Our Painting Plant ia Equipped For A ll Kind» of Job W ork THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS GIRL SCOUTS B EN EFIT HARDY H IT S HIGHW AY AFFAIR TO BE HELD ON COMMISSION S Pl AN » SATURDAY AFTERNOON TO CLOSE 2ND S TR EET SPRINGFIELD BEATS COTTAGE GROVE HOOP Q U IN T E T BY 18 ^O 17 b'inally Gets Medal I NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUM BER 2 HI’ ItIN G E IE IJ). IJKNE COUNTY, ORJ5OON, THURSDAY JANUARY If», I92H TW E N TY -FIFTH YEAH People's Papar" BEPRE5EHTED HERE GHAKBLR M M VOTE ON RAIL PROJECT Playing the beat brand of ball till.» All wqmen of Springfield have been "The whole proposal Is a camouflage year the Springfield High school* I In which they propose to sacrifice the Invited to attend a Girl Scout benefit basketball team defeated Cottage town In order tc procure the contri­ party and entertainment, to be held at Grove 1« to 17 in that city last night First 1928 Meeting Scheduled Religion* Survey of Springfield bution and the writer ventures the as­ the chamber of commerce next 8al-i Springfield led all the way but a rally i For January 27; Hamlin to Completed by Local Church**; sertion that the highway cotfiSisslon urday afternoon from 2 to 6 o'clock. by Cottage Grove near the end of the j Make Committee Appoint« Needlework and cards will furnUh Itself has never contemplated or con­ 529 familie* canvassed; Me­ game cut down the lead to one point. < menta at That Time; Park sidered these aspects of the sltuetlnn diversions during the afternoon, and thodists, Christians, Baptist* and the whole program Is the result a pleasant time Is promised by the The game waa rough and bard fought. I Plans to be Talked. all through. Lead. of aealoua plane and schemes of the committee In charge. The Girl Scouts ara arranging a Sprlngfleld'a lineup was Roof, counsel end hie essoeietee." General committee organisation tot Twenty-two denomination« are re­ center; McMurray and Redding, for­ the coming year, consideration of th* This 1« the manner In which Charles program of entertainment, and will presented either by preference or A. Hardy cbaraterlses the effort on serve refreshments as well. wards; E. Squires and Deed«, guards; and Cox and F. Squires, substitutes. I Crane-Odell railroad extension pro This Is the Aral time the Olrl Scout« membership In the population of the part of the state highway corn The next game Is Wednesday with I»“ 1- P1“ ’ for ,ctlon wlth f* Nprlngflold and West ttprlnsfleld. Il mission to bring about the closing of of Springfield have asked for any out- | side financial aid. according to com­ the Hecond street crossing In Bpring the University High school on the I gard to Springfield's proposed park, la dladoeed In the results of the re­ field and the gaining of financial a ll mittee members. Mrs S. K. Dlppel Is local floor. It promises to be a good ' will be features of the first 192H meet» ligious survey made by the protest- In building the new Hprlnsfleld high­ I chairman of the general committee contese Ing of the Springfield chamber of cos*» ant churches The completed survey way bridge The paragraph Is a part l Incharge. merce, to be held January 27. was announced yoalerttay by Kev. pf the brief, written by Attorney STAR AND LIFE SCOUT The new president, F. B. Hamill, Gabriel Sykes, rlialrman of the com­ llardy for the town and the property B A PTIST CHURCH CHOIR AWARDS W ILL BE GIVEN la forming committee lists this week, holders, which was filed this week mittee. ELEC T NEW OFFICERS Interesting figures on the rell*lous with the slate public service rmnnil»- Star scout and life scout badges will and will have them ready for annotu» status of the [H-ople of tb>« community slon In opposition to the highway The choir of the Springfield Baptist be awarded to Earl Wheeler, veteran cement at the first meeting. The usual were compiled following the canvas­ body's proposal. * < burch met at the home of Mr. aD.I 1 Springfield Boy Scout, at ceremonies list of committees will be named ha Charles F. Hopkins will the The brief, signed by Mr. Hardy and Mrs. Fred Frese Tuesday evening sing of 63* homes The results wilt in connection with the court of honor gtated today, with men chosen accord- Congressional Medal of Honor Clly Attorney I. M. Peterson, bases be made the basis of future aggressive January 17. Election of offlcera for •**d a citation for distinguished announced for next Tuesday evening ,ng tQ the,r rtlcular lntere, t , „ activities of the Springfield churches. Its opposition on two points. One the coming year was held. pllantry under fire during the i at 7:30 o’clock at the basement of the doubts the jurisdiction