PAUK SÌA T l IK SPRINGFIELD N:IW 8 THU R SD A Y JANUARY 12. lf>2« waa quick to see that they camo Into 1 g,-t about It and take car» of ola Guv OBITUARY the llgld reluctantly and precipitatoli nrnnr." Henry Neff, one of a fnitilly of ihenisi'lves halt hvartcdly Into thu I Ardilo waa very huttthin aa ho re- neri u children. was born near Clave- struggle. 4 The Governor, too was fleeted that h-< hadn't done Justice to Hand. Ohio. June IS, IMS, passed from aware of their dlmlulshed spirit and the Intelligence and charm. Io n ay1 thia life, at Ihe family home near i got his men in line for a charge. nothing of Ihe professi! mil skill id Or. Marcola, Tuesday morning lielnt Ml '•W ell clriŒ ciò up this lime, K dhcrlne Reynolds In Ills bur'lad years, f< months and 3 days of age. lu n a!” he cim iti one ottratlngly. glimpse of her at Heart O' Dream < In hla boyhood the family moved I” lie look the lead, walking forward Ills fears that a worn in doctor, who near Cocoiii». Indiana, ami II waa calmly, and In a low ton« pointing out was really only a girl of ihe age of (here that Henry grew to manhood the Individual that each should at - Ruth and Isabel, would not lie equal end m<'l and married Karah Kirkley tack The quiet orderliness of the , to Ihe emergency were dismissed an of Tyner, hid lana The new family movement, or perhaps it was a sen««' hour after she reach'd Huddleston. soon settled In Tennessee near Ihe of Impending defeat roused Carey to Bite brought the camp nurae with her |own of Portland where they lived a greater fury lhan he had yet shown anil waa fortified with lutve of lustrii about 15 years, returning to Indiana ->» Ihe Invaders broke line for the menta ami hospital supplies. for avverai years and In U'US emi­ assault, he leaped at ihe Governor ami She went alsiut her examination grated to Oregon, living here in fUBLXSHEîc* AUTOCASTER SERVICE rwung at him viciously with a rifle without a question, made II as though Springfield several years. For Ihe The Governor sprang aside and the she were dally In the habit of dealing past twenty years the family has lived gun slipped from. Carey's hand and with wounded men; vpeclflcslly called on Parson creek near Marcola. Mr INTRODUCTION miserly ways and your selfishness had been a few hours earlier, aud his clattered against the barricade. for boiling water, laid out sponges and Nvff'i last sickness was of several Isabel Perry recommends a life of you've Just about ruined your life The efforts to win her to a happier frani- Angered by his failure, and finding bottles and oddly shaped trinkets of months duration, though be waa seri­ penitentiary yawns for you. But in of mind were unavailing. •rim e, adventure, romance and excite his nt»n yielding. Carey abruptly ously III only three weeks. He waa She Jumped up quickly amt hurried changed his tactics. He ran hack be­ steel, and the Governor's room In the ment aa a cure for Archibald Ben spite of your cowardly conduct I’m ramshackle hotel was quickly trans­ always active and even during his rather disposed to pull you out the away, her head bowed He watched Bett s nerves. Archie goes to Bailey yond Ihe roaring Are and caught up Illness It Wes nearly Impossible lo her until she was swallowed up in another rifle. Leary began circling formed Into a surgery. Perky hail Harbor to investigate a house for his hole.“ gone aboard the lug. which was to . keep him from hit work and home '"I'll make you a proposition. I've the darkness. •later—and spends the night in the round Ihe flame in the hope of grsp Shortly before midnight Archie and pllng with him but he • » too late remain In the bay until the outcome j •>»«««•■ empty house He Is awakened by foot heard that you make a habit of carry­ of the Govf-rnor'a Injury could he ««" *•" * kind and considerate man step* dunng the night, the intruder ing your wilt around In that umbrella M ary left the Arthur B. Grover and Without taking time for aim. Carey j 1,-arned. Putney Congdon kept Archie ! respected and loved by neighbors, Glee me the thing!" paddled cautiously toward the point fires at him and m isses. Arch e tires leveled the weapon and fired Ihrough | « ompwmy la Ihe hall ou l.ld e Ihe .lek ' friends and relatives Mrs. Neff pass- in return. He doesn't know whether Kliphalet hesitated, but the Gover­ fixed by the Governor for their ren- the flames. room , »d sw ay November 1, 1930 They were fortified with a 1 he has killed or only wounded the nor gently pried it from the old man's desous Archie struggled wltu big woods- The Immediata remaining relatives The morning waa breaking when ' rifle, a shotgun, slid several packets I man. but fearing the publicity, plans Angers. It was a heavy, bulgy, dis- man. bent him down and turned as the door was opened. are; one daughter. Mrs. Mabel KUIng- to make his escape, ¡a his flight h reputable-looking umbrella with a bat­ of rockets for signaling the tug the shot rang out. The Governor w.,s "There's about one chance In a sen of Man ola. one step-daughter, m eets "The Governor*—« mastermind tered curved handle. The Governor Leary, restless because he couldn't standing apart, oddly amt etrangeb thousand,'' said I»r Reynolds, looking I Mrs. N ellie Fisher also of Marcola criminal who m istakes him for a fel­ opened It. shook out a number of smoke, waa silent. He managed his alone It seemed to Archie, and he was very tired but sm iling bra ely; "but and also several other more dlatant low criminal. Archie afraid to tell the tuanila envelopes, all carefully sealed, paddle so deftly that there wag hardlv an eternity fajllng. He raised him self we've taken the chanew. Tbero are j relatives truth, falls in with “The Governor." A and flung the umbrella from him As a drip that could announce their proxi­ slightly, carrying his rifle high above j reasons, I assume, why this The funeral svts held fromj the matter series of events lead him to believe It struck the water It spread open mity to any one lying In wait on the his head, and his face was uplifted j should be kept quiet, and of rours- ' Walker chapel Thursday al 3 o'clock bay Several minutes before Archie t e has shot l*utney Congdon—the and the wind seised it and bore It aa though in that supreme moment he ! you know the danger.—to you and all Rev B, E Childers of the Church of owner of the house They precede to gaily away. The Governor watched it caught the listless wash of calm Invoked the stars of dreams. Then of u s!” Christ officiating Interment In the New York, where they are visited by , or a moment—then began opening the waters on the beach. Leary heard it he pitched forward and lay very still. M ural lllll cemetery •'It's splendht of you to accept the and paused, peering at the opaque Julia, the Governor s .sister. Archie envelopes and scanning the contents, Carey's shut seem ed to have broken i-eapouslblllty; be sure I appreciate promises her he will stick with the “•«» evident from the dates of these curtain of the woodland beyond the Cove to Sweet Heme — Charles the tacit truce against a resort lo : It!“ .'■ghter shadow of the shore. Governor through the strange phase wills that you've been steadily cutting It Poole of Ihe local umlerlaking arms. There was a sharp fusillade, "We struck It right." he announced, "But I have no right to take It. I've ahe chums he Is passing througii down the amount of your bequest to followed by a scramble as the being ilone all 1 know how to do, but there parlors, made a business trip to While strolling in the park. Archie so n .' the Governor was saying returning from an examination of the « ^ « h t cover. The men who ' ^houldv he another head and a surer Sweet Home and Lebanon early thia sees Mrs. Congdon with her two chll- > 'Watch me Archie, so you can bear shore markings. They carried the ?h w . ° “£ n" W *” Vr haBd ’* «>« «hlcago h a . week. dren. and is witness to the kidnapping I * itness to the destruction of these canoe Into the wood and lay down be the barricade. The appearance or re- I . . tlmmrr himiv fri>|1, «•’ the little gir’ Edith He learns | things; they're all going to feed the «‘da *«• commiinleatlng in whispers Wendilnp Man In—James Blakely Inforcements either frightened Carey „eart O' I>reame He's an old friend from the Governor that the father-in- «*«hes except this earliest one. which him self on the ground beside them. of Wendling was a visitor here Tues­ or Ihe success