B o o ilF o r M a d i-in - Oregon Producta. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS 0, Library TW EN TY-FIFTH year PROSPERS GOOD FÖR IS28 CROPS SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY FEBRUARY S», 1928 CITY COUNCIL TO OPEN FUN FESTIVAL RETURNS BANCROFT BOND BIDS $115 TO PAY OFF DEBT AT MEETING TUESDAY ON BRATTAIN PLAYSHED LOCAL POLICE RESPOND QUICKLY; SEATTLE MAN SOON IN TOILS OF LAW "Tbs People's Paper" A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 3 FOLD Hi REPORT Within ten minutes of the time they Kumi» sufficient to Untoli paying off j Ml’da on the »15,000 Bancroft bond» were Informed of the presence to 1 ¡llm «li bi Incurred In constructing tl»> authorised lo finalice Improvement this district of a man suspected of | i playahed at the Brattato acbool were program» of the paat year will be kidnaping a girl to Seattle, Police Four Local Dairies Show Less Fnirly Open Winter Brings Op- reallx« d from gal« receipt» at the » om- opened at a meeting of the city coun­ Chief Jess Smltson and Traffic Officer ! Than 20,000 Bacteria In Sam- cil Tuesday night of next week, a< • titnisni From Farmers; Cen- unity fun festival. h* id Herbert Moore had both the man and | d I® s ; First Statement is Made night ut the high school uuder tb< cording to announcement by I. M the girl in custody and were on their | bus Report Given as Tnk6n direction of Mra. Ora Head Hemen- Feteraon. recorder. The council will By Newly Appointed Milk In« way to Eugene with them. By Rural Carriers; Swine aro way, A total of till* wa» taken to, meet on Tuesday Instead of Monday spector. The man Is Frank Waterhouse. 26, | Showing Increase In Oregon. which leave» a »mall amount to the because of the holiday. wanted to Seattle for the alleged kl*l-1 While no sealed bid» have aa yet treasury after the playahed debt to First report of the condition of j naptog of Ada Bunfill, 15. S heriff: been received, a number of Inquiries •, General crop prospects for 1928 I” paid. milk delivered in Springfield was sub­ I Taylor was Informed that Waterhouse 1 till» dtotrlct are »attofactory. accord­ The Christian church took flrat are being made by bonding* hou»ea an.I i and the girl were believed In Lane I mitted for publication this week by ing to the expression» of farmer» and pit«« In tho stunt program at the there probably will b>- competition ' j county, and that they had stayed all j I>r. L. S. Kent, official milk inspector« Olbera watching »he farm situation gymnasium. W A. llemenway and for the bond«, according to Mr. Peter- ‘ and shows that four dairies operating ' Monday night at Mabie auto camp. hero. Fruit, nut», hop», and general Mrs Harold Philip» »tarring The HOD. here are delivering grade A milk and Tuesday night the eheriff telephoned This to the chief matter of bu»lne«s ! i rop» have bad excellent »«-alher bo Lincoln school teachers were given one grade B. Milk Inspection was the local officers this Information. for thia year, atid If the right condi­ second place for their plpeorgan per pre-scheduled for the council meeting. : authorized some time ago by the city ÍUSr-TTSBX». ! Mnftson and Moore immediately | council and recently Mayor O. O. tion» continue there should be a gen foruiance, and tho American to-glon'a ; It to expected, however that several ¡other mattera, Including the proposed oral Improvement to farm con llllon» awkward «quad waa given third set out on the Mohawk road on the Bugbman announced the appointment Herbert Kahl, 19, carpenter'» theory that Waterhouse would be ' of Kpnt „ lBlii>erlnT C. K Kenyon, cashier of the Com­ Audrey McPherson was awarded the j erection of a real room at Fourth »nd helper, of New Albany, Ind., re­ covering from the effect» of beinjj coming thia way. The had not gone ExpIanation of the purpOBe of u,« mercial Mate bank, who 1» to con- Individual prise, and Marjorie lav . A »treets, will be considered. buried five hours in a grave of »tant touch with farm ers of liito dt» and M|„m AIU Manning, as “the j half a mile out of town