TH » grttfrqW M bP WWW ,4 Classified Ads TRAIN BCHIDULE Springfield Stops Northbound . 2:33 P W No 32 ¡No. 1« ..................... 4:27 A. M Fla« Southbound 9 33 P. M Flag No 16 .. 6:46 A M No. 21 Coach Special for Klamath Fal'.» ¡and beyond, on flag at $:01 P. M on Sunday. Tueadny and Friday PAGE THWBf NOTICE OF FINAL EETTLEMENT, SU M M O N S Notice la hereby given that the un jn T l l g CIRCUIT COURT OF THW iferalgned admlnlatrator of the estate ¡ STATE OF OREGON FOR THE o f M ille M Wilson, deceased. . COUNTY OF LANE hae «led In the County Court of Lane TJj< , nUpd g u te » National Bank of hie final account a» Eugene, a corporation. Plaintiff, va. auch admlnlatrator of »aid estate and Shannon Lumber Company, a con that the tth day of February. ISM. at . poratlnn; Blward Cameron, TrUU- 10:00 o’clock In the forenoon of aald tee; It B. Veltum, doing bualneag day has been fixed by the Court aa a» Veltum A Clow Manufacturing the time for hearing any objections to Company; Austin \ Coona; Harry »aid report and settlem ent thereof. Smith; Geo. J. Stevens and C. H. The first publication of thle notice Farris, doing business as Sterena* being January 6. 102«. Farris Lumber Company; and N. A It. D. WILBON, Administrator. M. Lumber Company, a corporatloa« ALTA KING. » t lr iw v for Estate. Defendants. Ja. 5-12-19-25: F. 2; To Harry Smith and N. A M Lumber Company, a corporation, defend­ SU M M O N S ants IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Off IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE OREGON; You are hereby required STATE OF OREGON IN AND to appear aad answer the answer and Welcome Baby Boy— Mr. and Mr» (a r so n Wright are the proud paienta of a baliy »on. born Saturday night NOTICE TO CREDITORS CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery at the Pacific Chrletlan hospital. The FOR SALE WOOD Notice la hereby given that Gutter*- pp -,-irae on plates end ether work. tf. newcomer weighed nine pound». Old Growth Ftr. Second Growth Fir. J Nurdllng haa been appointed adnrin ----------- ------ ------------„ ---------------- w e specialise In swtae braclot watch Oak. Aeh. All lengtba. Phono Spring- latrator of the ««lute of Ada J Norill FOR LANE COUNTY croa^compUInt of Edward Craneros, Arid 104. tf. Int, ib ■ eaaedi by the County ''"urt of ^ pairing Hoyt's 111 Main Street, tf NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT F rederic E elem en ta and E stelle Truatee. filed against you In the »borg 1-auu County. Oregon. ____________________ Gould, Plaintiffs, vs. A. O. Weddle entfuag court and cause, on or before Notice la hereby given that the un­ said* o e U ^ a r o ’ reqUlred'™’ p?“»e'ni EIOTHTH GRADE EXAMINATIONS and Jane Doe Weddle. hla wife; . , he ,.xptratlon of the time prescribed FAINTING and Kalaunilnlng In all It» dersigned admlnlatrator of the estate Ida May Am*» and John Doe, hua ,n the of i^blicatbm . to-wrtj tiranchea. Reduced Price». Roy them with the proper vouotwra, with- 1 The regular state eighth grade e«- of Otto Clarence Zlnlker, deceased, bond; Eva Amis and Richard Doe. | or before the expiration of fottf In »lx months from the l»th day of aiwlnatlone will be given In districts haa filed In the County Court of Imne Koch. Cell lH-J. her husband; 8 F. Amla and Jane WPekg trma t,,e date of the first pubtt- January. 1928. to the »«Id sdmlnlatra- In which quentlon. here been applied County, Oregon, hla final account aa Doe Axnls, his wife; Luther M. Amis of jjjls summons, and If you fall lor at the law office of L. L. Ray In for and where there are puplle who auch administrator of Mid estate and I ’N U REAK ABLE W A TCH CRYS­ and Mary Doe Amis, hla wl(a; and , aMwer> for w»nt thereof. m M the Miner Building In Eugene. Oregon, hare complied with the legal requlre- that the 4th day of February, 1»28, at TALS— Fancy »hapee end regular!. also all other persona or parties un- „.