PAOS SIX THURSDAY JANUARY 11», 192M THJC SPRINGFIELD N3W S "A charming young girl. Ruth Hast 1 “Oh. It'a «II ao at atranget" cried Mr« nothing II!" 'Certain m ailers are one's personal igs. who«« antecedent« ami «ml con connec- Congilun. “One “Ona mitili! think that w>- Inn«, n ec-1 ' Congdon. tion» «re the Intel. You need tiaro , muât suffer tribulation before we affair." she answered "Itueliy I must no fear« on that «core. You ahull ae<> know that perfect happlneaa la! An I ask you to excuse me." "I refuse to be snubbed again! You her. very *oon.' I never eM|iect to underataml alt that She permitted him (o describe the ba* happened to you men. Is II po« are trampling me under toot, jiud I meeting with Ruth and Isabel at , slide that you'll ever settle down refuse Io ho stepped on any more 1 wish to asauro you. Miss Perry, that Rochester, and her face betrayed re- again?'' lief and pleasure as he made It clear ' 'That depends " Archie retti.u k« I my love for you In not Io bo spurned that the Governor's romance was In , glancing -meaningly at Isabel, - a wiih Impunity!” "Please lie careVul! Those girls no way discreditable. - glance which Mr« Congdon detected "It Is curious, and In his own way and appraised with that prescience over lhere «re watching us,' •'A wonderful opportunity for th an of looking at thing« may be algnlfl | which makes every woman a match to see a desperate man making love; cnut. that your telegram reached lit ■ maker. on the day following (he seventh an- On the eighth day Dr Moagrove mi invaluable pari of their education! nlversary of (he beginning of bis announced that Ills visits were no They will never forget how I fell up­ exile." longer tieceaaary; he ran up Io Hud- on luy knees me) declared m yself!" "ub, you wouldn't I You really 'llv had looked forward to Ihe dlesion, he told Archie, for the plea seventh anniversary aa marking th-> sure of meeting Ihe agreeahlu people wouldn't You forget that theae chil­ end of (he dark Influences; he be he found there The Governor was dren are highly Imprwsslunahlel" "Tilts Is Uni wonderful to be true,“ lleved (here would be a vast change making an extraordinary recovery. nor’s strategy to awaken fear lu Ell- INTRODUCTION "Ho am I, and extremely senaltlva. she exclaimed. "After all the nVser.v In hla affair«.“ and the bracing northern air would It would be flue If you'd Join me In Isabel Perry recommends a life of phalet Congdon Archie went at once to Huddleston I've endured It can't be possible (hat “If only he lives!" she exelglmed aoon set him up. crime, adventure, romance and excite a little walk. If you refuse I shall Dr Moagrove had made a careful follow you the rent at the day singing m eat aa a cure tor Archibald Ben station, where he sat Is fled hmiself happiness Is Just ahead of me. TeU "Is Is possible that he can ever alep hack Into the world he left?" I examination of Carey, and recosn- The Unvernor and I did a good deal nett's nerves Archie goes to Bailey that the toaely agent knew nothing of me everything " i “I n due season you shall know all. '•You may be sura he hoi p'auned mended thal be be sent Io a of singing In our (ravels and—" Harbor to Investigate a house for his the transactions of the night. He drew from his waist coat the Just now I haven't the heart to keep a return, with marriage at Ih* vary torlutu for treatment Parky under Slater—and spends the night In the Aa he fltbvl bis lunaa aa (hough envelope the Governor's sister had you from your husband, and I'm go * threshold took to carry him to a private Inatl about to burst Into song she hastily amply house. He is awakened by foot­ steps during the night; the intrud»r given him the night she dined In the Ing to send him Io you Immediately "Then God grant that he may liv e!’ tutlon near Chicago suggested by the turned toward the wood. Area at him and mtsaea. Archie flres New Tork house, and tore It open In And as I shrink from telling a man I she said fervarrntty doctor, and (hla became «pother of You lecm to forget dial I'm mis­ In return He doesn't know whether 4 flowing hand which expressed some- like ao much (hat I tried to kill him The following evening, after Dr. the series of strauge errands that fell tress here, white you're only a he has killed or only wounded the thing of Ih . grace and charm of the no, so long:»go. In , going Io turn tha, ^ ^ t k Z r ’b o ^ a to the lot of the Arthur 11. Grover guest! 