PAGE TWO THURSDAY FEBRUARY », 1M8 THE BPRINOriELD NEWS M a rria g e l l e . n . . . Issued SU M M O N * RECORD PLOWED FURROW During past week m a rria g e lie- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Last fall an Arkansas fanner plowed an un- STATE OR OREGON FOR LANE enaas have the been laau.d to the follow Pahlt.bed Every T h e r e in / ■» .broken furrow a mile long and "straight as a ruled COUNTY. Ing by th . county clerk; Sidney King Springfield. Lana County. Oregon. by L. Wallac». Addle M. Wallace. and Mauilla Loonila. both ol Eugene; line on a piece of paper”—so he reported to his Myron Plaintiffs, v . W. Robert Wallace, T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS local newspaper and thereby started something. Ada Wallace; Cheater L Wallace, Jack Travera and Oltv. Hartley, both Specializing In Tonsila An Oklahoman soon announced that he had H. E. M A X E Y . Editor. Fay Wallac«; Chariot W allac.; of Eugene; lien Main, Hau Francisco, plowed a furrow a mile longer than the Arkans­ Fred Wallace; Pearl Wallace. and Jeaalo Rockwell. Mohawk; La as second class m atter, February 14, ISOS at ‘‘’• tg n ’g, fout fojs record didn’t stand very long. A Elsie Wallace. Laura '''""fh»' Cola*. Eugene, and Iría Carne», Over Penney’» Store Arena ark poatofflce. Springfield. Oregon___________ I K a n s a s farm hand came to the front with a fur- bring; Sebring, Caroline M Awbrey. Jam.'. I Portland; Smith Wa.hburn, Portland, j row that beat the Oklahoma farmer boy’s by more T. Awbrey; Nora Robb, llomer and Annett Wa.hburn. Dexter; M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N RATE 76c | than half a mile. Then another Kansan produced ltohb; Mollie Sear., Cleave Sears; ( charle» Lewi., Glendale. California. year In Advance____ >1.75 Three Months Bhigem Phone 855 Marie, Idaho; 6c ' witnesses to support his assertion that had plow­ Nancy M Wallace. Melvin Wallace; Bn(j K,g|u w arr#ni M onths______________ I1.U0 Single Copy _ Wallace; Oeorge Wallace; ed an unbroken furrow of five miles which he de­ Daniel Mary Wallace; Clara Cattleman, Albert Carey. Toledo, and Poarl Lydy, clared. was “the longest on record in the United THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9. 1928 Levi Cattleman; Nannte B Mann. Marcóla. William Mann; Emma Wallace; States." Walter Wallace. Zelnt« Wallace; But someone In Washington looked Into the With the maintenance of the McKenzie high­ lxnils Wallace; Ruby Wallace; way all under the state control the road should records. It was discovered that George De Cow, Nellie Sandera, William Sunders; be kept In better condition next summer. Hereto­ a Government land locating agent at Meade. Charles E. Power». Celia Power», Candy Makes the Most Appropriate Vera Power»; Mr«. William 8. Mo»», fore the various road districts along the highway Kansas, in the summer of 1885 had plowed an un­ Sylvia Mo«.; laiura lllackinore, •od the country have kept up those portions of broken furrow sixty miles long. It was necessary Janies lllackinore; C. B. Sears, Mary VALENTINE GIFT ybe highway not taken over by the state. The to establish a public road between Meade and Sear«; Alex White, Mary White; Ulysses. Between the two towns stretched level Harry Wert; E A. Snellatrom. Rena FBSUlt has been when one section was good per­ A valentine 1» a love missive. What could be more appropri­ O. P Snell.trom. Min­ haps another right next to it would be poor. With prairie land. Mr. De Cow hitched a plow behind Bnellstrom; ate to express love than a nice box of Eggitnann’s choco­ ute Snellatrom; Chari.« Snellatrom. a wagon and “with the aid of a compass a bee the equipment the state has at hand it will no Mona Snellatrom; Robert Reeve«; lates. Sweet and dellcioun they make a gift that inakea Just doubt look after the road better than the county line was made to Ulysses and an unbroken furrow Preston Reeve»; the unknown heir» the right impression. plowed all the way, a distance of sixty miles." of J W. Holeman. deceased: th . was able to do. Young or old you can make a Mt on Valentine’« day Mr. De Cow’s slxty-mlle furrow will probably be unknown heir« of N H. Warner, de­ ceased ; Also, all other person» or with our candy. Special appropriate packing to order If an all-time record. The school board announces It will probably partlea unknown claiming any right, desired. title, estate, lien or interest In the be able to reduce the district debt about $4,000 real estate described In the com­ this year. T hat’s the best news of its kind we’ve plaint herein. Defendant». heard for a long time. Progress on paying off TO: W Robert Wnllace, Ada Wal­ (he bonded and warrant indebtedness of District lace; Cheater L. Wallace; Fay Wal­ X9 has been slow heretofore. It was beginning lace; Charles Wallace; Fred Wallace: « ■ ( I "Where the 8ervlce la Different" Pearl Wallace, Elsie Wnllace. I.aura