PAQF SIX STRINGEREI.D n : tws THURSDAY JANUARY 2«. 1»2« J futhvr's burled gpld. I wonder "And pretty gtexl hiding places, too, V isiter Frem Medioine Hat-—Mr. ( poor Carey knew1 any more about where the gold mlgjit have remained and Mia. Carl Thompson have aa their ( than you do!" forever, If guest Joseph Kleran, of Medlclns Hat, "I'm sure he didn't. There are, "If you hadn't been hating me so Carada Mr. Kleran la a cousin of , holes here and there In these woods I hat you lost your way!" Mrs. Thompson. ' that he dug In his search '•Why! They stood with a heap of gold she exclaimed, stopping short and (lancing about thoughtfully, "(hats between (hem, the bewilderment of — — - _________ p discovery In their eyes. strange" "We're lost. 1 hope I" "This Is the end of the rainbow "Not lost, but there was a fork In and the gold Ilea at our feet!" he Said M u stra tio n s by H en ry J ay Lee the trail amt I must have made the and he took her hands, and the one o ^ y r iÿ it S t e w a r t t d w u 4 W h ite wrong turn I don't remember thut I still wearing the bandage he held very very gently. 'Love we know to bo ! ever saw that fallen tree before.'* R a la a a a d th rta P ublisher« A u t o o « * e p S e r v ic e Things You Should "That oM fellow must have made a belter than much flue gold; and mighty crash when he went down I'm wouldn't It be a pity for tho finding .if sure that 1 never came this way be. these coins to mark the very end, with nothing beyond! And life is so big fore." "Here's an old scar." said Archie and wonderful I want your help to CHAPTER I. Burton said she didn't like him bo The thing he rode was one of those make mine of some—" cause he played no bridge nor golf; nondescript homemade things of gal­ "where someone must have biased "W e're Stuckl" the tree years and years ago It's the 8h# looked at him long and search but that was not it. She had other At the moment our story opens the vanised iron by which the youthful mark of an ax or hatchet ‘ And look! I ugly, and her eyes were so grave, Pirate, appropriately named Grim reasons—no. not reasons, instinct. attempt in vain to disguise snd ren­ At the present moment the second der sportful a certain otherwise Joke­ Three other big trees bear the same their questioning seemed so Intermit) stead, was leaning back in the stern- by Joan Joseph Osin««, M. D. mark They define a square amt able, that he did not know untli she sheets of his craft smoking a ctleroot In command did not attempt to ap­ ful brand of inexpensive car C O M M I T T I N G S U IC ID E must have been made for some pur- ■ poke that her lips had trembled Into He was a large square man. with thick proach the aloof young goddess. In­ The occupants of this craft were pose! Any one who «udJrn'y rnd« hl* a smile. ■ stead he gave needed assistance to three. The young man at the wheel, bushy eyebrows. hie volutitaiily, by hi« own act, it Discussion of the markings brought 4 «uicide. | h rlir e 'hat one who Gardiner, the Second in Command, the chauleur. and when the Job was a pleasant-faced youth, with short, “If you can forgive me." she said; them immediately Into accord. Isabel end* ot shortens hi« rsisietice (lowly finished he was Just as hot and dirty. was much younger and slenderer, light hair, and what had been a fair was perplexed to find herself In a and she laid her builds upon his perhaps urtcotiM- ouilv commit* with cle-a shaven (ace and an inscru­ There were qualities to the man, be­ complexion dark-reddened by much shoulders, lightly as though by He Ir the same uawhole«otce dred spot she had never visited before sides those necessary to boarding and exposure. Behind him. seated atop a I read somewher* that rivaliMlioa table eye. though she had spent ihe previous touch she were Investing him with scuttling. ha« added s ie n hundred articles of canvas-covered pack, was an Irish her hope In life renewed and strength­ Neither of these men were paying food to our O itiw oiked dietary I was finished terrier dog. The third occupant was summer on the land, planning the ened. and giving pledgi that they the slightest attention to anything b a t: By „ the **, time lme the * Job , 1 look of it, in the fats of the fact (amp, and thought she knew* every Grimstead reappeared Slmmins. the' the human