I O u r Printing Plant i* Equipped For A ll Kinde of Job W o rk THE SPRINGFIELD NF WS TWBNTY-F1FTH YKAll FUN FESTIVAL TO BE HELDFEB. 3RD j Chamber Groups Schools Starting Named by Hamlin Second Semester A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN X BPRINGFIBLD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY JANUARY 2«. 1928 Accomplice o f Hickman "The People’s Paper" NUMBER 3 RAILROAD AND PAPER MILL SUBJECTS BEFORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE I I I FOR M'KENZIE A M A S I ROADS The east and west railroad proposed President Shapes Committees Honor Students Listed at High by the state public service commis­ fpr Civic Body in and Elimsntary Schools; sion will be discussed at the regular , --------- Year 1928 Stats Test* Taken meeting of the Springfield Chamber of Junction City a n d Siu*laW Commerce Friday night. The state Chamber« of Commerce Votd Committee organisation tor 1828 of The igscond semester got under way commission has requested support of to Put Two-Mill Measure ort the Springfield chamber of commerce at the Springfield public schools this the various commercial bddies In its i was announced today by F. I) Hamlin, Ballot at Primary Election wwek. with attendance about the same case pending before the Interstate recently elected president. The fleet Commerce commission to order some < Time. Program for Community Event Announced; Many Organiza­ tion« Enter Stunts; Judges are Selected; Prizes will be Given. meeting of the year will he held Fri­ as during the first term. Promotions railroad to build the cross state line I day night, at which the Crane-Odell and honor rolls have been announced trom Crane to Odell that will shorten j A two mill tax for the completion ! railroad extension and several other In the various schools, and at the distances ______________ to the ____ east by 500 miles of the Willamette Valley-Florence matters of Importance will be taken junior high school a group of 16 young The Eugene Chamber and County highway and also for the McKenzie up. people took state examinations in an Court are filing a petition of interven- highway was endorsed at the joint Directors of the chamber are Julius Fulop, W. C. Wrlgnt, W. C. Rebhan, effort to graduate Iqto high school tlon in the case and It la likely the meeting of the Sluslaw and Junction tanks. They will hear from the testa local chamber will also be a party city Chambers of Commerce at , W. A Taylor and J. A. Seavey. to IL The committees follow: early next week. Florence Saturday. The meeting IxMomunlcatlons In regard to the ¥Oted put a mpaaure C0Terjni Trade, commerce, and Industry—A At the high school the honor roll paper lax levy , on the the ballot ballot at next J Perkins, tyelby Stevens, John Wln- was announced yesterday, includlnx locadon ¿, w 7 i e , l of , a pulp . l o l l and . , — mill J In tax on th lu n lfv t W s / i|| -1 * f t ’ »vo iu v i iu iu k vicinity ix; rt.ad and dis- , , ,, zenreld. names. Grades of 89 1 U8aed j election time in May. six uames. 80 or above 1, Legislation, taxation, highway, flab are required to make the honor lis t 1 ' , The meeting was one of the largest end g a m e - W. C. Wrlghte, K. E. Mirrl- and those cited for honor» have been Committees for the year will he and mo, t enthlIBUgtlc rOad gathering« appointed by President F. B Hamlin P W heW jn western county< Hon, I. M Peterson. few this year. Publicity, conventions, civic, social . The honor, students announced T W° r“ i?'"’