I THURSDAY JANUARY 12, 1928 TUB 8PR1NOFIELD NEWS PAGE FIVE Rscords of the Portland postofftce LOST—Boston Bull Pup, black and EVEN RICE HURT for 1917 showed 7B.766.ft9O pieces of 1 white face, white forelegs. Finder mall were put through the canceling GIRL’S STOMACH please notify Jess tffniUon Reward OF GENERAL INTEREST machines there, according to John M J-12 Jones. Portland postmaster. This Is “I had. Indigestion so bad I an Increase of 4,021,766 over 1926. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Drive Te Corvallis—Mr. and Mrs. Mayor st Crerwell—Mayor O. O afraid to eat even rice. Adlerlka bin Brief Resume of Happenings of • Commemorating the arrival of the Fred lx>uk drove to Corvallis Bunday Bushman spent several days this week Notice Is hereby given that the un­ done me so much good that sow I eat dersigned has been appointed execu­ Cerro (lardo the first steamship to to visit with friend* at Creswell on a business trip. the Week Collected for tor of the I.aat Will and Testament of anything.”—Arden la Bonnard. enter Tillamook bay harbor to load Hare From Jasper- -Mrs Myrtle Adlerlka relieves stomach gas and Jaspsr Man Here— Ira Higgins of Latltla Kendall, deceased. All per­ lumber for shipment direct to a for­ Our Readers. sons having claims against said eign market about 76 of the leading James of Jasper was a Springfield Jasper was a Bprlnfleld visitor Wed estate are hereby notlfed to present sourness In TEN minutes. Acting oa uesday. the same, with proper vouchers, to BOTH upper and lower bowel. It ra- business men of Tlllnmlok and Gari­ visitor Bunday. The of now conalrurtlnn In La baldi assembled at the Whitney inn the undersigned, at hla office at 860 moves old waste matter you never In From Leaburg—Mrs. C. K Curry Oakridge Visitor Here—G H Bolder | Willamette Street, within six months thought was In your system, Let Ad- Gruud« during 1927 was >873.66« Thia laat week. and Mrs. W H Craft of Lea burg were of Oakridge (was a visitor In Spring from the date of the first pebllcatlon lerika give your stomach and bow-»'« la Ih« largnat flgur« In (ha city's his­ of 6hl» notice. i Portland has 76,426 boys and girls in town Bunday. Held Wednesday. tory Iftftte of flret publication January 19. a REAL cleansing and see how much between the ages of 4 and 20 yeara. i» f r better you will feel. It will surprise Albany's rainfall during 1937 waa shows the school census, Just com­ Mercóla Man In—V M. Mills of Richmond nt Albany—Ham Rich­ DONALD YOUNG, Hxecutor. you! Flanery's Drug Store. 44 *7 Inrhea, ala Inches above normal, pleted Thia enumeration will form Marcóla was a Springfield visitor mond of Springfield and Dr. R. C. J*. 12-1226: F 2-9: according in F M French, government the basis for Portland's apportionment Monday. Fuuat of Eugene attended the 8punlsl> wnalher obevrver. War Veterans convention at Albany of (he stale school lax In making the Vsrn Kirkpatrick Leaves — Vem late last week. More than 100 foi breedera of Ore­ 1929 budget, >10 being allowed for Kirkpatrick left Tuesday over the DEPENDABLE E1JEQLASS SERVICE gon wore In Halein laat week attend­ each child. Southern Pacific of Louis, Illinois. Leave for California—Mr. and Mrs. ing the annual convention of the Ore­ Report of W O. Ide, manager of the Earl Leptey, who have been visiting gon Fox Breeders’ association. Mrs. Weber Here—Mrs. Carl Weber at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard land settlement department of the For the flret time In ten years. no Oregon state chamber of commerce of Eugene visited at the home of Mr l234,090. During the past week marriage lic­ Drive to Corvallip—Mr. and Mrs. enses have been Issued by the county Itandun, shipped 17 care of cattle to Oregon corporations paid approxi­ California In I»]« and sold 12 In 1927. mately >326.000 less In federal Incomu F. B Flanery and Mr and Mrs, N. W. clerk to the following: J. L. Beatty, Corvallis Bunday. Cottage Grove, and Helen Kefauver, He la building up a dairy herd of 2000 taxe, last year despite the Increase In i Ba" ‘r ’r “ " " ’rwl cattle. their tax