PAGE POUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T H S 8PRINGFIBLD NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 1928 DEBT OWED GOVERNMENT S U M M O N « Wheeler Honored IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Oregon State Agricultural College, B usiness ow es a debt to governm ent in th e STATE OR OREGON FOR LANE Corvallla, Feb 2,— Chester Wheeler of Published Every Thursday at COUNTY. U nited S ta te today. Once it w as not uncom m on Sprlngfleld. Lane County, Oregon, by Trent, sophomore In vocational educa­ for boys of exceptional prom ise to tu rn as a m a t­ Myron L Wallace. Addle M. Wallace, tion, was a member of the cant for THE WILLAMETTE PRESS PlalntlffB, va W Robert Wallac«, te r of course to a political career. But today Ada Wallace; Cheater L. Wallace, the "Drutna of Oude." given In Port­ H. E MAXEY, Editor. prom ising y o u n g sters a re m ore likely to seek the Fay Wallace; Charles Wallace; land under the auspices of the wo­ Fred Wallace; l*earl Wallace, m en« club. The group of students ■ntereil as second class matter, February 24, 1903 at tbo fam e and fo rtu n e th a t com e with success in butd- ' ness th a n to heed the call of public office. El«le Wallace, Laura Wallace; postofllce, Sprlngfleld. Oregon Arona Sebring. M a r k L. So from the class In community drama — 1 A n um ber of reaso n s m ay be advanced to ex­ bring; Caroline Awbrey, Janiea were trained by Miss Elisabeth MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE plain th e tre n d of b rains to business. T he larg er T. Awbrey; Nora llohh, Homer Barnes, assistant professor of public One year In Advance___ $1.75 Three Months ___ ..76c financial rew ard Is undoubtedly one of th e chief Robb; Mottle Soars, Cleave Sears; Biz M onths______________ $1.00 S in g le Copy _____ _ 4c m asons, and a n o th e r is the lower esteem In which I Nancy M Wallace. Melvin Wallace, speaking and D. PaLni«r Young, In slm ctor In dramatics sud public — public officials are held, with th e "good old days'* i Daniel Wallace; George Wallace; speaking. The original presentation Mary Wallace; Clara Cattleman, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 3. 1927 in this case as the basis of com parison. 1 l.evl Caatleman; Nannie F Mann. was In the Little Workshop theater on R ecently it ap p ears that business has been re­ William Mann; Emma Wallace; the campus. Costumes, scenery and W HO’LL WORK WITH TH EIR HA1DS paying, In som e m easure, its debt to governm ent. Walter Wallace, Zctme Wallace; Ixmls Wallace; Ruby Wallace; electric equipment were designed and Many w riters now days are alarm ed at th e Som e m en prom inent in the business world have Nellie Sanders, William Sandera: Instructed by the members of the n u m b er of people tu rn e d out from colleges and so u g h t public office. Som e of them have been Charles E. Powers. Celia P ow ers,; class. tra d e schools who expect to be bosses, m anagers, tu rn ed down by th e voters. O thers have been Vera Power»; Mrs William S Moss, directors, forem en, clerks and salesm en. They elected. But these m en have sought public office Sylvia Moss; laiura Blackmore. Social H o u r E njoyed James lllackmore; C. B Sears. Mary a sk th e question w ho’ll w ork w ith th eir han d s? a fte r they had achieved success in business. It Sears. Alex White, Mary White; A social hour was enjoyed by mem­ Why be alarm ed about w ho’ll work w ith th eir would be m ore to th e point if som e way were Harry West; E A Snellstrom. Rena bers of the Baptist choir Tuesday hands when th ere are m illions of people in th e found of tu rn in g m en of ability tow ard offices Snellstrom; 0 . P Snellstrom. Min­ world who do not