“ T""Bt3r membi Bridge—E. E. Morrison, H senior patrol patrol leader leader was was displayed displayed everyw everywhere according ’ iced the Brattaln honor roll and pro-' Earl Wheeler, « " e e .e r , senior Mi(X..y> w,,lhy st(>v<.nK m otions early In the week. Including I ° f th® Ll° “8 Club ,cout troop' tbe Talley v!a,tor*- a long list of names of children whose "T*? rna'1' a 1,f‘ »cout by the court The m a tin g was unanimously in , N V , T A T |0 N , s G IV E N work has been satisfactory In the OU,,T al '‘s meeting Tuesday even fa¥or of completing both ends of th« elementary school. l-gincipal L. C. “ * * “ ethodl8t church May°’ ' Willamette Valley-Flor, nee highway by the Kprlngfleld post Ore TO NON-CHURCH GOERS High achool orchestra selection s. , up — — — - ---—..... - ■ -----— of — the ........ Moffitt of the Lincoln school listed the / . . . .U summer.. The is n . S. . ”7 . ° . _ over the this n nutuiMct.. m r millage luiiia^c tax id* 13 u eo cv Negro minstrel. Neighbors of Wood- «•>« National Guard. It Is revealed In AS RESULT OF SURVEY ; 1 following honor ............... .. court eourt which also made Carol A Adams dam s1 ; e8>ary, „ „ R ______________. wa„ . . U e ______ cf)un. * reports from headquarters received pupils: craft drill team. 3 Bn ri*h°'u merlt b*dg badges ty-g share of the money needed to co CO ----------------- A» an aftermath of the recent re-j First Grade—Muriel Tyson. U oyd ! to*Ralnh° H aI>, awarded ed. n’erit. e t ! ty's by C. A. ----------- Swarts, commander Farce, Mrs. Pepper's Ghost." In If iilr t n U iio h a o n z . L n l . _ . L i _ ____a 1 For the r year, unit was llglous survey n here, Seamans. Ida Ida Jlane Jlane Irwdn Irwin, Sohnnle ! Him“ wh T s '” 8C ° ar8hlp and operate with the state and bureau at Touring In China , r,,r rur- the local 11,1,1 e r e . r representatives e p r e s e n i a u v e s . Seamans, cnod In In Its Its class class In In attendance. attendance. It It of of the the Springfield Springfield protoniani Protestant church?« churches I I anne. ■_____ I e ee > r n rv-manshlp. public roads In completing the high« High school glee and ukelele clubs. »«c«>ud Spore, Rosalie Looney, Robert A total of 10 merit badges are r e -1 way. Farce, "Rumpus on Olympus Olympus." . *«» fourth In all units throughout have Issued an Invitation to person« I Knight, Alice Chase, l.«awr( n< e ' »re re- .h o „ „ , . « „ 0 . am ith, [Thnmraon. m ,',i« '" '* '* *0^ ' Tb' the state Many Stunt Plannsd Stunts al the gymnasium will begin fo r December, the Springfield denominations to attend one of th. , Second Ora(Je _ a 8tar 8cout 000,1 Progress Is shown bv all t h e . e m i t . <„ E ^th ,k„ T : Cheshire station and runs to Maple- with . musical farce. While all of Q“*rd ranked h ighest In It. class In churches here. G Eckhardt. Louisa Cowden’ ? * * L‘° n8 ton. It is desired to finish the road T..C lormal statement follows: ¡Elisabeth Wardlow. S ixjuisa ^ ^ O o U cowaen, ,’ E th el! I and port. I^ R'°n troops 8C0Utma8tor’ re" from Mapleton to Cushman on water _______ . _____________ __ th e a t .t e T _____________ ____ Ix-glon scoutmasters re- the organisations to enter stunts have ,,le stat«. pot yet been listed, a partial list In- 1 Commander »warta eSpressed satis- u i w u u a i y whojOott, Norma William«. To families in our w community ' prade along the Siuslaw and also ths eludes the Brattaln teachers. Lincoln fut'Hon over the year » work. At pres- have no preference among the de Fourth Grade-Dorothy King. Mac the S p rln X ld ^ co u n cll°h J ^ n £ t I ^ h “ O aV " thls end from Che8hi" teachers, high school teachers, chain- ’ r» 1- the local troop has a strength nominations of the Christian churches churi her of commerce, Bible Study class. . ,,f ’ t lwo above the maximum, and I “We want to express our gratitude 8eavey, Fay Squires, Eugene May, ■ucroforv secretary, finance officer and _0 scout d o ^ ^ ^ s Z ^ * P T. A., Needlecraft club. Llona club, tianafers to the reserve must be made to you for your courteous response