body need* actually each other. Indeed, the man at the | . foot of It. She peered Into ihe pit would walk together thereafter to the only a hal' dozer I , I feci »me that end of their dalivs. wheel alone seeoied to be at all a war? . ' 8 s*'>at p “c e ' he »nnoun- "This gentleman picked me up, sir.' Ihe seven bundled aie i nly modlfica- of his surroundings. For the o n ly , ^ »n the little gu." In said he glibly, "and I conceived as how torn by the roots of the huge tre- n h i -,. niiMu tv .,0,1 adufterationi of In Ihe loveliest of Colorado's val­ .. . . . .... .. ». ’he vacuum tank and partly bv gravity It would be more expeditious, sir. to The sunlight hllnted brightly upon other human being visible on the craft ... ... , • - * • Ihe few fis (1 unit« eequorj In place something that lay half hidden In the ley» you may. If you exercise your .. _ Damsel . in . n- . <. i > '“e car Killed around the corner come back with him.” of plain bread sod buttei. I nut* and was the Distress, and i she ... earth. eves intelligently note three houses In ... . . ... . of the mountain meats, we are rating distillate*, fer- "More expeditious! He's going in was completely occupied with her own ' "Oh how wonderful!" she cried and the Spanish style, with roads that link mentation*, bashes and congloniera« the other direction!" said Grimstead placed a gold piece In his hands. thoughts, which seemed to bo re- CHAPTER II. Hons sugared pyiar.uds, and highly them together us though publishing (TO BE CONTINUED) dynamised temptation* tr depraied sentful and unpleasant. Enter the Hero They knelt together, tearing up the the fact that the owners of (he sur­ appetites, which « m u d rxrcitio n by As beseemed her position in the As often happens at skylines in weeds and loosening the earth. It rounding ranches are bound by the 'Slow hut certain stage* on »he bodies story she was young and beauteous * a|'fornla, the nature of the country was Archie who quickly found a 1 t.tat ere, bout '< hour stuffed end dearest ties As an adjunct and as daughter to the Pirate Chief, ’here changed. Burton had seen red w th them, suicide? | know o f no second coin, a ten dollar gold piece of his residence Putney Cnngdon be irr Word li. employ wood trees before, but never had she ! caparisoned in costly garments. stamped 1S59. With a stick he dug maintains a machine shop where he Oto advertlaing page*, woman'* The Bright-Shining Hero had not seen one of the redwood forests of i into the hole and soon they had made finds ample time for experiment. The magarine« and nt w» „titers are flam- the north. The sullenness in her eyes | "It has been In my mind for a day a little heap of bright coins, laughing Archibald Bennetts are learning all yet appeared. mg with eoloied illustration* of sat- urgtrd viri|,ed, sno colored detier* Suddenly and most unexpectedly a was replaced by a startled and som e-, or two that May must be wondaring like children each discovery. A there know UinilH about Iruu fruit C culture ................. . •• with «'«U H U IBCUYt’rj, a --- la to eesss.vw lIlEUr»* what's become of me. - loud bang sounded under the port what awed look. • always write deep„r pr„bp r, fh„ unearth. . and they are ao happy that they are In »laity added, tbai w tm irresistible— quarter. The craft staggered. The car coasted slowly for a half ! to her. you know; and she Imagines lng of _ a ________________________________ splintered cedar plank evl danger of . „ forgetting the existence of • • if plan« *bo!rson<< food were not ‘‘What is it. Simmins?" cried the mile and came to a little stream me in the Rockies. There must be ' dently torn from a cheat that had cities Farthest of the three homes inesiimablv better for sound sleep and good health f Our con. Pirate Chief. "Are we damaged?” where a tiny patch of green had won a stack of mall waiting for me nt j contained the money. front the railroad, and where the hills some tons land tons of sugar in Banff; I must wire and have It for­ "Blowout, sir." replied Simmins. for itself a tiny patch of unobscured •‘Of all the astonishing things that begin. Philip and Ruth Van Doren myriad forms each sear Commer­ warded.” He walked around to the rear of the I sky cialism knows that the easiest route j ever happened this Is the most utter­ chose their abode. And you may see car. and uttered an exclamation of dis i "stop here, Simmlna,” Grimstead “You needn’t necessarily give up ly paralyxlng!" exclaimed Archie th«n any day that you care to pene­ to the pocket-book is by way of the appetite the trip—" I Jubilantly. may , commanded, and all debarked. trate to their abroad pastures, riding The»e is no argument against (h it She turned her head to dodge an > Using the board as a spade he together, viewing with contemplative, fo i oog. healthy, Comfortable life, "When she blew out she slid into I Simmins hustled out the lunch the rut and let us down pretty hard on | basket and the thermos cases and pro- overhanging bough and he caught a 1 scooped up a capful of coins gold, eyes the distant peaks nr the cattle , c.vriv , ',o .^ r,,.t, rn . . ‘ ttenari- an, is a living convincing wftnet* for one of these little stumps in the mid ceeded to lay things out in seemly and glimpse of her face; she was cry .ng: ' American. English and French, which that are the Governor’s delight, a plain food, »emperaie living, and sound die of the road." he answered Grim proper style. and new and world shaking emotions' the Southerner had burled In the link, he says, between the present and sleep. Ever, man that dies at fifty- stead's inquiry. "The gasoline's leak Simmins was an engaging person. were stirred in him by the sight of ¡northern wilderness. the olden times when the world was j ffvr of "heart failure” “cerebral lng." , won*t do ,o )eave th(g place un young. And often at night, when they nemorrhaftc" and "»rule indigestion" The natural self within htm would ‘ he5 'ear wei' cheek. Gardiner Joined the chauffeur. )o you know, he said, "when we protected, and we must stop or we'u are not with the Congdona of the Ben-' i* a terrible induiearrtt nf the gas­ have carried him through life skipti- 1 drbauebe* of our people "It's buckled the tank," he announ­ ously, like the giddy goat—but It 1 talk about clearing up things I'd for- have more than we can carry. We nett». they ride for hours In silence, 1 o tronomic f today. L it, e is too precious to be ced briefly. “We're stuck.” you know. know. He He loved ,oved i *"U®n ab,>ut that bur«ed treasure 1 must bring Putney back to help. It's so great is their happiness, so perfect fn ’ tered away by dissipation wasn't done, you If vou want a good figure, healthy "The gasoline is all run out ro-j playing up to his part, which was , “ ""“t'’ be “ mlstak,> for me ! ray guess that there's a chest of thely understanding, so deep their' muscles, sound brain, and rlastir »repy plied Gardiner calmly. solemn, eminently correct, ° W * ° Ut exhausting all th e ! money at the foot of each of these confidence In the stars. , , -------------—— — a w w , v terrifically v iiiu v a u j Cling to the simple diet «nJ J n n ^ a ill l I It In n n ! . I . . We re stuck, all righte,” Grimstead I imposing, and he could do it in such i r r s .a x z l ‘ ' U n t i r I n ■» 1 «• I S * * _ 1 _ SO agreed. "How far is It to help? a manner as to make self conscious "Nearest garage Is about twenty all but the most conventional. j miles." When at home Simmins became a It was agreed that Grimstead should house man. In this capacity the one pick out a shadier place to wait while fatal misfortune of his professional Simmins. after changing the tire, career overtook him. walked the 20 miles and got help. Burton, unseen herself, had witness Now to be considered is the Damsel ed his answering of the door bell. In Distress. Her distress was heart­ He came down the hall cake-walking, felt but not too serious. It consisted a wonderful double shuffle, snapping fr, the fact that she had been ravished his fingers, his head thrown back his away against her will; whlch ls , h„ eye9 closed; but quiu nolsele9s usual and proper reason for the d s-1 Then he turned the door knob and tress of females aboard pirate crafts. I instantaneously a wonderful transl- At th s moment she should have tlon too place. His elbows snapped been listening to the dulcet strains nf „ut at an angle, and his Inflexible a Jazz orchestra, or mayhap bossing | sing-song voice declaimed impersonal- abou infatuated youths in any old , ly that he could not say. madame. but haunt where sport clothes are correct (