to look like the school houses would be worn out Wallace; Arena Sebring, Mark L Se­ before they were half paid for. Patrons should bring; Caroline Awbrey, Jam'-» T. back up the board in its economy program. Awbrey; Nora Robb, Homer Robb; • • • Mollie Sears. Cleave Seam; Nancy M. Wallace: Melvin Wallace; Daniel The grandfather of George Vallier, our congen­ Wallace; George Wallace- Mary Wal­ THE MORAL ASPECT OF THE ial street commissioner, had a homestead on the w n 8 O lace; Clara Caatlemao, Levi Castle- WAGE SYSTEM ground where Milwaukee now stands. If the man; Nannie E Mann. William grandfather had had the foresight as to what Usually the money-making individual gets Mann; Emma Wallace; Walter Wal- the German’s and their beer would have done on a very biack eye from most high-brow writers. J ,“uc’ ’/ w X . - - : Neiiie Sander»" w i? his place in the future, George would be wealthy They think if a man does a thing in order to g e t; . ,lan; sandera Charles E. Power», ....... _______ perhaps. But, the French never did under- money he should be somewhat ashamed of It. I Celia Power», Vera Power»; Mrs. ftand the Germans. I William S. M m ». 8ylvla Moss, I-nura • • • • I wish to say a good word for the resire to make niackmore. James niaciemore; c R Mary Sear»; Alex White. Mary , Hoover is found to be the choice of Oregon money. It seems to me it is about the most dear», White; Harry W est; B. A. Snellatrom. republicans by straw vote. Well Oregon would wholesome desire in the human bosom Rena Snellatrom; O. P. Snellatrom. What would we do unless people could make Mlnnle snellatrom; Charles Snell re a pretty poor state to not favor one of its own Mona Snell»trom. Robert sons with a record like Hoovers. He should get money? The gas we burn in the house would re­ strom; Reeves; Preston Reeve«; the un­ main in the coal if there were no profits in taking •11 of the votes on the first ballot at least at the known heir» of J. W Holeman. de­ it out and piping it to the residence. gational convention, ceased; the unknown ___ heirs ». of ... N. ... H r • • • You could not have electricity unless It paid Warner, deceased; Also, all other per- Ask your local Southern Pacific agent to help you I son» or parties unknown claiming -4 The Kafourv sale now going on Is evidence somebody to bring it to your house. plan your trip. N o matter where you plan to go, talk it YOU would have to do without most Of the food any right, title, estate, lien or Interest what good advertising and merchandising can ac­ over with him. Let him tell you about adicdules and .JTherrii: ’ complish. Saturday, the opening, was probably you eat and the clothes you wear if nobody could , fares, check your baggage, arrange all travel details. make a profit by supplying you u ith them. . thf name of THE state the biggest sale’s day ever witnessed in Spring- We should be very glad to give these middlemen ; op.‘ * Vou are hereby re field. Hundreds of people from -every point from You Save Rlsckbutte to Brownsville were on hand and something for their brains. Without their s e r -■ qutred to appear and answer the com v ic e s life would be barren indeed. ¡plaint of the above numwl plaintiff* when you buy roundtrip ticket» on »ale daily at reduced bought liberally. « K w age. or pay 1» the way » e 3 ' ™ Dr. Geo. A. Simo« CGGIMANN’S Tim e and Trouble Three to four foot of snow on the McKenzie duce people to do something for us which we can- or before th« isth day of March, 192s being the last (lay prescribed In the pass at this time of the year when there is gener­ not do or do not want to do ourselves. order for the publication of this sum­ Formerly we had a system of slavery by which ally two or three times that much indicates we mon» upon vou and you are hereby will have an early spring and low water this sum- men did what we didn’t want to do. notified that If you fall to appear and The conscience of the world rebelled against answer Bald complaint a» hereby re­ w er’ . . . that, and now to get a man to do for us what we quired, plaintiffs will apply to the entitled court for the relief de­ Mothers go through a lot for their sons. Mrs. do not want to do ourselves, or cannot do, we above manded In their complaint, to wit: Emma McMahon, 106 years old; of Kansas city is simply pay him. Without this system of paying For a decree of the above entitled a supervisor in a knitting mill. She supports her people for their labor there would be none of It t-ourt quieting the title of the plain tiff, Myron L. Wallace, agnlnst the 70 year old Bon whom she says it “too old and done for us. The wage system beautifies our lives, fills it claims of you, said defendants, and feeble to work.” of you. In and to the real pro­ • o • with comforts and luxuries and the whole fabric each perty situated In Ioine county, Ore­ of society rests, upon it. A