ex­
T h e P -T A will sponsor an interest- names to give s valentine to. ____ j
The latest In infant Industries for
panding too m uch and 1«
Ing program at the school house Frl-
Semester examinations at the"Pleas- , Record» Of the
ver ra
. v
.0. . . u .™ . . « « 1» :
HUI high ,ch.«.l . . . . . . . . 1 « . '
‘" - J '"
° St. Helens la an agricultural Imple­
ju«t th e thing to w ear with
(Continued from l*age 21
t t . .t .» ™ « » . Mr.- H. L. C h u . .111 . . . . .n J i o . .™ ..J . . m . . « . « .« •»
»' “ » » ” “ • »
“ “ “ ment manufacturing plant, the St.
th e close fitting hats.
Helens Rotary Harrow works
preside at this meeting and the com- Monday. Several new pupils have 8toragt’-
new concern will manufacture rotary
Davenport, “but It's going to be a«
munltv ia urged to be present. Prof, enrolled for the second semester.
! Benjamin James Hawthorne.
harrows, a recant Invention perfected
Oscar Gladdtah of Springfield has been
The cooking club glrlg met at the retired attorney and former Professor by Adolph Anderson, who heads the notsy as a street car. It's going ’o
destroy our peace and quiet, and will
O p tu m e tr ia t
secured as speaker and will give a home of their .eader Mrs. Sheridan <* ‘»>e University of Oregon, died in firm.
end by getting on our nerves. I'm
, Eu« vn<!
talk on “The Model Pupil. * The fol­ last Friday after school.
Admitting liability to the extent of
Pleasant Hill
Hill high
high school
school basketball
basketball j I <>. A. • Kratx. • city . . manager
the »4790 09, bondsmen of ex employee of afraid.'*
lowing program will be rendered by
No. 14 H Ave. West
. . . . . for
. . ,i,_
"It's begun by getting your nerv.«.
won i from
the Thurston
bay. la
s t ' P‘ «‘ « ’ • n * » « * h*
C y the
the school:
Eugsne. Oregon
DOy w o n
r u iu
l U U I S U ’U u n . n
lo a v
the itate
state banlttng
banking department
department who
Wednesday on the Y M C. A. floor ' government, ha. been selected as city directed the liquidation of French A I'm afraid." sneered Gardiner.
Song, America.............. ............... School
Gardiner leaned back with a tri­
Dramatisation, "The Goats in the
in Eugene.
, mana«er ° f ^ » u q u e , Iowa.
Co., defunct bank of The Dalles, have
umphant glance at his chief.
Turnip Field.
tendered A
check IU
In tu
1 V/. A-«- vv ixsawaaso,
» ‘ amount » to
"Oh!" crle dBurton. Indignant. "You
Which General........ Raymond Holton p,eagant HU, community club and ganlied an out of-doors sports club
A Scbr*mme. state superintendent
aren't going to give up like that. Mr.
My Opinion of Grandmothers.............
Mra Qra Hlgging pre9ident of the Hiking, tennis and swimming will be
Davenport. Were you blurting? 1 didn't
Dorothy Wells
. auxiliary have called a meet- participated In by the members.
Fossil electric light plant own­
id an
d T
h ir d
. ..............................
. . . „ . ___ ...
T The
h e FO»»
Health Rhymes, Second
ing of the members of the club to be
Fred Schmidt, the broccoli raiser of ed by D. E. Flory was destroyed by thing you'd do that!"
*•1 wasn’t bluffing." said Davenport
held at th e W. O. W. hall February Coos and Douglas counties, has added ftre. The origin of the fir» Is un |
Valentine Song................. .......... School 17. at 2 p. m. for the purpose of d is-' 420 acres to the prospective plantings
known. Nothing was saved but a few
Then do it!”
Old Ironsides __________Charles Cole posing of the piano and other pro-' for 1928. He expects to plant 2000
personal effects.
This plant was
W ell, I'll tell you." suggoeted the
A Boy and His Caps, .... Leland Chase perty.