rate under the revenue law At Albany Monday—Mr and Mrs. San Diego; Wayne Reid and Joseph­ A rises of 610 candidates was Initi­ of 1926, according to the preliminary 1 John llenderer were Albany visitors ine Purdy, both of Eugene; Harold Hays, Lexington. Illinois, and Mildred ated by the Belem lodge of Klka last report on Income itatletlca for the early this week. Brubaker, Eugene; U J. Nasholm Eu­ Munday night as the culmination of a calendar year 1926 Issued by the treas­ j Here From Mabie— P. A. Bell of gene and Ruth Jensen, Crow; EJner two months’ Intensive drive for new ury department. members. “Old Dobbin,' w ho., day. of utility ” able w“ “ »Prln«0el«l visitor Bun­ KJer and Anne Boy sen, both of Wendl- GOOD JERSEY MILK AND CREAM for Sale by the day. Ing. Oregon motorists will be permitted are rapidly drawing to a dose, Is com­ to drive automobiles bearing 1927 li­ ing to a sad end In v luiiiuth county. Hee Major Operation—It H. Parson S p r in g fie ld V i e w D a ir y cense plates until January Id, accord­ Thousands of boraea. running wild on underwent n major operation at the NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE ing to tentative arrangements an­ the range, are being caught and sold Pacific Christian hospital Bunday. to the Bulle Packing company of Mon­ Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ nounced recently. 34F3 Undergoes Minor Operation—Abbie tue of an execution and order of sale tana. They will be butchered and An organisation has been formed In In foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ Cooley underwent a minor operation sold as cheap meat In Europe. We have started a new Milk Route in Springfield and Jackson and Josephine counties to cuit Court of Lane County, Oregon, will be glad to serve all our old friends. H II. McDowell, proprietor of the at a local surgeon's office Saturday. on the 6th day of January, 1928, in a beautify the Pacific highway from suit wherein on the 3rd day of Janu­ Urauta Pass to Ashland by planting Mack Marie lodge at North Beach. I Motors to Portland—Elmo Pierson ary. 1928, In said court Elmer Roberts, was fatally shot .«ear «<>oth on Hill rode his motorcycle to Portland Sat- as administrator of the Estate of trees and flowers. coos lake Iasi Sunday, when a shotgun t urday night, returning Bunday. Jack Rodman, deceased, plaintiff, re­ The Douglas county turkey crop of In the hands of L. M Kimmel of Roae- covered Judgment against the defend 1927 was the largest for many seasons, Mrs. Swarts Improved—Mrs. C. E. ants Josephine Mills, L. L Mills and burg waa accidentally discharged. The a total of 17 carloads being shipped two men. lifelong friends were shoot­ Swarts. who haa been III. waa report­ George M Svarverud for the sum of out of the county for the Thanksgiving >565.60 with Interest at 7 per cent per ing ducks when the accident hap­ ed improved early thia week. and Christmas trade. annum from the 12th day of Novem­ pened. ber, 1927, and for the further sum of | H e r e Over Week.End — M is s Plans submitted by the county clerk Increase In assessed valuation of Dorothy Broughton of Portland spent >76 00 attorneys fees and the costs of Clatsop county for a bridge over and disbursements herein, which Judg Klamath Falls coupled with economy i the week-end In Springfield, ment was enrolled and docketed In the Lewis and Clark river, 7S miles south of various municipal levying boards | of Astoria, were approved by (he war has resulted In a material reduction j Vlelta Mrs. Cowden—Mrs. Josephine Clerk's office of said Court in said County on the 3rd day of January, department last week. In 1928 taxes The millage rate Is 6ft j John" of Garden Way visited Mrs 1928. and said execution to me direct­ ed commanding me In the name of The receipts of the Medford post- mills, at compared with 76 ft mills last j Alwa Cowden, her sister. Sunday , the State of Oregon. In order to sat­ office last month which were >10 year. Assessed valuation of the city in Pacific Hospital — Mrs Floyd :iify said Judgment, interest, attorneys 2 0 6 « . showed an Increase of 12 3 per has Increased from >7.061,036.13 to Thompson of Lowell la In the Pacific ,ee“' c,Sta of and accrul“B “ w h e re saving» a re g r e a te s t” coat over the receipts of December, >8.326.012 76 Christian hospital She has been 111 I to sell the following described real property, to-wlt: 1926. which were $9083 47. 