THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2. 1928 the snow-blocked areas of the upper Columbia river i t i w e w e A w 1 kUhway muet have chains. according • • ■ tfaW « < » lc «••!*< II1 IL I1 L O I < bour w„, ^ ^ p ^ ^ y . lu, r.>a» d i , . D. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL Ul ULI1U IA L NTEREST ear n r n r n a i THU B P IU N O raL D NKWB T ra ffic entering nlng Sunday One-way (raffle regula- Brief Resume of Happenings of «»<*«*■ are in effect m the gorge die- Diet. the Week Collected for Total tax levies for 1828, based on the assessment rolls for 1827, show Our Readers. Marriage Licensee for Week During the past week marriage lie- eases have been granted by the coun­ ty clerk to the following: Elmer Sch- Mrs. Adrian III— Mrs. W. H. Adrian Mra. Olsen III— Mrs. Carl Oaon la ill weltaer and Irene btuart both of Port­ land; Anthony Valencia and Goldie was reported III early this week. at her home. Miller both of Cottage Grove; William Drive to Albany— Mr. and Mrs. Wm Makes Trip to Portland — Prank Ix>ng drove to Albany Sunday. Wechter left yesterday for Portland that of 32 principal cities In Oregon Msroola Man Here— Walter Pierce Lsavta for Portland— Mr and Mrs. 13 show a decrease as compared with A row (eating aaaorladon haa been last year. Twenty cities show In­ of Marcela was a visitor here Monday. William Kodenbough left yeaterdav formed In l*«ndle(on by dairymen of for Portland on a business trip. creases In total lax levies, while one Here From Mabie— H. F McKlfresh, Umatilla and Morrow counties city, McMinnville, Is the same as last Muble resident, was a visitor here Reboots In Mfayettn were closed year. Goes to Portland— Edith Hurd went i Saturday, * to Portland Wednesday. She has a ' last Wednesday upon (be appearance Governor Patterson baa extended of a case of Infantile paralysis In the Jasper Man Here— 8 W Mllrs of position there. for a period of three months the re­ high school. Jasper was among Springfield visitors prieve Issued some time ago to James Visitors at Lebanon— Mr and Mrs A. R. Doyle. well known architect of Wllloa, convict, who Is under death Monday. C. P. Poole are business visiters nt the northwest and resident of Portland sentence for the part be played In the Baeford Breaks Toe— Paul Basford Lebanon today. since babyhood, died last week after slaying of two guards during a break sustained a broken toe when a piece an extended Illness. at the state penitentiary at Ralem la of wood fell on his foot Monday. TlllamtKik high school won (he de­ August, 1825. bate championship of Tillamook coun­ Here from Jasper— Mr. and Mrs. B. August 2. 3 and 4 were decided upon ty last week by defeating Hay City by the executive rammlttee of the H. Dunham of Jasper were business high school In two debates. Medford post of the American Legion visitors In Springfield late last week A train load of 65 cars of beef cattle, and state legion officials as the dates In from Donna— Mrs. Fred Me'*en- shipped out of Wurns last Veek, for the state convention to be held In berger of Donna spent part of Satur­ brought the growers V can's • pound,1 Medford Commander Hromley said a record shipment and a record price. that the dates were tentative, but day visiting In Springfield. Here from Grove— Mrs At a recent meeting of the St. Het highly probable. E. M ene Klwanls club Glenn R. M etaker Eugene bas Its first police patrol Osmon of Cottage Grove was a was elected president, A. H. Johnson “wagon," the city rouncll having Just 1 Rprlnfield visitor Monday, trustee and A. F. Harnett treasurer. purchased a small motor track for H ,r * for Week-end— Mrs. R. , L. The Astoria chamber of commerce that purpose. Por several years past drunks and other law violators have ' Moore> Hartland spent the week-end Is seeking an appropriation through been taken to the station In the police! ”rtth h* r ">»“ >er. Mrs. Nellie B artlett the uavy department to purchase a proposed airport site on Youngs bay. department's passenger car or led Children are Afflicted— The chil­ dren of Mr. and Mra. E. Trotter have Paving of West Fourth street be­ along the streets afoot. Representative Slnnott has appeared the chicken pox. tween Washington and Maple streets was decided by the Albany city council before the house appropriations com­ Brewer In Town— Roy Brewer of recently. The project Includes three mittee In behalf of appropriation of Fall Creek paid Rprlnfield a visit this 516,008 In the next fiscal year to con- blocks. M. Lynott Is surveying a railway , , M * •»2x'rimevnt«5 work for control week. route that will connect with the Ore- ° f ,h,‘ P ^ re n l.l apple canker In the I Taken