4 •AGE FOTO THURSDAY FERRU ary 9. 19JI TUR SPRINGFIELD NKW8 ■■ To the first 100 women entering our store on 1 DOLLAR DAY — Satur- ■B M H B i day February 11th we will give a b s o l u t e l y of Silk Hose — Until 100 pairs have No Purchase Necessary. been given away. TUE SPRINGFIELD NEWS KAFOURY BROS. OF PORTLAND AND SALEM AT SPRINGFIELD hmb 2 Pairs for SPRINGFIELD, OREGON DOLLAR DAY OPENS AT 9 A. M. SATURDAY IT IS T H E INTENTION OE KAFOURY BROS T H E LARGES! A COMPLETE CLOSE OUT OE PRESENT STOCKS IS NECES­ SARY BEFORE STORE ALTERATIONS CAN BE STARTED—AND THIS CHANGE OE OWNERSHIP SALE WILL ACCOMPLISH THIS. NEW ASSORTMENTS OE DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE ARE BEING BROUGHT FROM THB STOCK ROOMS DAILY A N O MARKBD To SELL QUICKLY REGARDLESS OE COST OR LOSS YOU CAN COME ANY DAY EXPECTING TO FIND "UNHEARD OF" BARGAINS AND NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. EXCLUSIVE RETAILERS OE WOMEN S WEAR AND SILKS IN OREGON — TO SELL OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK OE THE FARMERS EXCIIANG1 PREPARATORY TO OPENING A KAFOURY BROS. STORE IN LAN I COUNTY IN KEEPING WITH T1IE1R PORTLAND AND SALEM STORE. Thousands of Bargains Not listed in this special DOLLAR DAY advertisement that are even greater values. All Dry Goods — Ready to Wear—Blankets—Shoes and Women’s Furnishings at LesS than Original Wholesale Cost. in this immense stock must be closed out quickly—all Men’s and Boys’ clothing—Hats and Caps—Furnish­ ings—Work Clothes and Footwear at FARMERS EXCHANGE DEP’T STORE D _ n - -4 . W B w ® flv x - K LJCyiild dL Degins a I 9 A. M . 9 A. M. I I Saturday Saturday I $4.00 BREECHES k'hildren's % length Fancy Cuffs. 3 paira Women’s and Children’s all Wool and SUk and Wool Sweaters, coat styles. Jackets and Slipovers, all colors and sizes—Choice Unbelievable Price Reductions. $1.50 Sheets 20c Outings Heavy Outings in light and dark p a t t e r n s ani white. I Every Article A COMPLETE CLOSE OUT OF THE ENTIRE STOCK of The DOLLAR DAT New stocks of plain and printed Silks, in Crepe de Chines, Chiffons, Georgettes, Moires, Pongees and Jerset- tes. worth up to $3.00 yard. THE FARMERS EXCHANGE REPUTATION FOR HIGH GRADE STANDARD BRANDS OE MERCHANDISE EXTENDS ALL OVER THE STATE:— IN A LIKE MANNER KAFOURY BROS. ARE KNOWN FOR THEIR INTEGRITY AND ABILITY AS MERCHANTS — AND LANE COUNTY PEOPLE WILL LOSE NOTHING BY THIS CHANGE OF' OWNERSHIP—IN FACT THEY WILL PROFIT IN TWO WAYS—THE BENEFITS OF A THREE STORE PURCHASING POWER—AND THE WONDERFUL SAVINGS TO BE HAD DURING THIS CLOSE-OUT. DOLLAR DAY - SATURDAY, FEB. 11th at 9 A Drastic Close-Out of Entire Stocks at Amazing Price Reductions Men’s heavy K ha­ ki l a c e k n e e Breeches — Regu­ la r up to $4. DOLLAR DAY — S atu r- (lay F ebruary 11th— we SPRINGFIELD, OREGON SILK SALE $3.00 K HA KI PANTS B e n ’ s B-x t r a h e a v y standard brands $3 Panu. ■B Farmers Exchange Store DOLLAR DAY - SATURDAY, FE b . 