OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. Y r r ’ l’ ill county*« »spenrtlturaa In l**2H are aatlm atad nt *661,1^7 48. This compares with *568,676 10 spent In sear. Iow a M inister To Carl It. Gray, praaldaat ef tke tie tea Pacific system, has advised A. H Ed­ monds. assistant tra ffls utaaager ta Portlaad, that tha nompauy has decid­ ed to parckaaa 16.009.099 worth of asw equipment, Including I I model freight engines to he placed la aarvlca la the Pacific northwest. Delegates to Pan-American Conference Cbarlea was found a specific by a ju ry more than W alker, Beatty atorkm an. guilty at K lam ath Falla on charge of stealing a cow which deliberated a little two hours DEPENDABLE EIJEQLA5S SERVICE Bids for highway construction Joba In three counties and a park conces­ sion In U m atilla county w ill be opened at a meeting of the state highway com- mission In Portland, Thursday, Janu­ ary 28. A new high population record was set at the state penitentiary In Salem when 861 prisoners were registered AU of the convict», w ith the exception of those In the hospital, are employed regularly. M rs E lla Sliulx W ilson was re elected secretary of the state fa ir board. A. C. M arsters of itoseburg was elected president. It It. Craw ford of Salem vice president and A. Hush of Salem treasurer. W. J. Culver was elected M arlon county roadinuster for the l&tli oon- seiutlve tint«. V irtu a lly all ot the hard surfaced highways In Marlon county were constructed under M r. Culver's supervision. T he M t. Hood Railw ay company's tracks have been kept open constantly during the recent storm and service has been maintained to Parkdale. About 86 ears of apples along Ita track are aw aiting shipment. Ing to a report prepared by the state Industrial accident commission. The victim was James It. Stem uierm au, ot Marshfield T here were 483 accidents reported to the commission during the week covered In the report. OPTOmETtUT— ElJESiqHT SPECIALIST 878 IDilU.nette Si Phone 620 Photo shows President Coolidge with members of the Am erican delegation to the Sixth In te rn a tio n a l Conference of Am erican States which opens at Havana, Cuba, January 16 They called at the W h ite House to disc s plans for participation in the conclave L e ft to right are: Judge M organ O 'B rie n ; Charles E Hughe» form er Secre­ tary of State; Secretary of State Frank II Kellogg. President Cool­ idge; H e n ry P Fletcher, U nited States Ambassador to Ita ly ; form er Senatdr Oscar Underw ood; J G. Scott, and D r L F Rowe, director of the Pan-Am erican U n ion Mrs. Klchouseh In— M rs John Kick- busch of W a lte rv llle was a Springfield visitor Monday. Good Juicy, Tender Meat Cold w eather calls for m ore m eat on your table. There is- no food lakes the place of m eat especially on frosty days when the body demanda the highest am ount of nourishm ent, ilu r m eats are the very best. Handled under stirctly sani­ tary conditions and by expert butchers m eat bought here will alw ays please. 'Whether its a nice tender steak, a big juicy roast, chops, sausage or any kind of m eat you can take it home with the full knowledge its good m eat. estate In this vicinity. Mrs. Price H ere— Mrs. W a lte r Price and A lvin Price of M arcóla were Springfield visitors Monday. DePue st Salem— Attorney F ran k DePue w e n t to Salem on business I Monday. Montgom erys at Notl— M r. and Mra. Ham M ontgom ery were visitors at j N o ll Sunday w ith hls relatives, i j Here From Rainbow— Mrs. George W illia m s o f Rainbow was a Spring field visito r Saturday. Returns to has returned visiting here the death of EUQENE Jest one Iking— bat I do it ngbl Paul W agner Hers— Paul W agner, Portland, wag here Wednesday look­ ing a fte r hls Interests in the W elnhard ’ Idaho— Mrs. Allen K lo tz ' to W eiser, Idaho, after , for some tim e follow ing , her father, F ra n k Chase OFFICERS CLUB FORMED BY NEIGHBORS AT MEET Officers club of the Neighbors of W oodcraft was organized at a meeting I last iiigh t-at the home of the guardian ; neighbor. Mrs. C. F Egaim ann. Mrs. M erlon Allan s was named president. ’ INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. Phone 63 PRATT HOLVERSON 4th and Main Sts. E C. STUART Coburg Man V isitor— Business was Mrs Eggim ann secretary, and Mrs. ¡ transact« d here Monday by Paul Gar-1 j^ x to n . treasurer. I T he organization w ill forw ard the I boden, Coburg social activities o f the lodge, and w ill I meet on the first Wednesday o f each month. T he next m eeting w ill be at here Monday. the home of Mrs. D o llle H u n te r on Hem enw ay In Springfield— E. E the first Wednesday In February. Hem enw ay of Eugene M otor Route Those present last night were Mrs. M arion Adams. Mrs. Ada H u rlb u tt, II was a v la lto r here Saturday. Mrs. Dollle H unter. Sfr» Edith Hurd, Cresw ell Man In— E W . Mathews Mrs Lorene W rig h t. M rs. Ray of Cresw ell paid Springfield « visit Stevens, Mrs. Sadie B aldw in. Mrs. Saturday. Daisy Pugh and Mrs. E d ith Laxton Chase In own — M. L. Chase of Chase Garden» was a business visitor Portland became 77 years old F rl day. when the city had one of it« aev era I birthdays It was January IS. 1860, that the legislature ol the te r r i­ Msble Man Here— L. G. Paris ol tory granted to the city Its charter Mabie waa a Springfield visito r Sun­ and a few days la te r the city council day. confirmed that charter. It became ef Rev. Sykes III— Rev. Gabriel Svke» fectlve February 8, 1860, and the first J was confined to hls home w ith Illness ejection was held April 6 w hrn Hugh early this week. |j O 'B ryant was elected mayor, j RoporU recently given out by Post- Here From Goshen— M r. and Mrs. m aster T u lley at W allow a Indicate a , U M. Gossler of Goshen were visitors ; ateady gain In receipts for the office ' here yesterday. during the past year. Stamp sales Jasper Man In—J R Conrad of for the q uarter ending December 31. I Jasper paid Springfield a visit yester­ 192«, w er • *1871.38 and for tbo stmt lar quarter ending December 31, 1927, day. tho Bale» w ire <1730.78, a gain ot L ester K irk V isitor— Lester K irk . <48 93 Thle gain has been consist ' who lives ngrth of Eugene, paid Spring- ent through every quarter during tho fluid u v is it Tueaday. past year. Creaw ell W om an Here— Mrs. F E. T he Eastern Oregon l ’save Officers' Co-operative association mat In La Roberta of Creaw ell paid Springfield JUST ARRIVED A NEW POPULAR PRICED Bedroom Suite 2 SPRINGFIELD STUDENTS COMPLETE DEGREE WORK. IN IVORY ENAMEL 3 Piece Suite consisting of Bed, Dressing Table and Chiffonier U n iv e rs ity o f Oregon-. Eugene, Ore.. Jan. 19— i Special I — Miss Ruth Kerch- er and Miss M au rin e L o t herd, of Springfiel are two of the 39 students of the U n iversity of Oregon who ha re completed th e ir w ork for degrees, It Is announced by E e ir l M. P a lle tt. reg istrar, follow ing the approval of their names by the faculty. T he board of regents at its next meeting w ill fo rm ally puss upon the awards. Miss K erch er w ill receive n degree of Bachelor of arts, and Miss Lom bard w ill be graduated w ith a degree of Bachelor of science. F ifteen Bachelor of arts degrees w ill be awarded and sixteen degrees o f Bachelor of science, while there w ill be one Bachelor of business adm inistration , and one Bachelor of education given. Miss M argaret Woodson, of Heppner, w ill receive a Doctor of Jurisprudence de­ gree w hile Raymond E. Baker, of Albany, w ill receive a M aster of Philosophy and doseph A. Santee, a M aster of Scelnce degree. Grande laat week and elected Clint a visit Tuesday. Hayuua, La Grande police chief, presi­ Mrs. P c 'te r Here— Mrs. C. E. Potter dent; Henry M cKinney of Baker, vice of W a lte rv llle was a Springfield visi­ president; 8. H. Burleigh of E nter­ tor Monday. prise. secretary -treaeurar; Autoe Helm of l-a Grande, aseletant secretary; G irl Has Pneumonia— T he small Jeese Hreeheare of La Grande and daughter of George Cannon, who D istrict Attorney Blodgett of Nyeea, lives on the E lm ira road, la suffering Coos county expanded 812,897.26 for members of the executive committee. from pneumonia. roail projects during December, It was Business of the H arrisburg National revualed a t Coquille by figures com­ Is In H ospital— Dale C urtis. Leba­ plied In the county cle rk ’s office. The bank baa been purchased by the Junc­ non Is In the Pacific C hristian hospi­ greatest amount was spent on general tion City State bank, and conaollda tal seriously HI. tlon of the ln»tltutlona waa effected roads, totaling 814,089 70. laat week. Thia deal presents the un­ Peterson a t Eugene— 1. M. Peterson 1 F ire losses In Oregon, exclusive of