1 hate to say II. but your« m man. but fearing the M b la lty . pla ts had given It to him In agreeable business over to you high. (). Miphalei Congdon had been Impor­ serious danger of becoming a nul- to „ . n . m , eacapa la his fifeht h I circum stances so remarkable, he Archie was beset with many fears nee." Dreams Happiness shone In the tuning Archie to release him. but ll meets “The Governoe“— a master-mind read M rs,Julia Van Doren Grayblll, as he waited the arrival o f Mrs stars over the northern waters Put had seemed wise to give Hie erratic "You're no! resentful and hatoful criminal who mistake« him for a fel- unUl October 1. Southampton. L. I. Grayblll. His utter Ignorance of any ney Pong-don and his wife were en­ millionaire more (tine In which to enough Io frighten me away. meditate upon hla sins low criminal Archie afraid to tell the 11 was th® Van Doreu that burnt detail« touching the life of his friend joying to the full Ihe peace that fol­ 'He either fears his fat« loo much. truth, falls in with "The Governor." A into Archie’s consciousness. It seemed now Io rise before him like When Ihe tug returned Archie found Or hla deserla are amall. lowed upon the< storms of (heir mar­ aeries of events lead him tq believe I wa» ab old name of honorable con » fog which he m s afraid to pene ried life. (hat the old gi-nllnmnn hail taken ad That dares not put It to the touch fce has shot Putney Congdon—the I notations, one with which he had 'rate. And there was Ruth, with her Isabel gave AY.-hle no opportunity of * ,U5r'» ln Chll'a«" To gain or lose It all.' owner of the house. They precede U b**n famll‘ar all h l. Ute It was happiness hanging in Ihe balance; she to speak to him ........... alone, and he found <‘° ‘••’“"'lerable shopping In a "I Insist that I love you! That's New York, where they are viaited b, >n the wall of (he church near » ’ « In Jove w ith a man of whom .h e ()UnuiylnK gh, mad,. a new suit of clothes he really looked (he only htng thal matters!" Julia, the Governor s sister. Archie tbe P**’ keld ,or • hundred years by *new nothing. Indeed the mystery aa Perky said, like a white man; b ill candid confession to Mrs. Congdon. "Except," she corrected, "your promises her he will stick with the hia own f»“ ily; It was a name of dig- 'hat enfolded him was a part of his with Putney and Archie standing by Ihe change In him was not merely cheerful assumption (hat I reciprocate Governor through the strange phase n i,’r- associated with the best tradl- fascination for her. no doubt; ami If as Io his outward person He opened ' “With malice aforethought I prac­ the feeling, when—" she claims he is passing througa. “ <«» of Manhatten Island; and this. the Governor's past life there was ■'You call It an affair! Calamity ticed my vamplrlah arts upon these a hag on deck and displayed with While strolling in the park. Archie Presumably was the Governor s name anything that made marriage wlt.n a two men' And. Alice, the cruelest pride a pearl necklace he had pur­ would be a better term for II." chased for hla daughterln law, a hand aeea Mrs. Congdon with her two chll- Ora’rb111 was unfamiliar, and this pus »»man of Ruth s fineness and * d< This silenced him for some time. d-en. and is witness to me the Kidnapping kidnaDDine lled hlm- for be hnew „ and could place hazardous, the sooner It d » e me! 1 couldn t bear a „ I , flirted „ . . some watch fpr young Edith and an o.en . ana-is witness to 5 ... »weetnesa « a. , ,, . g u II. As she walked before him. carrying le a r n s half a d°xen Van Dorens. probably wa» known the better But when he other for hl» grandson, whom Mrs. har head high, hla heart ached with of the e little little rirl girl. Edith Edith. He H e learns with Mr. Congdon, not only that but from the Governor that the