to Hoepital—George Orr was gen Electric near Albany and extend Hood River sec tion He was assumed taken to the Eugene hospital Monday eastward up the Rantlam river to the that this sum will be granted. for treatment for rheumatism. Rands of Runnel beach near Astoria foot of the Cascade range. ¿dn-ard J. M u llig a n , ne w ly elect Leaves for Bay City— Mrs. Nellie ed secretary o f t h r W estinghouse L. L. Kayes, arrested at Ralem re­ proved golden sands for two rlamdlg- Bartlett left Tuesday afternoon for E le c tric C om pany, who began 25 cently charged with passing worthless gers recently. When James Garner years ago as office boy fo r Gee eorge San Franclaco, where she will visit and Harry Brown foun-l a ball of wax­ checks, dug himself out of the Marlon W estinghouse. like substance weighing between four | with her daughter, Mrs. Francis Scott county Jail. Nine other prisoners in and five pounds on the beach they did the jail refused to leave. Returns to Home— Mr. and Mrs. not know at first they held 38000 Benjy Endicott have returned to their FOUND—Near railroad on F street. In a notice to creditors, the Flora worth of precious and scarce amber­ Gold Orange Blossom Wedding home at Willamina after visiting with State bank In Wallowa county formal- gris. Ring. Owner can'call at News of­ her mother, M rs G eòrgie G riffis of ly announces that the stockholders fice and pay for ad. Funeral services were held at the Springfield. have voted to liquidate the Institution Rt. txiuls Catholic church last week and will proceed without delay. R eturns fro m C a lifo rn ia — Fred for Pascal Paquette. who died recent­ CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery .Measuring a few Inches over 8 feet ly at a spot only 16U feet from the Bauer re tu rn e d fro m Chico, C a llfo r- on p r lc e i on p la te , &nd Qther w o rfc from tip to tip, a large American place where he was born 78 years nla, th is week. H e v is ite d h is fa th e r eagle was killed Monday near Med­ w . _____ . . ago. Paquette was the son of a French- In the California town. w e specialize In awlss braclet watch ford while In the act of carrying off Canadian Hudson Ray company trap­ a large Rhode Island hen In Its talons. H is Operation— M H. Volgamore, repairing Hoyt'a 321 Main S tre e t tf per. who came to the Oregon country Westfir, underwent a minor operation I Possibility that Roosevelt highway In 1821. al the Pacific Christian hospital Tues-! N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE ON south of llandon will he oiled this sum­ E X E C U T IO N IN FOR ECLO SU RE With the “dressing In" of seven day. mer by the state highway department Notice Is hereby given that by vlr convicts |n»t week.dhe-.e are now 660 was given out by W E. Chandler, en­ tue of an execution and order of sale I prisoners In Oregon state penitentiary. Friend Is Visitor— Miss Blanche In foreclosure Issued out of the Circuit gineer of the southern Oregon district. This Is the largest number of convicts Hornback of Eugene spent the last Court of Lane County. Oregon, on the Establishment of an 88uacre uatlon ever registered at the Institution at 25th day of January, 1928, In a’ suit al park In Marion county, to be known one time. With the exception of a week-end w-lth her friend, Miss Mar­ wherein on the 24th day of January garet Walker of Springfield. 1828, In said court F. E. Hyland, plain as Silver Creek Falls National park, few disabled convicts and the women- la proposed In a bill Introduced by prlsoners, all the Inmates are employ- | Returns to Idaho— Mrs. L. B. Page, tiff recovered Judgment against the defendants Charles N. Andrews and Representative Hawley, republican, of ed regularly. who hus been visiting here for some Mina Andrews, for the sum of Salem. together with Interest there i The cows In- the Huckshot district time, returned this week to her home K e l l o n Id a h o ° “ 8 t t h e r” ' e o t s l x P«r e e n t Pe r A. L. Emon, a dairyman living near of Jackson ctnsnty are eating up the nt at Kellogg. Idaho. annum from the 1st day of November. Dayton, reports the birth of two per­ poles of the Cultfornla-Oregon Power 1926. and the further sum of 5500.00 Vlsitlng In Montana— Mrs. Alma attorneys fees, together with the costs fectly normal calves to one of his company, according to G. H. Schne- cows. One was bora Jauuary 2 and pie. line patrolman, who discovered a 1 Cowden, who Is nurse In the office of ar.d disbursements herein, which Judg­ six days later, January 8, another on« herd chewing away on several new Dr. R. P. Mortensen, is spending some ment was enrolled and docketed In th° Clerk's office of said Court