of the public Civil War that wax awarded Hop- handle the work of the chamber. W. H. Cook was chosen director; Methodist Episcopal church. Percy For S4 families. the reporters found service commission over Second street Jrfnx sixty-two years ago but which . Mrs. Norton Pengra, pianist; Mrs. Tyson, scout commissioner, announ- President Hamlin and H. E. Maxey has just reached him. The d;lay no one at home, and Hl reported no and the other alleges that the c.loaUig was due to the veteran's reluctance ced plans for the event today. attended the session of the Eugen* church preference, other figures fol­ of the crossing woukl onus* such dam (•has Blow, assistant pianist; Myrtle Harvey, president; Mrs. Norton Pen­ to apply personally for the honor Carol Adams will be awarded a chamber of commerce early this w est low: age to the property In that end of the gra. secretary and treasurer. star scout badge, and other awards at which members of the public ser» town that the action would be unwar­ 71 ' After the election a short rehearsal Baptist ___________ to local scout will be made at that vice commission and their represent*» 110 ranted In view of the benefits to he was held, after which a social time SEMESTER ENDS T H IS C h ristia n time. The public Is Invited to th e , tives explained the proposed railroad derived, If any. 4 waa enjoyed by all. Those present Congregational ___ W EEK AT SPRINGFIELD ceremonies, over which Mayor G. G. to connect Crane, on the Union Pad- The brief la < > n filed at the office of 1 , were. Mrs Chas. Blom. Mr» Roy Carl­ Christian Science ................... Ac’s Oregon Short Line, and Odell, oa SCHOOLS; T E S T S ON Bushman will preside. 1 Clly Attorney Peterson. ton, Naomi Carlton. Iowa Carlton, Church of God .......„..™. the Southern Pacific's Cascade lio* Myrtle Harvey, Mrs. Norton Pengra, Dunkanla _____—. _ .. 1 east of the divide. Semester examination« are under ' STORE IN I. O. O. F. BLDG. Stella Pengra. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Episcopal ..... • M ILL ACCIDENTS CAUSE way at the Springfield high school, It Is probable that the SprlnrflelA W ILL OPEN N E X T WEEK 20 Four Square Mission INJURIES TO 3 W ORKERS Tobáis. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Montgom­ l junior high school, and elementary chamber of commerce will be asked 4 ery. Oscar Oladlsh, P. H Emery. W. Free Methodist ... school thia week, and Friday will be I The new J. F. Inman store In the to go on record in favor of this pro 1 G reek Catholic Three persons reported at local U. Cook, Mrs. Schlewe, Paul Frese. the last day of the first period of the Odd Fellows building will open next Ject. The public service commlssloa In tern atio n al Bible Mission 1 physician's offices for treatment to Mr. and Mrs Fred Fres«' and children. ! school year. week according to the plans of the has a complaint before the Interstate « Injuries received Ute last week at Dorothea and Lloyd. l.u lh e r a n Sixteen young p»-ople at the Lincoln proprietor who Is opening stock and Commerce commission urging the coa» Mi (hod 1st Kplshopal 146 mills. junior high school face the most arranging fixtures. The store will struction, and a petition of Intervea» M R Sooth 1 Wallace Btarkey. employed at he , L. N. BLOWERS SEEKING ! severe test, that of taking state ex­ carry men's furnishings, women's tlon from the local chamber would Mi-nnonlles 1 Booth-Kslly plant here, was cranking ELECTION AS DELEGATE aminations from the eighth grade. It wear and a full line of drygoods and support the move. Springfield, If th* Presbyterian ... _ _ ....... . ia a jitney when the handle flew off and they are successful In the tesla, they notions. road is built will be placed on a Iran*» Roman Catholic ................. . s hit him on the nose, causing severe Lawrence N. Blowers, for two years will be graduated Into high school All new goods are being placed on continental route, at this will provld* Solvation Army 3 lacerations. a resident of West Springfield with rusks and will form a new freshman the shelves this week Mr Inman sa y s' • »Haight connection for trains with Seventh Day Adventist ....„. 7 J. R. Tucker, another Booth Kelly his eon. Paul Blowers, and former ten«« he plans to carry only high grade the Union Pacific's lines east. I'n lls rls n 1 employe, was struck on top of the county Judge of Hood River county, Honor rolls will be announced next staple meschandlse and believes that United Brethren ...........______ 1 head while feeding the hog at the mill. i C E Kenyon. head of the park coal» thia week announced his candidacy week, and various promotions also .. Unlvera^lat ... ........................... 