before they jngpect|OD an(j the way jt p, carried quicksand. H e prayed for his life met the car. a Chevrolet sedan. W ater-| out wag attacbed to Kent.g report. trlct. »aid today that there to a gen - cow.” were decided upon the best j SCHOOL DEBT CUT IS and God an»wered hi» prayer, house gave up willingly, admitting , n order |o )ngure ,h0 ht>a,tb of th, eral optimism among them with re­ couple to the parade. Kahl said after he was rescued HOPED BY CHAIRMAN that he knew he was wanted In people here, the report states, milk gard to Hie prospects. The fairly , Mra. llem enway expressed her open winter la regarded a» n good ! satisfaction with the results of the af Seattle. inspection has been instituted, and a Maintenance of a strict economy SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL omen, he »aid. Fruit men, especially fair, and her appreciation of ull who program to the Springfield schools Federal authorities are taking the standard system of inspection is being RANKS HIGH IN TEST helped to make It a success. matter over, and "Waterhouse will be employed to discover the cumber ot seem optimistic. this year should result to the reduc- •. This to to general accord with tho j AS TO ENGLISH WORK prosecuted for violating the Mann act bacteria In the milk. Bacteria are lion of the district debt by abont 192» crop outlook report of the U. 8. j GIRL SCOUTS ELECT --------- which prohibits transporting mim.' responsible for scarlet fever, typhoid, »4000. which will be entriely satlafac department of agricultural, received Springfield high school ranks sixth ; g)rlg fronj one gtate to another. septic sore throat, and other diseases. tory to view of all conditions, It is OFFICERS AT M tE T -------------------------- ---- here today. Seasonal Improvements "Clean milk may have a high bac­ hoped by W. O Hughes, chairman . t in a group of ninety-seven Oregon • are expected, according to the report. I teria count, bat dirty milk always I Springfield Girl Scouts -let-led of- ' the school board Only by slicing off high schools in the results of the DeM0SS FAMILY TO BE uniform classifactory with an increase to crop Income» fleers at a meeting held at the cham­ mall amounts each year can the fourth annual HEARD HERE FRIDAY does, and this must be guarded which have been fairly wi ll globalised j hoard hope to reduce the debt to the examination to English given students against by Inspection,’’ the report ber of commerce Friday, and also between 12 and 13 billions of dollars . The DeMoss concert company of states. The inspector goes to the varl- organised patrols for the new year a minimum, and It is expected that this in 12 Oregon colleges and universities Small decreases to the number of yeiy will prove no exception In con •“ 1*27-28 highly reputed entertainers will be 0,18 dairies, procures a milk sample at work. horses anil all cattle, no m aterial, Dr. Elwood Smith, d<-an at Oregon | h,.ar(1 at (bp Methodist church to- random at various times during the The officers elected were: Adallne tlnulug the reduction program. chanre to sheep »nd lambs, «nd a «uh-' Perkins, president: Audrey Daniel». The school board held a meeting State Agricultural college. Judged the I morrow n)gbt under the auspices of ; month, and then proceeds to test the atantlal Increase In swine, are fes , vice-president; Barbara Adam», sec­ at the Frst National bank Monday results and placed Springfield in a j the Ladles Aid. The concert will samples at the laboratory. lures of the report of F. I- Kent, retary; Dorla Chase, treasurer; Melba night, handling a number of routine high place. Much ijed lt is given start at 8 o'clock. All milk with a bacteria count under United States agricultural statistician, locally to the teachers in English at 20.000 Is classified as grade A, and matters Including the payment of Harris, news reporter; Barbara The DeMoss family have been tour­ for 1927 In Oregon. Ix»cal rural mail j Adam«, yell leader; Audrey Daniel», bills. The schools are functioning the local high school