„aa^omptafnant will apply to thA 0U8TAVK J NORDLING. Adlminla- menta on Thursday and Friday. Jan- 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said known claiming any right, title. COBft fw r, Ilef pr^yeg for In (hg H o y t's Cash Store. tf. tralor of the estate of Ada J Nordling, uary 1» 2«. IMS. Teachers who hare day has been fixed by the Court aa estate. Hen or Interest In the real M angwer , n h“ ’ - ' h,,r- t0 * nrt »"•' Dec. 1, 1926. of this notice. . filed in this offle. within t h i r t y HO,(, Iinder foreclosure 2b.#0 July 1. 192«. Date of ftrst publication January 19. days from the date of the first publtcn as bv law In »uch cases made and 50 88 July 1. 1926, J ® * ? ? ." thence North 66 feet to the N orth w est, 393 74 Hon of his notice, beginning January 192« 50.08 provided. Dec. 1. 1925. with the cost and dlsbnrsi menta her of Elltht (8) ln Block One I 445.58 19 192M Non-coal. DO NALD Y O l'N tl, Executor. THIS summons Is published once In in the Mim of S1M.S0. and »aid ex- (1) Jn R;,jd \vh itn ev’» Addition to Eu • 545 58 7388 Dec. 1. 1925, Ja il-19 24: F 2-9: HAMH.L A. CANADAY. Register. each week for four consecutive week« ©cutlon tQ me directed commanding 1 gpne (hence Eaat 160 feet to the J 60.14 25.58 Dec. 1. 1925, Ja 1924: F 29 1 « : In The Springfield News, a weekly 25.08 Dec. 1. 1925, NOTICE TO CREDITORS 45.83 nowwnaner buhllshed In Springfield. mt‘ ln _ name of the State of Ore Northeast corner of »aid lot. thence j 26.08 Dec. 1, 1925, 190 65 gon. tn order to satisfy said Judgment. £out,, along the west line of the alley NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That 25.08 îto V a OT ^ S k ^ r t h briud?e*r.»?fsàbî 1 '"»r-"«' attorneys fees, coats of suit ¡¡Hteet. and Thence w irst Ï6 0 feet to Dec 1, 1925, 78.05 FOREST EXCHANGE the undersigned has been duly ap G. F Skit-worth judge of said follow-j of and the costs and disbursem ent. 8 Of f No. 017752 ixiinted by the County Court of the ! court summons dated and first'mthHah- | J <7? S ’ M i T Block ‘^ c ^ m o ^ State o( Oregon for the County of Department of the Interior, United Stats Land Office, Rossburg, Ore j anuary jpth. 1928 Ijine as administrator of the estate R n . Attorney Monntam View Addition. .Hua,tM In tv ,J n W h d T 1 ^ ^ " u v to crossTo-P gon. Decomber 29. 1927. | WHITTEN HWAFFO.— of James M Mathes, deceased, and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that p |a|„tifri residence and Postotfice Eugene, County of Lane and State all persons having claim s agnlnst aald said defendants and each and all of plalnant record ^ In the of Oregon. estate are hereby notified to present Mike Hogan, of Minerva, Oregon, on addragg> Eugene, Oregon vou have no right, title, estate. Hen County Clerk ofLane^ County. Oregon, Ja 19 26: F .2 916: the same properly verified to me at December 24. 1927. flled Application ^ t^ c o u n ty Now. therefore in the name of the or interest In or to said premises, or at page .547 In the office of Frank DePue. attorney No. 017752. under thè Act of March 20. co' « ^ State of Oregon. In compliance with an y nart thereof, and for such other tel Mortgage Records of for the ggtate at Springfield. Oregon, 1922 (42 Stai.. 465) to exchanre the NOTICE d further relief as to the Court may and decreeing said sums above meh- said execution and order of sale and NWU N E 'i. EH N E ’. NEH. NWH oa or before six months from the date U o T e T to ^ V flr e t mortgage Hen upOW OF