READ THE ADS. AND SAVE MONEY THE SPRINGFIELD NEW 3 TWKNTY-FIFTH YEAH BRIDGE SIDS WILL BE SOUGHT SODN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, HEMLOCK IN DISTRICT TO BE SURVEYED FOR POSSIBLE PULP PLANT D isappears A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 4 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 1928 Rail Project Is Backed By C. ofC. ‘The People’s Paper* SMELTER PROPOSAL IS MADE; CHAMBER PROBES EFFECTS ON HEALTH 2 CITY PROJECTS . BEING DISCUSSED Officials of the United States bureau Ib-rburt Cox, former prualdent cf Springfield Concurs With Eu­ of mines, at Washington, D. C„ and tho Hprlngfleld chamber of commerce — gene; Advertising to Tour­ the minister of mines of British Col­ has consented to conduct a survey for County Court To Insist on Ac* Rest Room at Fourth and A ists ie Approved umbia, Canada, are being consulted by tion at February Masting of the Portland chamber of commerce Streets Seems Assured; Libr* the Springfield chamber of commerce Stats Highway Commission; of the hemlock resources of the sur­ Concurrence with the Eugene cham­ ary at Corner Now Talked; as to the possible detrimental effects Answering Brief on File Here; rounding region. In connection with ber of commence and the county court Park Plans are Dropped for on the health of peraons residing near a project for bringing pulp and paper In a petition of Intervention with the Steel Is Cheap. Present smelters, as the result of the pro­ mills to the Hprlngfleld district. The Interstate commerce commission In Fearful of rtflaya again In the survey Is directly under the auspices favor of a Crane-Odell cross-state rail­ posal of J. A. Miller, Eugene mining Estimates on the cost of construct* Hprlngfleld bridge project, members of of the local chamber, but wws re- road was voted at a meeting of the man, for the construction of a smelter Ing a rest room at Fourth and A tfc<> county court will lualat at the streets are being obtained by C. here. Hprlngfleld chamber of commerce late February meeting of the highway com quailed by the Portland body. Mr. Miller, who has control of the Kenyon, head of a committee la laet meek. The proposed project was Mr. Cox experts to confer with log- niUalon that bids for conatructlon of Lucky Boy mining property In the explained by local men who attended ! ring and mill men of Lune county, charge of this project, and an effort to the apen be nought In advertlalng Blue River district east of Springfield, finance the erection of the building Every effort la to be made by the I as well aa owners of large tracts of the recent meeting In Eugene with the advanced a plan to the chamber for court to bring about early action on I timber to ascertain Just how much state public service commission, the establishment of a smelter here either by subscription or bonds la to the brldg«, in order that work may I hemlock and other pulp woods exist which has Hied a complaint with the in connection with the development be made, be announced today. get under way aa aon aa poaalble In i here, how easy It would be to cut, Interstate body urging the Joining of 1 A library structure, badly needed la of the mining propetry there. A com­ the aprlng. according to County Judge | and what the facilities are for trann- the Natron cut-off and the Oregon : Hprlngfleld la also being proposed for mittee beaded by Mayor G. G. Bush­ Short Line through Oregon. ! portatlnn. He stated yesterday that C. 1*. Barnard. man Is making the Investigation, fol­ the vacant lot at Fourth and A street*, Hprlngfleld Is to be represented In a Edward Ostrander, chairman of the he will go ahead Immediately with the lowing a meeting of the chamber of and it Is pointed out that if this pro* Photo shows Miss Frances folder being published by the Bend public aerrlre comnilaalon. assured survey. Smith, daughter o f M r and Mrs. St. commerce last Friday evening at Ject should go through, the person Considerable timber of the species chamber of commerce, to be furnished John Sm ith, o f New Y o ik . who dis­ Judge Barnard recently (bat hla or­ which Mr. Miller appeared and ex­ placed in charge of the library could ganisation would be ready to grant wanted exists In this region, but not tourists and attracting them to The appeared, from S m ith College on F r i­ also take charge of the rest room. plained his plan. a derision «lustily on the Second In large stands, said Mr. Cox. and Dalles-Callfnrnia highway and the Mc­ day. JanWtry 1?