THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 1928 th e gnuNornro news TRAIN BCHBDU4.C Springfield Stop* Nerthheund 1:99 P. M 4 97 A. M. n * i Southbound No 1 6 -------------------- B:M P. M Flag No 8 1 ----------------------- B:46 A. M. Coach Spadai for Klamath rails and beyond, on flag at 1:91 P. M on Hnnday, Tuesday and Friday ■ . — — .»SS— PAGE TirREÄ' NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENTi SUM M O N * Notice Is hereby given that tke an I v P1. , , firp __ derslgned administrator of the estate ’ STAy fc J LT-zo.v o f LlSSle M Wilson, deceased. c o U n ^ ^ f i THB has filed in the County Court of Lane . COL NTT OF LANE County, Oregon, his final account as *“• E*«*d States N atlonil Bank a t such administrator of said estate and Eugene, a corporation, Plaintiff, via Shannon Lumber Company, a __ that the 4th day of February, 1928, at poratlon; Edward Cameron, Tro> 18: (Ml o’clock In the forenoon of said tee; R E. Veltum, doing bualneso day has been fixed by the Court ae as Veltum A Clow Manufacturing the time for hearing any objections to Company; Austin Coons; HarfW said report and settlement thereof. Smith; Geo J. Stevens and C. JL The first publication of this notice Farris, doing business as Steven being January 6. 1928. Farris Lumber Company; and N. _ R. D WILSON, Administrator. M Lumber Company, a corporatRM* ALTA KINO, AtVrney for Estate. Defendants. Ja. 6-12-19-26: F. 2: To Harry Smith and N. A M Lumber Company, a corporation. d e f e a t SUM M O NS ants: Waltervills Folk Here — W. W FOR BALI WOOD NOTICK TO CRBDITORB WB CAN OFFER a Springfield wo­ Carter. Mr. and Mrs. R J Orem and Notice la hereby given that Gustave ' man a good paying proposition to Oeorge Momb. all of Waltervllle, were Old Growth Fir, Second Orowth Fir, Nordling has been appointed admin ' Oak. Aik. AH length!. Phone Spring J. demonstrate Wllahlree I-ON-A-CO Springfield visitors Tuesday. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Istrator of the estate of Ada J. Nordl­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF B«M 194. a . ing, deceased, by the County Court of STATE OF OREGON IN AND at her homo. Address I-On-A-Co. OREGON; You are hereby required FOR LANE COUNTY l»ane County, Oregon. to appear and answer the answer asF 660 - llth Ave. E . Eugene, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Frederic E. Clements and Estelle 2f°88'. and Mary Doe Amts, hls wife- and cation of this summons, and if yon fi that the 4th day of February, 1928, at Hoyt's Caah Blurs. tf. elor of the estate of Ada J. Nordling, ' y ° f ~ *21 ° ° ’ Lu«*np answer, for want thereof, tralor of the estui« of Ada J. Nordling also all other persons or parties un­ 1 | For family of eight — $28 00. Eugene 18:00 o’clock In the forenoon of said deceased. known claiming any right, title, cross-complainant will apply to tk9 day has been fixed by the Court as i Hewer Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile the time for hearing any objections to L. L. HAY. Attorney for Estute. estate, lien or Interest In the real Court for the Pr«ye<> tor In GM PoR 8 A LB—Carbon paper In large Ja 19-26: F 2-9 1«: estate described In the complaint " , . an8wer and cross-complaint, t» und Chimney Blocks. said report and settlement thereof. sheets, 26139 Inches. suitable for wit: herein, Defendants The first publication of this notice NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. making iraclnga. The News Office For To A O. Weddle anu Jane Doe a Judgment against the de being January 6, 1928. FOREHTEXCHANGE Weddle, hls wife; Ida May Amis, and fendant Shannon Lumber Company No. 017767 | PAUL Z1N1KER. Administrator. S U M M O N 8 John Doe. her hnsband; Eva Amis and °Pon Twenty-seven promlsory not! Department of the Interior, United : IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ALTA KING. Attorney for Estate Richard Roe, her husband; B F Amis tor the principal sums with Interest NOTICE TO CREDITORS States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- ! Ja 6-12 19-25: F. 2: STATE OF OREGON FOR Notice Is hereby given Hint the un­ gon, January 9, 1928. following dates and with re&sonabtw LANE COUNTY dersigned bus been Hppolnted execu­ NOTH E 1» HEREBY GIVEN that ! attorney fees ln the folio wing tor of the laint Will und Teslumeul of W 11. Urltta, of 1158 Alameda Drive ' C. E. Ruth. Plalnllff, Vs. Alvin M NOTICE tZ’X f.f I TION IN FORECLOSURE tate, Ren or Interest In the real estate amounts, to-wft: I-atltla Kendall, deceased. All per­ Portland Oregon, filed application ■ g'aret E Ford, hls wife, Mrs R. W I Interest Attorney sons having claims against said Principal from Fees John Doe Hege, her hus | Notice Is hereby >,lven that by vlr• j P"Cr!