In said waa born. poles Rafurday. The power company time on an extended trip. At present, County on tne 24th day of January. she Is In Montana visiting relatives. The entire amount of bonds Issued ; has ordered rock salt distributed near 1928, and said execution and order by the Port of Newport since Ita for­ the poles to stop the Inroads. of sale to me directed commanding me Frank Lombard Honored— Frank mation Is 3559,000, and this haa been In the name of the State of Oregon, The Great Northern railway Springfield high school In order to satisfy said Judgment. In­ reduced to 5277.000 while making ex­ formally authorised by the Interstate ! Lombard. a„d W)n of Mra EUa Ixmv terest. attorneys fees, costs of suit tensive purchases and necessary Im­ commerce commission to substitute , bnrd ()f c„ y hag eIectpd and accruing costs to sell the follow­ provements. Itself for the Oregon Trunk Line rail- | pr Seventeen (171 South, of Range Pour ment park at Champoeg. known as the A previous order In favor of the Ore- I Electrical Engineer Here— George (41 West of the Willamette Meridian. "birthplace of Oregon," at a coat of gon Trunk line was revoked and the McClelland, electrical engtneer of the In Ix»ne County, Oregon, containing 53000. was authorized by the stata Great Northern was named instead. ; Mountain States Power company, was 96.18 acres. Now, therefore. In the name of the board of control recently. There are 7614 children In Linn here from the Albany offices Tuesday, State of Oregon. In compliance wltn Harvey Anderson, prominent rancher county between the ages of 4 and 20 ; He inspected the local plant, said execution and order of sale and In order to satisfy said Judgment, in­ of northern Curry county, was drown­ years, according to the annual school George Vallier Hurt— George Val­ terest. attorneys fees, costs of suit and ed on Floras creek near Gold Beach census report Just completed and an­ accruing costa. I will on fkaturdsv the while fishing. He slipped and fell in nounced by Mra. Edna Geer, Linn uer. local street commissioner, recei­ 3rd day of March, 1928. at the hours ved a severe blew on the head when to the stream, and the swift current county school superintendent. Thia of one o’clock In the afternoon of carried him over a waterfall. la an increase of 13 over the total for a bar with which he was working said day. at the Southwest Front door The report shows 3848 | »Upped Monday. Mr. Vallier was of the County Court House. In Eugene. Two carloads of horses have been last year Lane County. Oregon, offer for sale shipped from Durkee and eight from hoy» “nd 3666 girls In the county dur- rendered unconscious for a short time and sell for cash, at public auction, and received a gash above one eye. subject to redemption as provided by Huntfngtnn to be canned as meat. ln6 1927. law. all of tne right, title, and Interest This new market for the surplus range There were three fatalities In Ore- Pollard Hears Minister— Dr. W. H. of said defendant Charles N. Andrews horses of eastern Oregon has been gon due to Industrial accidents during Pollard went to Eugene Sunday to and Mina Andrews, his wife and developed a-lthln the past year or two. the week ending January 26, aecord- Arthur O. Bush, and al! persons claim­ hear Rev. H. Schutenecht preach at ing by, through or under them or anv An abandoned dock and two quarter- lng to a report prepared by the state the Evangelical church. Dr. Pollard or either of them In and to said master warehouses were destroyed by Industrial accident commission. The last heard the minister preach 30 premises. fire at Fort Rtevcns last week. Origin victims were Fred Greenland. Astoria, year» ago at Tigard, the local physl- j F R A N K E. T A Y L O R . Sheriff. Bv B EU LAH BRINNICK. Deputy. of the blaze has not been determined, trade driver; Ben Kirk, Myrtle Point, clan'» old home. F. 2-9-16-23: M 1: The buildings were unoccupied and, logger, and A. Ward, Toledo. A total together with the dock, were of little of 625 accidents wax reported to the 1 value. ,: commission. A recent proposal of the state high- Ninety-eight pairs of twins were ' way department to divert the 5266,000 born In Portland last year, part of the 1 Lane county bond money voted sev- 4786 babies who arrived in the city ' eral years ago for the Willamette by way of the stork In that period, the highway above Lowell bridge and annual report of the city health office, ) place It on the Willamette valley-Flor- Juat completed, showed. There were FRESH EVERY DAY ence highway has aroused a storm of 3552 deaths for the year, or 1234 more protest among the cltlxens of the up- births than deaths. Of