- A reward o f $1,000 It will be several days before the Mr. Kenyon is of the opinion that has lieen ottered. 1 this will be an obstacle to any sort KenxIe highway. Secretary Cramb of atreet closing proposal, which la hold- Information from Washington and the city should be able to afford 84604 log up further action on the part of of development program. He voiced j the Bend chamber told of the adver­ Victoria, B. C., arrives. Before the or 55060 for a library building. In vleW the highway commission nt present. the opinion (hat there Is much hem­ tising scheme, and aaked that Spring- REGISTRATION STARTS chamber agrees to support any such of the advantages a good structure Judge Barnard «aid, however, that lock In the McKenxIe basin, which field take a page of the folder. FOR PRIMARY ELECTION project, Mr. Bushman said, it is de­ of this kind would hold for the city. the county court would urge blda be might be cut and used for pulp and A caravan to escort Governor Pav advertised for. regardlea« of action by I patter purpose*, .but that the trans- (erson to California to visit Governor TO BE HELD ON MAY 13 sirous of knowing Just what the ef­ The present library building la said to fects of smelter fumes are on the be entirely unsatisfactory. _____ the public »ervlce body, a« the high­ ' portatlnn problem In this cose Is a Young of that state will leave Port­ These projects will be talked over health of residents. Legal voters of the four Springfield I way commission had promised that It drawback. land on February 20, and may include at a meeting of the city council Feb* Mr. Miller Is confident that there Is would go ahead with plana, whatever Heveral large concerns are undet- the automobile of Julius Fulop, local precincts will register for the primary , potential wealth In the Lucky Boy ruary 14. The chamber ofcommeree the derision on the crossing closing. stood to be eyeing this region with the | election to be held May 18, at the "We are especially anxious that i Idea of establishing pulp and paper California about that time. Mr. Fulop city hall. It waa announced yesterday. j mining region, and believes that the I has retained Mr. Kenyon's committee establishment of a smelter would aid ■ to work on the proposal for a rest steps be taken In order that purchase I mills here, provided there Is enough staled that he might Join the caravan I. M. Peterson was appointed by the materially In developing thia resource. room, and he believes that this pro* of the steel ran be made, "said the of the right kind of timber and other after the plans were explained at the Several local men, who are interested ' Ject will go through. county clerk to handle the registra­ judge thia (horulng. "Steel la coming conditions are favorable. chamber session. For the present, park plans are be* In mining and experienced with min­ very reasonable at thia lime, and It The rest room committee was author tion here. erals. have expressed the belief that ’ ing dropped. would be very advantageous to be PUMP FROM 2 WELLS lied to go ahead with the project of j Mr. Peterson was supplied with a the ore is there. In ample quantities, able to buy during the low price stage. establishing a rest room at Fourth and list of the voters of the precincts, and and only awaits exploitation. FUN FESTIVAL PLANS AT POWER PROPERTY It Is our hope that the period of delay A streets. The matters of establish by calling at his office thoae In doubt In the Hprlngfleld bridge project la PROGRESSING; WHOLE A ihimp has been rigged up and Is ' Ing n smelter In Springfield, and of as to their registration status may GILLESPIE MANAGES ai nn end " surveying this region for spruce and obtain full Information. It was an- ‘ CITY TO PARTICIPATE City Attorney I. M. Peterson this hoisting water from two of the wells i hemlock, were taken up and are d:s FARM UNION CONCERN noiinced. Tho names of several hun­ week received a copy of the answering located on the Mountain States Power cussed with later development In thia dred voters are on file there. j Rapidly developing plans for the coni brief of the state highway commission I company property above the local Issue. Don Gillespie, Springfield, former So far, little or no local politics have manager of the Farmer's Union store munlty fun festival, scheduled for t o In (he crossing closing It will be I plant, according to W. C. Mcl^igan,' been