O u r Painting Plant ia Equipped For A ll K in d * of Job W jr k TW B N TY -E IFTII VKAK BRIEFS BEADY IN THE SPRINGFIELD NE’KS HP1UN0PIELD. ,1-ANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY JANUARY 12. 1928 FIRST MILESTONE IN NEIGHBORS INSTALL AT SECOND CENTURY IS j CEREMONIES FOLLOWED NEARED 3Y MRS. LYONS BY VARIETY PROCRAM Fulop’s S to re Sold to Salem Merchants “ The People’s Paperi* i A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 1 CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO j FEATURE CHORUS CHOIR ON SUNDAY EVENING B O O M I ! MILL NUT IB SHUT DOWN The first milestone In (bn second With appropriate ceremony, officers The chorus choir, led by Claude , century la I» he crossed by Mrs Eliza of the Springfleld lodge of the Neigh Neeley, will be featured In the ser­ I belli Lyon«, of Springfield, on January bora of Woodcraft were Inatailed at vice Sunday evening at the Christian City Document Finished Thia , i», a public ceremony Wednesday night. -------- ' church. The following numbers will Alternate Plan With Wendling Family reunion« and celebration« The W. O. W. hall waa Crowded at the Morning for Filing With Pub­ The Farmers’Exchange store, bB lBc|uded: Abandoned, Report f r o m lic Service Commiaaion, Re­ whlrh greeted Mra. Lyon« uu «ho Installation ceremony, which waa fol­ Anthem. "The Lord is My Bhepherd. ' owned and operated by Julius Duet. "Jesus Leads,” with chorus Headquarter«; Log Deliveries reached the century mark laat year lowed by a program moving Obstacle from Deci­ Started and Camp« at Wendl« «re to be lamely done «way with Mrs. O. F. Klaer waa installing of-i ^Ulop, *iaa been sold to Kafoury ¡ accompaniment. sion; Others Already Filed. thia year, due to the frail health of fleer, and the following officers accept- Brothers, of Salem and Port "The Lord God Omnipotent Relgneth” ing are Operated. the Ugoil Woman Many friends, how od the duties of their position: by choir. , land, according to an announce- Brief of (be Town of Springfield and Announcements earlier In the wee* the aouthslde properly holder« In the t-wer. coming In in family groupa. and Mra. c. F. Kggtmann guardian nelgu 1 ment made today by N. H. Reading, "He Touched Her Hand that the 8prlngfleld plant of the Boot** relative«, will visit Mra. Lyons al the and the Fever Left Her." S m - o ix I street crossing closing case bor Mrs Mgrion Adams, past guardian 1 Thompson, stock broker, who Kelly Lumber company was to be "Who Would be Greatest Among .. was completed this morning »1 the of­ home of her granddaughter. Mrs. neighbor; Mra. Ada Hulburt, ad * I Grace May. shot down Saturday and start on a* u ... „ . . , 11* representing the new owners, You,” by the choir. vlaor; Mrs. Walter Laxton, magician; ” fice of Attorney t’hsries Hardy at Bu alternate running basis with tha gene, and will he filed with the public l,,,r" »■ *•*?. «hen the railroad waa Edith Hurd, attendant; Mra Wilbur i Mr- Thompson is In charge of Male quartet number. Wendling plant were refuted thl« service commiaaion ahortly. Thia will | l,nl" more ,ha“ ■ dream, when many Lloyd, captain of the guards; M ra.¡the store while Mr. Fulop is In Anthem, "8eek Ye the Lord." Evangelistic services are being held morning at the general offices of the remove the laat technical obstacle to ,,f 'h ' ihlmta commonplace today were Mabel Mortensen, musician; Mrs. ’ Salem today completing the company in Eugene. a dectalon by the commiaaion on the ■ no* even thought of. Mra. Lyona can Karl Baldwin, banker; Mrs. Harl Me- ¡sale. Mr. Fulop has been want- each Sunday evening at tha Christian The News was informed that the cloning of the Internet lion of the revolutionary changea In com Pheraon, clerk; Mr«. Mary Magill, ing to Sell for some time on ac- church. Last Sunday there were five mill Is not to be shut down at all, atreet with the Cascade line of tho munlcatlon anti transportation fad Mra II. Stevens. Mrs. Nellie Wright. [ count of 111 health. ThV new !