T11UR8DAY JANUARY 26, 1828 T H » 8PR1NQFEBLD WBWff PAO» THRHB TRAIN gCHKOULB Sprlngfiald Stops Northbound No. 32 ___________________2 33 No. 16 ____________ 4:27 A. M Southbound No. 16 _____________ 9:33 P. M No. 21 .............. ........................ 6 46 Coach Special for Klamath Fall* and beyond, on flag at 2:01 P. M. on Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT SUM M O N* Notice Is hereby given that the un­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF dersigned administrator of the estate STATE OF OREGON FOR THE o f Lizzie M. Wilson, deceased, COUNTY OF LANE has filed In the County Court of Lane County, Oregon, his final account an The United States National Bank Of Eugene, a corporation, Plaintiff, Va. such administrator of said estate and Shannon Lumber Company, a cor­ that the 4th day of February. 1928, at poration; Edward Cameron, Trna» 10:00 o’clock In the forenoon of aald tee; it E. Veltum, doing businesg day haa been fixed by the Court as as Veltum tic Clow Manufacturing i the time for hearing any objections to Company; Austin Cooes; Harry said report and settlement thereof. Smith; Geo. J Steven* and C. H, The first publication of this notice Farris, doing buslnes* aa Steven»- being January 6, 1928. Farris Lumber Company; and N. d It. D. WILSON, A dm inistrator. Welcome Baby Boy— Mr. and Mrs. M. Lumber Company, a corporation« ALTA KING. 4 th ,-ney for Estate. Defendants. I arson Wright are the proud patent* Ja 6-12-19-26: F. 2: To Harry Smith and N. A M Lumbar of a baby son. horn Saturday night FOR SALK WOOD N O T IC E TO C R ED ITO R S Company, a corporation, defend» N O T IC E at the Pacific Christian hospital. The 8 U M M O N 8 ants: Is hereby given (hat Gustave I have moved my Bicycle and Re­ Old Growth Fir, Second Growth Fir, J. Notice newcomer weighed nine pound«. Nordllng has been appointed admin­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE pair business to 1129 North 7th Htreet. Oak. Ash. All length«. I hone Hprlng istrator of the estate of Ada J. Nord I- OREGON; You are hereby require* STATE OF OREGON IN AND flikl 104. If. lug, deceased, by the County Court of Phone No. 94 W J. W STEVEN» to appear and answer the answer and FOR LANE COUNTY lame County, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT F*rederlc E. Clements and Estella cross-complaint of Edward Cameron, All persons having claims against FOR SALE FAINTING unit Kalaumlnlng In all Ita said estate are required to present Gould, Plaintiffs, vs. A. O. Weddle Trustee, filed against you In the above Notice 1« hereby given that the un­ All Kinds of WOOD for Sale. and Jane Doe Weddle, his wife; entitled court and cauxe, on or before dersigned administrator of the estate branches. Reduced Price«. K»y them, with the proper vouchers, with­ Phone 122 M J 26 :F. 2: of Otto Clarence Zlnlker, deceased, Ida May Amis and John Doe, hus­ the expiration of the time prescribed in six month« from the 19th day of Koch. Call 125-J. has filed In the County Court of Lane band; Eva Amts and Richard Doe, In the order of Publication, to-wltj January, 1928, to the «aid administra­ her husband; B. F. Amis and Jane On or before the expiration of tony County, Oregon, hla final account as UNBREAKABLE WATCH ( I t VS tor at the law ollie« of L. L. Ray In I will not be responsible for any such administrator of said estate and Doe Amis, his wife; bother M. Amis weeks from the date of the first pnbll» TA 1.8— Fancy shape« and regular*. the M in e r B u ild in g In Eugene, Oregon. bills contracted by anyone but myself. that the 4th day of February, 1928, at and Mary Doe Amis, his wife; and cation of this summons, and If yon taR O U H T A V E J N O IID I.IN G , Adlmlnls Hoyt'« Caah Store. tf. tralor of the estate of Ada J. Nordllng, also all other persona or parties un­ to answer, for want thereof, sal* 10:00 o’clock In the forenoon of said J. J. KNIGHTS. J 28 will apply to the day has been fixed by the Court as known claiming any right, title, cross-complainant deceaited. court for the relief prayed for In the •kPTIC TANKS the time for hearing any objections to estate, lien or Intereat In the real L. L. RAY, Attorney for Ealate. answer and crosa-eomplafnt, U r W« speciali*« m awl** bradât watch said report and settlem ent thereof. estate described In the complaint said Ready for you to Install J.i 19 2« F 2 it 18:________ wit: repairing. Hoyt'« 221 Mala Street, tf The first publication of this notice herein, Defendants. For family of Are ......... .................. $J1 NOTICE FOR* PUBLICATION For a Judgment against the de­ being January 6. 