^Pd ln ,hp con’P’ai»t herein, and estate are hereby notlfed Io present No. 017757, under (he Act of March 20 ! liege and $ 27.58 July 2, 1926, $ 25 99 the same, with proper vouchers, to 1922 (42 S ta t, 466), to exchange the i band, and ('. E. Taylor. Defendants. I»" nt an execution and ordpr of -«ale ' ScrlhP<1 ^elow: 21.3.96 April 20, 1927, 35 M Taylor. Defendant: IN In foreclosure issued out of the Clr-1__IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF the undersigned, at his office at kho NW'4. .Section 22 Tp. I N„ Range 6 I To C. E. 260.72 Dec. 1. 1926, 35 0« Willamette Street, within six months East, W. M, within the Mount Hood •'•IL' NAME OF THE STATE OF | cult Court of Lane County. Oregon, on i OREGON: You and each of you are 116 47 Dec. 13. 1926, 25 0« from the date of the first publication National Foreat, for the timber on OREG()N. You are hereby required to ; ’he 29'h day of December, 1927, In a ( hereby required to appear and an- July 1, 1926, 25 00 the nineteen acres from the SW '4, appeur and anwwer the amended com "»It wherein on the 27th day of Dec "wer ,h,> complaint filed against you ' 156 06 of this qotlce. 45.97 Nov. 20, 1926, 25.0B Date of first publication January 19, See 18, and NW««. Sec. 19, Tp. 20 S , plaint filed in the above entitled suit ! ember. 1927. In ssld court The P acific!’" ’he above entitled suit, within four 256 25 Dec. 1, 1925, R 4 East. W M., within the Cascade within four weeks from the date of the Saving A Loan Association, a Wash-! WP*k" from the date of the first pub- 3500 1928 344 05 June 1, 1927, National Forest. 50 00 lust publication of this summons, and Ington Corporation, plaintiff, recover-■ ” '’at,on ’hls Summons, and If you DONALD YOt'NO, Executor, 146.63 July 1, 1927, 26.00 The purpose of this notice Is to ” If you fall to so appear and answer cd Judgment, against the defendant« / 8” to answer, for want thereof, the i . 1*49-8« I ' M 3435 Sept. 30, 1927 25.0« allow all persons claming th land fot" waul thereof the plaintiff will take W White and Mary A. White, hls Plaintiffs will take a decree against 135 18 July 12, 1927, 25.0« selected, or having some Ixmu fldi Judgment against you and apply to the wIf*- and H. R Oldham and Edna E ■ y<”* Prayed for In the complaint N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S 98.65 July 1. 1926, 25.00 objections to u. h application, an o p J ,,r. a. decree that mortgage of .Oldham, hls wife, for the sum of i herein, adjudging and determining 163.48 July 1. 1927, 25.0« NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, That porlunlty to file Ihelr protest with th • 81868 (to held by the plaintiff on lot j $1990 61 and Intere-ff thereon at the that the Plaintiffs herein are the 174 56 May 20, 1927, 25 00 the undersigned has been duly ap­ Register of the U. 8. Lund Office at s Block I Agate I'lat Addition to Eu rate of ten ppr cent per annum from ow"ers In fee simple of the real estate 36.21 July 1. 1927, 25 00 Oregon, Is a first noytggg* and June * ~ In plaintiffs’ ‘ complaint and pointed by the County Court of the Rosehurg, Oregon. 4. 1927 until paid, and for the ! P described 451.69 Dec. 1, 1925, 50 0« State of Oregon for the County of Any such protest or objection must superior to all rights or claims you further sum of $12 00 with Interest . described as follows, to-wit: 243.31 Dec 1, 1925. .35,00 Lane as administrator of the estate be filed In this office within thirty may have thereto and forecloaed and thereon at the rate of ten per cent per Beginning at a point 177.8 feet north 1122 71 March 1, 1927, 125 00 of James M Mathes, deceased, and days from the date of the firat publica­ said premises sold under foreclosure annum from Dec 27, 1927. until paid !of ,hp southwest corner of Block One i Dec. 1, 1925. ll.M all persons having claims against said tion of hla notice, beginning January as by law In such cgsea made and and'for the further sum of $200 00 as ,n ^'hl’ney’s Addition to Eugene,' 245.51 189 34 July 1, 1926, 26.0« provided. reasonable attorneys fees, together ’-""e County, Oregon, and running! estate are herebv notified to present 19.1928 Non coal. July 1. 