“dd,t,0M the church. tnangeg having been made in the Illlea which have taken place In her ' managers; Mrs. Daisy Clover, flag owner» are branching out in the ; ------------------------ Southern Pacific. plan. It had been previously stated (•bearer; Ludlle Richmond, correspond merchandise business In the' MRS. P. M. GOSSLER tirlafa of the Southern Pacific com­ ,lm#- that the Springfleld plant was to be Her health during the last year has pany and the state highway comiiii, enfc i Willamette valley and picked DEAD AT ACE OF 60 shut down while the Wendling mill Following the Installation ceremony j Springfield as a good location. al«n, other parties to the case, have been fairly good, but anything too was operated for a time, and then the strenuous In the way of celebrating the following program took place been (lied, and copies of tbese docu- Death came last Thursday night to Wendling mill was to be down during The Salem store Is one of the to- nts are In the hands of Mr llardy. (he 101st birthday la to he eliminated. Orchestra numbers by 8. H. 8. or’ ' best in that city and Kafoury Mrs. P. M. Gossler, of Camp Creek, at Springfleld operation. cheatra. he said today. (Tty Attorney I M She was Injured In an accident at her . brothers have always been the home of her son. Walter Gossler, The report that the mill is not to Peterson will go over the city'« brief j 8<>me In December, Reading. Mra. Marlon Adams. , „ . _ . I noted for their progressive mer- o1 thla c,tr Mra- Oo“ ler wa" serious be shut down win be greeted wit* today with Mr Hardy, and Immediate­ hramtdUe ’ J' We l “nd “r H ' i cl,an,li«inK- While Mr. Thomp- * 111 for( 8Ome tlme previous to her pleasure by Springfleld people Tha brand ly after (he conference the document FATHERS. SONS WILL son could not make any State- i y,c,nlt5r from ,hat tlme- Por years The Wendling plant o the rumbef check until the public service com church Monday evenlnv. It was an V o tal aol°* M r" ltarn(' 11 ate In having business men Of she han lived with her husband on company began operations yesterdajr. mission makes Its decision on tha | nounced today. Rev W A Elkina. Spanl"h dance. Hazel Pedersen. ' the type o{ Kafoury brothers the Camp Creek ranch. and It ia expected that the mill there crossing rinsing esse. It Is underatood Eugene. Is to deliver the principal i ■****>l$lt»n drill of the guard team. e n te r t hJ8 field. Surviving «re Mr. Gossler, two sons, will operate steadily. Logging camps by attorneys and property holders talk of the evening. ! considered one of the best teams on j Walter and Harry of Springfleld. two at Wendling have been started, and here. D W McKinnon, leader of the i W(tmen cf chr|M)an chMr,.h w |„ J «>• daughters. Mrs. Margaret Harms of are suffering no handicaps rom snow COUNCIL RATIFIES ALL aouthslds fac tion which fought the Mrv, th„ dlnner r , , ude N(,e,y wl„ I Refreshments Cottage Grove and Mra. Charlotte conditions. It was reported at the o* dosing of the crossing, received a let i ,.harBe m,, mu, lt.aI f,.atur„ ] OFFICER APPOINTMENTS Slmon ot Grangeville, Idaho, and one flee. Log deliveries at the Springfleld te r from the public service commls I The B(iy 8(.o u l, of , h|> cl(y w |„ pu( PORTLAND MAN WILL _________________ _ sister.-Wrs Mary E. Rivers of Berke- mill have been started. S SL..OS yesterday M *«4 a. •• « stating « m S I O M M I that I. „ I ,1... I«Ira«« «ton decision on a demnnatratlnn. SPEAK HERE SUNDAY All officials of the city of Spring- *ey' * a"foniia. only waited the tiling of the city's field were reappointed for 1928 by the ' T " ™ ! "“7 * " ’ T " heM at ,he All men and boys of the d ty have I brief. Rev. C. B ITprrlson, Portland, will mayor and X w ratified by the coun- ^ ‘‘‘7 ' h‘ Pe* here 8un?” ? Rey SPRINGFIELD P.