during recent ing the United States, Canada and that with a connt over 20.000 Is grade carriers, by conducting a census on social pomoter; Adallne Perkins, satisfactorily. It was reported at the I years, aud also to Miss Jessamine , Europe for many years, entertaining B. Cline. Peterson. Stout and Mont­ their routes, assisted Mr. Kent to | I Nelson, who has been English teacher librarian; Audrey Daniels. Drls Chase,! meeting In churches, schools, and at times gomery dairies have a grade a. classl- gathering figures on the farm animals , i to the local Junior high school for the b i «cation, and the Sales dairy samples minute men. of the stale. ! laBl 10 ye8rB' in European countries Their home 8howed «rade B' Patrols were organized as follows | LORANE COMPANY IS Oregon now has 270.000 »wine, a» . I’alrol No. 1— Ixiudelle Williams, pat­ ---------------- ------------- is at DeMoss Seringa, in Sherman The8« te8ts al8° are against 245.000 on January 1. 1927. J RESUMING ACTIVITIES SALES DAY LARGEST IN rol leader; Audrey Daniels, lieuten­ ¡county, Oregon, and they have spread / ive the dairyman an opportunity to and 223.000 to 192«. ant; Margaret Jarrett, Yaye Stratton, SPRINGFIELD’S HISTORY I the name Oregon far and wide in their , imProTe the conditions of his plant, Actlvltles are being resumed this Horses dropped to number during a r K im u r IC.UU o n u travelings ! as they demonstrate the need of such Nellie Honan, J e w e l Hlltebrand, week at the plant to the logging dis­ the year from 201.000 to 191.000 The largest sales day ever held in j Two young men, who began their , Improvement. Velma Peddlcord. trict of the Lorane Timber and Mill­ Mules and mule colt» remained the Patrol No. 2—Barbara Adams, lead same, at 20.000. Cattle and calves er; Bernadlne McFarland, lieutenant; ing company, Springfield concern or- Springfield occurred at the opening of : musical careers while small children. the Kafoury Brothers sale Saturday. i play a prominent part in the DeMoss NEWSPAPER CONCLAVE v e -__ i iganlzed here a year and a half ago. decreased from 687.000 to 880.000 . Dorla Chase. Jean Louk. Essol Adams, 8 ____ Hundreds of people from all parts of concerts. One of these boys Is a , TO START IN EUGENE Donkey logging has been abandoned Cow» and heifer», giving milk. »Bow­ Mnrlha Moon. Dale Daniels. Teddy ______ by the Lorane company, and It has the Southern Willamette valley cam*- ‘ flutist, and the other a violinist. They 1 ed an Increase of 2.000 during tho Llpes. to Springfield to partake ot the bar are said to be highly talented, as j Tbe tentb antdal state newspaper been necessary to construct a road year, the total now being 218.000 Patrol No. S_EII»abeth Hemenway. to the woods to order to handle the gains offered. The opening day was are other members of the ensemble conference w,u atart at the university Shep nnd Iamb« remained the same leader; Adallne Perkins, lieutenant; operations by team and truck. This j , very satisfactory for a town the size at 2.247.000. nlthough the value wont ; school of Journalism in Eugene to- Eva Louk. Ituth Stratton, Evelyn Har­ Is one reason why the plant has not of Springfield said Harry Landauer, LEGION WILL MEET up from »23.307.000 to »26,149.000. morrow morning, with a program full ris, Arlene Crowford. Thelma Llpes. hoen operating, according to C. E seles manager, who has spent the last Tho total value of Oregon livestock j TOMORROW NIGHT ot toPics °f interest to newspaper Evelyn Bacus. several months in Oregon conducting Wheaton, president of the company. _____ I people and the public as well. Burt as shown In the reports 1» »77.722.000. big sales In Eugene, Albany, Salem, an Increase of 11.2 per cent over that The American Legion will hold a Brown Baker, newly elected vich- Portland and other towns. BANKS TO BE CLOSED of January 1, 1927 meeting at the chamber of commerce president of the university, who ar­ SCOUT ANNIVERSARY Checks were received on banks all Mr. Kent Attributes the substantial rived in- Eugene last night from Ne< ON HOLIDAY