1928. To A. G. Weddle anu Jane Doe For family of eight ______ _____fix FOKKKT EXCHANGE Weddle, his wife; Ida May Amis, and fendant Shannon Lumber Company 8 U M M O N 8 PAUL ZINIKER, Administrator. No 017767 John Doe. her husband; Eva Amla and upon Twenty-seven promlsory note* at our plant IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ALTA KING. Attorney for Estate. Richard Roe, her husband; B F. Amts for the principal trams with Inter««* Department of th« Interior, United Sewer Pipe—Drain Tile STATE OF OREGON FOR Ja 6-12-19-26: F. 2: and Jane Doe Amts, his wife; Lnther at the rate of 6% per annum from the State« Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ Chimney Block« LANE COUNTY M. Amis and Mary Doe Amis, his wife; following dates and with reasonabl* gon. January 9, 1928. fees In the following and also all other persons or parties attorney E U G E N E C O N C R ETE p ip e CO. NOTICE 1» HEREBY GIVEN that C. E. Ruth. Plaintiff, Vs. Alvin M Spencer, Frank B. Ford and Mar­ NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON unknown claiming any right, title, es­ amounts. to-wlt: tf 'W. II. Britts, of 1168 Alameda Drive garet E. Ford, his wife, Mrs. R. W EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE Intereat Attorney tate, lien or Interest In the real estate Portland Oregon, filed application lieg e and John Doe Hege, her hus­ Principal from Fee« Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ described In the complaint herein, and FOR HA LB—Carbon patter In large No. 017767. under the Act of March 20 $ 27.58 July 2, 132«. $ 25 0* band, and C E Taylor, Ih-fendant*. tue of an execution and order of sale described below: •beet*. 24*31» Inches, suitable for 1922 (42 Star , 486», to exchange the 213 96 To C. E. Taylor, Defendant: IN In foreclosure Issued out of the Clr- April 20, 1927, 35.0* IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF 260.72 Dec. 1. 1926, 36 0* making tracing* The New« offloe N W '4 Section 22 Tp 1 N , Range 6 THE NAME OF THE STATE OF I cult Court of I^tne County, Oregon, on OREGON: You and each of you are East, W. M , within the Mount Hood OREGON, You are hereby required to 26 0* 116 47 Dec. 13, 1926, hereby required to appear and an­ National Forest, for the timber on appear and answer the amended com­ the 29th day of December, 1927, In a swer the complaint filed against you 156.06 ' July 1, 1926, 26 0* null wherein on the 27th day of Dec­ the nineteen acres from the HW*4, plaint filed In the above entitled suit 45.97 Nov. 20, 1926, 26.0« In the above entitled suit, within four ember. 1927, In aald court The Pacific N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S Hee IX, ao.I N W ',. S. < 19, Tp 20 8 . within four weeks from the date of the 256.25 Dec. 1. 1925, 38.0* weeks from the date of the first pub­ Saving A - Ixtnn Association, a Wash­ Notice la hereby given that the un­ It 4 East. W M., within the Cascade I first publication of this summons, and 344 05 June 1, 1927, 60.0« lication of this Summons, and If you ington Corporation, plaintiff, recover­ dersign«! has been appointed execu­ National Forest. 146.63 If you fall to so appear and answer July 1, 1927, 28.0* fall to answer, for want thereof, the tor of the Lest Will und Testament of The purpose of this notice Is to for wnnt thereof the plaintiff will take ed Judgment, against the defendants plaintiffs will take a decree against 34.35 Sept. 30. 