» THURSDAY JANUARY 26, 1928 T H 1 8PR1NOFUELD NEWS OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Mld-year students graduating from Portland high schools will number ap­ proximately 756. the office of the superintendent of school» reported Of thia number 366 are boy» end 399 girl». Jefferson high school, with 116 Brief Resume of Happenings of to receive diplomas, has the largest Stacey le In—-O. L Htac.ey of Walt- Former Resident Visits— Mrs. Jen­ erville was a local visitor Tuesday. nie Cannon, former resident of Spring- outgoing class. the Week Collected for field and well-known here, has been Pacific university celebrated the Hsre From Waltsrvlll« — Everett visiting here this week. She now Our Readers. 74th anniversary of the grunting of Waring of Waltervllle was a visitor lives In Portland. If» charter Sunday night In the col­ In Hprlngfleld Tuesday. Mr» KllssliHth Jan*^ Fisher Itohln- lege gymnualuin at Forest Grove. A | 1AJ O in u o Florence— M. D. u nr r o h l ° Goes 0** , T To M sn Hers— W b Rauch . , r ,<>rsnce— M D. bingo •OH, 87, it t o w r v il wugnn plouiter of huge white birthday cake with the I W altsrvllle ... drove to Mapleton hntturday and with vial- , , ,, Oregon ami a roaldest of Tin« Dalle» »|>an of year« written upon It- 1854- . of Waltervllle waa a Springfield K ‘ the Junction City delegation attended for nearly half a century, died there 1928 was served to the student body i Mie meeting at Florence of the Slualaw and faculty members. last wet It. U ndergoes O peratio n — Mrs C. M. Chamber of Commerce. William Heltinnn, 74, waa kicked Parker underwent an operation at the Raymond Walla, 2«, »uttered futai Quests at Bsrtsch Home—Mr. and Injuries Sunday afternoon when »truck and trampled to death by horse» on Pacific Christian hospital Saturday. Mrs. M J. UcKlln, Mrs. Jennie Can­ by logs in lb« three-mile chute at the hl» farm near Dodge, Or., southwest Eugene W om an H e rs — Mrs. Sarah non, Mrs Bert Doane and aon. Milton, Itulph Dttvl» camp on Hear creek In of Eatscada. One horse kicked him under the belly of the other and the Elliott of Eugene was a visitor In were guests at the home of Mr. and Wallowa county. Mrs. Ernest Bertsch, near Thurston, town Monday. Etta producer» of Coo» county have second horse then Joined In the attack. Sunday. The man was dead before a doctor formed the Cnoa County Egg Produc­ Pohl at Portland—A1 Pohl, brother Vlalt From Portland— Mr and Mrs. er»' »»»Dilution with a total of 12,000 could reach him from Estacada. 6f Mr». M. It lluntly, went to Portland The total apple shipments from Imb­ Monday. He may remain there. Charles E Jordan of Portland, vlalted bon», the object being to find a home ler will he 250 carloads, according to market for egg» with friends and relatives here part V is its In S p rin g fie ld — Joe lyeinmona, of Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. The first wool »ale In Ontario for K. J. Ifasen, Onion Pacific agent at Portland, vlalfed hla father-in law. Jordan was formerly Miss Billie Berg 1928 waa reported laat week when lhat point. Mr Huson haJ been agent i ' of this city. Steve Woodward of Wealfall »old the In Imbler for several years, and has ! ,n Hprlngfleld Monday. apple market careful , ... crop from 1400 »beep to J. M. John- i given the I. local , . . . . . . Blossom Is Visitor— E. b. Blossom, Undergo Operation— Both Mr. and study. Ho also stated that 30 car- . ... „ , _ ' •on for 35 cent» a pound. ........ . °* Eugene, route 2. was a Springfield Mrs. Mellson of East Main street un­ loads of potatoes would be shipped. . ,,, . The 1927 hop crop of the Willamette | visitor Wednesday. derwent operations Monday. Mrs. valley 1» practically all »old, only a few Ing 1« that city to cost 1325.OOU, local Mellson had a major operation at the Frank Mersdocf Here— Frank Mere- •mall lot» remaining In the ware­ Interests to furnish 176 000 Pacific Christian hospital, and Mr. ® 7 ' ne was a houses, for which u price of 20 centa I Forty hotel managers of southern Mellson was operated on for an eye Oregon and northern California were | 8pr,',K'’eld TuemJay. a pound la being offered. trouble. Firemen answered 2028 alarm», of guests of the l)el Bogue hotel at M r. Collier Visits— Arnold Collier, Raymond Man Here—John Jordan, which 444 cauxed a total loss of 3731,- Grants Paaa when the southern Ore­ county club leader, waa a visitor at Raymond, Washington, former owner 276 12, last year. Edward Grenfell, fire gon branch of the Hotel Mena asso­ , the Lincoln school here Tuesday. of the Willows apartment house on marshal at that time, declared In hl» ciation waa formed ISst week. H e re F ro m Jasper — Mrs. Mark Second street, was a visitor here annual report, filed recently. An excellent outlook for the dairy Sebring of Juaper waa a shopper here early this week. Mr. Jordan was call­ Ten cougar» In lo day» la the record Industry of the northwest and of that, Monday, ed Into Oregon by the death of a aectlon In particular was pictured to recently made by Itelmer and Stanley relative at Harrisburg. Rainbow Resident Here — M r s Colegrove In the Pistol river region daliyiu. n who attended the annual of Curry county. They were paid a meeting of Hie Eastern Oregon Dairy- : George Williams of Rainbow »pent a F o rm e r S u pe rin te n d e n t V is its — V. men's association at Haines last week, j part of Monday visiting here. bounty of 125 each for the animal». D. Bain, former superintendent of achools here, and Mrs. Bain, stopped Pneumonia took the greatest toll In I Member» of ihe I,Inn Benton county L ow ell W o m an H ere— M rs. F. M. here for a short time Sunday on their Jersey Cattle club at their annual Portland In muny weeks when 15 Snider of Lowell waa a Springfield , way home to Woodburn, where they meeting In Albany laat week unani­ deaths were reported for laat week by visitor Monday.. Dr. John G. Abel«, city health officer, i now live. Mrs. Bain had been visiting mously Indoraed the proposal to re­ store a county ngent to IJnn county. untl the total of lo l deaths from alt Grove People Here— Mr. and Mr». for some time with her relatives at Portland'a Infant mortality rnte for causes also was an exceptional week's Roy Howard of Cottage Grove spent Weed, California, and was met on her record. Sunday visiting friend» In Springfield. way north by Mr. Bain at Roseburg 1927 waa 48 .2 to every lotto birth», a Students In agriculture In the col­ "rate seldom attained by cities In our P o rtla n d Men H e re — P M Barber FIRE DESTROYS SWOPE claaa." I>r. John Q. Abel«, city health lege In Corvallis have Joined with and W. B. Lutz of Portland wer-i Officer, declared In lit» annual report. other» of the Institution In favoring HOUSE AT GLENWOOD among out-of-town visitors here Tues­ C. P Ragsdale, stockman ami ranch­ the u»e of the designation "Oregon day. w Fire of undertfmlned origin destroy­ er of eastern Oregon, la the owner of State college.” In preference to the Officers Take Testa—officers of the ed the attractive country home of J. an artesian well that waa tapped re­ title Oregon Agricultural college, by cently on hla ranch near Jamison that Will, h name the Institution has long Springfield compnny. Oregon National W. Swope, In Glenwood Park. West «< n nown. guard, took quarterly tests at Eugene Springfield, between 6 and 7 o'clock la flowing at the rate of 270 gallon» The first community auction sub- this week. early yesterday morning, doing dam­ an hour. age estimated at more than 125,000. The stork was extremely kind to Idea Is proving popular with farmers R eturns F fo m Bandon— Cal Burns Mr. and Mrs. Swope and their Mr and Mr». William Cray of Pon- throughout Yamhill county. The Idea made a trip to Bandon Sunday, return­ of their getting together to sell goods guests, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Baldwin, doaa, near Bilker, They became pur- ing with hla mother, who »pent some Hood River, were sleeping in the enta of triplet» born at St. Elisabeth's In a cp-operBttve sale »cents to appeal, time there vl»ltlng her daughter. and numerous Batings have been re­ house