the births, ■ per Willamette country and a muss 2556 were boys and 2330 were glrlx. | meeting was hold at Oak Ridge Tues- July was the best month for births, I «lay night. i when 465 were born. FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS Portland living costs have shown j A special city election has been set the smallest Increase since December, by the city council to be held In Ver- REAL GOOD ROASTS FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER 1914, and the third largest decrease ' nonia February 14, when a charter since June, 1920, among those listed amendment will be voted on relative FRESH DRESSED PORK for 19 of the largest cities of the I to giving the council power to pass SM ELTS country by the federal buroau of labor ordinances requiring the construction of sldswslks. Jamec Fitzgerald, his wife and sou, More than 536.000 of the 5111.000 Charles, ars In the hospital at Gresh estate of Rachel Jennetta Matheson am being treated for eerlous burns ' of Ralem was bequeathed to the chll- and other Injurlee suffered when a dren's farm horns at Corvallis. The keg of Crosen blasting powder ex­ estate wae admitted to probate recent­ ploded while botng thawed out on the ly. She also left 51090 to the Salem Presbyterian church. McCullum and Rita Howell, both of Eugene; George Patterson and Jennie Staley, both of Portland. Teddy Keel­ er, Junction City, and Edna Price. Nott, Mack Sommervllle, Harrisburg, and Vesta Pegles, Eugene; and to William Quinn and Cora Chamberlin, both of Creswell. DEPENDABLE EIJEQLASS SE1UICE Dr. Roijdl Q ick O PTO m BTtUT— C1JB31QHT SPECIALIST •7 8 IPil lamette i t Phone 030 EUQENE Jest oee IkisQ— bet I do it nqkl Radios WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE K O LSTER R A D IO FOR SPRINGFIELD AND VICINITY ASK US FOR A DEMONSTRATION Springfield Service Garage 533 Main Street Wm. RODENBOUGH “ where savings are greatest’ 942 Willamette St., Eug ene, Oregon. Quality Is Our Failure Insurance A successful merchant once said that he considered hon­ esty the greatest single factor for success in r e t a i l i n g . “ Build integrity into your busi­ ness" he advised, “ and you not only safeguard it but your con­ tribution to the com m unity you live in is immeasurable." Modish Juniors Find Our Frocks a Delight Wise words! A nd that is <5r.e o f the reasons why we pay so much attention to the qual­ ity o f the goods we sell. It is so easy to skimp on a lining, o r substitute in fe rio r leather in the ir-ie r sole of a shoe. But then we would not be running an honest business, and it would gradually crumble into ruins. Selling henest merchandise at a fa ir price is more than an ideal w ith us. It is our “ insur­ ance policy” against failure— Advance news of Spring — that’s why theseclever silk frocks are so al- \ luring. Buy Gne Early Fresh styles and c o lo rs th a t will brighten y o u r w a rd ro b e ’w a y beyond exp ectatio ns. 14.75 Sizes 13, IS, 17 Announcement To The People of Springfield and this Section Generally: We wish to announce that we have purchased the en­ tire equipment, stocks, general good will, funeral and undertaking business of WT. F. Walker. In buying this business, the people of this section are assured that the general good stocks, good equipment and good services will be maintained in the best possible manner. Our splendidly equipped chapel and our up-to- date stocks are now not excelled anywhere in this part of Oregon. The usual good service and fair prices are guaranteed. Our rule of business is “T reat others as we would like to be treated were we in similar circumstances,” guaranting satisfaction in all m atters intrusted to our care. CHARLES P. POOLE In the undertaking business for the past 15 years, located at Harrisburg, Brownsville and Lebanon. High school graduate, licensed Embalmer In Oregon since 1916. Graduate Pacific College of Em­ balming, Hohenschuh-Carpenter College ot Embalming and post-gradu­ ate course with Warsham School of Embalming and Demisurgy, Chicago. R. HAROLD POOLE Graduate Hohenschuh-Carpenter Embalming Course. Licensed Embalmer since 1925, three years with Perl Funeral Home, Medford; one year East Side Funeral Directors, Portland; cne year with George Piper Funeral Director, Tacoma. ETHEL E. POOLE statistics. kitchen xtovs. PAOB FIVE INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. 4th and Main Sts. B. C. STUART Phone 88 PRATT HOLVERSON Graduate Nurse, Dr. Dale's Hospital Training Mrs. Poole cares for all lady and children cases. for Nurses. O F F IC E A N D C H A P E L 228 M A IN S T R E E T WALKER-POOLE CHAPEL Phones— Office 62-J; Residence 62-M; Springfield, Oregon