PAGE SIX '4 1-na arniN unin.n new s ***V*MJVf>l r M lJ IW n n 1 acroaa the wall Rhe would wait thus the forest. thousand would be overpaid a thous­ I until the tern hour had passed She atepped to the Are, glancing and times!" It was Inundaratandable bow the curloualy at the recumbent figures (T O BE C O N T IN U E D ) j men could sleep iu the face of thrill- under the nther shelter , Ing suspense. ••Once a man's asleep, he's hard to Food Bale Planned She lay for some time, flat on her awaken until after 8 o'clock," Daven­ The Women s Christian Temperance back, watching (he flicker of (he fire port answered her unspoken wonder, Union will conduct a food sale Satur­ against the canvas. Several times I "unless he's been brought up In the day, from 8 to 5 o'clock, at the Sneed 0 ' Ö i f ------------------- - f M i II i and lflil M ik I la s sensitive e l l s a il I w as In m i I >a 1.1 >• her eyes blurred Into staring, and the O open so to outside atore. leaping shadows became monstrous things. But they'll awaken quickly Then (hey faded: and she slept ' enough in a few minutes!" CARO OF T H A N K S Some time later she came to herself "Oughtn’t you to awaken Mr, Gardl D ltw tr a tlo n s fay H e n r y J a y with a start, lighter a match and We wish to express our sincere neh to witness he'a lost his het?" she O^vyrt^ht Stew art Edward White glanced at her wrist watch asked. thanks for the kindness and sympu i/ R a la a s a d t h r u . 'One fifteen! Fifteen minutes re “He probably wouldn't ai-know during our recent heri-avement. Puhi taha re A utocartar Sarvtea mnlned before the conclusion of this ledge these few drope as rain," said Frank Wechter. fantastic het; and there, through a Davenport easily. "He's a uaturtl Mary Frances Wechter, silt In the tent shone a star iu Its quibber.'* ' patch of heaven "There are leaa than four minutes." Plana VlaK at Portland—Mr. and W H O ’S W H O IN T H E S T O R Y : on her knees before him. other's tone He made his decision ! A profound disappointment seized Davenport glanced at his own wrist Mrs. C. II. Poole will spend four days GRIMSOT14AD, the “Buccaneer" of her. At this moment Grimstead's boom­ to teach this upstart a lesson. watch at Portland, leaving here tomorrow. th s swashhackllug story, is stranded ing tones broke In. "I'll take you," he said suddenly,' Never had she experienced such •'Three," said he composedly. “Gar among the California red-woods in his • Young man." said he, “It's an im­ "on condition that I name the bet." absolute stillness. Burton became diner and I set our watches alike, you •’private craft”, a high powered car, position, I know; but you see how we acutely conscious of the beat of her recall." “All right" when its gasoline tank is broken. are situated Could you drive back to 'Very well, then Ten thousan I i pulses, the singing of her cars. By •'Oh, dear!" cried Burton BURTON ORIMSTEAD. his “spoil­ Tecolote and get us help?” holding herself quiet the could even dollars!" "Don't worry; It will be here In loss ed" daughter, is with him against her , "Surely; I'll do anything 1 can," Burton uttered a little cry of re hear faintly the roar of the sea; and Will, especially so as she perceives her ! agreed the young man heartily. "My proacfc. Grimstead. who had been I that was over a mountain range and than two. Listen." The roaring was louder father's object in insisting on her i name is Davenport. many ml lea. listening amusedly. Interposed. "It frightens me." she confess« I, going on the trip is to throw her into “Grimstead ts mine. That's fine! She struck another match On“- "It's like the approach of a ravening "That's beyond a Joke, beyond all the company of Get them to send a touring car to­ reason Oordiner." he objected. “Have I twenty-two! Some one stirred In the wild beast." ROSS GARDINER, Grimstead's sinis­ night; and then tomorrow we can some sense of proportion—" other shelter; arose; and poked the You are safe,” he told her confi­ ter "Second in Command," a capable, make arrangements for repairs "Thank you. Mr. Orimstead, but I embers of the (ire Into a flame. good looking young man. But Davenport shook his head don't bother." Davenport cut in, "I'll Burton thought It must be Ross dently; "I'll answer for II. Believe that and enjoy It as the great spectn SIMMINS, chauffeur and house doubtfully. take that bet. I'll jest get It down Gardiner. She turned her head Im­ man., of gay spirits, repressed be­ "Not tonight," he decided., “To­ in writing and get you to witness It, patiently. How near the eurf sounded! d e It will be But get Into the tout now. You must not get wet, for there cause of his ultra English-butler dig­ morrow." If you Will; so we'll have a little re- I Overhead a tiny twig struck the 111 be no chance to dry off; and nity. He is sent after help and re­ Grimstead flushed. canvas with a sharp spat After an cord of the transaction.” when thia hits It will come In turns with a young man in a small “It would be rather a hardship on I expect to collect this bet." warn-1 Interval another; and another Sud­ buckets.