THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TH U R SD A Y FEBRUARY », 1928 PAGE T H R E tf I -N But you J u t Mid that roo could ! Inf over the enfine against the com It Is sufficient to exhaust the ordinary prensión 1 don't know the exact starting battery In (rom 10 to use more money. power required, hut It Is considerable minutes." ‘•That's different." (Continued on Page «) Tomorrow I will compute It exactly, j 'I don't see how It's different," s a i l 1 Grlmatead a little Impatiently, ‘‘but It crossed my mind that If you need a little—buy In a share, you understand. , Of course an lavestlgatelon—” ~ ~ --------------------- P "So you are Interested In my bat- | tery, after all," said Davenport. "K obo !" Orlmstead acknowledged. "At least I'm Interested In what you Ip H m ry U r L m Where Power Noises are w o n t. T h at’s where we sell say about your battery. The state Uww4 W h I W ¡of Mslsourl Isn't big enough to hold K O L S T E R R A D IO S me when It comes to what you claim We are exclusive Agents for Springfield and Vicinity. for IL I shrewdly suspect that In that you're trying to spoof me. But It's ob-lous you've come from some­ E o e ry th u tf fo t Four C a r a n d R a d io where, and It's obvious that little - "dldn't you say something about a acrlty. All crowded curiously around battery brought you. Even If It's only WHO'S WHO IN TH I STORY: while the young man raised the hood. five or ten miles, and you expect to OR1MHTUAD. the “Buccaneer" of truu—f They saw what appeared to be an get borne again, you've got something Wm. RODENBOUGH, Prop "It's down, square across the road," this swashbuckling story. Is stranded ordinary large electric motor set big." 533 Main Street Phone 95 among the California redwwods la hts Interrupted Slmmlns eagerly. "Of course.” Daveport pointed out. "Tbs deuce you say!" Orlmstead sat across the frame. In front of II and “private craft ', a high powered car, up. "How many others ars down?" hs connected to It by two thick wires "I haven’t tried to sell anything nor when Its gasoline tank Is broken. was a black box measuring about a make you believe anything. And 1 BUBTON ORIMSTKAD, his "spoil Inquired after an Instant don't suppose. In view of your tech­ foot along all dimensions. "Hone, elr, not one!” cried 81m- ed" daughter, Is with him against her "There she lal" said Davenport nical knowledge, I would have any mlns triumphantly, as though the will, especially so as she perceives her right to resent your doubting my word father's object In Insisting on her glory were hla own personally. •'! cheerfully. "That! Is that your whole battery■' Nevertheless, I repeat that with that took especial pains to look." going on the trip Is to throw her Into "This Is the most extraordinary ex­ cried Grlmatead, pointing an Incredu­ battery as my sole motive power I the company of hibition of either fantastic bull luck lous finger "Why. that thing wouldn't have driven about 1100 miles." HOBS GARDINER. tlrlmstead's sinis­ "Without recharging?" demanded run a bell for three weeks, let alone ter "Becoad In Command," a capable, or prophecy or a mixture of both 1 a car. You're Joshing me. young man. Oardlner. have ever witnessed!” said Orlmstead. good looking young man. "Without recharging," r e p e a t e d Where’s your running battery? Under ’ui/ter« savings a r t g reates t’ 81MM18, the Orlroirtoed's English It's—It’s almost uncanny!" A polite but restrained silence suc­ the seat?" "Not at all. The story was the butler-chaiifTrur whose gay spirits are 942 Willamette St., Eug ene, Oregon. Without reply Davenport raised the ceeded thle remark. Davenport him­ exact product of a whole series of represaed by his dignity. « ■■■' II I ■ I I J" - — seat cushions to display a recess oc­ self relieved the situation. causes and effects working out; and DAVENIHIRT, a youth, comes by "Don't feel embarrasaedl” he laugh­ cupied only by tool«; lifted the ’/ap and astonishes them first by saying as the causes and effects are alt aun- door of the rear to show a nearly ed. "8ay It !f you want to; I won't be his small car runs on electricity so Ject to physical law, which Is un­ offended. It may relieve your minds. empty Interior. he has no "gas" to give them, and changeable, any prediction as to the “ You see. I have nothing up my There's no way to prove It to you right time or the direction or the strength next by winning a 110,000 bet from sleeve with which to deceive you. said now, so there’s no sense worrying Oardlner by predicting a rain storm. or duration of a atorm can be entirely "There's the whole about IL" exact, provided It la based on those he. Jestingly. W e know that rprlng isn’t “far hr- "Pardon me," put In Oardlner suave­ works." causes and effects." CHARTER VI. hind” becauaa the gay new frocks for On the return to the camp Orlm­ ly. "I think your statement could be CHARTER VII. stead fell back to consult low-voiced at least partially tested with the faci­ Spring have come! They are different, Slmmlns Brightens Up lities at hand?" A Startling Dlecovery with hla second In command. they