] acres.
built for a mill some 31 years ago and young man, "there's no use g ettin g .
g o n g ,___ Thelma Wells, Dorothy.
The pupils of Mrs. L. D. Garmire • Tw0 bundred and eighteen cars of a few yearn Inter used to light the
excited or dleagreeable about It. Let'»'
Wells. Helen Haughann, and Ber­
gave a recital at her home at Pleasant | farln produce were shipped from Vale town at night.
be reasonable. Tomorrow morning
last W
nies Waite.
Hill iast
eek, Tuesday evening. 1 during 1927. Wheat, livestock and po-
When the state text book commis­ we will move camp a little to get
Six _
_ , ._________________
-------------- --
— Junior
un.or Ray
a. Thog0 who took part in lb0 program u t
compoged the bulk of the »hip
sion meets In Salem next November away from the racket, and then we ll
The Blue and the Gray. Thelma Wells
Garmire. Elbert , “
were, Joe and John Garmlre, E lbert! ments
for Its biennial session, It will give start her up. Slay an extra day If you
Reading. ... "The Elephant and the
Wlnlmer, Harriet Brabham. Joh n 1 Charles Valentine Foeller was given
consideration to textbooks for six ele­ want to; It's worth It."
Monkey," Forest Anderson and
Mitchell, Helen C a r t e r . G r a c e a sentence of two years in the state mentary school subjects and nine high
"I'll agree to that," acqulsced Gar­
Mahloa Pengra.
Mitchell. Frances Parks, Loree Laird, penitentiary, at Roseburg after plead- school subjects, according to circulars
diner. "as far ts the general camp Is
Bong, ............... Lawrence, Gayle and
Eldred Glaspy. George W Kllsey, 1,. ' ing guilty to a charge of possession of being Issued by C. A. Howard, state
concerned. But personally I stipulate (
Dorothy Chase.
D. Garmire and John Mitchell each a stUl.
superintendent of public lastrucUon.
to atay here within sound ot the
Dramatization, — Little Boy Blue.
gave recitations.
Lakeside, 17 miles north of h rth
Piano Duet......Helen Haughann and
m e youn
g io
ia s ot
of tn
the e v Christian
n r is u a n
Burton exclaimed Indignantly; but
_ .
j. .
Bend, Is planning a general lmprove- tbe imperial Japanese government to
Virginia Chase.
Endeavor and Intermediate Endeavor
, z-v ,
1 ment system and wUI start with bond- the Coos Bay Lumber company, were Davenport was unperturbed.
Song. Mount Vernon Bells, __ School gave their
annual Christian Endeavor
__1,,..« Of
alroflf for
fnr thrt
Ing Eighth street
the nucleus
of burned by the customs office of
"Well." said he cheerfully, "you en­
A lunch w111 b® served by the refresh- (
program at the Pleasant Hill
Marshfield, upon orders from tha fed­ courage me. A little while ago the
ment committee. The P.-T. A will church Sunday eTenlng at g O.clock the system.
Ed Jenks has been swarded ■ Id- eral board of horticulture. The trees battery couldn't last over 10 or 20
give a 'hard time party at the J. W. thug ceiebrat|ng tbe founding of the
Chase home Tuesday February 14 at chri8t,an EllaeaTor movement. The year lease for the Cottage Grove post- were refused aumission because of minutes; and no»1 It's nighttime nl
7:30 o'clock. Miss Maude Chase Is
C0I1!,iBt« l of an address by. office. and will start at once the erec- fear that they carried fruit tree dis­ ready. I'll agree you shall stay here.
If you want to. provided Bimmlns
chairman and promises a Jolly time Wa,ter L Mygr9 q{ Eugen<! speti a I tlon of a fireproof building on North ease.
for all. Refreshments will be served mUf)|cal numberg and ghort u lkg by Ninth street.
Investigation has been started Into stays too."
and a nominal admission will be members of the societies.
i Portland postal receipts during Jan- the failure of the Portland brokerage
eharged to apply on the piano fund.