1 in ty , mlttee' hr,n* ”P the park proposb J. B Gulley, helping to unload a as delegate from the state at large will be made public.* will give him good patronage. The Itapllet. Christian and Method­ truck at a mill at Jasper, allowed the ; tlon at the chamber session, he said at the republican national convention. ist churches and the Four-Square gos­ today. What has been done In th* crank which Is used In moving the Mr. Blowers stated that he Is de­ pel mission conducted the canvass, SPRING FÎELD S T U D E N T way of acquiring a site will be dt*» body of the truck to fly up and hit finitely for enforcement of the pro­ ST. MARYS W INNER OF and appreciation for cooperation was p| i cussed, as well as plans for a po*» T IL T W IT H SPRINGFIELD him. He called for treatment Monday hibition amendment, favors giving the PLEDGES X I SIGMA expressed yesterday by the commit­ -------- I Bible rest room at Fourth and A farmers a square deal, and la em tee members An effort to determine St. Marys high school of Eugene Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- street«. phatlcally opposed to profiteering, ,'t GUARD PROFICIENCY IS the exact religious statue of the com ---------------------------- - la his contention that It la ludicrous won a basketball game from Spring- vallla, January 13—Curtis Price of munlty wee made, and much progress RECOGNIZED BY STATE field. 18 to 18, at the local gymnasium Springfield, has been pledged to XI that the live« of young men are given In the work of the churches Is ex­ last Friday evening The Eugene ou,- Blgma PI, national honorary frater­ ELKINS SPEAKS TO A certificate of proficiency for de­ on the battle field while other men. pected to result flt took the lead early In the game, nity in forestry. Price la a senior In FATHERS AND SONS monstrated efficiency In mobilisation who risk nothing, get rich out of war. but Springfield held the visitors to a forestry. His one of eleven pledges of the field service under the unit Mr. Blowers was the first mayor of »mall margin throughout The Spring- announced at a Forestry club dinner Observations on the life of SoutherB FORESTS MEAN MUCH mobilisation teet call on November bumter, Oregon, In Baker county. He field team showed Improvement over at the Peavey arboretum. 7 miles Europeans, and descriptions of th* TO OREGON PAY-ROLL 8. 1927, waa received this week by served In the national guard as a Its previous games. north of Corvallis. Selection of pled- mountains of Switzerland, were fe*» Commander C. A Swarta of the Na­ lieutenant under Governor Sylvester ges Is based on scholarship, character ,ure<* *n • talk by Rev. W. A. Elkina, Slxty-llve per cent of Oregon'« pay tional Guard unit. Pennoyer, and served In the U. S. and leadership. I Eugene, at the annual community roll le from the foreet and Its pro­ In two calls, the Springfield troop marshall's office In 1904-06. He was LORANE COMPANY NAMES father-son banquet held at the Method» ducta, according to W. V Fuller, has had virtually 100 per cent re­ mayor of Hood River and county W HEATON AS PR ESID EN T 1st church Monday evening. director of publicity for the state sponse. PALM ER-STEVENSON judge for two terms, being elected Songs were led by Claude Neely, board of forestry, who spoke at the Clark Wheaton was named presi­ for the second term without opposi­ LEASE LOUD PLANT song director of the Christian church, Springfield high school and the junior tion He went to the legislature with­ dent of the Lorane Timber and Mill­ and R. W’. Carlton, member of th* • REV. EDGAR LUTHER high school Wednesday out opposition, and was one of the ing company at the annual meeting. , The Palmer-Stevenson Lumber com­ Baptist church, led in prayer. Saia RETURNS TO OREGON organisers of the farm bloc, with Cir­ Lum Anderson was chosen vlce-presl-1 pany has leased the mill of the Loud Mr. Fuller. In describing the Im­ Bartholomew, president of the Method» portance of the forests to Oregon, cuit Jud*«- McMahan of Belem, Wil­ dent; Eugene Kester, treasurer; T. : Manufacturing company here, and Is 1st church Brotherhood, presided. Word has been received here that declared that 1« 2-3 per cent of the Parker, secretary, and H, A. Cox la operating the plant steadily. liam Jackson of Sherman county. A demonstration given by Boj» taxes In the state at large come from Rev. Edgar Luther, former pantor of the other director. W. F. Palmer and E. R. Stevenson Scouts was a special feature of th* the Springfield Baptist church and the forests or the lumber Industry. Herbert Cox is retiring from the are the new mill operator«. They ( banquet The speaker Is on a