PAGE TWO THUR8PAY FEBRUARY NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2. 1928 K A F O U R Y BROS. OF PO R T L A N D AI To the first 100 custom­ ers purchasing $2.00 or m o r e o n Saturday, Opening Day, we will give Absolutely FREE. A Handsome Daytime Frock until the 100 have been given away. FREE Farmers Exchange Store V - z I I d lli^ C SPRINGFIELD, OREGON SALEM COMING TO v/nership Ml ....... n>a* m u » 'r UKAHTIC ANI> " AR I LING REDUCTIONS. EVERY THING IN THE STORE IS MARKED DOWN TO THE LIMIT. NEVER HAS THERE BEEN A S YI.E LIKE THIS. YOU CAN COME EXPECTING SENSATIONAL REDUC­ TIONS AND ltE SURE OF NOT BEING DISAPPOINTED THESE PAGES GIVE SOME OF THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR TREMENDOUS SAVINGS; DOORS OPEN . AT O'CLOCK --- ---------. . » 9 . V / o SATURDAY. n I I , KAFOURY BROS. ARE THE LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAILERS OF WOMEN'S READY TO WEAR AND SILKS IN OREGON. IT IS THE INTENTION OF THE NEW OWNERS TO SELL OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF THE FARMER'S EXCHANGE PREPARATORY TO OPENING A KAFOURY BROS. STORE IN SPRINGFIELD IN KEEPING WITH THEIR SALEM AND PORTLAND STORES. Well known Clerk's O. N. T. S p o o l Cotton. 20c BROWN MUSLIN 25c OUTINGS Heavy grade Mu» Un Regular 20c Plain a n d fancy O u t i n g Flannels 36 Inch width. KOTEX Standard SILK SALE »1-25 SUITINGS Ratine and Sport Suiting«, F a n c y plaids and plain. 24c Package Farmers Exchange Store SPRINGFIELD, OREGON i ^k ■ JL W O|K-iiing Day, wp will give Absolutely FREE. A Handsome Daytime Frock until the 100 have been given away, • 11 IE FIRS I THING IS A CLOSE OUT OF PRESENT STOCKS i n i - o!!LSJ '! ,ANGE ° F 0WNERSHIP SALE WILL ACCOMPLISH THIS.' I HE I RICES ON THIS PAGE PROVIDE FOOD FOR THOUGHT THF ’? ° F G° ° D D EPEN I>ABU2 QUALITY AND MARKED REGARDLESS OF COST AND LOSS. PLAN TO BE H E R E EARLY ON SATURDAY. u .\ WOOLENS 16c TOWELING in mik Conge., * tin., quality. Invernnient stumped Heavy Bed Itorder lluck Toweling. DAISY CLOTH Y o u r unrestricted choice of all Coat­ ings and Suitings In stock. Reg. up to $4.00 fabrics Well Known keag’’ fabric Plans for W eek of Febriry 6th to February l l t b Hope Muslin Every day will see fresh impel uh added to this r irkable event. New atti ces and new merchandise brought forward to u you savings the like of For the coming week we shall have. 9-4 Pequot Sheeting. A well known brand. ,'M| A purchasing $2.00 or 1,1 ° r e ° 11 S aturday, SALE BEGINS SATURDAY, FEB., 4TH, AT 9 a. m. 20c TOW ELS Pequot Sheeting New stocks of plain and printed Silks, in Crepe de Chines, Chiffons, Georgettes, Moires, Pongees and Jerset- tes. worth up to $3.00 yard. To the first 100 R EXCHANGE is a s t o k e WITH A REPUTATION I - ALL OVER THE STATE; IN A LIKE MANNER KAFOURY BROS. ARE KNOWN FOR THEIR INTEGRITY AND ABILITY R’? “ CIiANTÖ- ANh SPRINGFIELD PEOPLE WILL LOSE NOTHING BY 1 HE CHANGE OF OYVNHJRSHIP, INDEED, IT IS LIKELY THAT 1 IIEY WILL PROFIT BY IT SINCE THE PURCHASING POWER OF THREE KAFOURY BROS. STORES WILL BRING BENEFITS THAT COME WITH A THREE-STORE BUYING POWER. SALE BEGINS SATURDAY, FEB., 4TH, AT 9 a. m. SEWING THREAD PAGE THREE rtonday, February 6th— SILK DAY. Well known brand of Bleached Muslin. Thursday, February 9, yard 4Oc GINGHAM8 32 Inch Kalburnle Ginghams, — New patterns. $2.50 WOOLENS All Wool Coatings and Suitings. Pequot Sheets 16c SILK THREAC 100 yard Spools. AU Colors. $1.65 LUNCH CLOTHS Full 81 x 90 inches. Super value. Pure Linen, 44 x 45 inches. A Drastic Close-Out of Entire Stocks at Amazing Price deductions PUMPS AndOXFORDS 20c OUTINGS Heavy 27 Inch Out­ ings in light and dark patterns and white. Women's and Misses’ New Spring Coats in new fancy plaids, tweeds and twists. Bought to sell at $30.00 Startling Prie ¡deductions Women's and Misses plain collar Coats- Piai patterns. Remarkable 500 PAIRS TOWELS A wonderful