In a closely contested game t h e 1 uary totaled »240,165.27. This total, firm of Overbeck A Cooke, which sus­ "Why should Slmmlns stay here?"
I. Cline will erect a new milk house. Pleasant Hill basketball boys won compared with that of »238 733.61 for pended with accounts on Its books es­
Mrs. Clara Male went to Eugene from the Elmira boys last Friday i January a year ago. reve «led an In­ timated at substantially more than FOR SALE—carmin paper in lar»
Monday to visit h er brother-in-law, night at Elmira by a score of 25 to 22.1 crease of »1431.66.
sheets. 26x39 inches, suitable It,
»2,000.000. Indications point to an
Finn Male, who is at the Eugene hos­ The Pleasant Hill girls plied up a ; While fishing on upper Floras creek aggregate loss by the hundreds of
making «racings. The News Ortie
score of 36 to 26 against the Elmira ' near North Bend, Harvey Anderson, customers of the company that may
Mr. and Mrs Frank Kintzley spent girls. The teams will play at Santa 24, waa drowned when he lost his bal- run to »1.500.000.
the week end at the Mrs. Clara Male ■
Ellsworth Kelley, convict, who Is
*<*»•* this
mio « Friday.
tuv raging torrent
j Clara
1 ance ftUU
and ICU
fell Into the
Rev. and Mrs. Elkins were dinner 1 He leaves a widow and two children. under death sentence for the part he
Miriam and Lucille Male were home guests
^ egtB at
at the
thft home
homp of
of Mr_
Mr. and
and „ Mrs. t
The honor of being the first eagle played in the slaying of two guards
over the week end
E. E. Schrenk last Sunday.
Boy Scout in Yamhill county goes to during a break At the state penlten
F. R. Gates Is in Idaho on business.
Floyd John has purchased a Ford Allan Patchett, 17. He has earned 22 tiary In August, 1925, Is not entitled
1 touring car.
merit badges, though only 21 are nec- to release from the prison through
habeas corpus proceeding, according
Little Vadette Curts, who Is taking »¡asary for the award.
to an opinion handed down by the
medical treatment at the Shrlners The gchool census of Coos county
Last Wednesday evening aboat h° SPlta’
Portland was
reveals a total of 8370 children, a de­ state supreme court.
The necessity of improving the
forty of the neighbors gathered at h° “ e thls week but will have to re- creal)e of 720 glnce the 192« census.
e x, wg, ,
, sv, T1*111 for some time longer.
t^e town of Powers being the only transportation possibilities of the Wll
the home of Mr. Minige to spend the
. .
1J 1
lamette river between Salem and
evening and get better acquainted.
Mr8 ° « or«e Kelsay received word district to report an Increase.
He recently came here from Idaho 'hat her mother. Mrs. Shoop, ha. died | Lenor0 pow0ll> Llnn county treBg. Portland was stressed by represents
tlves of a large number of Industrial
having purchased the Rowe place
<" Bellingham.
hag rcvm
a ui»*«.
draft tvi
for »3071.95
...................... Tuesday, j iirer, na»
vcu »
concerns at a meeting la Salem. The
leas-, —
wb|cb -----------------------
|g Linn county's -*•—
share of •>.»
Hugh Doolittle, who graduated from Mrs 9hoop
»ho°P formerly
^rm erly lived at P
.... and ” the grandmother of
cent of r0T0nu0 trom gantiam meeting waa called by Colonel Luk
high school at mid-year left last
Conaider your eyeH, how they toll hours without end.
esh. federal district engineer, to as­
national forest rentals during 1927.
Thursday for Washington, where he ' Mrs. L. D. Garmire.