usual situation of a state bank acquir­ m aster o f the local Masonic lodge, at- *. Portland, during December aggregate ad 1396.043, according to a report pre­ ing a national bank Deposits amount­ tended a lodge a ffa ir in Eugene M on­ pared by the state fire marshal. There ing to between *70,900 and *78,000 day evening. were taken over In the transfer. The were 78 flree reported, of which three Returns From C alifo rn ia— M r. and Junction C ity State has mere than were of an Incendiary origin. tw ice that amount of daposlte. The Mrs. Robert Pierce and M r. and Mrs. The state legislature would be pro change leaven H arrisburg w ith one Alex M acintosh have returned from a hlblted from Interferin g w ith leglsla- two weeks' trip to C alifornia. bank, the F irs t National. tlon enacted by the voters, under the W ith growing conditions abaolutely. Goes To Portland— W H . L am bert provisions of a proposed constitutional am endm ent filed In the office» of the Ideal. Douglas county broccoli growers w ent to Portland to spend this week secretary of state at Salem last week. are looking forward to one of the big w ith hls w ife and daughter, Jean M a r­ geat crops In the history of the Indus tin. L ate registration at the Oregon Ag­ try. The present fear la that the un­ ricu ltu ral oollege has Increased the Hera From Florence— M rs. Charles usually warm January weather w ill total for this term to 3297, the largest bring the crop on too early, at a tim e Johnson of Florence spent a few days j enrollm ent of degree students for tha when the m arket Is flooded w ith C a li­ of this week here attend ing to b u s t-! second term In the history of the col­ She stayed a t the fornia cauliflow er, resulting In lower ness Interests. lege. according to the latest report Is­ M rs. Johnson Is a 1 prices. T he present estim ate Is that Am erican hotel. sued by E. B. Lemon, registrar. there w ill be more than 809 carloads fo rm er Springfield resident. Decision to solicit support for tha Judge Bryan Here— Judge Bryan, of j »hipped out of the Umpqua valley dur­ proposed wool warehouse In Baker ing the laat of February, M arch aad W eiser, Idaho, brother of the lale was made at a m ealing of the nakso A pril. Aa effort to standardise a caaSa Joseph Bryan of this city, visited In , County W ool Growers' aasociatlen In for Dragon shipments has so ta r met this city Monday. H e visited C. E ' B a k w last week, and a com mittee was w ith failure, sad the several shlpplag Kenyon, caahler of the Com m ercial 1 appointed with a view of determ ining orgaalaatleas w ill probably eaeh uae State bank, and a form er resident of the sentiment of sheepmen In regard a different style e i crate. W eiser. to the project. K. O. W a r ear af FUat Book. presi­ Tbo Ooqallls chamber of eommereo Gladys W a lk e r H u rt—G ladys W a lk ­ dent, aad Bab Tboinpaae ad Happmat, w ill petition tha federal radio tom- Ticwpraatdeat, w are uauxnBmauaiy sa- er sustained a painful gash above one mission to p erm it the establishment sleeted to th eir peolltoaa by tha O re­ eye when she fell and struck h er head of a broadcasting stallo.i there as Mia gon W aal Grewere' aaaaatattaa at the on the table a t h er home Monday center of Coos county. Thts aettoa close af th e ir Slat aaaaal eeavenMea evening. T h ree etltc.hee w ere neces­ camo aa the result ot a mas' lag a f the sary to close the wound. In Pendleton last weak. ahamher laat weak. In celebration af the Uataltarttoa af Lost by (Ira In A storia during 1927 Plan Food Sale a naw w ater system, tka taws st F air war lowwat a f any year stnse tka big T h e women of the Hom e M issionary view, 11 miles east of Purtta.wd aa the disaster ef 1922, according to the an­ Columbia highway. w « k<4d a m a s t society w ill hold a cooked food sale nual rep ort of F ire C hief 0 . ■■ Foster. Illg aad satertaln m ent la the aadltar- Saturday, January 31, In the A. R. Tha total loss laat year wae <17.