Drucille Ogjlvle. commissioner will be elected at that Between Mapleton and Cushman, it Aneaa club. American Ix-glon. The | »" br,n< “ >« membership down. Ef to our questions, and we extend to Sixth Grade— Evelyn Bacus, Marie time. parade will follow ,,,r’8 ' homes MANY A TTE N D FUNERAL Club work among school children Page, secretary; Mrs. I. A. Valentine. | voted by the people two years ago hut “ (SignedIC. H BLOM of this city Is being organised by treasurer; Mrs. Paul Brattaln, cor- declared Illegal by the court on ac­ ' FOR RICHARD NELSON the nest three weeks. Rev. W. A: "8. E. CHILDERS. Elkins will preach at the Springfield I Arnold Collier, county club leader, responding secretary. count of the election notices being "MRS. CLARA BROOKS. . . . . .. . hold . . . . Tuesday __________ Funeral services at Christian church Sunday evening ! following a visit to the Lincoln school The official staff is now prepared drawn improperly. "REV GABRIEL SYKES." Tuesday. For several years there has to shape the 1928 activity _ program the Poole chupel for Richard Noll j Claude Neely, song director, will take ___ ____ ___________________ __ for Earl Hill, of Mapleton, president ot Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs Arne charge In the morning aervlcea each lx en no organized club work here. the local group, which is associated the Siuslaw chamber, presided at th« Nelaon. who died last Saturday night | °f the three Sundays the pastor Is JEWEL IS PRESENTED Girls of the school organized two women's . O k — 1 w,‘h ‘bp state -- federation - ~ ' « k-k.-... of w VU1CU ( meeting at Florence. He and Wayn« vtVve z on xev Tuesday, and ~ .1 a the v boys are , nlnho aa the result of a timber accident, j away. P. G. N. OF WOODCRAFT clubs clubs. Vg-j. Mrs. Walker, the new presi- Robertson, president of the Junction were largely attended by many rela- ( *n charge of the gervlcea on Sunday , preparing to form rablt and poultry the wife of a local realty City Chamber of Commerce, were vltea and friends of Mr. Nelson. ! evening. February 6. will be the ( Past guardian neighbor’s Jewel was clubs. Much Interest Is being shown man. and is a teacher in the public authorized, to select committees tJ j Christian ---------------- Endearorers. - ---- and . Rev Mr Nelson wan smashed n . between ». . . . . ... »« last i<>n, , also < u v« w El ............................ presented Mrs. ............ Marlon ow««««* Adams « at In camp cooking, according to ’ chools act Jointly in carrying on a cam­ night s meeting of the Neighbors cf Mr. Collier. After the business session Tuesday paign in behalf of the two-mili tag a heavy log nnd a donkey engine . | k•"« will preach again on the follow , night's Woodcraft. The wan | ! The ---- '— class of ~ “ the Junior evening, refreshments were serv while working for the Beebe Lumbar ln* Sunday. wooacrart m e presentation was agricultural measure. company nt Leona on January 14. He ,J,*‘ Sunday, Rev. Eason, superin- made by Mrs. C. F. Egglmann, pres-i high school, and others, will visit the and a general social gathering held of Oregon .-oaie State missionary Missionary ’ “nt neighbor. . | 1 poultry Poultry and rabbit show at the Bank | I The next meeting will he o n 'th e HIGH SCHOOL T E A M l was taken to the Pacific facinc t Christian nristian ‘d e n t > >1 the <<■» un-ipra « « s guardian u u r u ia n neignnor. hospital In n serious condition, and . spoke In hehulf of missions In; Committees were appointed as fo l-: of Commerce In Eugene to be held a-,onn ° n < b e there. *b*B "‘«I*- ¡low s Flowers. Mrs. Nina McPherson today, Friday and Saturday ' worn»« h x u J “817' Eaf Mrs. Esther ¡ ' ^ ‘hr‘* ^ w ‘n«“ . br " a‘ a ........... be the at the of Methodist """ ,h" ... ap»'“'a‘'""B