are varied— absolutely charming A tiny Are biased merrily at the “What do you mean?” asked Daven­ •^ lia t do you make of It. Ross?" he At the hour predicted by Davenport and alluring. edge of the shelter, a marvelous sight . , port. the rain ceased and (he clouds broke Inquired. In all this deluge to Burton when she "I mean that If you are willing to "He's lying, showing off. The thing In the Instantaneous California fash­ turned out In the morning. Her father allow your battery to carry a load for Style* and Color»— ion to admit a bright shining sun. is Impossible." and Oardlner sat leaning against a log any specified length of time I can ar­ “Well, he certainly drove up last The whole world was a-glltter with Interestingly Varied la the background and Slmmlns fussed Jewels, and little mists eddying night from somewhere." range the load.” with a coffee pot over a small gasoline through the forest drifted In and out "It It's not beyond the power of my "He probably lives quite near and Thors is a tendency to more feminine lines stove. Orlmstead looked, good na battery, go to It." agreed Davenport of steady, broad shafts of light. Orlm­ recharges from water power." with rippling drapes and jabots— but always tured, and nmueed by the turn of stead stared curiously at Davenport'e "Probably,” agreed Orlmstead. “hut "I figure she'll give about 40 horse­ with a smart simplicity. High shades an? events; Oardlner was company man­ even at that he's got something. That power." little machine. black share honors. "That Is more than ample. For how ners polite, which meant that he was "Make her yourself?" Inquired Grim- box Isn't any larger than a starting disgruntled; Slmmlns was bright and battery. We'll have to look Into It a long—" stead. "Long as you like—until we get out chipper. "Such as she Is." acknowledged little. A battery as compact aa that of here. If you please." There was no doubt of It; some- Davenport. “I didn't use much pains will drive others off the market." “Is It another bet?” asked Burton. thing her happened to Slmmlns. His with her looks because she Is Just an Daveport put everybody to work, “I'm willing," said Davenport, manner was free and Independent and eIper(ment rin try|ng , Omethlng oat." after a quick meal had been impro­ "doubles or quits. Is It a bet?" human; no longer did he concealp ,.y « M ghg WM electric drivenr vised and eaten, so that by mtd-after- You said she was electric driven 'I don't bet that heavily against rigidly hla naturally frivolous procllvl queried Orlmstead. noon a comfortable and convenient another man's game," said Oardlner, camp had come Into existence. flea. •'Yes." but I'm ready to risk five hundred At supper time Slmmlns. panic- •'Coffee. Mist," he should have en­ "And I su p in e charging a battery that I can produce a legitimate test unciated mechanically. Instead of costs nothing." struck In Oardlner stricken. claimed total Ignorance of right here, and that this thing won’t which he remarked: "That'll warm Rcarnfully, "and there are charging camp cookery. I'll do It," stated Davenport briefly. stand up under IL It Is understood stations everywhere." you up." that my test must be met, and that "You’ll do the ~ - dishes, run — the - errands Often for my purpose. T hat m orn in g i« T cn p »irt iu u u u m i e n enough p u u u jh ....... — ----------- — . That morning Davenport found Slmmlns clad In a mackintosh, delv- jofnod DavenporU with entire good get the water and carry In the wood. the time limit Is four days.” "Well," that's rather an "unslght _ .. > ____ h . Ir w a lr n r l a r n ilflH I'll chop the wood." •• I He looked around ing In the pockets of the larger car. humor ■neeen’ proposition Itself,” rejoined "You certainly did call the turn " ( "I should thing you'd want more at the others. "That's the only thing I Davenport. “But Just to show you I'm said Slmmlns. "I congratulate you, speed and power," observed Grim- want you all to leave strictly alone— the axe I'll do all the axe work my­ a sport I'll go you, provided that it Is air! And to rook hla nibs does my stead. not beyond the strength of the battery. heart good! I'll buy me a little sou- "Geared as she la I can make 60 self." Its endurance within Its strength Is .CHAPTER VIII venlr with the tenner you let me In for an hour on a paved road, and that all I claim." 