MONDAY IS OBSERVED HERE the way from Salem to Cottage Grove tomorrow night, accorcdlng to an­ York, will speak at the conference. Increase to total livestock values to nouncement by Jack Larson, presi­ Indicating the wide range people came better prices for cattle. He observes Springfield Banks will be closed on In observance of the national Boy from to attend the sale. The Eugene ; dent. Membership drive will be a that hog values fell of markedly al­ Monday, In observance of Lincoln's Scout anniversary, as well as the bus was full all day and many people matter of discussion. Several new ( CARL BLIRP RUNNING birthday, which comes on Bunday though numbers Increased. second anniversary of the beginning came by automobile from the sister men are lined up for the Legion FOR G. O. P. CANDIDATE The report was announced tpday this year. Otherwise business houses roster. of the work hère, the Stwingfleld city to attend the opening here. by Postmaster F. B Hamlin. here are expected to operate as usuab Eugene National Guard indoor base­ Scouts met at the Methodist church Carl Blirp, well-known resident if No general observance of the day ball fans have challenged the local Junction City, has announced his last night enjoying a number of I T w .BOWMAN DIES AT in the schools Is planned unfll Wash- Legion to a game, to be played next candidacy for election as a delegate REGISTRATION SLOW special features. | Ington's birthday. February 22. when HOSPITAL AT ACE OF 8 2 ' Thursday niRbt at tbe Eugene armory. , Repub()can national Pictures of the Cascade National FOR MAY PRIMARIES I a public program will be given at the --------- j Baseball artists among the veterans , fQr tWg distrlct forest, and particularly the Three Lincoln nn J. C. Meicho, assisting. A thorough Open weather which has prevailed registered to vote, as tho new law the meetings. Ing Springfield rural route No. 1 a tery. canvass of the district is being made does away with swearing hi at the here during the past week appears to Edith Hurd resigned as attendant, by the directory workers. distance of 1.3 miles southeast from . Mr. Bowman Is survived by three he heralding the approach of spring, polls. and Anna Dillard was elected in her An Idea of possible population regardless of the groundhog's shadow the O. D. Smith corner on the Wiliam- sons. P. A. of Silverton. Alfred and place. Financial report for the past figure changes will be obtainable While considerable wind blew In this ette highway were reclved at the , William of Chicago, 111. two years was read and approved. when the directory is completed. LAUGHTERESQUE TO BE district Sunday, the general weath *r Springfield postoffee Monday. .This Is the route covered by John NORMAN HOWARD BUYS conditions have been mild. FEATURED FEBRUARY 24 Seaveys Give Party Pussy willows nre Io be found In the Nice. The extension goes Into effect OFFICEPS ARE ELECTED PLACE EAST OF CITY Springfield high school's annual woods, and other Hlgns of spring are on March 1. and will Include delivery The Five Hundred club was enter­ AT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL of mall to the Walter Wallace place, laugh festival Is scheduled for Febru­ manifest. Norman. Howard, has purchased a tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. nnd then retracing to the formal place. ary 24, at the high school auditorium | portion of the Ed McBee property on j A" Seavey Sat„rday night. Junia May was elected president of The former length of the route was the mill race, southeast of Springfield, to the evening. PARTIES ARE HELD BY the stundent body at the Lincoln Those present besides the host and 29.5 miles. It Is now 32.1 miles. Various classes are preparing their nnd this week moved» to the property. rostess were Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ken­ Junior high school for this sem estef, CHRISTIAN CHURCH •'Laughteresque” stunts nnd many He expects to farm the place. yon. Dr. and Mrs. Carl Phetteplace. Lelia Squires was named vice-presi­ special features nre