apparent preliminary to the pri­ here, has been appointed manager of morrow night at the high school gym- remembered that the state highway , resident engineer. ANNIVERSARY WILL BE The purpose Is to experiment with mary election, and It Is doubtful that the Farmers Union warehouse at Eu­ naslum and auditorium, indicate t-at body Is seeking the closing of the the water, to determine how well the the matter of city offices will be con­ gene. and has served in that capacity j fhla will be one of the largest attetd* CELEBRATED BY LOCAL crossing, tn the hope that It wdll yet ed events held here in many years. financial aid for the bridge from the j supply holds up. The pump has not BOY SCOUTS NEXT WEEK tested at all at that time. Incumbent since January 1. Mr. Gillespie has Many local organisations are planning been busy long enough to allow for officials refused to make any state­ been connected with the Farmers Southern Parille company. Little of t© participate, and the various tea* general Interest was contained In the definite deductions as to the supply. Springfield Boy Scouts will Join In j ments regarding the election. Spring- Union for several years, and his teres offer unusual attractions. FOr nearly a year the Mountain States brief received by Attorney Peterson, a national celebration of the 18th an- i field usually reserves its political con­ friends say he is deserving of the ad­ The affair starts with a program at the document being chiefly a long company has been experimenting with nlversary of the Boy Scouts of Am­ tests for general elections, it was vancement granted by the company. the auditorium at 7:16 o’clock. ThI* underground water possibilities here. list of citations of cases having a bear­ Cecil Mulligan, who waa also con­ , will include orchestra numbers, a min* erica t be held next week. It was an­ pointed out. ing on the matter at hand. nounced today by Clayton Barber, re-1 Springfield people were- warned by nected with the local store when it atrel, and other interesting feature*. SCHOOL BOARD IS TO tiring Scoutmaster of the Lions club Mr. Peterson that they must be regis­ was operating. Is now employed at the At 8:15 o'clock the gymnasium pro* SUDDEN DEATH COMES tered If they vote, as the new law Eugene warehouse. MEET MONDAY NIGHT troop. gram starts, with a group of stun*.* On Tuesday night, both local troops prohibits “swearing In" at the poles. TO MRS. K. WECHTER I preceding a funny parade. Any couple First meeting of the city school will Join in listening to a radio pro­ MISSIONARY TO SPEAK may enter the parade, and attracting Mrs. Katie J. Wechter, aged 52. died board In the second semester will be gram broadcast by KGEH, Eugene, by 13 GRADUATED FROM prises will be given. AT CHURCH ON FRIDAY suddenly here January 28 after sho 1 held at the First Nations) bank ot- a Eugene Boy Scout troop. W. H. Mrs. Ora Read Hemenway ig EIGHTH GRADE WHEN was stricken on the street while walk I flees Monday night, It waa announced local radio dealer, will lit up a receiv­ Mrs. W. Campbell, returned mis­ charge of the program, said toda - that EXAMINATIONS ENDED sionary from China, will be the speak­ all persons in stunts or In the pa rad* Ing toward the town She called out : today by W. G. Hughes, chairman. ing set for the local scouta. for help, and was taken Into a house Several matters ha'-'- 3 to do with er at a meeting to be held at the ere asked to enter the back door On Wednesday, regular weekly A new freshman class of 11 mem­ she wws passing Medical aid had second semester work will be taken meeting of the Lions troop will be con­ Baptist church Friday evening, accord­ j cf the gymnasium, dressed fo." th* ber« was graduated into high school hardly reached her before she passed up. ducted at the Methodist church. At ing to announcement by Rev. C. H. stunt i -e»-v Applications will soon be pouring In 8:15 O'clock, all troops in America ranks from the Lincoln Junior high i-lom. Mrs. Campbell will tell of con­ away, Mrs. Wechter was a native of j Another program, similar to th* school thia week when returns ar­ Wisconsin. 