know how to do a n y th in g else, of public tru s t earlier in th eir careers. nie Snellstrom; Charles Snellstrom. evening at the home of Mrs IT, Mona Snellstrom; Robert Reeves; Mitchell on Orchard street. Eugene China, Jap an , India. Russia, Africa, Mexico and Preston Reeves; the unknown heirs The social followed choir practice CRIME AND PUNISHM ENT o th e r places on e a rth are full of such people of J. W Holeman, deceased; the held at the Mitchell hum« and th ere are plenty a t present even In th is coun unknown heirs of N H Warner, de­ crim trv W hen th ere becom es any g reat scarcity of i _ O ur _ system . . of „ punishing » i o inals has been , ceased; Also, all other persons or people to w ork with their hands in th is c o u n tr y ,. m “ cb undef flre S° n‘e wou,d a b o '- parties unknown claiming any right, Here From W estfir—H. Volicainore, title, estate, lien or Interest* In the Westfir. wan a visitor ut a locnl phyul- we can let down th e im m igration bars for ju st t»h capital punishm ent O thers claim ou r prisons real estate described In the com­ a little while and we will have m ore com m on bre^ crim e instead of suppressing ft. T he at- ciane office Monday. plaint herein. Defendants. CALL AND HEB Dr. N W. Emery on prices on platee and other work. It We specialise tn swIss brarlst watch repairing Hoyt's 821 Main Street, tf NOW ENJOYS EATING. THANKS HIS WIFE "For years I suffered with strmach trouble Then, my wife got ms to taka Adlerlka Today I feel fine and oat what I like."— Wm Opp. Adlerlka relieves stomach gas and sourness In TEN minutes. Arttng on BOTH upper and lower bowels, It re­ moves old waste matter you never thought was in your system Ix>t Ad- Rrlka give your stomach and bowels a REAL cb-enslng and sea how much battar you will fael. It will surprise you! Ftsnery's Drug Store. Dr. Geo. A. Simon Specializing In Toneile laborers than we know what to do with We fear th a t some of the concern about com- m on labor sh ortage a re those who would like to see a g reat arniv of unem ployed In this countrv. ®__ ___ _.,,v Let s keep on ___________ tra in in g m en to ___ w ork w ith th eir heads. T h e re ’ll alw avs be plenty left over who are not capable or do not desire to w ork with th eir heads to do th e hand work, especially in this age of m achinery. ta Sk ers * e Pre« n t 8V8t.e n' , Pun^hm ent TO: W Robert Wallace. Ada Wal­ P°lnt o u t h a t crim e is very definitely on th e in- lace; v Chester r L. Wallace; Fay Wal- Over Penney’s Store N O T IC E FOR PU BLICA TIO N , reaS‘ " A m e r ic a . Indeed, th e y refe r to figures lilc„. ( hltrl„s Wall, r e . F>,.d Wllllu(,,. FOREST RXCHANOR No 017649 P f ^ 'e th a t we are the m ost law less nation on P e a r. W allace, Elsie W alla.« i,,ur„ D e p a rtm e n t o f the In te rio r. U n ite d earth ‘lit.- krenn Sebring. Mark I. s e a n n . . As as m m any any schem senem es es have nave been neen advanced advanced " bring; P hone 355 Eugene S ta te s Land Office, Roseburg, O re (Caroline Awhrev, James T "r the grow ing law lessness as th ere have Awbrey; Norn Robb. Homer Robb; gon, J anu ary 26. 1928. b' .fo,r w ? n U ° *',xplain U Mollie Bears. Cleave Sears; Nancy M N O T IC E Is h e re b y given th a t E F T h a t th ere is a g reat deal of law lessness in this Wallace; m < M n Wallace; Daniel Faulkner, of Corvallis. Oregon, filed co untry, nobody can deny. It seem s equally plain Wallace; Georg» Wallace- Mary Wal application No 017649. under the Act Of March 20. 