when the blaze started in the hospital last week. They were girl», ceived. Household goods. live stock basement, and barely escaped in ttm? •II of them. M on tan a W om an In T o w n — M rs and farm liuiiem entx are the most Nora Boutian of Stevensville. Mon­ ufter the alarm was sounded. Th; The annual mid whiter meeting of | frequent entries. tana. Is here to visit her brother. Harl house, oqe of the most attractive the Wing, Kin and Fleet foot club of Sweet Home and Foster have quite McPherson, and other relatives. country places in this district, was Vnlon county will bo held In ba a f. w new residents. The people are totally destroyed, as were the con­ Grande on the evening of February 7, Many at Oratorio— A number of tents, even to the wearing apparel with clams as the muln Item on this mostly those interested In the hlgh- j way and railroad lluildlng. They have Springfield women uttended rehearsal of Mr. and Mrs. Sw ope‘ and their dinner menu. I been forced In many eases to locate of. the Eugene Oratorio club Monday guests. Ml»» Marie Iverson of Medford waa I In private homes for accommodation. night on the university campus. The Eugene fire department was e le c t e d president of the Crater bake Miss Betty Rn. kleff. pretty tele- called, but due to the fact that no union of the Chrlatiun Endeavor In the I phone operator of Reedsport, recclv- Return From Portland—Mr. and anneal convention of the southern j cd shock and burns last week when Mrs. W. H. Lambert returned Sitndav water was available and the fire had Oregon district, which waa held In the Coos and Curry telephone office I even*nK after spending some time In gained such headway, nothing could be done but prevent the flames from Grant» Paas laat week. * office was destroyed by fire The blare Portland with their daughter, Mr» spreading to the barns, where Mr. A committee of Medford business started from an explosion In the wood- Jean Martin. Swope keeps fine registered cattle, men la considering a proposition of i burning atove used to heat the Vielt at Portland— Mr and Mr». thereby preventing much heavier loss. E C, Miller of Portland, to erect a ten- | quarters. The Springfield fire equipment, als », Merle Casteel left Tuesday morning •tory modern office and store bulld- for Portland in reaponee to a telegTam W"a!‘ calle<1 ‘to lhe Bcene ° f the blaze' to the effect that their eon, Ray. wns with Herbort Moore in charge. Much of the loss was covered bv to undergo an operation. Insurance. PAGE FIVE France. Carl McKInnls; Mra. Parle HIGH SCHOOL WILL France, Clifford Murphy; Mr. London FEATURE PLAY AT AUDITORIUM FRIDAY England. Freeman Squires; Mrs. Lon­ A play and a skit will be featured In a program at the Springfield high school auditorium Friday night at 7:30 o'clock. “A Case of Suspension," and "A Woman leas Wedding," are the titles of the two skits planned. Several -musical numbers will be given on the program, including selec­ tions by the high school orchestra, directed by Miss Grace Potter. A girls’ octet, composed of Dorene Lari, mer. Ruth Carlton. Melba Mellon. Venice Hawke, Frances Frlxell. Evelyn Manley, Jule Pollard, Wlnlfrld Tyson, will sing. The cast of the first play, "A Caae of Suspension,’* has been chosen as follows: Dorothy, Alice and MIldred/Toung ladies of the seminary, played by Dorene Larimer, Lucille Richmond and Nadine McMurray. Harold, Tom and Jack, boys from a nearby college, played by John Lynch. Leroy Nice, and Paul Potter. Miss Ophelia Judkins. Wlnlfrld Ty­ son. Prof. Emillus Edgerton, Hartford McVey. Kathleen, Edith Eaton. Jonas, Richard Harpole. The east of "The Womanless Wed­ ding.” Is as follows: Miss Petite France, Lawrence Roof; Mr. V. S. America. Lloyd Mattison; Mr. Paris Dr. Roijdl Qick O PTO m E TglS T-yEljeSIQ H T SPECIALIST 8 7 8 UJillamette St Phpne 020 Jsst one thin®— But 1 do it nqht Is Now Open We are carrying a new line of merchandise that is up-to- date in color and Fabrics, at a medium price. We extend to one and all a cordial invitation to come in and get ac­ quainted, make this