Be good to them.
semble Information for submission to
Nine persons, five women and four the war department.
has employment until summer when I
» “
he expects to come back and go Into
»ns. Elizabeth Gaston Lyons f « » men. received citizenship papers at
From power sites In the Molalla
a naturalization
the forestry service under Mr. Smith brated her 101st birthday in Eugene i Coquille, followln
river basin in Clackamas county, 38
Taylor at McKenzie Bridge.
last week. Mrs. Lyons, oldest member hearing conducted by W. W. Wiggins 900 horsepower may be developed 50
Sidney Bales from Dorena spent of Lewis and Clark chapter, Laugh- of Portland before Circuit Judge
per cent of the time and 13,000 horse­
last Wednesday at Mr. and Mrs. ters of the American Revolution, of , Brand.
power 90 per cent of the time, under
Taylor Needham's.
Eugene, is a descendin' ot Lieutenant- j Construction work has started on regulated flow, according to a report
8ulte 831 M lnsr Bldg.
Eugene, Oregon,
Telephone 362
Thurston Bible school and Franklin Colonel Robert Gaston, one-time cap- ' the new railway line from Nyssa to from the U. S. geological survey. Reg­
Bible school are planning a contest to tain of a regiment of minute men In the dam site of the Owyhee Irrigation ulation would be obtained by con-
begin next Sunday, the points to count the revolutionary war and a member 1 project. The road will be 25 miles
are number present and on time, num­ of the New Jersey committee of safety. 1 long and Is to be finished In 10
ber of Bibles, number of studied les­
Thirteen persons were killed by traf- months.
By J. F. Ketela
sons and new scholars, each counting flc accidents in Oregon during the
pistol River, on the Roosevelt high-
so many points, the winning school month of December, according to a way 7g mnes south of Gold Beach,
is to be entertained by the other report prepared by T. A. Raffety, chief now bag a postoffice with G. E. Guth-
schol at a later date.
inspector for the state motor vehicle rjdge as postmaster. Mall, heretofore
Monday evening Mrs. Ernest Ber- department. Approximately 466 per- received twice a week, is now re-
tsch entertained a number of friends sons were injured. The report show- cejved dally.
and neighbors in honor of her hus ed that there were a total of 3363 ac- 1 Fifty-four Albany men have submit-
band’s birthday, all reported a fine : cldents reported during the month, ted bids for carrying the mail between
o f these 1368 were due to carelessness the Southern Pacific depot and the
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Phetteplace j on the part of drivers. A total of 246
Albany postoffice. Judd Ross, who
are enjoying an extended visit from' arcidenta
■ speeding, in
were due
died a few weeks ago, held the con­
their daughter, Mrs. Verne Adams, 75 cases the drivers were Intoxicated.
tract for many years.
whose home is in Portland.
Date for a special election at which
Henry Zorn of the Champoeg farm
Harvey Conley underwent a minor the Klamath Falls electorate will vote
operation at the hospital In Eugene on the »300,000 sewer bond issue was has signed up 40 acres of flax for
this year. The original Champoeg
set by the city council for February
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Platt are mov­ 28. It is proposed by the city to 1 townslte, where the old school house
ing onto their farm which was former­ build a new trunk line sewer and dl»- ; stood, where the first stage station
was built, where the first bowling al­
ly the Edmiston’s old home place..
posal plant.
I ley appeared and where tbe first
Mr. and Mrs. William Platt from
The Miles Linen mills, which were ' br|ck yard in that locality made Its
Deerborn are planning to raorve onto established In Salem two years ago, ,
brick and ground where, in the
To m ake mother and baby happier, to make
their place where Walter Platt has now are on a sound financial basis ear| y 3Qg> gtood a gristmill, will grow
father and all of the fam ily’s friends better
been living.
and will pay dividends on future op­ flax this year. S. M. Smith will grow
pleased with life, we cater to their wants with a
Mra. Alberta Weaver and children eratlons, according to a report tiled
multitude of everyday necessities that used to be
10 acres. Others will grow flax in
from Lea burg spent the week end with the directors at their annual
1929. The land Is said to be ideal for
with Mrs. Weaver's parents, Mr. and meeting In Salem recently.
such a crop.
Mra. A. B. Mathews.
Community News
u n L U U ii u i n i L i i u n u
Ul U l HLIIAL 111 I UnCO I
The Princeton
Dr. Ella C. Meade
We Give Green
Discount Stamps