1927 26.0« W W White and Mary A. White, his la tltla Kendall, deceased. All per­ allow all persons claming the land Judgment HgMlnst you and apply to the 135 18 July 12, 1927, ’ 28.0* you as prayed for In the complaint wife, and H. R. Oldham and Edna E. sona havltiK claims against aald selected, nr having aotnu bona fide court for a decree that mortgage of 98.65 July 1, 1926, 26.09 herein, adjudging and determining estate nr« hereby notlfed to present objection* to such application, uu op­ , 21X68,00 held by the plaintiff on lot I Oldham, his wife, for the sum of j that the Plaintiffs herein are the 163.48 July 1, 1927, 26.0* l $1990.61 and Interest thereon at the | the aanie, with proper voucher», to portunity Io file their protest with the S I I I im k 1 Agate Plot Addition to Eu­ 17456 May 20. 1927, 38.0* owners In fee simple of the real estate ' rate of ten per cent per annum from the undersigned, at hla office nt 860 Register of the U. S I-and Office at gene, Oregon, Is n first mortgage and 36 21 210* July 1, 1927, June 4. 1927 until paid, and for the described In plaintiffs’ complaint and Willamette Street, within alx month« Roseburg, Oregon superior to alt rights or claims you further sum of 112 00 with Interest described as follows, to-wlt: 451 69 Dec. 1, 1925, 89.0* from the date of the first publication 243.31 Dec 1, 1925, 38.0* Any such protest or objection must inav have thereto and foreclosed and thereon at the rate of ten per cent per Beginning at a point 177.8 feet north of this notice. March 1, 1927, 1*6.9* be filed In this office within thirty said premises sold under foreclosure of the southwest corner of Block One 1122.71 Date of first publication January 19. days from the dute of the first publica­ as by law In such case* made and annum from Dec 27. 1927. until paid (1) In Whitney's Addition to Eugene, 245.51 34.9* Dec. 1, 1926, ar.d for the further sum of $200.00 as ISM 189 34 July 1, 1926, 26.0* tion of his notice, beginning January provided. Lane County, Oregon, and running reasonable attorneys fees, together I DONALD YOUNG, Executor. THIS summons Is published once with the cost and disbursements here- ' thence North 56 feet to the Northwest 393 74 50.09 July 1. 1926, 19.1928 Non-coal. Ja 12-19-2«: F. 2 9: each week for four consecutive weeks 50 0* 445.58 Dec. 1. 1925, h a m il l a C a n a d a y . R egister. corner of Lot Eight (8) In Block One In In the sum of 218.60. and said ex-! In The Springfield News, a weekly 545.58 Dec 1, 1925, 75.9* Ja 19-2«: F .2-9-16: (1) In said Whitney’s Addition to Eu­ eeutlon to me directed commanding | N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S 60.14 Dec. 1, 1925. 28.6* newspaper, published in Springfield, gene. thence East 160 feet to the Lane County, Oregon, by order of the me In the name of the State of Ore­ Northeast corner of said lot, thence 45.83 Dec. 1, 1925, 280« NOTICE IS HEREJ1Y'GIVEN, That NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. gon. In order to satisfy said Judgment, Hon O. F Skipworth. Judge of said 190.65 26.0« Dec. 1, 1925, South along the west line of the alley the underafgned haa been duly ap­ FOREST EXCHANGE j Interest, attorneys fees, costs of suit 1 court, mn-’e January 17th, 1928. and 78.05 Dec 1, 1925. 26.0« feet, and thence West 160 feet to pointed by the County Court of the No 017762 and accruing costs to sell the follow- ' 56 the place of beginning, being all of and the costs and disbursements of State of Oregon for the County of Department of the leterlor, United this summons dated and first publish­ Ing described real property, to-wlt: Lot Eight (8) and the North 22.6 feet this suit; and for a decree foreclosing bane as administrator of the estate State Land Office, Roseburg, O re­ ed January 19th, 1928. Lot Four (4) In Block three (3). of Ixtt Seven (7) in said Block One the chattel mortgage from said Sh*a> WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney of James M. Mathes, deceased, and t gon. December 29, 1927. Mountain View Addition, situated In Lumber Company and said N. B all persons having claims against aald NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that for Plaintiff, residence and Poatofflce Eugene, County of Lane and State (1) in W hitney’s Addition to Eugene. non Lane County. Oregon; and that the M. Lumber Company to rrogs-COOH estate are hereby notified to present Mike Hogan, of Minerva, Oregon, on address, Eugene, Oregon. Ja. 19-26: F .29-16: of Oregon. said defendants and each and all of plalnant recorded in the office of the the same properly verified to roe at December 24. 