tour of West- well-known here, will return to Ore­ LEGION MAY GIVE PLAY will continue the same kind of mill ; financial end of the organisation. gon following an extended sojourn In ern Oregon, explaining to high school , More than 136 people were present ACAIN; M EET FRIDAY work as that done by the Loud com­ students and others the Importance California. and It waa pronounced the most sue» pany. Rev Luther has taken a pastorate of Oregon's basic Industry. cessful meeting of its kind ever held •‘His Uncles Niece" may be given JUDGE SKIPW O RTH TO st Dallas, Oregon. He preached at In Springfield. a second time by the American ADDRESS LIONS CLUB various points In California. It It ex­ Moras Appeals Cass CHURCH N IG H T PLANNED Legion Decision will be made by pected that he will visit his friends members of the cast when the I-eglon Lions at their Friday noon luncheon D. M. Morse, who was arrested here SAFETY PROGRAM TO BY C H R IS TIA N S FRIDAY here when he returns to Oregon. meets at the chamber of commerce will hear Circuit Judge G. F. Skip on December 31 charged with selling i BE HELD ON MODAY tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock. worth. It was announced today. The liquor, was found guilty In Justice: _____ Church night will be observed Fri­ Such success greeted the first pres­ Eugene Jurist will select his own court and fined 9300 and two months Here From Lebanon— Mrs. William day evening at the Christian church, A musical program directed by according top lana announced ysater Curtis of Lebanon has been visiting entation of the play that It Is con­ topic. The luncheon will be held at In jail. He has appealed the case to Grace Potter, member of the Sprtn*» day. The men’s class will have In Springfield this week at the homo sidered advisable to give It again if the Chamber of Commerce tomorrow the circuit court Morse Is a taxi field high school staff, will be featured noon. charge of the program, and other of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Poole. the cast Is willing. driver here. at a public meeting sponsored by the classes will serve refreshments. Booth-Kelly Safety council and the Entertainment will Include read­ Four-L on Monday evening at the high ing« and musical numbers, and other school auditorium. It was announced features of church night programs. today by Percy Tyson, chairman ,»< The event will start at 7:80 o'clock. ; the council. An Adventure— “ ON E T H M E R GR IFFIS GOES TO FORT BENNINQ, CA. Ethmer Griffis, who was named from the Sprngfleld National Guard unit to go to Fort Rennlng, Oa., for study In radio, telegTaph, telephono, and other communication and expert work, left Saturday night. He will stop nt Mankato, Kansas, to visit his grnndmother, and will re­ port at Fort Bennlng on Febraury 1. He will be them until May 28. LIBRARY TO BE OPEN SATURDAY, ANNOUNCED The Springfield public library will be open on Saturday of this week, following repairs of damage done when the water pipes broke some time ngo and water flooded the place. The library will resume regular schedule In the old hntldlng beginning Saturday. Most of the books have been repaired and are ready for use. TIPTOE” story its millions of sister worlds. of pirate day* — with the Follow and you shall see pirating done on land, it brave adventuring and das­ has as its leading charac­ tardly plots, and a fool ex­ ters the Buccaneer and his alted and cast down as his sinister little affairs were swept in­ A swashbuckling Second in Com­ mand, the Fair Damsel in to Distress, the Bright Shin­ flowing currents of Fate. ing Hero and those great So up-anchor and way on Intelligences by whose Steward caprice — or by whose great serial in The Spring- ordered fforld Law — our carries on tiny among the mighty Edward onward- White’s Field News, beginning in the issue of January 26. This will be a community event, and children and parents have beeB Invited. George (Scotty) Aitken, field representative of the national safety council, will give a lecture and shoxr motion pictures. INVOICE IS UNDER WAY A T FARMERS EXCHANGE Invoicing of stock has been under way this week at the Farmers Ex­ change store, following Its sale by Julius Fulop, well-known Springfield business man, to Kafoury Brothers of Salem and Portland. General read­ justment of the business Is taking place as the new owners take charge. I The same policies of fair dealing which have marked the ownership of Mr, Fulop will be retained under th* new management, It was stated st the store today. Other statement* with regard to the business are being wltheld until the new management has adjusted Itself to the local field.