of his shot had a waken-< <)f faBI„ y of An instant later the Governor threw most law of Mrs. Congdon—a very wealthy divides the property in generous day. ed a new rage In his crated mind, for skillful surgeons In America. I've man— is engaged In the circulation of 1“™Ps between Putney Congdon an i him self on the ground beside them. —then Jump be ”n,pned h,a rlfl® > flrln« wildly as written him a note and Iro sure he counterfeit twenty-dollar gold pieces, his children, with a handsome per- He rested for a moment he danced with a frantic step toward will come Instantly." The go to Rochester, where the Gov- *00*1 recognition of Mrs. Congdon. ed up. Well. boys, everything’s ready'“ ‘7 - fl|ture of ,he ««»«■«or. srnor receives s letter from Ruth, the [ That sha11 b® preserved." The note was sent to the tur for One by one his little army assem b-i 7 , ° ° 7 ***""*‘<’ ,o delivery and at eight o'rlork the sur­ girl he loves, in which she tells him "Now. Mr Congdon, If you will pro­ everything that was happening a b o il geon was at Huddleston He went he may be able to serve her At a mise me never to make another will led. rising from the ground like him as he continued his lance of tri- Into the sick room Immediately, and It spectre. Leary was already deploying dance at Ruth's home. Archie meets without consulting m e , but will let umph In the midst of this weird per w .. anxlim . group group who ellen l’y Isabel and they are reconciled. Archie this one stand And if you will agree the men. The Governor laid hla hand formance. suddenly widening the clr awaited his verdict. and the Governor promise to find not to interfere any further with your on Archie’s shoulder. In Ihe contact cumfi-renle of his operations, he stum­ (T O BE C O N T IN U E D ) Edith Congdon and whisk her aw.iv son's family or his wife or his chil­ something passed between them, such bled. As he reeled. Arable rushed In to Isabel's camp They secure work dren. I ll guarantee that in due sea a communication as does not often pass from the heart of one man to gripping his throat and falling upou on Eliphalet Congdon's farm, where son you'll leave this tug a free man him. Here From Fall C reek— Roy Brewer j another. Edith has been taken They learn | "I promise." said the old man stead The breath w enFoat of the man as of Fall Creek paid Springfield a visit that Putney Congdon—the man Archie ily. And his face expressed infinite ! 11 co»1®8 «» «he worst for me. he struck the ground, and Archie Tuesday. shot—Is also there. While Archie Is relief. The pathos af the weaiened ' you aBd l8abel wll> lo°k out for Ruth Jumped up and left him to Congtlon teaching Edith to ride the Governor little figure now stripped of its a r - l1 n®®'1» ’« “ k r°u that. Vse the tug ung Leary. If your radio doesn't work well, let kidnaps her. Cokl -Veallow will not spoil I rogance. and the assertion of a lon g-; QUlckly to clear «•>•»<" up here; there Perky was kneeling beside the Gov­ I us fix It. Fix It Shop. South Fifth Whea Putney Congdon leaves the latent kindness in his countenance. mui,t h* Bothln«« '«'« «° tell thh tale, your real If you have ernor tearing open his shirt hlch ; Phone 17J. j . jj farm. Archie follows him. They be- encouraged the hope that happle- * ’*’ old man Gongrlon keeps his pro- was already crimson from fast come friendly and Archie agrees to go times were in store for all the Cong mlae That w,n of hla *• in ™r b>»® flowing wound. with Putney to Huddleston, -where dons. serge coat in the closet of my room, "He's hurt had; It's the end of H o t W a te r Bottles they meet the Governor The Cover- The Governor and Archie were i K 1 dle‘ burjr me 00 «*>® "P"«; fool- Archie were him!" muttered the old man helm In the course of our many nor tells Archie that Carey. Isabela waiting on the Huddleston wharf Ishness about that I died to the less) f o r B U S IN E S S years of selling Drug Store cousin, has blocked the camp and they when Putney and Leary returned "from world BeT‘‘n years tonl« h'. 80 « second “T h W i nothin* to !