father-in- ne'a''lre9 *n some degree of the Gov caught a glimpse of Mrs. Grayblll In I took advantage of his distress over Congdon had left with a friend In the love for her It would be heat perhaps east law of Mrs Congdon—a very wealthy ernor- bu' he recalled no woman of 'be »estibule of the train his appre- not to urge her further; to wait until hla father's efforts to estrange you maa— is engaged In the circulation of 1116 famlly wbo bad married a Gray- bensions vanished. The poise, the two to counsel him to lead a reck less.' Though so many vistas were bright­ the camp closed and then aee har counterfeit twenty-dollar gokl pieces bUL serenity of temper, an unquestioning ening. Archie was »till troubled by devil-may-care existence. And 1 tried In a different environment. It might The go to Rochester, where the Gov- "Regret that I must act on my pro- acceptance of the fate that p layed ) Isabel's persistent refusal Io see him be that hla «later would arrange this the same thing on Mr. Bennett, only ernor receive, a letter from Ruth, the ” !se ° f a<° a“d t ?,“ d **“ " b- much more susceptible than «” • b'm •’PP-rlUbHy for him and he took courage from ths girl he loves. In which she te ll, him fb< addrp” ‘n confidence. E n -, tb* ,r flr» ' meeting «truck him anew to break down the barriers she had thought. your husband and took be more aerl-, he may be able to «erve her At a ''«waged to believe that the patient " °W P*tfent I, doing well. The raised against him ( P IN A L I N S T A L L M E N T N e s t W e a k ) ously. I want you. one ami all, to be dance at Ruth', home. Archie m eet, wlU recOTer S'««®9'- however, that ae” '• •«> <"«d •" h" »»id at once “You are running away from me!" sure that 1 hate m yself most cordl- Isabet and they are reconciled. Archie i >ou coma at once '' i K_,‘I felt ‘ha‘ '» ’ ou‘d be; I couldn't he said sternly. "And that's not fair." lally!" and the Governor promise to And He and Congdon were at the supper ; believe that this was the end!" Newspaperman Recovsrs — Jalmar "Oh. thia Is my busiest day! You “The end Justified the means. I Edith Congdon and whisk her awav tabu> wben he received ‘be answer: Putney and h i, wife had moved to mustn't think a place like thia runs Johnson, former Springfield reporter think," said Mrs. Congdon. to Iaabel's camp. They secure work "Thank you. I am Just leaving. J. Heart ° ’ Dreams for a few d a y . It autoniatlcally" for the Morning Register, who has “I found a frelnd I'm n ot going to would be a second honeymoon. Putney on Bliphalet Congdon", farm, where ' D. G. "I think nothing of the kind But been seriously III with threatened lose as one result," said Putney. “And Edith has been taken. They learn- Archie was not permitted to en-f sald Mr# Grayblll was Introduced If the sick man across the bay re­ your studied efforts to "escape from pnsumonla at the Pacific Christian that Putney Congdon—the man Archie i ,er tbe 8,ck room- but from time to ln,° ,he bo,el » “ hout embarrassment. c(jTBrB f n(j me are embarrassing Ruth, the Cong hospital, la reported recovered this covers I hope I have another lifelong shot—Is also there. While Archie la dme be received assurance that the She ,' on Dr Reynolds' heart by the ^ ’,’ „ 7 there dona. Mrs Grayblll—everybody Is week. teaching Edith to ride the Governor t* Oent’a condition was “satlsfacory," brevity of her questions, and express i __ ..... 11 ■ kidnaps her. and at intervals Dr. Reynolds recited *d ber »»tl»f»ctlon with everything When Putney Congdon leaves the wlth professional brevity data as to that had h®*" dona- w'ben she came farm, Archie follows him. They be- j temperature, respiration and the like. down t0 the dining-room for luncheon come friendly and Archie agrees to go eleven o cvlock Archie saw the , sbe »voided all reference to the sick with Putney to Huddleston, -where Heart O’ Dream« launch approaching man In i” ‘r * “Jr ’ be w o, a , remark they meet the Governor. The Gover­ and leaving Congdon to answer any i abl,> M tbe Governor himself. 