1926, 50.00 the same properly verified to nw* at THIS aummona Is published once with the coat and disbursements here-! ’hence North 56 feet to the Northwest > 393 74 HAMILL A CANADAY, Register 445.58 Dec. 1, 1925, 50.00 each week for four consecutive weeks In In the sum of $18.60. and said ox ' z?rn,*r the i-ffice of Prank DePtie. attorney ,(8i J ? ®,ock Q?e Ja. 192«: F 29 16: 545.58 Dec. 1, 1925, 75.00 to Ru 1 for the estate at Springfield, Oregon, In The Springfield News, a weekly e d itio n to me d irected com m anding ! ’ ’ ’ 60 14 Dec. 1, 1925. 25.00 on or before six months from the date new-spaper. published In Springfield, j me In the name of the State of Ore- 'gene thence East 168 feet to the — NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 45.8.3 Dec. 1, 1925, 25 00 of this notice. Dated December 30th, Lane County. Dreg,,,,, hv order of the | gon. In order to satisfy said Judgment « or!*,Pa? t co™Pr of ,ot- »hence FOREST EXCHANGE 190.65 Dec. 1, 1925, 25 00 1927 Hon. G F. Sk'oworth Judge of said Interest, attorneys fees costs of suit alongr ’he west line of the alley No 017762 78.05 Dec 1. 1025, 25.00 C. MUNHALL, Administrator. court, made J.-:i ur> 17th, 1928. and (and accruing costs to sell the fo llo w -iff ^ * 5 ,nd ‘hence West ISO feet to D e p a rtm e n t of the Interior, United the nlace of beginning, ------- being all this summons dated and first publish lng described real property, to-wit: ... of . an<^ ’he costs and disbursements of FRANK DePl'E, Attorney for tin- State Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ ed J an u ary 19th, 1928, i Lot Eight (8) and the North 22 5 feet ’h|s *u” i and fur a decree foreclosing estate. Lot Four (4) In Block three (3), gon, Decem ber 29. 1927. of Ixi) Seven (7) in said Block One the chattel mortgage from said Sha*« Ja 6-12-1925: F 2: WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that for Plaintiff, residence and Postofflce Mountain View Addition, situated in (1) In Whitney’s Addition to Eugene. ! non I-umber Company and said N. A Eugene, County of Lane and State Lane County, Oregon; and that the Mike Hogan, of Minerva, Oregon, on addresk, Eugene, Oregon. Buuiber Company to cross-colB« NOTICE TO CREDITORS of Oregon. December 24. 1927, filed Application said defendants and each and all of f’,alnant recorded In the office of ths Ja. 19 26: F .2916: No. 017752, under the Act of March 20, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Now, therefore In the name of the you have no right, title, estate. Hen County Clerk of Lane County, Oregon, the undersigned has been duly ap­ 1922. (42 Stat., 465) to exchange the NOTICE State of Oregon, In compliance with or Interest In or to said premises, or at I’aXp 547 In Volume 14 of the Chat» NWH NE%, EA4 NE«4 NE'4, NW>4 pointed by the County Court of the OF THE SALE OF SPRINGFIELD said execution and order of sale and anv part thereof, and for such other 1 tel Mortgage Records of said county, Slate of Oregon for the County of NE% NE'4, NH SW*4 NEU NE>4. IMPROVEMENT BONDS. In order to satisfy said Judgment, In­ and further relief as to the Court mav and decreeing said sums above men» E'4 SE’i NE'4. 8E>4 8W>4 RE>4 ; ” oned to be a first mortgage lien upon Ijtnr na administrator of the palate NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that terest attorneys fees, costa of suit seem Just and equitable. NE«4, W ’H SW'4 NE>4, N E‘4 SW'4 This Summons Is served upon you ’he personal property described » of Jacob Ruining deceased n n d In accordance with the provisions of and accruing costs, I will on Saturday NE'4. NW'4 8K'4 SW'4 NE>4, Sec­ all persons having claims against ssld Ordinance Number 628 of the Town of the 4th day of February. 1928. at the by publication bv virtue of an order sa’*J mortgage in Lane County, Of*» estate are herby notified to preaent tion 13, Township 17 8 , Range 11 Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, the hour of one o'clock In the afternoon of the Hon. O. F Skipworth, Circuit Kon' to-wit: West, and Lot If NW’14 NAV'4 I Sec. the same properly vwrtfled to me al a . . 'Judge, dated and filed Jan. 17, 1928. 1 Tacome Donkey Engine City Recorder will receive sealed bids nt .«la « .s s f- K u r s the office of Frank DePue, attorney 18, Township 17 S. Range 10 West , ............. m Seattle Donkey Engine No, 29SB W M (17.3 82 nrrest wli!»ln the Slus-1 Steam Pump for the estate at Springfield, Oregon, law National Forest, for the timber Prnvpm' °f January. 