ma8k’ I ' BIG PORTLAND TR IA L campus prep team counted to ‘he,i BAPTIST CHOIR MEETS advantage, and they stole an early church Sunday evening. His su bject, Bn,bham and Mr8 Josephine Chase | held at ¿he home ° f Mrs. AND IS ENTERTAINED Carl Olson last Thursday evening Springfield has a peculiar interest ! ,ead fron* ,he Springfield team will be "Christian Missionaries as i were received. Prize for the member best concealing in the details of the trial in Portland On the whole, " however. Coach The First lla|»t 1st church choir met Seen by a Hindu.” ■ her Identity went to Mrs. E. May. Leonard Mayfield's squad showed up of J. E. Wheeler and Emery Olmstead PLAY CAST FETED AT last Tuesday evening at the home of At the Sunday morning service, i Present were Mrs. Dan Crites, Mrs. on charges of conspiracy to violate fairly well against the university high Mrs. Kenneth Tobias. After rehear­ Rev. Gabriel Sykes will speak on j LEGIONNAIRE DINNER Wm. Dawson, Mrs. S. R. Dlppel, Mrs the federal bank laws, because of the team, and Is playing an improved sal a program of stunts was put on '•Jesus Christ nnd Real Progress. | r- . » « 7" , Robert Drury, Mrs. Walter Gossler. selection of Welby Stevens of this brand of basketball. for entertainment. The choir will sing Special music will be given by . tho f a s t of the American Legion play Mrs George Hobson Mr. city as a member of the Jury. oil Sunday morning at the Baptist senior choir ln the morning and by ¡"His Uncle's Nelce." was feted at n Jarrett Mrs J F K etels Mr U' w ----- 1 Mr. Stevens Is a rarmer of this church while in the evening a male the Junior choir In the evening. Sun-! banquet given by the veterans at the • _ quartet composed of Norton Pengra, day school is at 9:45 a. m. and Ep-J ohnmb-r of commerce Friday evening Long. Mrs. K May Mrs. Carl Olson, district and Is president of the Corn- Mrs Carl Phetteplace. Mrs. W. H. j merclal State bank here. He was Wllfert Cook, Paul Frese and Oscar worth League at 6:30 p. m. The Christian church orchestra fur­ w T w 'r i rhL WS ° n’ Mr8‘ I C8lled ‘° P° r‘l8nd tb*8 y w t0 8e™ Gladdlsh will sing. Starting nished special entertainment. February 28 the choir Is invited to OVER v ,.'1, i „ d . n 7 MrS on the federal ^ a”d JUT. and he and _______ . ............................. ( The leg io n at the meeting decided Floyd Flanery. Special guests ' were 150 . . AT CHRISTIAN spend the evening at the home of Mrs. this week CHURCH N IG H T F R ID A Y !to put 6n a 8,unt at the fun festival Mrs. Mary Gallier and Mrs. Levi NeeL Mrs. Stevens have made their tem­ porary home in Portland during hts Frances Mitchell, 12 9 5, Orchard j to be held soon at the high school. Jury term. He and an Oregon City afreet, Eugene. More than 150 attended church G. A. R. LADIES W ILL man are the only bankers on the night program at the Christian church i Michigan Club Meets The Michigan Club of Lane county NEW FORD ON FLOOR Friday evening. The entertainment INSTALL AT SESSION trial Jury. AT DANNER MOTOR CO. was ln charge of the men's Bible will meet at the rooms of tho Eugene An Adventure Story By Ladles of the G. A. R„ Iuka Circle, PERKINS W ILL BUILD class, and refreshfffffnts were served chamber of commerce Wednesday, February 8, at a dinner at 6:15 p m. hereafter will meet at the chamber of A new model Ford car to be used by the Junior girls Stewart Edward White TW O HOUSES IS PLAN as a demonstrator has been received The men's qunrtet, composed of AI1 former Michigan residents of this commerce. It was announced this One of America's Leading by the Danner Motor company ar.d Walter Nealson, D. B. Murphy, Claud vIeinity are Invited to be present. week by Mrs. C. F. Eggimann, presi­ George Perkins, who this week ac­ dent. will be kept