1922 (42 S la t. 465» to th a t th e one chief reason for it Is th a t punishm ent ’“' e: * ‘ “'‘V,'1” '1,"’ • • • in too m any cases is neith er swift n o r certain . ¡ S ; Emm a" W aiiac’ w « i . . ' WaT- exchange the N ’-i NW*» N W ; NF*.. W e a re glad th a t the highw ay com m ission are S W , NW*4 N W '. N F ',. NW ', going ahead w ith the Upper W illam ette highway. Any reform of our system of punishing crim inals lace. Zelm a W a lla c e ; L ouis W allace, S W ; N W ; NK'4, W*4 SW*» SW*» th a t does not strik e at th is evil will be ineffectual Ruby W allace; N ellie S a n d e rs, w il NE1«. S W 'i HE'« N W ',. SF'« S E 'i T here is a general feeling in Lane co u n ty th at 1 llam Sanders; Charles E. Powers, SE>, N W « . W 4 N W ', SF'«, Ex, th e highw ay dep artm en t h a s not kept its a g re e ­ Ahviously, society has e ith e r to cure o r get rid Celia Powers, Vera Powers; Mrs. NF'., N E ', S W ',. SW*; NE'* NE'4 o i m en who m enace its peace and security. If William S. Moss. Sylvia Moss, Laura SW'*, S '. NE*4 S W * . W*4 NWU m en ts with th e county in several cases. sorV of feeling* lerV es to p o p ^ S ^ th e J3 auto- ™cb k n ‘? w b^ ° , nd all quest Ion J hey will be ni Blackmore, James Blackniore; ('. II ' N E ', S W ',, W 'i HE*, S W 'i. WH to th e w orker. Everybody m obile license fee to be voted on a t the com ing P wi ton de ay, they may lie deterred i ars. Mary Sears; Alex White. Mary! E*4 SE*» f»W*;, Sertlon 11. \ V , w unts com fort! Everybody , , ,. . . —J___ .. . from o o m V I l i n e. e . If thev are not thev m erit ounish- H arry West; E A. Snellstrom . N F ', N W ’«. W>4 E '4 N E ', N W ',’ » • crim ------------------ --------- election. A som ew hat m ore equal distribution ot £ n ‘ r l t P " ™ 8 « ! R ena S n e lla tro m ; o . P S n ellstro m . s-,- H r P if, s h fo w-,t‘ w m needs com fort. th e s ta te road funds in proportion to th e tax A . an<. loUld UiU g e t 11 in p ro p o rtio n IO trie Ot g r t e Minnie Snellstrom; Charles Snell . . m ta ln ln g 140 acres, w ithin th e 'S in s T he com fortable m an o r slrom; Mona Snellstrom, Robert law National Forest. In exchange for tak e n from th e various counties would have ° e c m e' • • » w om an can do m ore and I Reeves; I’reston Reeves; the un timber of equal value from approx! m ean t stro n g e r support for the p resent system , 1 « . , T • n. v known heirs of J. W Holeman, de tnately 4 4 acres of the SW*» NEt» b e tte r w ork th an a peraott especially in I-ane county. ’ I Co onel L indbergh h as just been nam ed f 'ceased; the unknown heirs of N. H NF*«. Section 4. TowytsISp 20 S . conscious of even a slight • • • , w orlds cham pion a v ia to r fo r 1927-28. but one Warner, deceased; Also, all other per­ Range 12 West. W M . within said physical discom fort. T h ere will probably be a lot of coughs in th a t ' Sn 1 b’>KinninK to get tired sons or parties unknown claiming Sluslaw National Forest. any right, title, estate, lien or interest ’’Tile m ost com fortable The purpose of this notice Is tn tobacco w ar B ritish exporters are th re a te n in g ° e b 's s ' • • • in the real estate described In the j allow nil persons claiming the land* glasses I have ever w o n t,” to w age in America, particu larly if they keep th eir ». ... . . complaint herein: selected, or having bona fide ohjec-' Is w hat w earers are saying prom ise and send over w hat they re fe r to us as * 1 som e of the m odern prize fights, the fans IN THE NAME OF THE STATE tlons to such application, an oppor- | of S o ft-U te Lenses. “g asp ers "and "stinkers.” , a re nev er su re before th e fifth round th a t they OF ............................... OREGON: You are hereby _ rt tunlty to file their protest with the ; • • • haven t m ade a m istake and gone to a w restling qulred to appear and answer the com Register Of the U. S Land Office nt I ™ « . _____ ______________ - i a. m atch. plaint of the above named