1928, in a j Travis, Inc. a corporation were de- mlnlstrator of the estate of Nellie | suit » herein on the 3rd day of Janu- fendants and wherein the Plaintiff re- 1 steam condensor Ree. Phone 160 Plano Moving Deedon, decoi.sed. has filed hls ap. ¡ary. 1928, In said court Elmer Roberts, covered Judgment against the..said de­ S angle boxes * count for the final settlement of said I 88 "d'ui'inistrator of the Estate of fendants W. H. Clark ano ....... Clark. 2 2 7-16 flanges 8” sleeve SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER 2 2 7-16 flanges 10" sleeve estnte in the County Court for L an e!Jack Rodman, deceased, plaintiff, re­ his wife, for the sum of $2959 00 teget WILLI» BERTSCH, Prop. count)’, In the State of Oregon, and | covered Judgment against the defend- her with Interest thereon from th e , , . 1 steel truck OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE Guy lines that Saturday, the 4th day of Fehru- Ian,s Josephine Mills, L. L. Mills and 30th day of November 1926. at the r a te ' 63$ Main Street ary, 1928, at the Court Room of stid | M, Svarverud for the sum of of 8% per annum until paid and for | } Rail bender Boereesor to Sutton Transfer i Court. In the County Court House, In 11566.60 with Interest at 7 per cent per ’he sum og $110.54 taxes with Interest ! . i do drill blocks *1 Eugene, Oregon, at ten o’clock, In the annum from the 12th day of Novem-1 thereon from the 15th day of Sept pr loading tongs, with clevl; her, 1927, and for the further sum of i ember, 1927 at 6ir per annum and ■ forenoon, has been, by sslu Court, 228 Main St. Rreldence 125 c Bt Pr°Per’y being at Shann*« fixed as the time and place for hear­ $76.00 attorneys fees and the costs for the sum of $350 00 as attorneys1 62 J «2M WM. G. HUGHES ing ohjgctlons thereto, and for final;an<» disbursements herein, which Judg- fee« together with the costs and dis-1 M,11\ Lane County. Oregon and In tM 1 settlement of said estate. ' ment was enrolled and docketed In the bursements which judgment was en- woo^s near said mill, and for a decree FIMI ANO AUTO INSURANCE Full Auto Equipment F. W. DEEDON, Administrator of | Clerk's office of said Court In said rolled and docketed In the office of of foreclosure of said mortgage att< NOTARY PUBLIC ! the Estate of Nellie Deedon. deceased. County on the 3rd day of January, the Clerk of said Court on the llth for a sale of said property to satisfy Lady Assistant f V n a a « « _____ » . . ’ I Q O fi ----- -------- - ... _____ 1928, ------------ and said execution to me ____________« dlrect- , day of January 1928 and said execu- , said Judgment and decree, and for - B L. L. RAY, Attorney for r-« Estate. Office at • ed commanding me In the name of i H°n was to me directed commanding , lr’“er decree adjudging said morw Ja. 5-12-19 26: F. 2: FIRST NATIONAL BANK the State of Oregon, In order to sat- . tnp In the name of the State of Ore-1 £a*p a_ ..-TP _• . _8UPPr'or ’®. a , F Ingflsld, Oregon 1 lafv ant,) Judgment, 4n (4 ivm »»w ♦ Interest, M a e gon in order to satisfy said Judgment1 i!pn,.-or S aJ»l n *’e’en'’an’8- H*« Isfy said attorneys NOTICE OF 8ALE OF REAL fees, cists of suit and accruing costs and accruing costs to sell the follow- j Stn” n ®nd N. * M. Lumber Company, DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL PROPERTY BY GUARDIAN to sell the following described real ln< described real property, to-wlt: r?r e£t"er of them, or any other part? Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ property, to-wit: The west half of the n o r th w e s t/° J ’” 8 *nd for such other ao« DENTIST DR. N. W. EMERY tue of an order of the County Court Lot No. 2 In section 23, township 16 quarter of section twenty-one in town-, furti,er relief as to the Court of Lane County, Oregon, duly made south of range No. 4 east of the Wil­ ship seventeen south, range four west , 8ePm J“8’ an/ equitable, and for cros» Phone 43 M N TIBT and entered of record on the 17th day of Willamette Meridian In Lane Coun-1 comPla’nant s costs and disburse Flret Nat’l Bank Bldg., Springfield ■ of December, 1927, In the matter of lamette Meridian, ln Lane County, ty, Oregon, together with the tene- ® ? 5 ~ ’ Button BldO- Phene 20-J Oregon, excepting a strip of land 50 This summons Is published pursuaaB the Guardianship of Edward W. Pet- feet wide through said lot conveyed ments thereunto belonging