TH U R H U A Y JANUARY 12. 1928 TIW flPRINOTOBLD Classified Ads fo w aïHrâûû^ T R A IN S C H E D U L E Springfield Stops Northbound No. 83. .. No. 19 .. ......................... 3:38 P M 4 27 A I f F1 a < Southbound No. 15 .............. 9 33 P M No. 31 . 9 -4ft A M Coach Special for K lam ath Falls and beyond, on flag at 9:01 P M on Sunday, Tuesday and F riday N O T IC E O F R H E It lF F ’S S A L E O N E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E FO R S Ä L E W O O D PAGE THREW SPR IN G FIELD TO M EET S U M M O N S T , , B C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H M Ö I . M A R Y o O N F R ID A .' I ¿(T A TE O F O R E G O N F O B T H E CO UN TY O F L A N E The Springfield high school basket- The United Staten N atio n al Bank of hall team w ill be In action before Eugene, a corporation. P la in tiff, va Shannon Lum ber Company, a cor- home fans for the Arst tim e F riday poration; Edw ard Cameron, True- night, when Ihe St. M ary's high school tee; R. E. V e llu m , doing busineag quintet w ill furnish com petition. The as Vellum A Clow M anufacturing game la called for 7:30 a t the high «om pan y; Austin Coons; H a rry S m ith ; Oeo. J. Stevens and C. H. school gymnasium. F a rris , doing business as S te v e n » Springfield lost the Arst game o f the F arris Lum ber Company; and N. A season to the U niversity high last M. Lum ber Company, a corporation. F riday night. 28 m » . T h e Sprm g- Defendants. Aeld team played a ragged game, but H a rry Sm ith and N. A M Lum bar at tim e , showed p o.slb.litles. T he « S S ? ™ * ’ “ ^ 'r a t i o n , defend cam pu. prep school u rn l.h ed some of i 1N t h e N A M E O F T H E S T A T E OF the alcest com petition scheduled for O R E O O N ; You are hereby require« the local team this year. j to appear and answ er the answ er an« ------- -------------------____ cross com plaint of Edw ard CameroB, I I RD AD V n n n v e a n r Trustee, A led against you In the aboVg L IU K A K Y B O O K S A R E entitled court and cause, on or beforg S T I L I n o v i i u r G I I T i h‘ expiration of the tim e prescribe« Q I IL L D R Y I N G O U T , in the o rder o f Publication, to -w lll 1 On or before the expiration of four Books damaged when the pipe« a t »®eks from the date of the Arst pubU* the Springfield public lib ra ry broke callon of th '" summons, and I f yon fa ll 'w W ln i r e • t " ' d ry ,n * oot « * " ’ - « . “ ’o m p u i ^ l " “ » i p " y ° t o ? £ ST M A Q V ’S O N F D in i'/ ,N Notice Is hereby given th a t by v ir­ tue " t an execution and order o f sale In foreclosure Issued out of the C ir­ cuit Court of Lane County. Oregon, on the 29th day of December. 1927. In a I N B R E A K A H L B W A T C H CRYS suit wherein on the 27th day of Dec­ TA 1.8— Fancy shapes end regulars. CALL AN D SEE Dr. N. W. Emery ember. 1927, In aatd court T h e Pacific SEPTIC TANK S H oyt's Cash Store. tf. ’* "rieaa on plates and eth er work. tf. Raving A Loan Association, a W ash­ Ready for yon to (natali ington Corporation, p laintiff, recover­ W e ipeclellae lu a wise braclet watch ed Judgment, against the defendants fiamlly o f flee ______ . 