THE SALE OF SPRINGFIEI.D In order to satisfy said Judgment. In­ t nemrU1usn.eranrd, eau’ ub"eln ‘' of this notice. Deled December 30th. NEH NEH . NH SW H ^ H IMPROVEMENT BONDS terest attorneys fee», costs of suit This Summons is served upon you the personal Pr° P ^ ,y Or>. EH »K ’i NEH . SKH SWH BEH 7927 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that and accruing costs, T will on Saturday bv publication bv virtue of an order said mortgage In Lane County, O f * NEH. W H u NEH- C. MUNHALL. Administrator. H51.7' v v H v i SW nw RWU NEH N FU SWH Sec ln accordance with the proytalons of the 4th day of February, 1928. at the of the Hoc O. F. Skip worth, C lrcutt. gon, to-wlt: FRANK DePUE, Attorney for the NK^ ' . „ 3 » « M - it Ordinance Number 528 of the Town of hour of one o'clock In the afternoon dated and filed Jan. 17, 192«. l Tacome Donkey Engine w " . l t-ATT^r'lhi PNWtt8 NWH)’ Sec Springfield. I-ane County. Oregon, the of said day. at the Southwest front 1 Judge . . _ Summons . i»c served * . j Seattle Donkey Engine No. 2908 estate. ¿treating that this Ja 5-1219-25: F 2: ^ eR£‘ a n in City Rncordrr will receive sealed bid» door of the County Court House, In I npon you by publication in the Spring- 1 Steam Pump W M H U M acres! wltMn t h .^ l u s i f"r ‘he of $13.000.00 of Im- Eugene, I-ane County, Oregon, offer flaid News.1 once each week for four 3 Wafer Pumps and Pipe (4H mll»8 of pipe) NOTICE TO CREDITORS law National Forest, for the timber j provement bonds, said bonds to be In for , a)p and „ell for cash, at public week8. The date of first publication is - ...... H, “ Section • 15. • 'denom inations of $500 00 each. Said auction, subject to redemption as pro- j an. 19. 1928. 70 Window frames with glass NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN. That off 16 acres on the SW WELLS A WELLS. Attorneys for u matreases the undersigned haa heel» duly ap­ and NW H Section 32, Township 9 bonds to bear Interest at the rate th ,*) by law. all of the right, title of six per cent per annum, subject and mterest of said defendants W. W. Plaintiff. Residence and Poet Office 24 Iron bunks: 2 scrapers pointed by the County Court of the South. Range 6 East. W M . within the to redemption at any semi-annual In White and Mary A. White, hla wife. Address. Eugene. Oregon 1 Skyline State of Oregon for the CoulWy of Santlarn National Forest. Ja. 19 26: F 2-9-1«: 1 Pr. pulley flanges The oqrpose of this notice Is to terest payment period after being In H R. Oldham and Edna E. Oldham, I>n e as admlnlatrator of the estate 2 -7-14" Dolley Boxes force for one year, by paying the face of Jacob Ruining deceased a n d allow all persona claiming the lands of the bond with accrued Interest his wife, and the First National Bank of Eugene. Oregon, a corporation, and - ' 1 Sack set colors all peraons having claims against said selected, or having bona fide objec­ 9HER1FF 8 SALE ON 1 Lot skM rolls estate are herby notified to present tion» to such application an opportun­ Each hid must be accompanied by a I ajj peranns claim ing by. through or FORECLOSURE | 7 lumber trucks the same properly rerlfled to me at ity to file their protest with the certified check In favor of the CUT onder them or any or either of them Recorder, for at least three per ceht In and to »abi premises NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That I 6 set switch points, couplets wifE the office of Frank DePue. attorney Register of the U. 8 Lstai O f fic ia l of throws and plates the purchase price as a guarantee FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff.. Lane bv virtue of an execution and order • for the estate at Springfield. Oregon, Roseburg. Oregon of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court 1 24x7" spur friction 2-15-16 Anv sach protest or objections must of the good faith on the part of the County. Oregon. on or before six months from the date bidder. No bid will he considered for By BEULAH BRINNICK. Deputy. of the State of Oregon for the County! 