-T. A been Invited. . County Judge Barnard declared to­ preach on "The Guardian of the WILL MEET FRIDAY ell at Its meeting Monday evening « day that on January 2« he will be at Sacred Flame," at the Methodist The council also appointed MYs. Vina *8t ^ 7 ” V , h T FEBRUARY 3 DATE OF the meeting of the state highway The Springfield Parent-Teachers as» church Sunday morning. It was an­ McLean a member of the library “ mOTHM‘r' °",c,a‘,B«' Interment was sociatlon will meet Friday at 3 o'clock commission and will urge that action by Rev. Gabriel Sykes, th« . . ,k , COMMUNITY FESTIVAL nounced at th© Laurel Hill cemetery. , . board for the ensuing terms. No ap- at the Brattaln school for a program. go forward rapidly In completing pastor. Rev. Harrison to represent n g . „ pointment was made for city engineer February S Is the date decided on the movement tn the Oregon plans for the Springfleld bridge The Mrs. W. K Barnell will give a solo, con­ SPRINGFIELD GROUP to take the place of Simon Klovdahl highway commission hopes nr a de­ for the Springfleld community festi­ ference known as the Retired Minis­ a piano duet will be played by FrancM rision from the public service com­ val. which was planned for the fall ter Endowment association, which ia who resigned last fall. AT JUNCTION MEET and Lena Frlxell, and Oscar GtotJIak The council voted Bancroft bonds mission dosing the crossing, hoping but was postponed on account of In­ seeking to complete the raising of will give an address. Other number« Springfleld had a large delegation also are planned. to obtain flaanctal help on the bridge I fanttle paralysis. 1280.000 during the next three years. In the amount of 813,000 by ordinance construction program from the South i The event will be held at the high All members have been urged b / An offering will not be taken on to cover the coat of sidewalk, streeta at the installation service of the Junc­ ern Padflc If the dangerous crossing j school. Mrs. Ora Read Hemenway. Sunday, said Mr Sykes, but Rev. Har- and sewers built during the last year. tion City Neighbors of Woodcraft P.-T. A. officials to be present R* l>>dge Monday evening, and the local ; freshments will be served by teacher* Is eliminated. In charge, said that new plans promise rlson will vl.lt homes on Monday with ' T “ e b° n<” W‘n * * adyartla* d and \ ' *° the h,rane Timber and Milling company ' activities last week, and will meet Alfred and Charles Westrope, all of ian church. Work In the other dis­ were used. a Southern Pacific northbound passen­ will be conducted on January 18 at ■ r'’«ula>'ly on Thursdays henceforth. this district tricts ln virtually complete. ger train while walking on the tree* 7:30 o'clock at the Wheaton and Whit- Th.Blr meetings on Thursday whs the MRS. ELLISON BURIED near his home Sunday, ney barber shop. It was announced dra* *° b,‘ held since the wwrk was POOLE PROPERTY AT Mr, Haskins was walking on th* AT LAUREL HILL HERE BANK RE-ELECTS BOTH called off during the paralysis scare today by secretary. C. E. Wpeaton tracks with a bucket of eggs, whiok SWEET HOME IS SOLD Annual election of directors and OFFICERS. DIRECTORS Girls were appointed to help the Funeral services for Mrs. Alice he was taking to Natron. He wag other business will be transacted at city llbrnry with the hooka damaged Sale of the postoffice building at Officers and directors of the First Riggs Ellison, 81, former resident of deaf, and did not hear the approach­ the session. The directors wfll name when a water pipe burst recently. Sweet Home to Albert Weddle waa an­ this district, was held at the Walker ing train. The engineer stopped th« officers of the company. The Scout library has been re-opened. nounced today by Charles Poole, National bank of Springfleld were re­ chapel here last Saturday with Rev train after the engine had struck Mr, Attendance of the girls at the meet­ Springfleld undertaker, who held the elected at a meeting held Tuesday. Gabriel Sykes in charge. Interment Haskins, and found him dead. Baptist Church Service The directors are Wm. O. Hughes, ing to now being counted In connec property for some thne. Coroner W. W. Branstetter Investi­ was at Laurel Hill cemetery. At the