>♦• done here. ‘ merchandise, w e h a v e are unable to get supplies. Calderville, bringing two sack bringing xtwo sacks . of departure will call for no flowers!" , ®*ld Archie. **We must crogR to Hnd. never sold a more satis­ Isabel and Ruth attempt to run the Heart O’ Dreams mail. When they reached the little stream (Heston as quickly as possible." factory* Hot Water Bottle blockade They are run down by defined the boundary of Heart That s fine, said the Governor. that O' Dreams ......... — ___________ -- ( arey'a ’‘«""'•»l h l. men fled lhan Kantleek. E N R O L L A N Y T IM E Garey's launch and the canoe over­ , ,err,,orF tb« Governor, through the woods, pursued’ bv",’e verai i Archie, you and Leary take the A II is made entirely In one feAT"*?-' oou? m « d a l sckooL turns. Archie. Leary and the Gov­ , • Nw — »o. » . a, launch and carry the mail over to Archie and Leary got In readiness for of the Governor's par,y ,.,.rky piece— that's why It can’t *“• “ °wev. la • SI art LB BBk • Nasse. ernor, on the way to the camp, rescue Heart O' Dreams. At twelve o'clock h ¿ a"? “5rOJl" ‘be brldge aB'1 “’rer ,h " rockets and touched one after the leak ew p Is i . S eew them The next day the Governor's the barricade. The purl of water other to the flames of the bonflr- meet me about a quarter of a mile It has no patches, splices, tog runs through with a cargo of this side of Carey s barricade; Leary's eager for Its entrance Into the bay The answering signal ro'se from the seams or binding, and th» supplies. struck upon Archie's ear with a spite- bay. I got the place spotted so he can stopple socket Is molded •UCCBM C m ì o s «wdev. ni ful insistence. There w as n ot a a annn rf ,.T t l , was not sound it in the dark." , right Into the rubber. The tug s moving up." Na|,| Perky. "Please don't think of it!” pleaded from the furiher side of the stream "I have surprise for you," su’d Although It Is guaranteed ,h e by,d«e • » - • h - g h T r ö L 8: ' 1 OBe Archie Thrngs are bound to come Ruth, when Archie handed over the fo ftw o years. It costs only mind. The Qovei* j out all rlb L " ran his hand over the frame nor had not mail. "If you step to the door, bear opened hln eye«; hl« I “Yes; It will be only a little long­ of logs against which stones had been left ten yards and stop by a bench er.” muttered the Governor listlessly. heaped in a rough wall, as the Cover ,n «,’r»a >" To sum m on aid through P«'"™ under our ta lle st pine, some one you nor' e v n la m -T ? “ 7 7 “ ’ th He had responded instantly to - e n d u r o like rather part.cuUrfy X nor ^ explained T o i to V him t l a Archie ^ . Z Ruth's confession of her premonition ef impending evil, and Archie, '««ahe,!" he exclaimed, as she c , ,Z :"(£ k,n‘ " ,O° tlO< ‘ ‘ ‘ CO,,M only lead to complications with the troubled by his friend's change of toward him out of the shadows and ” HWUnM hlmMe,f to the top. H 9 foot ,truck a »tone law and a resulting publicity that wax mood, hastened to end the interview. paused by the beoch Aw» h<« «he crossing 'n spirits and with characterist'c en i •■nh it fur, j _ . t-th. It functioned sptendfdlv tuusiasm began putting the new •- P y' But stones. Some one threw a shovelful f arey’" launch, while the tug now ’ it waa at work In a a good 11 good cause. cause I ; of upon a heap of | showing It. lights close Inshoe could launch through its paces When he love you Isabel, I love you!" he said evidently had been soaked In Inflam b® "'>nt for doc«°r Two men had found- that Putney was skilled In the softly. mahle oil, for the flames rose with a ! alrea,ly "«arted for the beach with handling of such craft he cheerfully "You must never say that to me roar. ! Garey bound and gagged and he was turned the launch over to him. again," she said slowly and determln- It may have been that Carey had ! ,0 be k'‘pt on ,h,! un«11 "”mfi "You u take vonc it and tiiiu run run up Up to LO Calder < RlQPr- i xxrllv '«Aha« .. vUle, where you'd better get sooner t After my cruel thought-' grown wary of murder as a means ' COU-d found of ^«posing of him. .. .. get supper, lessness you must must hate hate me m,. i I’v e w.a is* you h a il . . . . —» e u e r a s The clothes we make for Pick up the Heart O’ Dream’s mall 1 time III stay behind; I gotta clean -» up ------------ --- escapade - . v ---------------- «O do a good g o M deal dea, o