1 Jttnev of thia notice Dated December SOth he filed In this office within thirty less than par and accrued Interest. Ja 5-12-19 25: F. >: of Lane on the 12th day of January 2 Haul hack blocks days from the date of the «rat publi­ 1927 Moving blocks 1928. upon a Judgment rendered In cation of this notice, beginning Jan­ Said bonds to be dated March 1st, IRA T YOUNG. Administrator.. 3300' No. 4 light wire 1928, and date of closing bids and of said Court on the 11th day of January, Non-coal FRANK D ePl'E. Attorney for the uary 5. 1928. 400' No. 12 light wire, small opening sealed bids, February 14th. NOTICE OF SH E R IFFS SALE ON 1928. In a suit wherein The First Na HAMH.L A. CANADAY, ncglster. EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE 1928. tional Bank of Springfield, Oregon, a 1 Steam water pump Ja 5-12-19 25: F 2: Ja 6-18-19-25: F. 2: Moving block , s i.i» ■ ■ — - - ■ I. M. PETERSON, Recorder. Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ corporation was Plaintiff and W. H. •ye Ja 12 19-26: F. 2-9: Flat boxes Clark and ............... his wife. L. Tim- 11 tue of an execution and order of sale shaft couplings complete and R. F. Timmons, „ her ln foreclosure issued out of the Cir- mons — - - "• j , hus- u »a 2 P ullev flanges ,ron> a8sorted NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL cult Court of Lane County. Oregon, band, and Sam Sorenson and L. M 18 ™ ,,ey ACCOUNT _______ on the 6th day of January, 1928, in a I Travis. Inc. a corporation were de steam condensor j Notice Is hereby given that the a d -!gu|( wherein on the 3rd day of Janu- ‘ fendants and wherein the Plaintiff re- angle boxes • mlnlstralor of the estate of N e llie 1 ary> u 2 8 . In said court Elmer Roberts. covered Judgment against the said d s -. o 2 7-16 flanges 8" sleeve fendants W. H. Clark and ....... Clark. | ; Deedon. deceased, has filed his ac-1 as administrator of the Estate of Rea. Phone 140 Plano Movlng 2 7-16 flanges 10" sleeve , count for the final settlem ent of a a til,jack Rodman, deceased, plaintiff, re his wife, for ihe sum of $2959.00 toget I “ steel truck SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER estate In the County Court for Lane ] rOvu-ed Judgment against the defied- her with interest thereon from the * Guy lines WII.L1B BKRT8CH. Prop. County, In the State of Oregon, arid j ants' Josephine Mills. L. L Mills and 30th day of November 1926. at the rate Rail bender that Saturday, the 4th day of Fehru- ' George M. Svarverud for the sum of of 8°r per annum until paid and for ' ' do drill h OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAUE ' 1 blocks ary, 1928, at thy Court Room of stid ■ g0 w,th interest at 7 per cent per the sum og $110 54 taxes with Interest .¡1 533 Maln Street 8 pr. loading tongs, with clevl! Court, In the County Court House. In (annum from the 12th day of Novem thereon from the lbtn aay oi o e p i-. Successor to Button Transfer Said property being at ShanndR Eugene, Oregon, at ten o'clock, in the ber, 1927. and for the further sum of earber. 