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. Textbooks adopted by the state text­ for some time. Lot No. 2 in section 23, toanshlp 16 Flection of officers and the adop­ book eommlaalon for use In the public south of range No. 4 east of the Wll tion of a 192ft program will be taken schools of Oregon cannot be used le- I Perkins at Mapleton—George Per lamette Meridian, in Lane County, up at the annual meeting of the gaily for n period In excess of six kins was here over the week-end from ¡Oregon, excepting a strip of land 50 S p r i n g ’s I n T h e s e C o a t s Clackamas County Jersey Cattle club years, according to an opinion pre­ Mapleton, where he Is building a feet wide through said lot conveyed (o Lucky Bov Mining Company, also school house. at Oregon City next week. pared by the attorney-general recent­ excepting a tract conveyed to Nellie In N ew Fabric*— N ew Deposits "of Portland’s 24 rammer-j ly. The opinion was sought by Charles Appendix I s Removed — Vernon T. Matlock, and excepting a tract con­ veyed to T. C. Luckey, and excepting A. Howard, state superintendent of Lines— Unusual Price* cist banking Institutions on December ; Spores. 8-year old son of Fred Spores, a tract conveyed to Roy Stein, all of 21 amounted to I166.49H.O72. reflecting public instruction. underwent an appendicitis operation said premises being In loine County, A bit that’s new— a bit that’s dif­ a gain of 13,674.463 over the >161.823,- | The city of Medford had an enviable at the Pacific Christian hospital Mon­ State of Oregon, together with the ferent — that alone is enough of a record during the last year In the mat­ day. tenements, hereditaments and appurt­ 619 reported In December 31. 1926. enances thereunto belonging or ap­ reason for the charm of these first ter of fires and comparatively little Half again as much money was Many Her* Yesterday—Among out- pertaining. fire lost, according to the annual re­ spring coats. taken In by the city of .McMinnville Now. therefore, In the name of the In 1926 for fines ns In 1927, according port submitted by Fire Chief Roy El­ of-town visitors here Wednesday were State of Oregon, In compliance with to Judge Shirley. The sum S-arhed ; liott. The fire department answered Mrs Jess Wllcoxen. Wendllng; A said execution and order of sale and In order to satisfy said Judgment, in­ 21764 60 In 1926, and only >1064.60 this 150 alarms of fire and the total fire Thorgersen, Marnila; R. Harbert, Cot­ terest. attorneys ftis. costs of suit tage Greve; Charles Sylvester, Walt- loss was only >69 971 89. on which >68,- year. and accruing costs. I will on Saturday ervllle; Mrs Redmond and Mrs Fred the 11th day of February. 1928, at the 261 89 of Insurance was paid. Mrs. Jean K. Porter of Condon, The outbound cargo movement for Fischer. Marco!«; Carl Williams, hour of one o'clock, in the afternoon school superintendent of Gilliam coun­ the Portland district during 1927 has Marcola; Mrs. Joe Kennedy and Mr. of said day. at the Southwest front door of the County Court house, in ty. wns elected president of the State Refreshing— D e lig h tfu l- amounted to 2.669,319 tons, valued at and Mrs. Seth Bowers, of Wendllng. Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, offer Association of County School Super ! Modes of Spring! >113,161.330. and In 1926 It was 2,655.