'I've never been ln these parts be­ nor telle Archie that Carey. Isabel's call from the Governor’s bedside, hur­ fore." Julia remarked to Archie; 'I cousin, has blocked the camp and they ried to meet It. Ruth and Isabel had crossed alone should be glad If you'd show me the are unable to g et supplies. Isabel and Ruth attempt to run the *nd 'heir stress of mind and heart beach. We might Wk« a walk a little later." blockade. They are run down by was manifest before they landed. The hour In which he waited for "I felt It; I knew that it would Carey's launch and the canoe over­ turns Archie. Leary and the Gov­ com e!” cried Ruth. "If only you had n t her tried hla soul. The Oovemor was ernor. on the way to the camp, rescue gone there! It wasn't worth the aacri- the one man who had ever roused In The third week of this annual Belling event a t thin store, brlngB additional m erchandise him a deep affection and the dread them. The next day the Governor's ®ce ” to the front with greater values than ever before. The thrifty home owner Is the one tug runs through with a cargo of 1 Tbe obligation to cheer them raised of finding that under his flippancy, who will profit most, with these unusual prices now in effect. supplies , bi» own spirits as he explained the h l, half-earnest, helf-boylsh make- That same evening the Governor 1 n»'ure of the Governor's Injury while believe devotion to the folk of the leads his men against Carey— In the tbe!r sat on the hotel veranda. He underworld, he was really an Irre- effort to drive him out. In the assault <*escribed the fight at the barricade d**'m»ble rogue, tortured him. which follows, the Governor is shot witb reservations, mentioning not at ; ", m going to ask you to bear with and seriously wounded. “»» 'be fact that a man had died as me," «aid Mrs Grayblll when they $73.50 Standard Electric Range, cabinet style, Black ■ ■ ; 'he resu lt They understood as fully reached the shore, "If J seem to be Japan Finish, two large elem ents on top with me­ When Dr Mosgrave finally returned as be that the whole affair must be - making this as easy for myself as from the Governor’s bedside, he eyed »offered to slip Into oblivion as quick- P°s»ible. I know that my brother dium size oven below. Now $65.85. the waiting group quizzically, appar Iy as possible. ( cares a great deal for you. He sent ently immensely amused about some "The complications are so endless!" ! me R"1® notes now and then—he til­ $97.50 Standard Electric Range, high shelf with tin g said Isabel with a sigh. "In that mass wa’,s dw 'bat. though the Intervals •W hat does all this mean?" he nt mal1 y ° u delivered last night I ' were sometimes long; I know that h« White Enamel Splasher panels, four large elem ents shispered ‘‘Pirates in these waters found a letter from Mrs. Congdon say ! want you to know T hing, on top, large size oven below, Now $84.50- »here I've been summering for years! n? that she would arrive today—a, ba,r® reached a point where If he lives years be will tell you himself." Men shot and police not notified! A tr.ogt at once, In fact!" "The prosepet Isn't wholly pleas­ "My brother Is Philip Van Doren. girl doctor attending the case! May $125.00 Standard Electric Range, $100.00 Standard Electric Range, ing!" he exclaimed, looking at his and there were Just the two of us. I trouble you for your name, sir?" Right Hand Oven a t one Hide of Left Hand Oven with rust proof lin­ Archie replied with all possible watch. ‘T v e played the very devil An unusual sympathy bound us to­ cooking surface, all aluminum lined, ings, four large cooking elements, dignity that his name -was Ashton in the Congdons’ affairs. I suppose gether from childhood, and there was three cooking elements, black Japan black Japan finish with white panels, Comly, and demanded a professional I should lift my hat politely as she never a closer tie between brother finish with White Enamel panels, opinion as to the sick man's chances ! i,tep f l °m the train and tell her that and sister. 