f THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS robllshed Every Thurgday a t Springfield. Lane County. Ore«on. by H. E. M AXEY, Editor. second class matter. February 34. IMS at U>« m poetofflce, Springfield. Oregon M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E One year in A dvance....... »175 K z Month» ................ ......... « • * County Agent Fletcher’s This is an age of speed. Every make of auto­ Farm Report Show Progress mobile now going on the market for 1928 Is faster SPEED — FASTER AUTOMOBILBB —TRAFFIC LAWS than before. It is faster for ordinary, every-da.v (Continued from 1-ast Weak'» Issuvt tended live d»>mon»lratlona of the um of pyrotol In land clearing and diteli use, not just for test purposes. The automobile IM P R O V E M E N T ing work manufacturers have met the demand for swifter 1. F S O K. IL Price. extension ciiglu*er RODENT CONTROL machines Rut unless traffic regulations are o( the tlregun Agriculture! College, t. An Intensive campaign again»! strictly observed. 1928 Is likely to see an unpre­ run levels mill furnished plans for a the gray digger ground squirrel was cedented number of lives sacrificed on the alter com m unity drainage system for Kay carried on throughout the county lu nixntt Johnson am! other farmer» of cooperation with farm organisation« to the god of speed. livin g district Preliminary level» H„ j committees of Interested farmer« The situation calls for a general tightening up the were run for another community ditch in communities having no (arm or on the part of those responsible for the enforce­ Involving six farm» In northern M a e sanitations. ment of speed laws. Pedestrian and motorist and southern Itenton counties near S. The county agent, assisted hy Monroe l>v Mr. Price, and he at»*» ran representatives of the Bureau of Bi­ alike must be forced to obey the laws or be pun - , levels and determined grades for live ological Survey, mixed 6.925 pounds of ished. It is better that they suffer mildly than i other Lane County farmers planning strychnine poisoned barley, amt ap proxlmntely 6.400 pounds ot thia was private drainage system s that they die. u If both motorists and pedestrians obey the | S. Mr. I*rlce »pent two day» In the sold during the year. Forty two deal office of the county agent the first era and committeemen assisted In dis rules many lives will be saved and nobody will he week In May to render »»»(stance to trlbullng reallv Inconvenienced. Ami If everybody obeys farmer» Interested In Installing Irriga county poison In all parts of the the regulations, traffic will move faster, too. tlon system s Three farmers were as­ 3. E lghtyfour committeemen to en ­ Don't take a chance, for you may make It your sisted In laving out and planning Ir­ force the rodent control law were ap­ pointed by the county court on re­ rigation systems. last one. J. A tour to observe and study sup­ commendation of the county agent. • • • * T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS ätered T M T R S P A Y JA N U A R Y 18. 11 T W i IP W W O FM LP OTOT PAOB F O U R Three Month. S m ile Cory .... 76c _bc CLUB WORK IS CHARACTER MOLDER Probably the greatest Influence outside of the school in the country boys' and girls life in Lau» county, is the extensive club work being carried on. This extension program has re1aclhed, every community and has interested hundred. ol boys and girls- not about something mUes away in the cities but about something right at « ____ . « a » m n i't » « ..A THURSDAY JANUARY 19. 197S _ • K ,,e M t l.in ln n a_i . in iiim _a ia c r tltn llc » fS * . . . . I u tH ip t-r u i io n t ls 'llF •> *1'k t. . w u n 1 m M I I «t I t » n u .k g I l l at t il'll m » r n j n t ii o n system s used u> riv pi nini were "« »» SlXty-stX of inr*»- these u'liuuiur« committeemen plemental i Irrigation In stiviy to acquaint the»» organisation» with Hie work of the county agent. S T A T IS T IC A L S U M M A R Y 1. Received 2.915 office calls and 470 telephone calls In regard to farm problems. 2 Wrote 3.86» Individual tollers .3 Mailed 11,»58 copies of 76 cir­ cular tellers. 4. Made 258 farm visits • 5 Devoted 180 days Io field work amt 120 days to work In the office 8 Travelled 13.379 miles by auto­ mobile and 854 tulles by (rain oe »tags. 7 Speclall«!» from the Oregon Agricultural College cooperated a total of 109 daya with the county agent ». Forty four demnsttrsMns meat- Ing» Sere held, and the rounly agent or cooperating specialist» spoke at 137 meeting with a total attendance of 4,319 9 The number of daya devoted to various projects was as follows' farm crops. 80; dalrv hustmndry and »oil Improvement. 32 each; miscellaneous, St; rural engineering. 27; rodent con­ trol, 24; horticulture and organisa­ tion. 20 each; general livestock. 16; agricultural economic* and marketing, 14. community activities, 13; poultry, 10; nutrition and clothing. I 5 each O. 8. FLKTUIIKll.. County Agricultural Agent. TO FARMER'S DOOR—ENGLISH RAILROADS growing truck crop» was conducted ' nominated by eighteen farm organlm Boys and girls club work covers a multitude In cooperation with the county horti j n„ns or by farmer» nt special squlr WAR ON BUSSES of subjects handled in the best known scientific cultural society. rel control meetings 4 Fourteen committeemen In «» manner. It not only teaches the youngsters how­ Fanners In England are profiting by the war 4. Lane County fanners were as aisled In pooling orders for nine car- j communities poisoned squirrels to do something useful and a little better than it the English railroads are waging against en- loads of lime Eight carload» were many CALL AND BEK Dr. N. W. Emery on 10,81» acres of land In forty tract» croachnients on both their passenger anu irelgh* is ordinarily done but it gives them pride in doing ordered through the office of the that were neglected by the owner« on prices on platee and other work, tf it. The right spirit is the essential characteristic /raffle by motorbusaea and motortrucks, says the county «gent E lghtyelght farmers . and expense» charged against the Ian I for the coming generation to have and club work Daily Express of London. The railroads now pro living In twenty-nine different com by the count' Committeemen »Iso purchased 313H tons of Bin« poisoned -»qulrrels on 2.720 acres ail vide trucks to haul produce to the trains. Thus, inanities is doing a lot toward this end. In the nine shipments dttlonal land at the request of the While Club Leader Collier's report shows a nice in effect, the railroads have come to the fanners 5. Ftour demonstrations were start- owners that would hav» been neglect- od to show the Influence of time on ,-