- for sale and sell for cash, at public Intendents at the annual convention j One can almost feel a glow of spring 132 tons with a value of >134.699.159 FOR SALE— Wood Heating Stove. In auction, subject to redemption as pro­ last week. vided by law. all of the right, title warmth about these coats— they are so ex­ The Inbound movement for last year good condition. Priced cheap. Call and Interest of said defendants Aa (he result of nctlvltlea carried was 2.398.980 tons with a value of pressive of the smart trend for the new 87-W for Inspection. J-12 Josephine Mills, L. L. Mills and on by the aherlff's office In the en­ >145.691.691. and In 1926 It was 2,290, season. Sport coats and dress coats- George M. Svarverud and .all persons forcement of the prohibition law In 889 tons valued at >141.293,766 tnany for immediate needs. claiming by. throuvh or under them Clackamas county, Sheriff Mass hue • all the Fix-It Shop for estimates or any or either of them in and to The most costly and stubborn fire Coats to Fit Women, turned over a total of >10,876 collected In Tillamook In years caused damage on your plumbing and heating. Soutn said premises FRANK E TAYLOR. Sheriff of Missea and Junior» In tinea during 1927. estimated at >80,000 last week when Fifth near First National Bank Phone L ane Countv, Oiegon. a J-12 Ja. 12-19-26: F. 2-9: Fire believed to have originated the Masonic building was burned so 178. from aponlaneouM rum bust Ion destroy­ badly fc ir is expressed that the upper ed n warehouse and kecond hand store floor and walls may fall nt uny time. In the heart of the downtown business The fire lasted five hours and four district In Salem last week resulting firemen were overcome by the heavy In a loss estimated nt >100.000. smoke, which hampered fire fighting Hurry Lloyd Wolfgrani, 13, whs kill efforts. ed last week when ho stuck hls hand ' P ostal savings In Oregon for the OREGON STATE NEWS "Dr. Roijdl Qick Announcement! PHONE Ralph Cline $14 .75 to $29.75 In a rotary clothes dryer a t St. Mary'* fiscal year ended Ju n e SO totaled >2.- hospital. His arm was tarn off. T he! «07.882, according to John M. Janes, youth's body « n s thrown against the I'brtlnnd postm aster, who has ju st’ re steel friMuo of tb el frixpiu the m achine, breaking cclved a copy of the dep artm en t an- hlft neck. , mini report. This Is nn Increase ol Albany Is tbo only m unicipal cor­ i >394.630 over the previous your, tb- poration In Llr.n county which will I I report shown. T here were 6492 de- i \i r n - . hiivo a lower clly tux (hls year than j poaitors for the year and tho In-t year, according to County Asses ' ment paid >36,617 In Interest. sor G rant Froinnn. A lbany's city levy I F ifty women In u crowd jam m ed Ini will be 65.7 mills. Iaiul year It was front of ihe Hob, a depart m ent »tor, ' 56.5 mills. In M arshfield, which had u d v e r tl,' . a I Wil li the prliion population up to i, .Re, were plunged Into a depfi salon 635. thè hip,In si In thè lilgloi, • of tho one d.,y lost week when thu sidewalk I I loslitutlon, (tbo Julia l'Illeil w ih luon b i i ng to nn indented en tran ce col- I aw ultlng trial nini ouly tbre, htiiiku laps 'd, Tho womou fell in a b up n ' kJ i of iiliout three fe t but only H loft In thè outli'. In... nilon, ti Id hoUe- liin Injured cuough to re, uir • lag prò Meni .il thè state peri .eafii'.ry ut Baioni bus ii.oip'U must uorious mi dii al •.il-,. About 5oo women proportions, acre to Jlenry Me jy- w aiting I get Into tin collapse OCt IP m d. •cu ors. superbitomi« Conilbl.il - e ll by lum berm en nod Io.; Two lui'i.i on;-,I s, lii nionul Combat 1000. and ftlends. Mr. and Mm. liumbroe It Is 160 feet long. 33 Inches wide and | were both born near Lafayette and % of an Inch thick. It contains many | thicknesses of leather. lived there most of their lives. HeiligJTheatre — Two Big Nights Heaters M O N D A Y , A N D T U E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 16 and 17 o/ /o o rc :r Eugene Minstrel Show 1 A M E R IC A N L E G IO N combined with the EUGENE GLEEM EN , To Clean up Our Slock 1 Sixty men in the Finest, Funniest and Fastest Frolic of the Season of Heaters w a re GAYETY AT ITS GAYEST 2 0 % D is c o u h t f o r C a sh SONGS OF THE NEWEST on all Heaters DANCING OF THE BEST Wrighc & Sons HARDWARE — FURNITURE — PAINT Phone 18 V itu s Block TICKETS ONLY $1.00 EACH— RESERVED ’ GALLERY 50 CENTS « • Watch the Newspapers for List*of eminent Names In Cast Entire Show Directed by James W. Evajis I