PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFULD NEWS brought the visitors home. Miss Gladys Chase has been visiting tholemy of Eugene were visitors at CarraapanSanta the T J. Maxwell home Sunday, In t'«llfornla since the first of the Ktlmlatun preaiding at the piano. Ray year. She Is visiting the C. W. Cook I UPPER W ILLA M ETTE I Baugh and Kenneth Watt violins, WII family of Richmond, and other rela­ Ham Watt. Harry Baugh and Harvey tives at Los Angeles. Alms Fish spent Saturday night The Pleasant Hill basket ball team Calvert, aaxaphonea, James Ktlmistun pulled down three victories last Wed­ and Carl Watt, coroneta and Melvin with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Fish of Springfield Jan vt nesday when they met the Coburg Platt, trombone. John Edmiaton attended Had'* day Rockes has returned to Weiser, Idaho, (•am a on the Coburg floor. Thia ta (he first time the Coburg's first string, a« the University of Oregon, Eugene, where she is staying with her aunt, Mrs. L. H Allen. Janet Is a high has suffered defeat. The second last week-end. Winifred Endicott returned home school senior and will graduate In String was defeated when they played Pleasant Hill at Pleasant Hill a week last Saturday after spending some June. age. The Pleasant Hill girls also time with relatives on the coast. The Sewing club met Friday after­ Charles Taylor In builulng au adtll noon and decided to exhibit their wv>rk brought home victory. at the next meeting. Mrs. H. L. Chase Friday night the basket ball teams tion on hla barn. Sf the Pleasant Hill high school were Mrs. Herbert Weiss Invited the was a visitor. again victorious winning both the neighbors in to surprise her husband The following extract from a letter girls’ and boys' basketball games from last Sunday evening it being his birth­ received by T. J. Maxwell from the Walker which were played on th- day. There was an orchestra of seven Hauser Lumber Co. of Fairfax. Minne­ Pleasant HUI floor. pieces who furnished music (or the sota. goes to show that Oregon pro­ .Saturday tne first string of the boys evening, as a special treat. ducts are appreciated and widely dis-1 basketball teams went to the Oregon- trlbuted: "Dear Friend: I was just Washington basketball game at Mc­ writing a letter to a lumber company Arthur court aa guests of their prin­ of your city thanking them for a box I I GARDEN WAY cipal E. K. Kilpatrick. of nuts and prunes which they re ! Pleasant Hill will meet Thurston cently sent me. when brother Charlie I pc the Y. M. C. A. floor thia week. Mrs. Guy Panes of Wendllng visited handed me your letter which came I Semester examinations will be held at the J. R. Fish home Friday. On from the very place where the fine gt the Pleasant Hill high school Tues­ her return home she was accompanied nuts and prunes grow. When you day and Friday of thia week. by Florence Bell and Charline Fish lived here years ago you never Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hutton of Trent and C. C. Bailey who visited at the M thought we would buy lumber In Ore ' gye the parents of a baby hoy born R. Bailey home until Sunday. Mr. gon, and have Is shipped here In car January 19. and Mrs. J. R. Fish and daughter. load lots, but that Is just what we Mr. and Mrs. Jed W. Wheeler of Alma, went Wendllng Sunday and have been doing for the past Jew j Pleasant Hill are rejoicing at the ar­ rival of a daughter bom at the Paci­ fic Christian Hospital January 24, 192S The Coolidges in Cuba Very successful was the pie social given last Saturday night January 2S gt the Cloverdale school house. “The Winning Widow." a comedy in two acts was given before the pies were auctioned off. The apple crop in the Upper Wil­ lamette district has been completely gold. Howard Merriam near Goshen and E. B Tinker of Pleasant Hill hav­ ing disposed of the last of their apples this week. There la still a good de­ mand for apples and people are be­ ing turned away disappointed. E. E. Schrenk, secretary andtreas- urer of the Willamette telephone com­ pany has been busy the past few days collecting the telephone assessments before the end of January to allow the subscribers the 10% discount . Mrs. Ralph Laird and Mrs. William L. Bristow are shipping Rhode Islant Red hatching eggs to Russell Poultry This remarkable photo shows President and Mrs. Coolidge as they smile Farm. Ernest Schrent and Mrs Laird seir gi their greeting to the crowd in Havana, Cuba, on their way to the opening are shipping White Leghorn hatching of ths Pan-American Congress eggs to the Inwood Farm, E. B. Tinker is shipping Jersey Black Giant hatch­ ing eggs to the Russell Poultry Farm. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Garmire are planning to leave Pleasant Hill and are selling their farm implements. The cooking club at the public school under the leadership of Mrs. Sheridan met last Friday and will meet again next Friday. In the mean­ time the families of the young mem­ A NEW POPULAR PRICED bers are being served soup. Pink eye has been prevalent in the public school at Pleasant HUI the past week. Three children, Meryl Curts, Ralph Brooks, and Thr'.s IN IVORY ENAMEL Brooks all being out of school with It. By Spacial Community News JUST ARRIVED Bedroom Suite 3 Piece Suite consisting of Bed, Dressing Table and C hiffonier............................................................... $48-75 I THURSTO N Mrs Teeters returned to her home in Cottage Grove last Friday after ■pending several days with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Taylor Needham. Jerry Hanson enioyed a visit from his mother the past few days, whose home is in Portland. The Ladies Aid society met last Thursday with Mrs. Endicott for an all day meeting. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Charles Taylor in two weeks. Last Wednesday evening the neigh­ bors gaTe Mr. and Mrs. Walter Platt ■ party at their home, there were •lxty-seven present. Mrs. Inez Shough and daughter, Pa­ tricia. from Vida spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Price. The Thurston newly organized or­ chestra of eigh pieces played at Sun­ day school last Bunday, Mrs. Walter Seperate pieces. Bed. $14.75; Chiffonier $17.50; Dressing Table. $17.50; Dresser, $22.50. A NEW COMBINATION BLENDED WALNUT Dining Room Suite Table and 4 Diners ........................................................... $56.50 Table, 4 Diners and Buffet .............................................. $89.00 SEE TH ESE S U ITES IN OUR WINDOW S Wright & Sons HARDWARE — FU R N IT U R E — PAINT Phone 1 8 V itu s B lock SPRINGFIELD FOLKS TEACHER SENT f CO/HL DON'T SPANK ME HOME FOR /WITH ME HIM TOO HARO YOUNG < DEAR. / MAN J. F. Ketels m y son Y o u ’R.e. A SECOND M IC H A E L ANG ELO F o r sc h o o l S U P P L IE S W R IT IN G P A P E R , PENS IN KS , ETC GO T O - • THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2. 1828 years. Ws just began buying from Mr and Mrs. H. K. Chase and fam report having seen two cara la the the firm In your city a year ago an