plaintiffs Roseburg, Oregon. Any such protests i J Ian s o u tb u rst of tem per, says an em inent * • • • < in the above entitled court now on or objections must he filed In this; office within thirty days from the psychologist, are the resu lts of his su p p re sse d ' ______ _ . . . ! file with the clerk of said court <>u O p to m e tr ia t em otions, and it would be ju st as well probablv if •" a n ^ L . b ' a -'8 a !"e p resen tin g th eir or bef„re ,(le 15th ,|tty ()f March, 1928 date of the first publication of this • views of th e m odem girl, yet th a t doesn t stop th e I being th e last dav pro scrib ed in th e notice, beginning February 2. 1928 WATTS OPTICAL CO. he w ere to keep them suppressed a while longer. rest of us from w an tin g to have o u r views, too. order for the pubihailon of this sum- Non-coal No. 14 8 Ave. West HAMILL A CANADAY. Register. mans ui>on you and you are hereby Eugene, Oregon F. 2 9 16-23; M 1: T hose New’ York thieves who have been given notified that If you fall to appear and Noise in New York City is estim ated to cost answer said complaint as hereby re­ a tw e n ty year sentence for stealing aspirin will quired, plaintiffs will apply to the be o u t of luck if they h av en 't held out eno u g h to $6,000,000 a year, and think how m uch noise th a t above entitled court for the relief de­ am o u n t would buy if spent carefully. deaden th e pain of th a t sentence. manded In their complaint, to-wlt; CO M FO RT IS C A P I T A L i Dr. Ella C, Meade a • • • For a decree of the above entitled court quieting the title of the plain­ tiff. Myron L. W allive, against the claims of you. said defendants, and : M U N IC IP A L P L A N T S F A IL each of you. In and to the real pro­ • • • (Public Utility Information Bureau) perty situated in Ixine county, Ore i Som e m arried wom en look so young in t h e i r ! Cleveland Is in the electric power business, but a big gon. described as follows, to-wlt: sh o rt dresses th a t th e tru a n t officer d o n ’t know private company supplies most of Its demand for electrical The South *4 of the NE*4 and Lots ' 5 and 6 of Section l i Tp. 18 S. R 2 W j energy. x w ho really should be in school. • • • Seattle is In the electric power business, but It has to W. M. containing 150.11 acres by gov-; em inent survey. Also, the north 12 I t’s odd th a t Big B usiness doesn’t recru it a few rely on a private company to meet the demand of Industry acres of Lot 3 of Sec. 14 of Tp. 18 8. Los Angeles Is In the electric power business, but It R. 2 W W M. Also beginning at the pugilists since everybody know s Big B usiness buys from private companies more than three-fourths of S. W. Corner of Lot 5 Sec 11 of said needs m en w ith a Punch. Tp., thence running! West 4 chains, all the electric power it sells. • • • thence south 25.37 chains tn south line In all three of those cities the number of employees of i I of north P ropably th e reason th a t brokers never sit north *4 of the James A Wallace down is th a t se ats on th e New York S tock Ex­ the .city power bureau has grown faster than Its lines, D L. C. No 40 In said Tp. 18 S R. 2 which is one of the things that always happens when a W. W. M., thence east 15.19 chains to ch an g e cost m ore th a n $300,000. east line of said cln'm, thence North • • • big city goes in tor municipal ownership. 