111 N O T IC K O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Notice Is hereby given that E va II repetring H o y t’s 111 M a la S tre e t tf W . W W h ite and M ary A W h ite , hla fam ily of eigh t ________ ___ I I I Stephenson. •wife, and H. R Oldham and Edna E A d m in is tra trix of the Ea et onr plant mSi ? J deceased, haa E IG T H T H G R A D E E X A M IN A T IO N S Oldham, hla w ife, for the aum of Sewer Pipe— Drain Tile filed her Anal report and account ae , T he regular atale eighth grade ex 11990 41 and Interest thereou a t the rate of ten per re n t per annum from Chimney Blocke aundl( , B|d [M)n4 NR *4. N E% R W 4 Recorder, for at least three per cent 1122.71 all persona having claims ngalnat said M arch 1, 1927, 126 0« vkted by law . all of the rig ht, title or any part of the lim itatio ns by law j 245.51 U.oS estate are hereby notlAed to preaent N E U . NW14 RKK4 s w > 4 NEK» R e r - Iof th*‘ PUI"cha«e price as a guarantee Dec. 1, 1936, as to Indebtedness of the said T o w n .) the and Interest of aald defendants W . W 189.34 the same properly verlAed to m«- at Hon 13. Township 17 S . Range 11 ?! . ,.he Kn,,<1 ,a ,,h on ,h ® P“ r ‘ J u ly 1, 1926, And It is fu rth e r * considered and certl- certi 25.0« W h ite end M arv A W h ite, his wife. " “ «‘“ - ’'eq ana bidder. No bid w ill be considered for 393 74 the office of F ra n k DePue, attorney W est, and Lot 1( N W % N W < 4 I See. July 1. 1926, 50 0« H R Oldham and Edna E Oldham. 1 reQu ,rem e“ ‘ a law 445.58 fo r the estate at Hprlngfleld, Oregon 18. Tow nship 17 H Range 10 W eal . less than par and a, crued Interest hla wife and Ihe F irst National Bank I Dec. 1. 1925, 50 0« * , C° i i , Pl‘f** T ‘ h b/ l h.® Raid bonds to be dated M arch 1st, 545.58 on nr before six months from the date W M (173 82 acres) w ithin Ihe Slus- Dec. 1, 1925, 75.0« O f Eugene. Oregon a corporation, and ,h ., ,th,e . “ “ ' . “ i ‘ S ' 1928. and date of closing bida and of 60 14 of this notice Dated December 30th. law National Forest, for Ihe tim b er Dec. 1. 1925. all peraona claim ing bv. through or S,O" d' " nd. ,h ' ‘ ‘ h« ‘ "j?* “ *'» 25.0« off 14 acres on Ihe H W % , Section 15. opening sealed bids, Februarv 14th. under them or anv or eith er of them j ‘ r lh^d hC I»«- 1127. 45 83 Dec. 1. 1925, 25«« iM k ! e ' ,“ l t 7 r *>g' 1938 and NW 54 Section 22, Township 9 19065 C M U N H A L L , A d m inistrator Dec. 1, 1925. 25 0« In and to eaht uremlaea ¿wS S, S i « Th. * ' re<,eem' I. M l’E T E !’ R ''N . Recorder. 78 05 F R A N K D e P U E . Attorney for the South. Range 4 East, W M . w ithin Ihe Dec. 1, 1925. F R A N K E T A Y U IR . Sheriff.. Lane ; “ b' e J ' < £ d J r„eaaurej- a‘ 26.0« Ja 12-19 28 F 2 »; Santlam National Forest. estate. the option o f the Tow n of Springfield, and the cost» and disbursements Of Countv. Oregon Ja 6 13 1925: [ . 2; Oregon, upon the paym ent of the face thls s u lt: and for a G..~ree foreclosing T h e mirpnse of this notice Is to By B E U L A H B R IN N IC K . Deputy. value thereof, w ith accrued interest ,he chattel mortgage from said Shan* allow a ll persons claim ing the lands N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Ja B-l2-19-25: F 9: Notice Is hereby given that the un at the date of paym ent, a t any semi non Lum ber Company and said N. 4k selected, or having bona Ade objee- N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S derslgned ad m in istrato r of the estate annual coupon period, a t o r a fte r one M Lum ber Company to cross-cotB« tlona to such application an opportun­ Lizzie M W ilson, deceased, N O T IC E IR H E R E B Y G IV E N . T hat ity to Ale th e ir protest w ith the o f O R D IN A N C E N U M B E R 528 year from the date thereof, as pro- Plalnant recorded In the office of tlW the undersigned has been duly ap­ Register of the U. S Land Office at has Aled In the County Court of Lane An Ordinance authorizing the ad vided In said Act. For the fu lfillm e n t Pouoty C lerk of Lane County. Oregon, County. Oregon, his Anal account as pointed by th«- C ounn C.nirl ,.f 'h - Roseburg, OregnRI in Volum e 14 o f the Chat- . a —, - . . . , ~ ; v e rtla a m e n t,a a le a n d ia a u a n e e o f(» 1 3 - of the conditions of this obligation. ‘ at Pa Fp ¿hl? tto. 4>h "J S' d 000 0 0 > T h irteen Thousand Dollars of State o f Oregon for Ihe Count« of Anv such protest or objections must i L ' h! i v ? * i F : b ruary. 