planned for the Mr. Christenson, who has been liv­ Dr. and Mrs. 8. R. Dlppel, Dr. and Mrs. dent, and Geraldine Wilkinson, treas­ An old-fashioned box social In GUARD INSPECTION TO event this year. The public 1 h Invited which the men are expected to ‘‘dig BE HELO ON MARCH 1 ing on C between Mill nnd Second W. C. Rebhan, Mr. and Mrs. Lev) Neet. urer. streets, Is moving Into the place vac­ Mrs. Maude -Bryan, Miss Crystal to attend the affair. up” as the women and girls offer A secretary for the group is to be Federal Inspection of the Spring- ated by the Howards. dainty delicacies done up In attractive Bryan. Mr .and Mrs. Frank DePue, named today. SMELTER PROJECT company. Oregon National packages is on schedule for the field Mr. and Mrs. I. Ijariraer. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wright and Mr. and tyrs. W. C. ROAD IMPROVEMENT SHOWING PROGRESS Christian church tomorrow night. The Guard, will be held on March 1. It SPRINGFIELD LOSES young women's class Is giving the was announced by C. A. Swarts. com CAME TO ST. MARYS McMurray. , WORK IS UNDER WAY Further steps toward development party, hut has Invited all women of mander of the local unit. The gen­ eral public has been invited to attend of tho Lucky Boy mine nnd establish­ the church to part. Ipate. Playing an excellent brand of ball, WRESTLING CARD IS A scraper has been busy on the Last night, the men’s class of the the Inspection, which will he held despite the final results, the Spring- ment of It smelter here aro being western entrance to the city this SCHEDULED WEDNESDAY taken by J. A. Miller, promoter of church held an oyster feed. No wo­ about 8 o’clock to the evening at the field high school basketball team week, smoothing up Second street and the project, although what progress men were Invited, either to attend armory room above Eggimann's candy gave St. Mary's high of Eugene a Springfield wrestling fans will have the approach to the Springfield bridge. hns been made wns not revealed by or to prepare the food« Those at­ kitchen. tough tu ssle last mgnt on the Catholic an opportunity to see a good match Considerable improvement to the road tending reported a most enjoyable Major John P. Bubb of Eugene will floor, losing the game finally, 27 to 21. those Interested to the enterprise. without leaving the home town next has been noted.'- conduct the Inspection. The local Mayor G. G. Bushman received a time. McMurray marked up six points for Wednesda, night when Steve Strlllch, Gravel was spread and other work troop Is preparing for the event. letter yesterday from the minister of the locals, while Maxwell, St. Marys, Bingham. Utah, and George “Wildcat” accomplished this week on Fifth Clvlo Club Meets mines, province of British Columbia, with 12 points was high point man for Pete of Eugene tussle at the Bell street between the Intersection with The Women’s Civic club will hold Pohl Ships Out Canada, stating that the Canadians the game. theatre. The event starts at 8 p. m. Main and the tracks, Improving the AlgPohl, former Springfield man and are not familiar with the new smelt­ Its regular meeting at the chamber of These two men have met twice ^>re- route to the Booth-Kelly mill. ing processes and know nothing of commerce Tuesday evening February brother of Mrs. M. B. Huntly, has Baby Daughter Born —• A baby vlously, without deciding supremacy, their effect on health. The mayor 14, at 7:30 o'clock. A short bunlness shipped out on a revenue cutter from Visit at Alvadore—Mr. and Mra. daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. and the match here should be the wrote to the Canadian official and the session will he followed by a program Astoria as chief radio Instructor, first deciding event. Tickets are on sale Paul Schlewe were visitors at Atra- Benjamin F. McEltri»h. Springfield, U. 8. Bureau of Mines with regard to and social hour. Card games an1 etas«, according to a letter received dore Suday. at the bowling alley. on Tuesday. fancy work are planned. yesterday by Mr». Huntly. thia. ,