8he la survived by her to the school offices from teachers will take the scout oath. A general ditions as she found them In the Ori­ fli st. will be held at the high school rived from the examinations conduc­ desiring positions here next year. husband, Frank, a daughter, Mary, •» ental country. She plans to return good time Is planned for that night aduitorium at 9:15 o’clock. ted by the state public education de­ teacher In the Portland schools, and Elections of teachers will be held as soon to her field there. Scouts of both troops will attend Tickets for the event are now o* partment. Thirteen of the 16 taking usual during the early spring. an uncle, George McDermott. On Friday afternoon. M.s, Campbell church In a body on Sunday. February the examinations passed, but two of sale at Ketels Drug store and Eggl* Hemhorrage of the brain and of the 12. Details of this event have not them will not enter high school Im­ will speak to the Baptist mission mann's candy kitchen. lungs was given by Dr. Eugene Kester BAPTIST PLAN STUDY society In meeting at the home of been completed yet. mediately. as the cause of the death of Mrs. Mrs. Dale Horton, 832 C street PROGRAM FOR MONTH COBURG FIRST TEAM Wechter. Dr. Kester was called by Those now In high school are Merle BIBLE INSTRUCTION Mrs. Miller, who heard Mrs. Wechter Carr, Thelma Baker, June Clover, LEGION AUXILIARY HAS The book of John will be studied DEFEATS SPRINGFIEL0 call for help as she passed her Mill by the Baptist church during Febru­ TO BE GIVEN HERE Rlane Fisher, Rose Hrynshuk, Laura FIRST 1928 MEETING eireet home. Coburg high's first team, one of thg Hunter, William Hustwaite, Floyd ary, according to announcement by Plans for a week-day Bible school, Kock, Verrol McFarland, Velma Mos- The funeral service was held Tues­ Rev. C. H. Blom, who terms the gosp»l strongest aggregations in the couhty Officers were elected at the first day at the Poole chapel. of John "probably the moat Important to be shaped along the lines of that kop and Daisy Tomseth. Carroll regular 1928 meeting of the American B league, defeated the Springfield document In ail the llteratlre of the In Eugene, were furthered at a meet­ Adams and Raymond Armltate gradu­ leegion Auxiliary at the chamber of high school cagers, 29 to 18, at th* ing of the committee In charge Mon­ ated, but did not enter high school. local gymnasium last night. Although world." MRS. DOANE IS HEAD oommerce last night. Mrs. H. E. obviously superior in experience, th* day night, and the school*wlll start Emma Tlnka waa conditioned. A preparatory study will be trade OF G. A. R. AUXILIARY Maxey Is president; Mrs. F. B. Ham­ Coburg team was given a stiff fight Sunday morning. The choir will sing In the Methodist church basement Results of the examinations were lin. vice-president; Mrs. Pearl Slnnnr, within a week or ten days. by Coach M - field's players, and th* an anthem. Mrs. Bert Doane was elected presi­ Children will be given an opportun­ considered satisfactory by L. C. Mof­ secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Walter Gos­ game was a good one. In the evening, Mrs. Arthur Peng's dent of the Ladles of the G. A. R. at ity, If their parents are favorable, to fitt, principal of the Lincoln school. sler, historian; Mrs. M B. Huntly. The Springfield second team showed a meeting late last week. Other of- and Winifred Cook will sing a duet, chaplain. study at the Bible school in connec­ Its superiority over the Coburg team, fleers named were Mrs. Mary Platt, and Rev. Blom will preach on • The Hereafter, the organisation will tion with their regular school work, MRS. DIANA PRESS vice-president; Mrs. C. F. Egglmann. Deity of Christ—How Important It Itf" meet on the first and third Thursdays winning 29 to 18. Much good potential although operated entirely seperate DIES AT AGE OF 84 of each month at the chamber rooms. first string material was revealed a* secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Jennie Can­ from the public schools. Thia plan non, chaplain; Mrs. Nettle MetcaU. DR. PHETTEPLACE TO A good attendance marked the first the local second team performed. has worked successfully in many Mrs. Diana Press died st the home session of the year. patriotic Instructor; Mrs. Pearl Met­ RETAIN PRACTICE HERE places, It Is said.. of her daughter, Mrs. D. S. Cannon, calf, musician. These officers were REV. SYKES GRANTED Mrs. Ora Read Hemenway heads the Installed Immediately. Dr. C. H. Phetteplace announced to­ committee In charge, and represents at Trent, near here, Saturday after­ ALDRICH NAMED NEW MONTH ABSENCE LE A Vt noon. Mrs. Press was born In On­ It waa decided to hold meetings on day that he Is to remain In Spring- the Christian church. R. W. Carlton tario, Canada. May 7, 1848, the