7 married his most Inti­ Now $88.50. Now $98.50. of recovery. The doctor became In- 1 m tbe brute who attempted to make mate friend. My husband betrayed him; $120.00 Standard Electric Range, Ix'ft Hand stantly serious. her a w id ow . She will of course re- It was the breach of trust in which Oven a t one side of cooking surface, two "The bullet pierced the right chest cognize me instantly as the gentleman they were Jointly liable. It was not large and one small element, convenience wall and of course there was immedi­ who escaped with her ln a taxi after merely a theft, R was a gross, dastard­ outlet, All White Enamel panels with Nickel ly thing, without a single mitigating ate and copious hemmorage. You the kidnapping of her daughter " trim . A very attractive stove. Now $99.85 "And there's the train now, and circumstance. My huaband killed him­ needn't trouble about the delay In get self." ting the doctor; nature went to work ' you mu»' Permit me to satisfy Mrs. 'It broke Philip’s heart; It broke at once, forming clots that plugged f'on«don that her husband is In a automatically the gaping mouth of the rnood for immediate reconciliation ! hl” ■P'rlt! It destroyed his generous faith In all men. He was a brilliant several vessels. You men were for- before I break that news that he student In college and promised to go tunate to find Dr. Reynolds; she has here. handled the case admirably." Mrs. Putney Congdon more than far In the law; but he felt keenly the “Thank you,” cried Archie, "Oh, Justified the Impression he had formed dishonor. The financial part of It ha thank you for that! And one thing of her ln their encounter in Central of course took care of; that was the Four Piece W ater Set for Four Piece Sm oker Set In more; would you advise me to sum­ Park by the manner in which she least of It. There was always a strain All Aluminum Double Boil­ colored glass, n e w e s t mon the patient’s sister?” the Bed Room in colored er, one q uart size, nicely heard his story. He told It with all of mysticism In him; and he had gone glass, complete with tray. deeply into astrology and things like shapes and colorings. paneled sides. "Yes There being always the un­ brevity on the station platform It was so incredible that It was not that: and wflen 'he dark hour came certainties, I should certainly do so. All Aluminum Coffee P e r­ All Aluminum Stew Pans, Aluminum French Fryer 111 run up in my launch this evening." until he described his Journey to he pretended to find consolation In colator, six cup capacity, three assorted b I zch from with heavy tinned wire bas­ One of the questions that troubled Huddleston In Putney’s company that them. He was born tinder an evil paneled sides, glass top. pint to three pint capacity. ket, non-heating handle. Archie not a little was how the de­ she was able to see any humor In the "tar, he said, and would not be free tective was to be disposed of. Leary series of events that had led them all ' of lts "pel1 until he had passed ; through a period of servitude it grinned broadly when Archie gave Into the north. voice to his thoughts. • Poor dear Putney! And he doesn't fli,unds like lostanlty. hut It was only a grim Ironic distortion of his reason. “Ole Governor don't do nothin' like know yet that you nearly killed him! anybody else; that chap ain’t no de­ “Oh, there are lota of things he He said that If honor was so poor a tective; he’s a gun man we sent to doesn't know. Your father-in-law has thing he would seek a world that chum with Carey.” given hla solemn promise that he will knew no honor. I dread to think how Archie bared his head to the cool not again attempt to meddle In your he has spent theae years! morning air. It was almost too much affairs. The umbrella that symbolizeo In one of his brief m essages he to learn that Briggs, who had so gal his tyranny Is at the bottom of the spoke of a young woman who had lantly played the part of a govern­ lake and If he should die you and your interested him, but I never can tell ment detective was really an ally, children wouldn’t be thrown upon when he's serious—’’ Wctherbee-Powers Jan u ary S a le Standard Electric Ranges $ 1 Friday & Saturday are Dollar Days $ shrewdly Introduced Into the Ooyer- charity.” Archie met the question promptly. Z 1