- tnia of the town's new »akaalkausa as Sneed store. Pies, cakes, salads, and 997.08. on which Insnrance totaling other foods w ill be on sale fro m 10 Thursday night, January 98 810.160.01 waa paid. a. m. to 2 p. m. Hesslds Is to have an aviation school, a tract of 80 acres having been purchased for that purpose In the north end of tha city, w ith a m ile of riv e r and ocean frontage. The school w ill be opened In July. Dr. "Roijdl Qick I - ' <18 Fay Lllnsmoor, Oakgrove orchard lit, lost his chicken house and 400 hens last week lie hud adopted the new system of lighting hla hennery before day In order to get hla birds out early Gasoline luntertis were used. H e re tired a fter lighting the lamps, and the fam ily was aroused later by the fire. W ith in a atone'» toss of the Pacific The N orthw est Society of Slate ocean at W inchester lory, near Reeds- H ighw ay Engineer» w ill hold th eir an­ port, roses are In bloom, according to nual meeting at the Multnomah hotel Mrs. 8. M Scott, resident of that dis­ In Portland, January 71. according to tric t. The sunshine of recent days a recent announcement. has caused the Ituds to unfold, she W ith a yard full of lum ber and a said, and open spaces of the commons scarcity of logs as the cause, the Ore­ ere turning s brighter green from new gon T ra il saw m ill at N orth Powder grown grass boa shut down and w ill probably not W heat Is being threshed In heavy open again until spring. snow at the Fred W. Kpplnger ranch Of a total of 8573 children examined north of Baker. T he g, un could not In the elem entary schools of Marlon be thr*shed durllTg the fall because ol county, only 34 per cent were found the rains. It seems little damaged by tree front defects, while 6142 wore running about 40 the snow and Is rutiniug found w ith defects of some kind bushels to the acre. So far .as known A 81.000 volt line has been built by this Is the first wheat that has been the Pacific Power A L ig ht company threshed there In January. between Pendleton and Athena at a T h ere was one (atallty due to In cost of flB.ooo a mils. Nest summer dustrlal accldeuts In Oregon during thia w ill be extended to W alla W alla. the week ending January 12, accord mon topic w ill be a t thia tim e, " F irs t Things F irs t." Preach The Rev. C E Crandall o f the Dee Sunday School at 9:86 A. I I . Mofnes, lows. M E conference w ill Epw orth League 8:39 P. M preach at the morning service Sunday January 22, a t the M ethodist church here, a t 11 A. M. His topic w ill be Rev. Blom Preach es— Rev. C. !L "W h a t Is M a n ’ ” A t 7:20 P. M. the Blom of the Springfield Baptist church regular pastor Rev Sykes w ill preach preached at evangelistic services .» especially fo r young people. H ls ser­ Junction C ity this week. A serious outbreak of smallpox was found at Grand Konde In northwest ern Polk county by County H ealth O f­ fic e r Ur. A. B Starbuck, Four chll dren In one Indian fam ily and three o ther children, one a white girl, were found to have the disease. T his la the eecoud outbreak thia winter. Thu »null ot Dayton. In Ila atato- ' Jack Glover, 11. Laurelhurst school, n u n l of Dwcetnber .11. III87, rvglslersd Portland, won firs t prise for the best a total £ » In ot *16.909 In resources essay on "H ighw ay Safety," submitted (or the year. by Oregon elem entary students In the Clover growers of Clackamas coun­ 1928-27 national safety campaign held ty attended a clover conference bold uuder the direction of the National at the Oregon C ity chamber o( com­ Automobile chamber of commerce, lie waa awarded a gold medal valued at merce rooms last Monday. Total aalna of stamps and stamped paper at the Handy postoffice tor the year ended Decoiuber 11, 1917, was <2178 22; a «aln ot <11119 over the previous year. PAGE FIVE T H R B P IU N O rn L D NCW8 THURSDAY JANUARY 19, 1928 $49.75 Seperate pieces. Bed, $14.75; Chiffonier $17.50; Dressing Table. $17.50; Dresser, $22.50. A NEW COMBINATlbN BLENDED WALNUT Dining Room Suite Table and 4 Diners ....................................................... $56.50 Table. 4 Diners and Buffet $89.00 SEE THESE SUITES IN OUR WINDOWS W right & Sons HARDWARE — FURNITURE _ Phone 1 8 PAINT V itu s Block W h y S u ffer fro m nasal head colds? c a tarrh or “where saving» are greatest” 942 W illamette St., E ugene, Oregon. In T im e for bpring S ew ing! Fascinating New Fabrics That Will Wa»h IJgx. | I * ~1 M M ercerized cotton pon- gee fabrics w ill serve you w e ll— and are as sm art as can be I Given prom pt and fyin g relief. g ra ti­ Oonvwnlen1|ly applied patent nossla tip. Many, many patterns in «very color combination you could wish — women who •ew will delight in this early selection. by 50c Flanery’s Drug Store J -a—