11 th a t 9 a. m Fine All Leather Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords, worth up to $2.00. To the first 100 women entering our store on Farmers Exchange Store THE DAILY THRONGS OE ILAPPY SATISFIED BUYERS THAT HAVE CROWDED THE STORE SINCE OPENING DAY—IS PROOE COMPLETE OE THE STARTLING AND DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTIONS NOW PREVAILING THROUGH-OUT EVERY DEPARTMENT. NEVER HAS THERE BEEN A SALE LIKE THIS—YOU CAN COME EXPECTING SENSATIONAL BARGAINS AND NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. SHOES . ■B ■BUM will give a b s o l u t e l y F R E E — A pair of Silk Hose — Until 100 pairs have been given away. No Purchase Necessary. DOLLAR DAY OPENS AT 9 A. M. SATURDAY 500 PAIRS C H ILD R E N S PAGE FIVE 29c TOWELS 20c TOWELS Fine Huck Towels, 18 81 X 90 Seamles Heavy Weight. cil 20 for 500 PAIRS $12.50 SKIRTS Women'» ¡mil Mi»»«’»’ Shoe», l ’iiiup» a n d Oxford», lim end» and ‘odd pair», ; grades to $6.00, désirai ble style», all sizes. Women's nil w o o l Skirts, plain and plaid patterns, your choice, none reserved worth to $12.50. Well known brand of Bleached Muslin. Dollar Day, Saturday, Feb. llth.at 9 a. m $4 SHIRTS Men's all wool and wool mixed plain and fancy Flannel S hirts Heavy an.l m e d iu m weight, worth up fo $4 00. 20c “Arrow ” and “I d e” starched collars. 10 Yards Hope Muslin $5 Shirts “I d e”, ’’A rrow ” a n d “W I l i o n ' ' Shirts. Im ported Broadcloth., Silk striped, Spring patterns. $3.50 PAJAMAS I All Men’s outing flannel, m u s l i n and broadcloth P a ja m a s an d ¿ N i g h t Gowns, f a n c y patterns w orth up to $3.60.1 $3 60 Mett’s aa$ W om en's Vmbrel las. Dress Sox, regular $4.00 Ladies Fin Angora Scarfs SI 1 $2.00 BLANKETS 50c B o y s’ and G irls’ R i b b e d ¿Rockin gs 5 P airs Fancy Pastel Plaid Blanket», good weight »oft finish. $4.00 WOOLENS ¡Y o u r unrestricted choice of nil Coatings and Suitings In stoci:, .Regular up to $4.00 fabrics. Up to $8.50 Silk Blouses and P etti­ coats. SI 1 $4 DRESS SHIRTS F i n e s t fabrics, N ew est P atterns, $1.25 Play Suits “Can't Bust 'E m ’ Kute K ut P 1 A-5 Suits. 50c Stockings $1.50 Bloomers Boy’s a n d Girls Stockings and % Sport Hose. Rayon Bloomers- Peach. Nude, Pink and Orchid. $2.50 Gloves $1.65 LUNCH Your unrestricted Choleo of our on- tiro s t o c k o t Lad'dS* Hats. 80 X 90, c r i n k l e d Crepes, s t r i p e d I n blue, gold, Rose and luvender. Seamless. Khaki Jackets CLO THS Men'B and Wo iiion's heavy Kh i kl Outing gar men is. C rep e Soles, Dollar Day Begins Saturday, Feb. 11th at 9 $3.00 BAGS 18 Inch Black T raveling Bags. $2.50 WOOLENS All Wool Coatings and Suitings. 15c TOW ELING Heavy Red Rordei Huck Toweling. 25c JAP CREPE A il new Wanted auadub. 25o C H A LLIE3 New P attern s 8 yards FARMER'S EXCHANGE Main St. at Fifth Clearing the Springfield For a IÇafoury Store in Lane County MISSES AND CHILDREN'S MISSES $2.50 UNDERW EAR SHOES In one lot. W orth $1.00 to $2.50. H undreds of pairs W orth up to $4.60 $3.50 Athletic Shoes Rubber W OM EN’S UNION SUITS E n tire stock yl M u n s i n g w ear brand $3 to $4.50 Men’s New spring Caps Just in. A big assortm ent at 56c Genuine "C an­ non” T u r k i s h Towels, d o u b l e weight. 2 for $1.00 TIES W OM EN’S SHOES One big lot of women’s Oxfords and Shoes, good lasts, all sties. 2 Pairs SUk and wool, cut silk and foulard T ies. New p at­ terns, to $1.00.