1927 at 4% per annum and for the sum of $350 00 as attoroeys . „ . r f 'f 'countv. Oregon and in tlM forenoon, has been, by sal». Court, $85.00 attorneys fees and the costs ! fees together with the costs and dm- mlll, an*d for g decr88 228 Main St. Realdance 125 C 8t fixed as the time and place for hear­ and disbursements herein, which Judg- j 82 M 62 J ing objections thereto, and for Anal ment was enrolled and docketed in the bursements which •Munie’it was en- of forec,O8Ure of sald mortgage sa8 WM. O. HUGHES Qf gald property to 9atla f/ Clerk's office of said Court In said rolled and docketed In the office of •settlem ent of said estate )d judgment and decree, end for • FINI ANO AUTO INSURANCE Full Auto Equipment F. W. DEEDON. Administrator of bounty on' the 3rd day of January, the Clerk of said Court. on the 11th B ..^ _ , n, satd mog*. the Estate of Nellie Deedon. deceased. 1192S. and said execution to me dlrect- day of January 1928 and said execu- «»>« NO TARY PUBLIC Lady Assistant | KP and He„ to be superior to SET ed commanding me tn the name of tion was to me L L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. Offlea a« Qr cI>|m of d9fendanta> Ha r f/ I the State of Oregon, tn order to sat­ me In the name of the S t a t s f i f O r e | Ja. 6-12-19 26: F. 2: S ralfh and N. * m . Lumber CompaBF, isfy said Judgment. Interest, attorneys gon in order to satisfy said' FIRST NATIONAL BANK ««• of them' or any ° th®r P* r t 2 Ingfield, Oregon I fees, cists of suit and accruing costs ?n d a‘ C^ ^ ^ l \ r e ^ r t v NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL Ing described real property, to-wlt. . #nd fpr guch other ag8 DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL PROPERTY BY GUARDIAN • to sell the following described real The west half of the northwest further . r_HP» as io the Court m«y relief Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ property, to-wlt: quarter of section twenty-one in town- ‘“rt^er s s to the to u r i m sy DENTIST tue of an order of the County Court Lot No. 2 In section 23. township 16 ship seventeen south, range four west seem Just and equitable, and for cros» DR. N. W. EMERY 1 of Lane County. Oregon, duly made south of range No. 4 east of the Wll of W illamette Meridian in Lane Coun­ complainant’s costs and disburre- Phone 43 ! and entered of record on the 17th day lamette Meridian. In Lane County, ty, Oregon, together with the tene­ meats. D E N T IS T sualf This summons Is published pursua of Decembar. 1927. In the matter of Oregon, excepting a strip qf Ian4 50 ments thereunto belonging or in anv FlrM N a tl Bank Bldg., Springfield to an ordler of the Hon. O F S k f> the Guardianship of Ed-ward’ W. Pet- feet wide through said lot conveyed •««ton » Id » m sM ersmeyer. an Incompetent person, th» to Lucky Boy Mining Company, also Rssldencs Phons ,59-M excepting a tract conveyed to Nellie .J 'S ; s » « « ” • , - “ :r "■ undersigned Guardian nf said Edward EpringflsM, Oregon W Petersm eyer will on and after the T. Matlock, and excepting a tract con third day of February, 1928 offer for yeved to T. C. Luckey, and excepting this suit, including the attorneys fees. pROOKE. Attorney for Ed- sale and sell at private sale to the a tract conveyed to Roy Stein, all of Second. The paytnent of the Judg­ ward Cameron, Trustee, Croaa-co« MAX STOVE WORKS said premises being In Lane County, ment of Plaintiff. highest bidder for cash In hand, or Oopersl Law PrsoUeo Third: The balance If any there he plalnant, 860 Willamette Street, En­ part cash und part credit on terms State of Oregon, together with the Will take your Old Style Range tenem ents, hereditaments and appurt­ to he paid over to whom the Court gine, Oregon. satisfactory to skid guardian, the real In exchange on s I^kter One. Ja 12-19-2«: F. 2-9: I. M. PETERSON property of sate ward described in enances thereunto belonging or ap­ directs. Attovssy-sVIAw pertaining. ' ; to-wli: said o r d