1927, filed Application County Clerk of Lane County. Oregon, the office of Frank D el’ue, attorney No 017762. under the Act of March 20, Now, therefore In the name of the you have no right, title, estate, lien at page 547 In Volume 14 of the Chat­ Interest In or to said premises, or N O TIC E for the estate nt Springfield, Oregon, 1922, (42 Slat., 466l to exchange the State of Oregon, In compliance with or tel Mortgage Records of said county, on or before alx months from the date NW% N BU . RH NBH NE>4. NW ’4 said execution and order of sale and any part thereof, and for such other and decreeing said sums above men­ OF THE SALE OF SPRINGFIELD and further relief as to the Court may of thia nolle«. Dated December SOtit, NE14 NE>4, NH SW ’4 NEU NE>4, In order to satisfy said Judgment In­ IMPROVEMENT BONDS. tioned to be a first mortgage lien upon seem Just and equitable. 1927. S E ’4 NB%. REU SW\4 SE’4 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that terest attorneys fees, costs of suit This Summons Is served upon you the personal property described IB C. MUNHALL. Administrator. NE%, WH 8W>4 NEi4, N E \i 8 W 4 In accordance with the provisions of and accruing costs, I will on Saturday FRANK DePUE, Attorney for the NEU. NW% SE>4 SWH NE>4. Sec Ordinance Number 628 of the Town of the 4th day of February.. 1928. at the by publication by virtue of an order said mortgage In Lane County, Ore­ estate. tlon 13. Township 17 8 , Range 11 Springfield. Lone County, Oregon, the hour of one o'clock In the afternoon of the Hon. G. F. Skipworth, Circuit gon, to-wlt: Ja 6-12-19-26: F. t: West, and Lot II NWU N W U ) Sec. City Recorder will receive scaled bldg of said day. at the Southwest front Judge, dated and filed Jan. 17» 1928. 1 Tacóme Donkey Engine 13, Township 17 8 Range 10 West , for the purchase of 213.000.00 of im­ door of the County Court House. In directing that this »nmmons be served 1 Seattle Donkey Engine No. 299* upon you by publication In the Spring- 1 Steam Pump W M. (173 82 acres) within the Slus- Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer, N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S law National Forest, for the timber provement bonds, said bonds to be In for sale and sell for cosh, at public field News, once each week for four 3 Water Pumps and Pipe (4% mUM weeks. The date of first publication Is of pipe) NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN. That off 16 acres on the SW14. Section 16, denominations of 9500.00 each. Said subject to redemption as pro- Jan. 19, 1928. 70 Window frames with glass the undersigned has been duly ap­ and NW >4 Section 22, Township 9 bonds to bear Interest at the rate ’ auction, Tided by law, all of the right, title of six per cent per annum, subject WELLS * WELLS. Attorneys for 11 matresses pointed by the County Court of the South. Range 6 East, W M., within the to redemption at any sem iannual in­ and Interest of said defendants W. W. Plaintiff. Residence and Poet Office 24 Iron bunks; 2 scrapers Slate of Oregon for the County of Santlam National Forest. White and Mary A. White, his wife, terest payment period after being In Address, Eugene. Oregon. 1 Skyline Ijm e as administrator of the estate The purpose of thia notice 1» to Ja. 19-26: F .2-9-16: 1 Pr. pulley flanges of Jacob Bulnlng deceased a n d allew «11 persona claiming the lands force for one year, by paying the face H. R. Oldham and Edna E Oldham, his wife, and the First National Bank of the bond with accrued interest 10 2-7-16" Dolley Boxes «11 persons having claims against said selected, or having bona fide objec­ of Eugene. Oregon, a corporation, and Each bid must be accompanied by a 1 »ack set colors estate are herby notified to present tions to such application an opportun­ persons claiming by. through or SHERIFF’S SALE ON 1 Lot skid' rolls the same properly verified to me at ity to file their protest with the certified check In favor of the City all under them or any or either of them Recorder, for at least three per cent FORECLOSURE 7 lumber trucks the office of Frank DePue. attorney Register of the U. S. Land Office at of the purchase price as a guarantee in and to said premises. for the estate at Springfield, Oregon, Roseburg. Oregon. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That 6 set switch points, couplets wltB FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff., Lane of the good faith on the part of the throws and plates on or before six months from the date by virtue of an execution and order Any such protest or objections must County, Oregon. of sale issued out of the Circuit Court 1 24x7” spur friction 2-15-16 of this notice. Dated December 30th, be filed In this office within thirty bidder. No bid will be considered for 3y BEULAH BRINNICK, Ueputy. less than per and accrued Interest. of the State of Oregon for the County 1 Jitney 1927 day* from the date of the flret publi­ Ja. 5-12-19 25: F. 9: of Lane on the 12th day of January 2 Haul-back blocks IRA T YOUNG. Administrator. cation of thia notice, beginning Jan­ Said bonds to be dated March 1st, 1928, and date of closing bids and of FRANK DePUE, Attorney for the uary 6, 1928. 1928. upon a Judgment rendered In 2 Moving blocks Non-coal. opening sealed bids, February 14th, 3300’ No. 4 light wire estate. HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. i NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON said Court on the 11th day of January, 1928. 400' No. 12 light wire, small Ja. 6-12-19-26: F. 2: 1928, In a suit wherein The First Na­ Ja 6-12-19-26: F. 2: EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE I. M. PETERSON, Recorder. tional Bank of Springfield, Oregon, a 1 Steam water pump Ja 12-19-26: F 2-9: Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ corporation was Plaintiff and W. H. 1 Moving block tue of an execution and order of sale Clark and ............... his wife. L. T im ­ 11 Flat boxes i N O T IC E OF H E A R IN G OF F IN A L In foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ mons and R. F. Timmons, her hus­ 2 shaft couplings complete cuit Court of Lane County, Oregon, band. and Sam Sorenson and L. M. 28 Pulley flanges ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the ad- on the titth day of January. 1928, In a Travis, Inc. a corporation were de­ 1 ton steel and Iron, assorted | mlnlstrator of the estate of Nellie suit wherein on the 3rd day of Janu­ fendants snd wherein the Plaintiff re­ 1 steam condensor j Deedon, deceased, has filed his ac­ ary, 1928, in said court Elmer Roberts, covered Judgment against the said de­ 6 angle boxes Rro, Phon« 160 Plano Moving count for the final settlement of said i as adxnanistrator of the Estate of fendants W. H. Clark ana ___ Clark, 2 2 7-16 flanges 8" sleeve SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER i cstnte In the County Court for Lane i Jack Rodman, deceased, plaintiff, re- his wife, for the sum of 22959.00 toget­ 9 ? 7-16 flanges 10” sleeve • r WILLI» BERT8CH, Prop. County, in the State of Oregon, and | covered Judgment against the defend- her with interest thereon from the 1 steel truck that Saturday, the 4th day of Febru­ I ants Josephine Mills, L. L. Mills and 30th day of November 1926, at the rate lu Guy lines OFFICE AT BERVICB OARAGE ary, 1928, at the Court Room of stld George M. Svarverud for the sum of of 8% per annum until paM and for 1 Rail bender 633 Main Street 1 do drill Court, In the County Court House, In $566.60 with Interest at 7 per cent per the sum og $110.54 taxes with interest 18 blocks Bucceaaor to Sutton Transfer ’ Eugene, Oregon, at ten o’clock. In the annum from the 12th day of Novem­ thereon from the 15th day of Sept­ 2 pr. loading tongs, with clevl; ' forenoon, has been, by sail. Court, ber, 1927, and for the further sum of ember, 1927 at 6<%- per annum and Said property being at ShanaoB 228 Main S t Residence 126 C 8t ' fixed as the time and place for hear- 275.00 attorneys fees and the costs for the sum of $350.00 as attorneys and disbursements herein, which Judg­ fees together with the costs and dis­ Mill. Lane County, Oregon and In th» 62 J 62 M ( Ing objections thereto, and for final WM. O. HUGHES ment was