assortment of new Dresses at this v price. Wools, Silks, Satin Crepes and Flat epes in wanted shades and new styles. Women's and Misses Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords, line enijs and odd pairs, grades to $6.00, desirable styles, all sizes. Pair. 29c PILLOW SLIPS $500 PUMPS AND OXFORDS 36x42 B l e a c h e d wide hemmed slip» v V»5 The New Styles are here—an early Spring ship­ ment just received, wanted shades iii Satin Crepe and Flat Crepe Silk Dresses—All sizes for Wo­ men and Misses. Regular up to $30.00 Dresses. Heavy T h r e a d Turkish Towels, 17 x 32 inches. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES New styles in Women's Strap Pumps and Oxfords, wanted leathers, high medium and low heels, a big selection at Hundreds of pairs of Misse and Children's High Grac Shoes, Oxfords and Pump Worth up to $4.50. $5.00 PUMPS AND OXFORDS $6.50 PUMPS Misses' and Children's high grade, all leather Pumps and Oxfords, patent, k ill, calf skin. Wanted lasts, worth to $5.00. Women's Newest Pumps and Oxfords, wanted heels and lasts, patents, satins, blonds, reptiles, two-tones and kid leathers, (join pie te sizes and widths. 75c TOWELS D o u b le Thread Turkish T o w e 1 s. Size 24 x 48 inches 50c SPORT SOX $7.50 PUMPS AND OXFORDS Children’s 84 length Fancy Cuffs. $2.50 Underwear WOMEN'S UNION SUITS Entire s t o c k of Munsingwear and other s t a n d a r d brands $3 to $4.50 Unoins In one big lot—Lisle, all wool and silk and wool. All styles and sizes. 81 x 90 Beamless Heavy Weight. Women’s Parjts and Vests, wool, lisle, silk and wool, en­ tire stock in one lot. Worth $1.00 to $2.50. $3.50 Unions Entire stock. 500 Misses and Children’s Munsingwear Union Suits, all styles and weights, 6 to 17 years, worth up to $3.50. JuHt arrived for early Spring selling, dozens or beautiful new patent and kid Pumps and Ox­ fords. A wonderful assortment New Bed Spreads Sizes 80x105 inches, seam­ less, scalloped edges, new combinations of green, blue. Rose, gold and Helio, guar­ anteed fast colors. Beautiful R a y o n S i l k Spreads, scalloped e d g e s , patterns and stripes in Rose, blue and gold. Guaranteed colors. Sixe 80 x 105 Inches. NEW BED SPREADS Full 80x90, beauti­ ful crinkled Crepes striped in blue, gold, Rose and lavender, H e m m e d edges, seamless, guaran­ teed fast colors. $8.50 PUMPS AND OXFORDS Some of the cream of the stocks at this low price, ‘‘Right Now” styles, worth up to $8.50. $12.50 SKIRTS Women’s 545 Coats Women’s all wool Skirts, plain and plaid patterns, your choice, none reser­ ved worth to $12.50 $7.50 HATS Make Your Own Your unrestricted Choice of our entire stock of Ladies' Hats— Comforteis $7.85 Slickers Women’s and Misses' rub­ ber College Slickers, fancy- colors, strap collars. Women’s and Misses Beautlfulrfpring Coats, charming new styles In th finest, wanted fabrics and patterns. Regula$ 40.00 and $45.00 Coats. I , “Champion” White Cotton Batts. Full 72 x 90 Inches. 25c Challies $3.00 BAGS 18 I n c h Brack Traveling Bags. Women’s and Chil­ dren's all wool and Silk a n d w o o l S w e a t e r s , coat styles, Jackets, and Slipovers, all colors and sizes — Choice $1.25 SILK BLOOMERS I New Patterns French P a n t i e s and Vests. Begins Saturday, Fi>ruary $1.00 RUBBERS Woman’» and Chll dren’s Rubbers. $1.25 GOWN8 Women's O u tin g Gowns. H eavy N ig h t 75c HOSE TABLE OILCLOTH 40c Grade», 48 Inch Plain and Pattern» 27c yard Holeproof P n i Bilk Chiffon H im Wanted Shades, Women’s Mercer E* 8 1 8 a n d Lisle Chiffon Hose. FARMER'S ¿XCH ANGE DEPARTMNT STORE Springfield LACE8 Insertions. Edging« »nd Trimmings. Up to S6c yard. Women's Mercer­ ized Cotlon Hose. Up to 46c grades. $1.25 PLAY SUITS 50c STOCKINGS $1.50 BLOOMERS “Can't Bust 'Em Kute Kut P l a j Suits. Boy's a n d Olrla Heavy Stockings, and 04 Sport Hose. Rayon Bloomer»- • Peach. Nude, Pink and Orchid. 2 Pairs for