2 32 chains to angle In boundary ol Small cities sometimes keep the payroll down, but In j said claim, thence east on line of said I t’s rem arkable how willing som e m en are to their cases isolation and limited patronage eventually j talk them selves out of a job. claim 23.00 chains to corner of same, • • • make the business unprofitable, and the people rote to sell thence north 22 90 chains, more or to the N. E. corner of said claim, Only 135 special w eeks have been a rran g ed their plant to some company that can give them the I less, west 34.19 chains to place of service they need. i thence fo r 1928, but of course, it’s early yet. beginning, containing 91.50 acres. It does not do m uch good to offer b arg ain s in a ; sto re if people a re not induced by advertising to f com e and look a t them . Ice Cream Editorial Comment* Also, that part of Lot 7 Sec. 11, ly Ing N. of the County road In said Tp Also beginning at the N. E. corner of thp south *4 of said Wallace D. L. C. thence West 1 chain south 1101 chains thence east 1 chain thence north 11.01 chains, to place of beginning, containing 1. 10-100 acres Excepting a small tract In said Wallac D. L. C. beginning at Intersection of the cen­ ter line of County Road No. 42 with the North line of the S.% ot said claim, thence Northeasterly along center of said road 2.50 chains, thence northwest 53 ft., thence southwester­ ly parallel with the said road to the said north line of S.*4 of Wallace D. L. C. thence east to the place of be­ ginning, about *4 acre of land, con­ tacting In all 254*4 acres of land, more or less. In Lane County, Oregon All that part of the West *4 of the southwest quarter of Section twelve (12) In Township eighteen 08» South of Range Two (2) West lylnr North of the center of the county road, which extends easterly and westerly through said premises, situated In bane County, Odegon, and contain­ ing 40 acres, more or less. and decreeing that plaintiff Myron L. Wallace Is the sole owner of said premises In fee simple free and clear of all claims of you and each of you said defendants, and that you and each of you be forever barred from asserting any claim In the premises adverse to the plaintiffs. This summons Is served upon you by publication In The Sprlngfleld News for six consecutive and succes­ sive weeks commencing with the Is­ sue dated February 2nd, 1928 pursu­ ant to the order of the Hon. O. F. Skipworth, Circuit Judge and Judge of the above entitled court., which said order was duly mnde and entered of record on the 31st day of January, 1928 HARRIS, SMITH ft B*RYS()N„ At­ torneys for Plaintiffs, Postoffice Ad­ dress; Eugene, Oregon. First 1*11611081 Ion February 2nd, 1923. Last I*ubllcatlon March 15th, 1928. F. 2 9-16-28: M. 18 15. w as once only a luxury but is now un Im portant item of food. Every y ear sees m ore an d m ore Ice cream eaten . It is th e ideal dessert, cool und soothing us well as delicious to th e taste . It is also rich in food value and can be eaten by young and old. , E g g in tan n 's ice cream is m ade of the purest Ingredients and is both w holesom e and delicious. T a k e hom e a ¡tint w ith you. 44 G et the message th ro u g h ” INTHE Sixties th e “ pony express” carried the mail over m ountain and Indian w ilderness from St. Joseph, Missouri, to San Francisco. T h e express riders and station keepers won undying fame for getting the message through, regardless of hard­ ship or danger. In fact and in spirit, the Bell System is the lineal descendant of the pony express. Operators volun­ teer to remain at their switchboards in the face of fire, flood or other great danger. Linemen go out to repair the lines in time of accident or storm — even at the risk, of their lives. There are no instructions requiring Bell System employees to endanger th eir lives. It is the spirit of communication that bids them, “ Get the message through.” T he P acific T elephone A nd T elegraph C ompany BELL SYSTEM On» PoUey • Ona Syatam - Univaraal Jaraiaa CALL AND BEE Dr. N. W. Emery ea srlees on plates and ether work. tf. ’J