1»28, at 1 Im provem ent Bonds of t h . Tow n of the faith and cred it of the Tow n of te* M ortgage Records of said county« Lane aa a d m inistrator o f the estate be Aled In (his oAlre w ithin th irty and decreeing said sums above meB* Im provem ent Bonds of the Tow n of Springfield are pledged. o f Jacob ttulnlng deceased a n d day« from the date of the Arst publi­ 10:00 o'clock In the torenoon of 4ald Springfield. Oregon, under the pro­ IN W IT N E S S W HEREOF T his ,loned t0 he a "rs t mortgage lien u p o t day haa been Axed by the Court as all persona having claims against aald cation o f this notice, beginning Jan­ visions of C hapter 5 of T itle X X V I of bond has been signed by the ’ M a v o r 1 th ?, per' ° " al P™ Perty described IS the thne fo r hearing any objections to Lord’s Oregon Laws of the State of and countersigned and registered by “ d m ” ttx a g e in Lane County, Ora- estate are herby notlAed to preaent uary B. 1928 Non-coal 1 said report and settlem ent thereof. the same properly verified to me at Oregon aa amended and declaring an the Recorder o f the Tow n of S p rin g -; KOn' H A M IL L A C A N A D A Y . Register. T he Arst publication o f thia notice emergency. the office of F rank tlePue, attorney field, and the corporate seal of the 1 Tacom e Donkey Engine Ja B-I2-19 24: F. 2: being January 5. 1928 for the estate al Springfield, Oregon, 1 Seattle Donkey Engine No. 39M T H E T O W N O F S P R IN G F IE L D Town of Springfield, Oregon, hereunto It. D. W IL C O N , A dm inistrator. on or before six months from the daty | 1 Steam Pump annexed this ............ day of DO ES O R D A IN AS F O L L O W S : Regular Raffle A L T A K IN O . Attorney for Estate. of this notice Dated December 20th. , 3 W a te r Pumps and Pipe (454 m il«« Section 1. Whereas, the Town of --------- ------ 1928 Ja. 6-12-19-25: * F 2: 1127 Prof.: "A T u rk never sees the face of pipe) Countersigned and registered _________ ___ Springfield has heretofore caused the IR A T YO U N G . Adm inistrator. 1 70 W indow frames w ith glass of hla fiancee u ntil a fte r they are N O T IC E o r n u n a g -r-ri w u w n w 1 follow ln * " t’’* « 1- s® »«r and sidewalk F R A N K D aP U E . Attorney for the N O T CE O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Improvements to be made w ith in the 11 matrasses M ayor. m arried. estate. 24 Iro n bunks; 2 scrapers Notice Is hereby given that the un- I T ow n of Springfield, to-w it: 1 Btude Ja 6-12-19-25: F 2: “Can T u rka get dlvoi’c e d i'' 1 1 S kyline ® ~ Recorder. derslgned ad m in istrato r of the estate I G rading and graveling N o rth 2nd I 1 Pr. pulley flanges '» ' *• o f O tto Clarence Z ln lk e r. deceased. ! »Iraet from J street South and J of the Tow n of Springfield, Oregon. 2 - 7-14” Dolley Boxes ' 8ectlon 3. Each of said bonds shall has Aled In the County Court of Lana 1 G>ni Hollo's Addition to Spring Sack set colors have attached thereto tw en ty coupons County, Oregon, his Anal account aa field, Oregon Lot skid' rolls i. O radlng and graveling F street each of which shall he In substantially such ad m in istrato r of said estate and lum ber trucks that the 4th day of February. 