Frenchman was found to have wives in 30 gon. described as follows, to-wlt: Every man or woman should not only be busy The South >4 of the NE% and Lots towns. No traveling salesman even in Utah could but should be busy about something that the 6 and 6 of Section 11 Tp. 18 S. R. 2 W. beat that. W. M. containing 150.11 acres by gov­ . . . world is willing to pay for. ernment survey. Also, the north 12 When somebody pays for what you do, you may A Scotish woman has been arrested for swind­ acres of Lot 3 of Sec. 14 of Tp. 18 S. ling a score of men after promising to marry be sure your work is needed. If you are just R. 3 W W. M. Also beginning at the them. She must be an accomplished woman to working for nothing, you may be more of a nuis­ S. W Corner of Lot 6 Sec. 11 of said T p , thence running West 4 chains, beat that many Scotchmen, or are the Scots so ance than a benefit. thence south 25 37 chalns-to south line The wage system is a test by which you know canny as they are supposed to be? of north % of the James A. Wallace • • • that your work is appreciated. D. L. C. No. 40 In said Tp. 18 8 R 2 No man should be ashamed of getting wages. W. W M . thence east 15 19 chains to A Canadian has invented a folding airplane. Soon we will be carrying our transportation under Everybody of any account works for a wage in J ast l'ne of said claim, thence North 32 chains to angle In boundary ot our arms and coming to work over the housetops one form or another. clo'm. thence east on line of said Of course he should do nothing dishonorable said like a flock of birds. claim 23.00 chains to corner of same, • • • or disgraceful, but he should not do that, anyhow. thence north 22 90 chains, more or Miss Maude Wetmore, of Rhode Island, Is the So, eliminating all wicked or criminal or selfish less, to the N. E. corner of said claim, west 34.19 chains to place of pew president of the Women’s National Republi­ acts, the best way to test the usefulness of your thence containing 91.50 acres. can club. Can’t see where the drys can find satis­ activities is to see whether anybody wants to pay beginning, Also, that pert of Lot 7 Sec. 11, ly for them or not. faction in a name like that.___________________ _ log N. of the County road In said Tp Also beginning at the N. E. corner of the south % of said Wallaco D. L. C. thence West 1 chain south 11.01 i halns thence east 1 chnln thence north 11.01 chains, to place of beginning, containing 1. 10-100 acres. Excepting a small tract In said Wallac D. L. beginning at Intersection of th« cen­ ter line of County Road No. 42 with the North line of the S.% of said claim, thence Northeasterly along center of said road 2.50 chains, thence northwest 53 ft., thence southwester­ ly parallel with the said road to the said north line of 8% of Wallace D. L. C. thence east to the place of be­ ginning, about 14 acre of land, con­ taining in all 254% acres of land, more or less, in Lane County, Oregon All that part of the West % of the southwest quarter of Section twelve (12) In Township eighteen (18) South of Range Two (2) West lying North of the center of the county road, which extends easterly and westerly through said premises, situated In Lane County, Oregon, and contain­ ing 40 acres, more or less, and decreeing that plaintiff Myron L. Wallace is the sole owner of said premises In fee simple free and clear of all claims of you and each of you said dofendants, and that you and each of you be forever barred from asserting any claim In the premises adverse to the plaintiffs. This summons Is served upon you by publication In The Springfield News for six consecutive and succes­ sive weeks commencing with the Is­ sue dated February 2nd, 1928 pursu­ ant to the order of the Hon. G. F. Sklpworth, Circuit Judge snd Judge of the above entitled court, which said order was duly made and entered of record on the 31st day of January, 1928 HARRIS, SMITH * RRY8ON,, At­ torneys for Plaintiffs, Postoffice Ad­ dress; Eugene, Oregon. First Publication February 2nd, 1928. Last Publication March 15th, 1928. F. 2 9-16-23: M 1-8-16. CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery aa prices on platea and ethar work. tf. cost. Return limit» to suit your plan». Help build your home community; buy from your local agent. $ jdO weekend roundtrip fare to Portland. Pacific Sout C A R L OLSO N, Ap»nt The Cream of the Tobacco Crop ‘^Luckies never cut my wind”say s Billy Burch, Captain of N . Y. Americans’ Hockey Team **I can’t afford to take any chances w ith my physical condition. T h at’s why I stick, to Luckies. In addition to the pleasure I get from their fine flavor, they have never cut my w ind to any no­ ticeable degree.F inab ly, I never suffer w ith s u d d e n co u g h in g which might be very dan gerou s fo r me when there’s a scram­ ble on the ice.” It’s toasted No Throat Irritation- No Cough.