of , thinking, ! nt you are Just as Individual as nnd meet us on the wharf at night and the previous night, for the first' You d o n t «° hnow nothin my opinion of myself Isn’t very your own personality—be­ fall. We've got a heavy night’s work ! move of his men <£i to attempt to | about It,” said' Leary gruffly. high. Out nt sheer contrariness that cause they are made for you ahead of us. Archie and I are going drive out the invaders with rifles One of Garey's men had been shot night in Washington I teased you Into and YOU ONLY. aboard the tug to study your father's doing things that led you Into dange, swung as clubs. Carey screamed a t ! and ,n«*“»*ly killed. Another still lay case carefully. You may rely upon ns them hysterically, urging them t o , “»’’« ’» •‘¡■ ‘»us near the barricade from —and the danger is still about us to extricate him from hla embar­ fsreater effort«. We offer you the finest pos­ his battering on the head early In the I'm sorry; with all my heart I'm rassments." sible assortment of choicest The *reat bonfire kept the belllger- fight. Leary grimly declared that the sorry! If anything should happen to As they boarded the Arthur B. woolens In a beautiful selec­ you It would be my fault—my very ents constantly In sight of each other others would not be likely to talk of Grover the Governor bade Archie fol tion of fabrics and designs. grievous sin! And maybe there are sulking, dodging, engaging In indivi-1 ,be,r n!Kht's adventure. lew him to the bow where Eliphalet It had been a foolhardy undertak­ other^nen that I may have said simi­ dual encounters poorly calculated to For 18 years we have been making clothes for was moodily gazing Into the »liter lar things to—oh, you were not the bring victory to either side. One of ing, with potentialities and danger those who art; particular about their appearance. You will ‘Mr. Congdon,” the Governor began. first! ’ she laughed forlornly. "They, Garey's men lay near the barricade. that added fear to the grief In Ar­ “as a mere- looker-on at the passing do yourself a favor when you walk down Willamette, turn chie s heat at the Governor’s fall. At Insensible from a crack over the head too, may have plunged Into the* iame show I'm persuaded that you're not best the thing was horrible, and but from a rifle butt. His plight was caus a half block west on Eighth Avenue and lei us measure you PR I dug for you. Oh, how foolish «eClng much out of Hie " Ing uneasiness among his comrades, for the coolness with which Leary and for your next suit. I ve b een!” "What I do or do not do," cried tda ' I want you to promise,’ she was who began drawing back toward the Perky were m eeting the situation Ar­ old man. “Is none of your Infernal saying, "that yqu won’t in any -way shadows. Carey, seeing that their chie would have been for abandoning business ’’ any attempt at secrecy. Interfere with my cousin here I can’t pluck was ebbing, cursed them. “An error of considerable magni­ We ain't gettln’ anyw here!’ grow l-' 11 WHH «b' »I** Governor's way o’ have you taking further risks tude. I am qualified to offer you ex­ You would have us run Just as the e«f Leary at the end of a third In ',oln* *«•” «»Id Leary, as though read- cellent advice based on exact Informa- conclusive hand-to-hand struggle with ln* Archl®’» thoughts. “Ole Governor tlon as to your Intimate dom estic af Fame grows interesting. Of course only few battered heads as t h e , n',r®r made no mistakes. We ain't wa re not going to quit the field and fairs. You re a meddlesome person, result There’s gold for all of you!" a Bo,n' «° make no mistake now. doin' leave that fellow here to annoy you! Mr. Congdon, with a slight elem ent of H 36 - 40 8th Ave. W. Ha’a ____ character a .’s * a dangerous and s^eVe 2 * ^ l<> men’ a"rt Ur*Pd What b” U" nOt K° back cruelty in your makeup, and morally Phon« 250 __ _ _P b • ' lnPm K T another attack. and bury that poor dovll and cover up you are skidding. Aa a result of your going to get rid of him." They advanced again, but Archie the place. All you got to do la to fer- She was depressed, much as Ruth i KANTLEEK T R A IN ! S2.50 Flanery’s Drug Store Made for You Only . m LL’J ° ' a ," ln * hl " r >