1928, at between 9th and 10th streets and 9th the follow ing form : set switch points, couplets wltB 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said atiTet between F and O streets In The Tow n o f Springfield. State of Oregon. throw s and plates Coupon N o................ day has been Axed hy the Court as Tow n of Springfield, Rea. Phone 149 Plano Moving 24x7” spur friction 2-15-15 ,< ‘ W ill pay the bearer Fifteen Dollars the thne fo r hearing anv objections to i »• A sewer constructed between E. Jitn ey said report and settlem ent thereof and F streets fro m 9th to 10th street In Gold Coin of the U nited States of I SPR IN G FIELD TRANSFER Haul-back blocks T he Arst publication of this notice , hru Block 84 of W ashburne’s Sub- Am erica, a t the office of the Tow n W IL L IB B E R T 8 C H , Prop. M oving blocks ; being January 5, 1928 division of Springfield Investm ent and T re a s u rer in the Tow n of Springfield. O F F IC E A T R E R V IC B O A RAG E 3300' No. 4 light w ire ; P o s e r Company’s Addition to »prlng- Oregon, on the 1st day of ............ being P A U L Z IN IK E R , A dm inistrator. 632 M ain Street 400’ No. 12 light w ire, small six months Interest on Im provem ent ' i field, Oregon. A L T A K IN O . A ttorney fo r Estate. Steam w a te r pump bond N o................ unless said bond Is Successor to Sutton T ra n s fe r 4. T he construction of cement slde- Ja 5-12-19-25: F. 2: M oving block sooner redeemed, as therein p ro vid e d .' i walks in the Tow n of Springfield as F la t boxes which redemption shall render this H N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G O F F IN A L 1 " , " d S » ° U‘ ,n O rd,nan" N u m ^ 228 M ain 81. Residence 125 c 8 t 2 shaft couplings complete coupon void. »15.00 hr 11 i k ACCOUNT I 5 O radlng and graveling 8outh D 28 P u lley flanges olBIce Phone 42 Rea. Phone I <3 J 42 M Notice is hereby given that the ad- street. South 4th street and Park Recorder. ____ M ayor. ' I l ° n ________ steel and __ iron, assorted Carl H. Phettaplace, M. D. m ln lstrato r of the estate of N ellie street w ith in the Tow n of Springfield Said coupons shall he n u m b e re d ; ! steam condensor F u ll Auto Equipm ent Deedon deceased, has filed his a e -! 4. O radlng and graveling K street from one to tw en ty respectively. O eaeral Practice. Special A ttention angle boxes Lady Assistant count for the final settlem ent of said < from M ill street to K e lly Boulevard Said bonds shall be dated M arch 1st. S 2 7-16 flanges 8" sleeve to Obstetrics and Diseases of cbll- 2 2 7-16 flanges 10” sleeve 1 estate In the County Court for Lane K e lly Boulevard from L street to the 1928. and the Interest shall be payable Iraa. nJ the S ,* li! o f Qr®K°n ’ and C ity lim its and M street from K e lly on the 1st day of Septem ber, and the 1 steel tru ck 10 ,„o’„UrdayV ,he 4,h day of F,'b ni Boulevard to the C ltv lim its w ith in 1st day of M arch of each year. F irs t N atio n al Bank Building Guy lines 1 R ail bender ary, 1928, at (he Court Room of stld the Tow n of Springfield. Oregon BprlngAeld, Oregon Section 4 T he M ayor of Sprlng- DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL 1 do d rill J Court, In the County Court House, In And whereas the Common Connell ' field is hereby authorized and d irect- I Eugene. Oregon, at ten o’clock. In the ' o f Ihe Tow n of Springfield has here-1 ed to sign said bonds, and the Record- 18 blocks D E N T IS T forenoon. has been, h.v sal». Court. | tofore assessed the cost thereo f to er to countersign the same and af­ 2 pr. loading tongs, w ith c le vl; WM. G. HUGHES . _____ _______ ________________ _______ Said property being at S h ann «« fixed as the tim _____ e and , _____. place . for h e a r -: th ® _______ property ________ abu ttin g upon said ___ im- tach thereto the ____ seal _ of the Tow n of Phon« 43 Ing objections thereto, and for