1 suppose that goes, sir?” 1 means power for anything within rea Another Bet “What I propose," said Oardlner. son—I haven't had It brake-tested; "Certainly." laughed Davenport. "Well, this Is something like!" cried "Is that the ermlnals of this battery "You'd better make yours a Liberty but It must develop between 35 and Orlmstead as he lowered himself to be connected with the selfstarter tf bond though, Slmmlns, If you take my 46 horsepower.” a cushion of aromatic broughs near our car; and the starting pedal be "Your battery can’t have a long advice." . .. “ j 1 the camp fire. He was well fed end locked down. Then the battery rate,” pursued, •'Liberty bond, sir, with a tenner?" charge-life at . . that . . . . a „ ; warm and dry and pleasantly tired. He through the self-starter, will be turn- don M t t see how . I w u ‘ i t t » {he . b « g U c c en ... now you you keep seep , d , abou w i lth gatt8. Orlmstead. •I S I con puzzled Slmmlns. o n « e w th u n llti- How many hours do you Everyth,ng wag trim aml "Tenner.” repeated Davelport, also charged pretending to be puzzled, “Oh!" he make." shipshape, Just the way he liked to see simulated enllghtment. "1 see- Did, "I don’t know; I haven't determined things. Silver Silver you Imuglne for a moment I'd bother yet. That’s what I’m experimenting "Young man.” he went on In a large | on." ■Jubilee with a sum like ten dollars?" J u b iln paternal manner, blowing the first Orlmstead paused to get this cloud from his cigar, "where Is your "What else, sir?" asked Slmmlns F JI size tart straight. uneasily. of tender, de- shop? San Rafael, did you say?” "Then hundreds, of course,” replied , "Do I understand you to say that Ixiosu Go’dcn “My shop—oh, Sausalito," replied you are running on the original Tremendous Bargains for you Davenport. , Bantam Corn. that you have ^venport. “flood Lord! If It hnd not r a in e d charging?” ___ ____ _ he asked *1 suppose you could use a little "'"SfcaiZ I t i t W h a t You Save I'd have been out a thousand dollarsT' not recharged since starting?' tJ;: a bite more.” s • Most certainly," Davenport as- 'That's IL” T h a t Counts nuo Lk-O ¿13 "Who couldn’t?" aured him seriously. "As It Is, you "Where did you start from? How r.ject lymcltf From February 1st to “A little additional capital might en­ shall have my check for a thousand long have you been out?" 25th we offer some of the able you to expand to advantage.” the moment Mr. Oardlner pays his I "Left San Rafael about three weeks products of our factory at "Additional capital.” said Davenport debt," ago.” He stooped to examine a dial. unexpectedly, with a gTln, "wou’dnt special price reductions. And now you know why Slmmlns "Been Just 1100 miles." enable me to expand an Inch.” Take advantage of this op­ passed the coffee In that carofre-, j The pirate chief, like all good com- portunity to learn the high swashbuckling spirit that would -vara, manders, was always ready to climb quality of the merchandise that her up! himself to the crow's nest. This speca I the Rexall customer buys at “Looks aa If It would rain forever,” . on the horlxon was probably a mirage , There is genuine satafacticn in a home garden remarked Ortmatead after a pause J that would vanish on nearer ap-I remarkable reductions. when it produces a good crop of your favorite For example— Davenport glanced nt hla wr'st proach; but there was Just remote: vegetables. The real test of vegetable seed ia the watch and made a rapid calculation, possibility It might be a galleon heavy Cara Nome Perfume crop it produces^ W e are proud of the uniformly "It will stop at ten minutes to ten,” with untold wealth, Miniature he stated. | Or Indeed, It might be somewhere fine crops which have been raised in this locality,, "I'll acknowledge that you called between the extremes. Some craft Given Away FREE with .from N orthrup, King fir" Co.’* Seeds, the turn on thia atorm, hut you're cut- laden mainly with dreams, but with a Every Box of Cara ting It too fine,” said Orlmstead. "Bo trifle of metal ballast worthy of a JJome Face Powder reasonable!" I pirate's attention. "Nevertheless, If you’ll allow ms] So like a prudent chief, he bore Most of A il of the five minutes either Way," smiled the down on the stranger, the flower standard young man, "I'll lay anybody another j "Such a battery, if It could be well seed size het.” He glanced at Oardlner, who proved out, would be valuable.” pur- sued Orlmstqgd, One of the great packets did not look up. vegetable elements In his succesH was that he The millionaire laughed. also Sc packets SHEET METAL •'Well, you are a good sport; I’ll aay know’ better than to cry down the that for you. I'm no heavy gambler, obvious. “I confess I can’t Imagine work of all kinds and descriptions. like you young fellows with lots of the principle— "Like to look at It?” inquired Daven­ Comices, flashing, roofing, ceilings, money. I'll het you n box of cigars, ornamental work. Our men are port. Just to make It Interesting." The perfume of fashion. careful, conscientious, and compet­ This was luck Orlmstead had not "All right.” A powder that blends with "By the way,” added Orlmstead, hoped for—yet. He assented with al- ent. They take pride In doing a the complexion. Job that will stand up under all Birthday Sale conditions, and on that we rest our BOTH for case. DEPBNDABLE E1JEQLASS SERVICE M* N TIPTOE Roister Radios S te w a rt E d w a r d W h it e Springfield Service Garage Frocks in Smart Ways $ 9 .9 0 and $ 1 4 .7 5 Birthday S a le A- Be Independent W ith ■ A Garden k A t Your Dealers 52.00 Dr. Roijdl Qiclc o r r o m c T iu r — b q e s iq h t s p e c ia l is t 878 U?illamette SI Phone «20 J nit on. thing ■■■*>t 14o V ~tghl EUQENB W. N. LONG Flanery’» Drug Store 627 MAIN ST. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON «tofaaKjfcv»