daugh­ LIONS TROOP LEADER the first Tuesday of each month. field, retaining hla practice here est­ la the BaptiBt representative, Mrs. Rev. Gabriel Sykes, pastor of th* ablished about a year ago. Recently, Gants the Methodist, and Mrs. Roy ter of Philip and Elisabeth Badgero. Hprlngfleld M e t h o d i s t Episcopal Resignation of Clayton Barber aa 8he was a resident of Oregon for sev­ CLARK SHOWS t»HOTOS Dr. Phetteplace Indicated his Inten­ Koch the representative of the Bible church, on Sunday was granted * scoutmaster of the Lions club troop eral years. The funeral waa held month’s leave of absence la ortlor that OF CAMP AT MEETING tions of mo,log either to Portland or mission. here Tuesday, with the Christian of Boy Scouts has been accepted by Independence. he might undergo an operation fof the troop committee, and Chester Aid- Science church In charge. The physician has established his an ailment which has caused him III Scenes at the summer Boy Scout rich was named new leader of the The Poole chapel had general troop. Mr. Aldrich has served for health for several months. camp on Bhie River were shown to own private offices In the second story MR. AND MRS. MITCHELL Dr. Sykes left Monday for Portland LEAVING FOR ASHLAND charge of the services. members of thn Linns club troop at of the First National bank building. some time as assistant to Mr. Barber. a meeting held at the Methodist Selection of an assistant fur the for treatment and the operation. A?, Mr. and Mra. H. T. Mitchell, for see S. P. LINE CIRCUIT Mrs. Poole Feted church Monday night. C. R. Clark, new scoutmaster, or a Junior assistant, rangements for handling the service* for several years residents of Spring- during his absence will be announced county executive, displayed the pic­ IS BEING INSTALLED will be made shortly. Mrs. C. P. Poole, who recently came field and possessing a wido circle of from time to time. tures. " 1 Scout officials announced that tho here from Lebanon, was the honnr friends here, will leave next week for T. P. Duxan, linesman of the South­ WALKER COMPLETES 2 Services' at M. E. Church new Issue of tho boya’ handbook has guest at a reception given yesterday Ashland, where they will make their ern Pacific company, Is here to­ REAL ESTATE DEALS arrived, and that Scouts may procure afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs permanent- home. An aunt of Mrs. W. H. Meyers, of Eugene, will day In connection with the Installation Dallas Murphy, A number of Spring- Mitchell, Mrs. L, E. Reader, died re­ copies at Ketel's Drug store. preach at the Methodist ahurch Suit* of a talking circuit between Crescent Exchange of three residence pro­ field women were guesls. Invited Io cently, and asked before her death day both at the morning and evening Lnko arid Portland, for the railroad perties of W. F. Reed in Eugene for Meet Mrs. Poole. A most enjoyable Ihnt Mr. and Mrs, Mitchell occupy her Hindu Is Speaker compahy. As son as the circuit Is a 151-acre fruit and stock ranch near services. He Is taking the place of old home. Christianity will save India, D. De- social afternoon was spent. Rev. Sykes who Is away on a vacation. The missionary society, of the Installed from Paulina to Dunsmllr, Riddle owned by C. W. Hess was an­ vapalura, Hindu student at the Uni­ he said, the company will have a full nounced today by W. W. Walker, local Hprlngfleld Christian chufch gaje a Mill Is Shut Down versity of Oregon, told the audience at Dallas Barber Hurt—Dallas Barber, telephone communication between real estate man, All departments of the loeal Booth- farewell party for Mrs. Mitchell last the Methodist Episcopal crurch Sun son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Barber of Portland and San Francisco. Frank Shearman, Eugene, formerly day evening. Mr. Dovnpatura outlined Kelly mill but the pinner are shut night at the home of Mrs. Herbert The line Is being run Jnto the of Hprlngfleld, sold his property on West Springfield, was Injured Monday the problems of India, touching especi­ down for the remainder of this week, Moon. A beautiful Royan bed spread Seventh and K streets to W. B. Far­ night when a gasoline stove exploded. ally on the conflicting religions and according-tc a notice posted on the was presented as a token of friend­ switchboard at the local Southern He was treated by a local phyelclaa, rier of Marcola. Pacific station. ship. bulletin board at the mill. . races.