by the denier until de­ Neely and Lawrence Moffitt, gave Rev-! Names and reservations may be Novelists quired property at Sixth and A streets The first meeting of the year will liveries of the new automobile are eral selections. Wlnlfrld Tyson and Phoned or mailed to the Michigan from Mrs. Jennie Cannon, plans to made to the public. Dozens of pros­ Agatha Beals sang a duet, and the club, care of the Eugene chamber of be there today, and officers will be ln- erect two new modern houses at that sctalled. Refreshments will be served. pective buyers are taking rides In the latter sang another with her father, commerce. This story Is even better than place. It Is understood. workings. Everyone Is agreed that It A reading was given by Roscoe Cole. Deal transferring the property from “Blachsheep” 1a the finest automobile of Its class Several numhera wore presented by Party Is Planned LIONS CLUB TROOP TO Mrs. Connon, who now lives ln Port­ Ford has put out. Deliveries of the Eugene visitors. The Women’s Foreign Missionary CONDUCT HIK E SUNDAY land, was completed early ln the Society of the Methodist church will new car are expected to start within week. BE SURE TO R E A D / 3couts Make Monty hold a Measure Party In the basement a few weeks. A tramp into the hills south of A considerable funfl for the Girl of the Church, Tuesday evening, Jau- Springfield Is planned for the Lions Assists With Inspection the Auxiliary To Meet Scouts was collected at a card party uary 31, at 7:30 o'clock. club g o y Scout troop Sunday. Mrs. C. R, Poole Is assisting the The local auxiliary of the American and entertainment given at the cham­ There will be a short program of The scouts .w ill meet at the county health nurse with health In­ Legion will conduct a meeting to­ ber of commerce last Saturday. Many music and readings, and several short Methodist church corner at lt 3 # spection at the Lincoln school today. Firtt inttallm ent night at the home of Mra. H. E. local women attended the event. En talks on China will be heard. A o’clock Sunday afternoon, and from A clinic held a few day« ago at the I'lana urd program arc complete tor the first Bprliigfield “fun festival" scheduled tot the high school auditor­ ium and gymnasium on February 3. Mrs. Ora Read Hemenway, principal of the Urattaln school, la directing the affair, which Is sponsored by th« local I’arent-Teacbeis association. Proceeds from tb< festival will go toward benefiting the local school sya-i tern through the I’.-T. A There will VVciby Hunt, Kansas City youth be two programs, with the same num­ who has confessed his part, with bers. ut the auditorium at 7:16 and Edward Hickman, in the hold-up and murder, on December 24, 1920, • ill. All stunts and the purade will be O* Ivy Thoms, Los Angeles drug- ;sl Hickman is the confessed bold at the rymnaslum nt 8:15 o'clock, tdoaper and slayer of Marian Anie organisation may enter a stunt Parker, 12-ycarold Lot Angeles not to exceed 10 minutes In leugtb, gtrL and a |5 prise la offered for the best stunt. Any couple or -person may enter the parade, and a 12 prise for LOCAL NATIONAL GUARD the moat comical couple In the parade ATTENDANCE RECORD IS AMONG BEST IN OREGON Io offered, as well as a prise for the host-sustained character Unusually good al.on.I.ncc records The program at 7:15 at the high for 1827 ami Deceinbar «ere marked achool auditorium follow«: f ON TIPTOE Maxey. Important matters of busi­ tertalnment was fhrnlshed by th o , Chinese lunch will be served at the there w ill go Into the hills. The hike school waa not completed then, but Is Scouts, and cards furnished diversion, close of the evening. ness wlM he considered. will he confined to Sunday afternoon. being finished today. ----- ■■ ■ ragesacaaa * I