e r ,-------- NOW, therefore ln the name of the Main near Mill St., Springfield Now. therefore, tn the name of the State of Oregon: and In compliance NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEJUWT The W est fifty feet of Lots 1 and City H all Building Notice Is hereby given that Harold 2 In Block 3 In Mountain Vlbw Park, State of Oregon, In compliance with with «aid execution and order of »ale said execution and order of sale and I wilt on Saturday the S5th day of j. Welta, Administrator of the E state flprlnEflsld, Ore. In Lana County, Oregon. in order to satisfy »«‘ri Judgment. In Lots 3 and 4 In Block 2 In Mountain ------ February, 1928 between the hours of I of Agnes J. Conger, deceased, h*e View Park, In Lane County. Oregon I terest, attorneys fees, costs of suit 9 o’clock A M and 4 o’clock P. M filed hts final report and account «8 Ixits 67 and 58. Tualatin Valley and accruing coats, I will on Saturday to-wtt, at 1 o'clock P. M of aald ' RUCh. and the Court has set Saturday. Homes, according to the recorded plat [the 11th day of February, 1928, at the f the 11th day of February. 1928. at M. G. HOGE All kind« of gravdl for con­ thereof, In W ashington County, Ore- hour of one o'clock. In the afternoon 10:00 o'clock tn the forenorin of saW crete or road work. We of said day, at the Southwest front the County Court House tn Eugene. day. In the County Court room ln tfc« Attorney-st-Ldiw Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale ln make a specialty of crushed The Northwest Quarter o f the door of the County Court house. In Court House tn Eugene, L4ne County. Practise U. 8. and State Northwest Quartgr of Section 14 In Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, offer one parcel for cash, subject to a first Oi egon, as the time and place to he w rock and rock sand. Bunk- mortgage and subject to redemption Court» Township 17 South Range 8 West of for sale and sell for cash, at public objections to the same, If any there era at foot of Main on Mill tho W illamette Meridian In IJine auction, subject to redemption as pro­ all the defendants, W. H Clark a n d .. are, and for the final eettlement 08 Eugene, Oregon Clark, hla wife, L. Timmons and street. vided by law, all of the right, title County, State of Oregon. said E state. ____ HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. U A p n t.n j WELLS. Administrator. Said sale will take place at the and Interest of said defendant« R. F. Timmons, her husband, Sam Sorenson and L M Travt* Inc., a cor­ Josephine Mills, L. L. Mills and banking house of the First National WE7.LS * WELLS. Attorney«. poration«. right, title, tntere»t. clalffi George M. Svarverud and all persons Bank tn Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ J * l > lt - 2 f : FRANK A. DE PUE and equity In and to the »aid land» claiming by, through or under them gon. _ A TTO R N E Y A T LAW FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF or any or either of them In and to and premise« hereinbefore described •* Mast ( PnwuM ory not»* and «very part thereof. EUGENE, ORBGON said premises. FRAN K E TAYLO R , Sheriff of c r ip t e prints« t a f la rtock at f* E NO TA R Y PUBLIC JEWELER Guardian of the estate of Edward W. FRANK B. TAYLOR, Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. P-tersm eyer. an Incompetent person. Lane County, Otfcgvn. R»W Repairing a Specialty Ja. 111A24: F. M : •prlngfielJ, J«, $-12-19 2«: ff. I : I Ja. 121» W : F. M l __ pi lllg liv iu , i jttkv ii Ór» gon -e .-» . . S Ä i » »««’ » aa B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y W. F. WALKER CHAS. P. POOLE Funeral Directors SPRIM6FIELB GRAVEL GO. r D. W . R oof w