*' N E W L A U N D R Y E Q U IP M E N T car. my daughter—" he began stiffly. denly Burton thrust open the flap ed Gardiner, stung by the suggestion They turned together to the tent. rxtvenport laughed aloud. and thrust her head and shoulders of this precaution. It does not pay at present washer- One of the figures under the shelter C H A P T E R III. "It's going to rain; and It's going "If you win,' amended Davenport, through. womsa'a prices to try to get aloug A Prophecy to rain hard! I probably wouldn't and I expect to collect It, If I win." The roar of the surf wus now even stirred uneasily, some faint echoes of with old laundry fadlltlea. You will turmoil penetrating his dreams Simmins agile mind saw the point make Tecolote, and you'd all be very “Mr. Grimstead can vouch for my | more plainly to be heard A warm save money In the long run In botu "When the wind comes before the and he realised that if this young I wet and uncomfortable." solvency. Where are your guaran* i drop splashed her forehead; another time saved and more efficient work rain, man were supposed to have offered ••Rain!” cried Gardiner contemp tees?" her cheek. Airs were stirring, soft If you will abandon old methods Holst your topsalla up ngnln. his services in going for help, there tuously. The young man looked a trifle put­ as velvet. When ruin cornea before the wind, and adopt the new. Visit our store would have been no earthly objection “The wind's due north, and has tied. The man at the fire was not Gardi­ Topsails dowse a n d halliards and examine our latest laundry ap in returning to the fire. He would been all day,” Grimstead pointed out. "I have none for the moment, of ner. but Davenport. The young man pllances and you will see how you mind!" simply have turned around and hea I- "and. besides. It's dry season." course, but the instant we go to a had on a yellow slicker and sou-wester chanted Davenport In a full voice can profit by making a change. t-d for Tecolote and its garage. “Look at the stars! It's a heavenly town—" hat. He looked up and caught her Overhead Burton heard a hurried pat­ “Yes, sir, certainly, sir," he answer­ night,” contributed Burton. eye. Gardiner laughed. ter as though many little feet scurried ed Mr. Grimstead's remark. "But, sir, "Apparently that is so." smiled •'You'll mortgage the garage to pay "She's coming," said he cheerfully. across the canvass; then succeeded a although our tank is ruined, sir. is Davenport. "Nevertheless we are in up—of course.” he sneered. "No. Pul "Listen to her!” drumming. occurred to me that by filling the va > for a storm and a very heavy one. up or shut up!" 527 M A IN 8T. And then Burton suddenly realized Roll out! Roll out!" yelled Daven uum tank by hand every few miles I think it would be better for me to Davenport shook his head at hlin that the roar was not of the surf, S P R IN G F IE L D . OREGON port •'Roll out and see It rain! At we would be able to work our car to wait here until morning and help and laughed. but of the tempest hurtling through a thousand drops for a cent my ten Tecolote, sir, in not over two hours. make you comfortable. I have a You're a quibber. Gardiner! I'll We would have to borrow from this camp outfit; and plenty of supplies." bet you're legal adviser to a preda gentleman only about two and a half I suppose." said Gardiner sarcas­ tory corporation. gallons of gasoline. I hope I have tically, "that you can tell us Just when Gardiner laughed, a nasty, sneering, done right, sir,” ended Simmins vir­ It's going to rain and how many walk-the-plank laugh. tuously. inches we will have." “Bet's off," said he, "I thought It He managed by his manner to con­ •'I might," replied Davenport unex­ would be!" vey the impression that all those de­ pectedly. "Wait a minute.” "The net is not off." spoke up tails had been considered and dis­ He stood upright and stared off in Burton suddenly. "I will guarantee cussed with his new companion. As to space for perhaps half a minute; Mr Davenport." a matter of fact Simmins was spin­ then slowly his eyes reconcentrated. At this the silent wood gods uttered ning it out as he went along. “It will begin to rain about I or three rousing but silent cheers '•Quite right. Simmins.” Grimstead 1:30,” he stated quietly, "and will C H A P T E R V. said. continue for 8 hours and 20 minutes On Time But Mi»« Burton stirred. —or five minutes either way. I could By the time the bet was all ar “I suppose this gentleman has that not tell you exactly how many Inches ranged, one good-sized storm had much gasoline to spare," she threw la. will fall; but It will be a very heavy j broken —..v x7\x, o anyway. n /w a /, D U ilU Q and s cleared, Burton apparently idly. and continuous downpour with high had told her father plainly’ that she That was the weak point. Simmins wind—a tempest. On a guess for that ' was of age and mistress of her own did not know. sort of a storm, lasting that long, fortune. Gardiner had appealed to “It's too bad. but I have no gas.” five inches." j ~ Davenport's better nature not to take the stranger announced calmly. “Five inches! A Cloudburst!": advantage of an "emotional young ! girl." "Well, distillate, alcohol, kerosene, Gardiner snorted. Yes. this Is a bad storm," agreed I Davenport had winked shamelessly whatever it Is,” said Grimstead a little impatiently. “My car will run on them. > Davenport seriously. "Another thing; at Burton and proclaimed himself u You will benefit In every way by taking advantage of the merchandise of­ at a pinch.” that tree Just beyond your car. the | Shylock when It came to money fered during the Birthday Sale. "Not a single drop," repeated the j one near the edge of the road, will be The terms of the bit had been re­ Firtt: blown down, so we’d better move the j stated, and the men's watches gyn Quality—Each article Is carefully made of the highest grade man; ”1 run on—well, electricity.” car, and be careful where we pitch chronized. materials under strict sanitary conditions. ‘Electricity!" cried Grimstead and Davenport and Simmins cut a num- Gardiner in unison. "Where do you—” carwp Second: Variety—Nearly 150 articles are offered during this Sale at muttered contemptuously her of willow poles which they laid on But the technical discussion was to Gardiner money-saving prices. himself. j the - ground to form a sort of platform. ' sidetracked. The Irish terrier, who. "How do you claim to know these or rather a floor, On this they ran had been sitting atop the pack, rivited things so accurately?" demanded the two cars. his gate on Punketty-Snivvles and Burton bluntly. -Now when we want to go out we | went into action, seized that person­ ‘ Suppose we wait, until morning can lay more poles to form a cordu- age in bis mouth and deposited his and see If I do know them smiled toy," the young man said. burden in his master's hand. Davenport. 'I say sir,” said Simmins, T have “Come here you old idiot," ordered "Yes, that's a good Idea,” approved \ a few quid laid by. I'd like It Jolly his master “This is a dog I know Grimstead drily. "And If we really are I well if you could cut me In on that PURETEST ASPIRIN TABLETS it doesn't look it; but smell of It. to stay here all night, suppose we bet for a tenner or so.” A stable, pure, white and Instantly soluble Aspirin You see,” he explained, looking up, "I see what we con do toward making Davenport stared, Tablet. It cannot be equaled on the market today for am naturally of a lazy but curious ; ourselves comfortable.” j "Aren't you taking big chances?” purity of IngredlentB and care In manufacture. disposition. so I have trained Rapscal- i C H A P T E R IV . : he Inquired. "What do you know about lion to bring me in anything strange I “Put up or Shut up!” ithe weather?" Dissolves quickly; relief is assured. Effective when he runs across in the woods as long J Davenport unleashed the camping "Not a thing, sir!" replied Simmins used for headaches, colds or acute rheumatism. as it isn't skunks. But he ought to I outfit from his car and they made ’ cheerfully. "But I do know a tidy bit know a dog when he smells It!” their way to the lower end of the 1 about sportmen, sir; and I'd buck