PAGE FOUR THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2. 1928 THE SPRINGFIELD N'JWS OF INTEREST TO MEN AND BOYS To the flrMt 100 cuHtomers purchasing $2.00 or m o i* on Saturday. Opening Day. we will give Absolutely FREE A Hand, •ome Daytime Frock until the 100 have been given away. Begins at 9 Saturday This page is devoted to featuring Men's and Boys’ Wearables at amaz­ ing price concessions. advise early selection because of the nature of the offerings. There are I many other splondid value groups which because of lack of space are crowded out. The larg est asso rtm en t of high grade Unions ever of­ fered a t this low price.— brands are "H atch," "Mun­ singw ear," "P. O. A.," "P ark Mill"—all wool, wood mixed, fine lisles and heavy Swiss ribbed garm ents worth $2.00 to $3.50. light, medium or heavy weights. Your Choice $4.00 SHIRTS Men's all wool and wool mixed plain and fancy Flannel S h i r t s Heavy and m e d i u m weight, worth up to $4.00 There is ample stock for every demand, but we $2.50 C A P S Men’s fine all leath­ er dress Shoes and Oxfords. Odd pairs and line ends from grades up to $7.00. Good styles—all sizes. $5.00 HATS Men’s New Spring sortment at Come oarly. doors open at 9 A. M. Sharp. MEN'S AND BOYS Sweaters •:•-! Blazerv Fin? all wool nnd m ixed S w eaters and Blazer* in on«1 big lot every conceivable s t y l e p a tte rn and color. Heavy ami m e­ dium weight w orth up to $5.00 each. $7.00 SHOES $5.00 SHIRTS $5.00 Pants Desirable styles ol Dress Shoes and grades up to $7.50 . $16.50 LOGGERS BOOTS "Bergman” and “Currins” Loggers’ Boots, your choice of the entire stock Men’s fine all wool and wool mixed dress and work Pants, neat striped patterns, medium and heavy weights, a big assortment worth up to $5.00. Fine grades of "Me,” "Ar­ row" and "Wilson” Shirts Imported Broadclath, Silk striped. Spring patterns. $6.00 SHIRTS Men’s fine Virgin Wool Shirts, fancy checks and plaids. The best wool Shirts in stock, worth $6.00. $3.50 BOYS’ UNIONS rajamas All Mett’s outing tlan- nel, muslin and broad­ cloth Pajamas and Night Gowns, fancy putterns and pluln, worth up to $8.60. $4.50 BOY’S SHOES Boys' “Munsingwear” and P. Q. A. $1.50 to $3.50 Unions, all weights Big assortment Q School and Dress Shoes ami Oxfords, line ends up to $ I.BOgrades. $1.00 UNIONS Boys’ genuine "B. V. D.”, “H atch” and “Ide” Athletic Union S u i t s worth $1.00. 39c Men * Pine B roadcloth, Ma­ dras, Silk Hlrlpe.l an d Per­ cale P resa S lilrtn Bund and Collar a tta c h e d style», « e ll known Ide, Wlluotl und A r­ row S h irts, w orlh up Io I t f>0 in one hl* lot of 1000 S hirt*. Your Choice. Men’s heavy and med­ ium weight all w o o l Overcoats. Light and dark patterns. Worth up to $25.00. Some of the cream of the stock in this lot of 150 Men’s Hats, new styles shapes and shades. Regular u p to $6.00 Hats. Better grades o f Men’s dress and Cor­ duroy Pants. Fine all wool Cheviots, Wor­ steds a n d Serges. Worth up to $6.00. $2.00 $6.00 BOYS' SHOES M e n ’ s and Youn Men’s all wool Suits Selected from grad* worth up to $30.00 School and Dress Shoes. Many Hight Tops In this big lot. worth up to $6.00 $ 1 .8 5 $4 Knickers About 150 Boys’ Hats and Caps in this lot many new patterns and styles. Regular up to $2.00 values. The entire stock In­ cluded In this lot at one price, — Corduroys, all wool Tweeds, Cheviots and worsteds worth up to $4.00. Sizes 6 to 18 years. ALL WOOL KNICKER SUITS FOR BOYS— 6 TO 18 YEARS. REGULAR UP TO $12.50 SUITS $1.00 WORK SHIRTS $1.50 SHIRTS AND BLOUSES Fine Amoskeag Chain- bray Work Shirt—Blue and grey, 2 pockets, full cut. all wool. Flannels, fine madras a n d percale 4Sc 20c COLLARS Your choice of this entire stock of “Ar­ row,” “Ide” and “Tri­ angle” starched col- $1 50 OVERALLS Men’s 220 weight blue Denim Bib Overalls. 79c New Spring shipment of Men’s Dress Caps. $1 50 Unions Men’s genuine B. V. D. “Munsingwear,” Wilson and H a t c h Athletic Union Suits — Nainsook a n d broadcloth, plain and fancy. $6.50 SWEATERS $7.50 Shoes Men’s Shoes and Ox­ fords. N e w s t y 1 e a known brands, all sizes Reg. to $7.50 footwear. Men’s and Boys’ all wool Coat Sweaters— Slipovers and Blazers, all colors and patterns, Worth up to 69c $5.00 PANTS SAWYERS SLICKERS 3-4 length Rain Slick­ ers. Worth $4.00 and $4.50. $8.00 GOLF KNICKERS New Springe pat­ terns in Men’s fine all wool twist and tweed Plus Fours. Regular up to $8.00 Knickers. B o y s ’ a n d Young Men's Dress and School Pants, sizes 6 to 18 years regular $8.00 to $5.00 " ,en s all wool Wool mixed Union ; and worst eds worth Reading a n d Lu brands, up to $4.50, $1.85 $7.50 Union Wrights heavy all wool Union Suits for Men. Dark grey, Random and natural rz r- $4.00 SHIRTS AND DRAWERS A big assortm ent of high grade all wool and wool mixed garments, Heavy, dark blues and natural greys. The best in stock. garment $1.00 TIES $15.00 MACKINAWS Silk and wool, cut silk and foulard Ties. New patterns,to $1.00. Men’s “Oregon City’ virgin wool Mackinaws up to $15.00 garments 20c SOX KHAKI JACKETS Engineer and Fireman heavy 20c Cotton Sox, 2 Pairs for Men’s and Women s Heavy Khaki Outing garments x-x 25c EXTRA HEAVY Blue Top Canvas G lu es 20c Heavy 10c Pair RROCKFORD SOX ___ $2.50 GLOVES Department Store Springfield Men'» F in e . All L eather Work nnd Dress Gloves, Horse-hide, Calf and Kid 35c SOX Fine mercerized Dress Sox, regular 35c. 2 Pairs 25c t‘*1tv. m W