final provem ent and benefltted thereby. In 1 Springfield, all on behalf of said Tow n M ,H' Lane County. Oregon and in tlM FIRE ANO AUTO INSURANCE Fire« N a t’l Bank Bldg., Springfield setllem ent ---------------- of said estate. ¡’ accordance w ith ---- ------- ■ ‘ the term s of the k Th. woods near said m ill, and for a dacf«« N O T A R Y P U B L IC F. W . D E E D O N , A d m in istrator of 1 charter of the Tow n of Springfield. * . O fflaa at the Estate of N e llie Deedon. deceased. ¡at>d said bonds and num ber of the same pPr,y “ a a ll“ T L. L. R A Y . A tto rn ey for Estate. W hereas, the owners of sundry on the blanks provided th e re fo r In f u rth e r decree F IR S T NATIONAL BANK the foregoing form in accordance w ith ‘ , ,’ “ d. Ja. 5-12-1926. F. 2: pieces of property, each assessed for Sgringflald, Oregon ». i l i . i rf EPr ?r such Im provem ent in a sum exceeding Section 3428 of said code and Lawa of to ith J i s u d®f®"dai>ts. H a rt? (»25.00) T w e n ty F ive Dollars, have the State of Orepon. N O T IC E O F SA L E O F R E A L M A X STOVE WORKS o ai t, - th . n Sniltn ana N. ft M. Lum ber Company, P R O P E R T Y BV G U A R D IA N , duly msde and filed applications to Section 6. T h e Recorder o f the or e ith e r of them, or any other p arty W ill take your Old Style Range DR. N. W. EM ERY Notice Is hereby given th a t by vlr- pay * Ra®aa*t'entg In Installm ents tue of an o rder of the County Court i nccor,Bn r to Section 3245 of Lord's Tow n of Springfield is hereby directed ! to t h l. suit, and fo r such other an« In exchange on a L a te r One. to advertise said bonds fo r sale In a , fu rth e r re lie f as to ’ the Court m ar e- D E N T I8 T of l,ane County, Oregon, dulv made I O r®«ws and newspaper of general circulation in seem Just and equitable, and for e ro x» and entered of record on the 17th day ; W hereas, an assessment and bond M ain near M ill St., Springfield Button Bldg. Phons M M Lane County, Oregon, once each week I com plainant's cost, and dlsburM * o f December, 1927. In the m a tter of ' Rcn d o r't®t has d uly been made up In ------------------------------ ------------- fo r four consecutive w e e k , (five ments. Residence Phans 159-M the G uardianship of E d w ard W . Pet accordance w ith the provisions of » hlch notice shall state that j T h l . summons is published pursnaB» ersm eyer, an Incompetent person, the said section and o f Section 3247, and sa d bonds w ill be .o ld for the highest I to an order of the Hon G F S k i» Springfield, Oregon undersigned Guardian of said Edward the total amount of unpaid assessmenta price obtainable th erefo r hut not less , w orth. Judge o f the above court m ad« W Peteram eyer w ill on and a fte r the for such Improvem ents for which ap- than par and accrued interest, and , January 9 1928 third day o f February. 1928 offer for licatlon to pav under the B ancroft th a t sealed bids for the purchase ! Date o f'firs t publication January 11, .a le and a e . l W private s2.e to the b? " mad* and Oeaeral L a * PraeUea All kinds of gravel for con­ thereof o r any portion thereof w ill be , 1928 7 highest bidder for cash In hand, or l u / L "" j£ , n ,he /'t'P I'nM 1 crete or road Work. We R e i v e d by the said * M o r d e r at h is , W H . B R O O K E. A tto rn ev for E4- Part cash and nart c r e d i t n n i « . m > 12Jilrteen i Thousand Dollars (»13,000.- I. M. PETERSON part cash and part credit on terms office in the C ity H a ll In Springfield. wanj Cameron. Trustee. Cross-cog» make a specialty of crushed Attoraey-at-Law satisfactory to said, the real 00) as shown by said Hen docket, u" ty ' 2 re 5 °? ' a t ,any ‘