enrolled and docketed In the bursements which Judgment was en­ woods near said mill, and for a deer*« settlement of said estate. of foreclosure of said mortgage an* P I R I ANO A U T O IN A U R A N O Full Auto Equipment F. W. DEEDON. Administrator of Clerk's office of said Court in said rolled and docketed In the office of for a sale of said property to satlffy County on the 3rd day of January, the Clerk of said Court on the 11th N O T A R Y P U B L IC , the Estate of Nellie Deedon, deceased. Lady Assistant 1928, and said execution to me direct­ day of January 1928 and said execu­ said Judgment and decree, and for B I L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. O ffice at ed commanding me In the name of tion was to me directed commanding further decree adjudging said mor*> Ja. 6-12-19-26: F. 2: the State of Oregon, in order to sat­ me In- the name of the State of Ore­ gage and lien to be superior to aay FIRST NATIONAL BANK isfy said Judgment, interest, attorneys gon In order to satisfy said Judgment lien or claim of defendants, Harry •»rlngflald, N O T IC E O F SALE O F R EA L fees, cists of suit and accruing costs and accruing costs to sell the follow­ Smith and N & M. Lumber Company, P R O P E R T Y BY G U A R D IA N or either of them, or any other party DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL 'to sell the following described real ing described real proporty, to-wlt: to this suit, and for such other an* The west half of the northwest Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ property, to-wlt: DENTIST further relief as to the Court may DR. N. W. EMERY quarter of section twenty-one In town­ tue of an order of the County Court Lot No. 2 In section 23. township 16 seem Just and equitable, and for croa*' ship seventeen south, range four west of Lane County, Oregon, duly made south of range No. 4 east of the Wil­ Phon* 43 OBNTIBT and entered of record on the 17th day lamette Meridian. In Lane County, of W illamette Meridian In Lane Coun­ complainant’s coats and dlsburM« ments. First N a tl Bank Bldg., Springfield of December. 1927, In the matter of •wtton Bld» Phene KW Oregon, excepting a »trip of land 50 ty, Oregon, together with the tene­ This summons Is published pursuant ment« thereunto belonging or In any the Guardianship of Edward' W. Pet- feet wide through said lot conveyed Reeldenoe Phone 1W-M ersmeyer, an incompetent person, the to Lucky Boy Mining Company, also wise appertaining, and the proceeds to an order of the Hon. O. F Sklfb worth, Judge of the above court mad* undersigned Guardian of said Edward excepting a tract conveyed to Nellie of the sale to be applied as follows: January 9. 1938. Springfield, Oregon First: The expenses of said sale W. Petersmeyer will on and after the T. Matlock, and excepting a tract con­ Date of first publication January 12, third day of February, 1928 offer for veyed to T. C. Luckey, and excepting and the coats and disbursements of 1928. this suit, Including the attorneys fees. sale and sell at private sale to the a tract conveyed to Roy Stein, all of MAX STOVE WORKS W. H. BROOKE. Attorney for Ed» Second: The payment of the Judg­ Osasral Law Practica highest htddv>r for cash In hand, or said premises being in Lane County, ward Cameron. Trustee, Crnss-coBM ment of Plaintiff. Will t a |e your Old Style Range part cash and part credit on terms State of Oregon, together with the Third: The balance If any there be plalnant. 860 Willamette Street, BB» satisfactory to said guardian, the real tenements, hereditaments and appurt­ I. M. PETERSON In exchange on a Later One. to be paid over to whom the Court f in e , Oregon. property of said ward described in enances thereunto belonging or ap­ Attor»ay-*t»l«aw Ja. 12-19-26: F. 2-9: direct«. said order, to-wlt: pertaining. '. (aln near Mill St., Springfield NOW, therefore In the name of the The W est fifty feet of Ixits 1 and Now. therefore. In the name of the City Hail Building 2 In Block 3 in Mountain View Park. State of Oregon, In compliance with State of Oregon: and In compliance NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT tprtagfluM, Or». Notice la hereby given that Har