your headquarters when in town. S p ecia l for R e st o f W eek TURKISH TOWELS Colored Borders 45 x 22 39c Blue Denim Full Cut OVERALLS Sizes to 42 85c JACKET TO MATCH RUFFLED RAYON CURTAIN MATERIAL Regular 39c 30c yd. 85c HICKORY SHIRTS Regular $1.25 Values, sizes to 15% 85c Our Price These usually $9.95 A N A T IO N W ID E IN S T IT U T IO N - “where saving» are grea test” 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. The usual good service and fair prices are guaranteed. Our rule of busineRB is "Treat others a» we would like to be treated were we in •imilar circumstances," guaranting satisfaction In all matters intrusted to our care. WHITE FRONT GROCERY CHARLES P. POOLE SERVICE - QUALITY - SATISFACTION In th« undertaking huelnens for the past 16 years, located at Harrlehurg, Brownsville and lyehanon High school graduate. Ilceneed Embalmer in Oregon since 1915. Graduate Pacific College of Em­ balming, Hobenachuh-Carpenter College of Embalming and poet-gradu­ ate coarse with Wsrsham School of Embalming and Dcmlsnrgy, Owr Policy Graduate Nurse, Dr. Dele’s Hospital Training for Nsreee. and operator for children and lady ease«. EUQENE Jnman’s New Store retail at $15.00 to $18.00. In buying this business, the people of this section are assured that the general good stocks, good equipment and good services will be maintained in the best possible manner. Our splendidly equipped chapel and our up-to- date stocks are now not excelled anywhere in this part of Oregon. ETHEL E. POOLE 8 P E C I A L STAR SEDAN—1150 4-Door Sedan. Good running order. Good tires, 1928 license. This is a good Star sedan. If you want a better car we have It. F. W . P E T T Y J O H N CO. 7th and Olive Streets Phone 1207 Eugene, Oregon DEPENDABLE EIJEQLASS SERVICE We wish to announce that we have purchased the en­ tire equipment, stocks, general good will, funeral and undertaking business of W. P. Walker. Graduate Hobenschnh-Carpenter Embalming Course. Licensed Bmbalmer since 1926, three years with Perl Funeral Home, Medford: one year Beet Hide Funeral Director«, Portland; one year with George Piper Funeral Director, Tacoma. Moves From Apartment»—Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Halleck are moving today from the Laxton apartments to a house on Eighth and E Streets. Silk Dresses In All New Spring Shades. To The People of Springfield and this Section Generally: R. HAROLD POOLE Return from Colorado— Mrs. Walter Llpes and brother returned Wednet day night from Colorado, where they attended the funeral of their father. Very Special Announcement Chioago. don England. Coy Leathers; Mr. Anglo Saxon. Everett Squires; Miss Madrid Spain, Clifford Darr; Mrs. Knowall, Roy Streamer; Mias Riga Russia, Thayer .M» Murray; Aunt Africa, Read Hamenway; Mr. Lyon France. George Meson; Miss Nice France, Ralph Hughes; Mr. Leyden Holland, Gofdon Houk; Mr. Rome Italy. Ennis Yarnell; Mr Montreal Canada. Franklin Drury; Miss Janeiro Brazil, Ofa Luce; Miss Brussels Bsl- gium, Claire Thurman; Miss Bueonos Aires» Randall Withers; Mrs. Stock­ holm Sweden, Albert Harper; Mr. Oslo Norway. William Cog; Mrs. Dub­ lin Ireland. Dick Kllese. Store For Better Our M otto Oar Aim Our freeh vegetables and fruits, our complete line of bottled, package and canned goods, and our consistently low level of price«, make this store the best place for you to do your marketing. You will find freeh, appetizing and tempting .foodstuffs that will satisfy the most fastidious appetite, and furnish many delightful variations to your menu. This week we are offering particularly attractive prioea on all groceries and market dainties. CALL 9-WHITE FRONT GROCERY-9 A r e Y o u T h in k in g A b o u t A F r o c k These Values Will Help You to Decide! Come in! Dresses in tailored styles — dressy models, too — await your selection at a considerable saving. >1 W omen— Misses— Juniors $ 6 .9 0 - to $14.75 T Economies in P r i c e - H igh in Style The very kind of a dress yon had in mind is here— the silk (rock of many uses! Be sure to investigate this selling.