you, Regular Price 89c—Bottle of 100 Tablets “Oh, shut up!” the young man ad meadow, where Simmins built a Are. sir, against Mr. Gardiner any day of Birthday Sale Price .................................. dressed him, and cuffed the atom The shelters up, Davenport started the week. smartly. Simmins to digging semi-circular "Thank you, Simmins. You’re in Never before had Punketty Rnivvles ditches around their up-grade sides. for a tenspot, as you say.” PURETEST RUBBING ALCOHOL felt the hand of authority. But now This was, he explained, to carry aside All matters being settled, Daven­ Punketty-SnivvIeH did shut up. the flood waters; at which Gardiner. port suggested it would be a good Idea Puretest Rubbing Alcohol Is used by the highest type "If you have quite finished punish­ unable to contain himself further to turn In doctors In the finest hospitals In the country. Found widely ing my dog, will you kindly return uttered an exclamation of Impatience. “Turn In!” cried Burton. "I couldn’t in college and school gymnasiums, as a body rub. Takes me my property?" Burton asked cold­ "I beg your pardon?" said Daven sleep a wink I'm going to sit right away the aches and pains. , ly, after a moment port. here until 2 o’clock and greet that _ IJ . --- — — « a ret n m "Why, certainly,” acquiesced the i saifi nothing,” C<*rdlner told him, rain atorm! How could you even Full Pint young man. "Do you really care for "but I'd as soon say now that It suggest sleep?' Birthday Sale itr would be well to drop this childish "Well,” replied Davenport, "suit Prie» ............. And then a queer thing happened foolishness and get down to business. yourself, of course. But If you'll Burton opened her mouth, Intending It’s getting late." pardon me. I'll Just snatch a few to squelch this upstart, but as she By childish foolishness you re­ winks. I’ve been driving all day, and Third: Price—Due to our partnership with factories we can offer this looked up straight into his laughing fer—?" I expect we won’t any of us get much vaBt variety of high quality merchandise at a remarkably hi« eyes something ingenuously expectant “All this heavy digging and elabor sleep after the thing hits.” saving to you. 6 in the depths of them caused her to ate buffoonery. There's about as He crawled under the lean-to say: much chance of rain as there is of shelter, and wrapped a blanket a Fourth: Guarantee—Every Rexall Store guarantees Its merchandise "No, I despise it!” snow. You must take us for easter­ round hifl RhoulderH. to give full satisfaction. "I thought you would," responded ners or fools. We know something of "Before you leave us," said Grim­ Fifth: Knowledge—An opportunity to learn why 10,000 Rexall the young man in sympathetic tones. the California climate! stead, "I would like ••' to '“ ask you --- ....... n what Wiim. ytjii "Well, great is the power of fashion' Stores are continually Increasing their lasting friendship uaveport sauntered carelessly over meant when you said we were likely Here, Simmins,” he ordered, ‘‘take to where Gardiner stood. Gardiner ! to be together for the next week or among their customers thru these exceptional offers of l»ltr values. 5 this nuisance away somewhere. Yon drew himself up. When within hand so?” ought to get a real dog. Here, Rap­ instance Davenport came to a halt. "Knowledge of California mud,” re- scallion. you've got to apologize to the The men stared each other In the Piled Davenport; and was apparently Save W ith Safety at Your Rexall Store lady. First show her your paws are ek®- at once asleep. clean.” "You are not overly polite," r - | In a few moments the dying fire Rapscallion extended his right paw, marked Davenport, "and I don’t be- was deserted. The lean-to covered keeping the other ((till rigidly ele­ Heve I Il„e you anyway. But I’ll Ju ,t . recumbent forms. » vated. Nobody could have resisted lav you a little bet that It does rain , Inside the little tent Miss Burton him. Burton did not SPRINGFIELD, OREGON and that the redwood yonder falls." , Grimstead lay on the cot staring up- "You darling!” she cried, dropping Gardiner's face flushed at the ward at the flicker of the flames cast N TIPTOE I m S te w a r t E d w a r d W h ite W. N. LONG II B IR T H D A Y SALE TREM ENDOUS B A R C A IN S FOR YOU Silver Jubilee Sale from February 1 to 25, Inclusive gfatogg. Just a Few Examples of the Wonderful Values 49c 49c FLANERY’S DRUG SHORE L