morning service, Ihe topic j tlon with the awarding of badges, Mr. Pole also has sold one of the president; L, K. Page, vice-president Survivors Include Frank Ellison. gated the accident will be "The Bible." Norton 1‘engra! - , S. M McPherson, vice-president; Paul two residence properties he has held Hadley; A. R. Sneed. Iral Nelson West Springfleld, divorced husband; will sing a solo, and there will be an SNOW IN MOUNTAINS at Lebanon, his former home. sisters. Mrs. Myrtle Wilson. Portland; DR. PHETTEPLACE TO anthem by the choir. was re-elected assistant cashier. Mrs Maude LeRoy, White Salmon, ATTRACTS AUTOISTS LEAVE W ITHIN MONTH In the evening, the choir will sing The Commercial State bank will Priscilla Club Meets Washington; brother«, Grover Pur- hold Its annual meeting tonight. "The Memory Bells," and Mra. Arthur The Priscilla Club met at the home Snows In the mountains east of vance, Provo, Idaho, and Ernest Pur- Of- Carl Phetteplace today verified Pengra and Wilfred Cook will give a here attracted several automobile of Mra. Jack lotrson Friday afternoon. vance. Mrs. Ellison died at the Good reporta that he will leave Springfleld duet. The pastor. Rev. C. H. Blom, parties over the week-end. Driving The afternoon wlas spent In playing SPRINGFIELD WOMEN Samaritan hospital. Portland. shortly, probably within a month. H* will speak on "The Ten Vlrglna.” to still wood as far as Mc.Kensle bridge and fancy wprk. A dainty two IN RED CROSS WORK is considering locating either at Salotft ln response to a question of the Bridge, and many And the sights ;n course lunch was served. Legion To Give Minstrel or Portland. Dr. Phetteplace has bee* national wnmen's committee on law Three Springfleld women. Mrs. M Members present were: Mrs. Wm. the higher altitudes worth the trip. The Eugene Past American Legion in practice here with Dr. W. C. Reb^ enforcement, a union prayer meeting Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kenyon drove to Curtis. Mrs. John Seavey, Mrs. N. H. B. Huntly, Mrs A. B. Van Valzah 1s presetlng a minstrel show a. the han. will he held at the church at 3 o'clock McKenzie Bridge and had Sunday Howard. Mrs. L. E. Basford, Mrs. T and Mrs. William pnnaldson, were Helllg theatre January 16 and 17 Sunday for all Christian women of the dinner at the Ixig Cabin hotel. Mr. V. Henderson, Mrs. John Tomseth, elected directors of the Lane county which Springfleld ex-service and gen­ Needlecraft Meets city. and Mrs. N. L. Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. I. Larimer, Mrs W. H. Steamier, chapter, American Red Cross, at the eral public Is Invited. James W. The Needlecraft club met with Mra. Harry Whitney and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. J. McKy, Mrs. Riley Snod­ annual meeting held In Eugene. Mrs. Evans, an entertainment director dur­ Long with Mrs. Floyd Westerfleld as Court Urges Road Work Dan Crites and faintly were others grass and Mrs. Howard Freeland. Huntly was named one of the vice- ing the war In France, has charge of Joint hostesses on last Thursday after­ Members of the I,nne county court who made the trip. The next meeting will be at the home chairmen of the organization. the production which to composed of noon. A two course luncheon wag will appear before the state highway of Mrs. N. H. Howard on January 20. Reports read at the meeting Indi­ local talent. The Eugene Gleemen are served. Carnations and holly were commission on January 28 and urge Mra. Perry Entertains cated an active work by the Red cooperating with the legion In staging used In decorating the room. that* the state Immediately fulfill Its More Chickens Stolen Cross throughout Lane county, Includ­ the show and reports are that a first Present were Mrs. Wllllanl Dawson. part of tho Willamette highway build­ Mfs. M M Perry entertained a num­ Ed Robertson, who lives on Second ing considerable activity In Spring- class performance will be presented. Mrs. Ralph Dlppel, Mrs. F. B Flanery, ing program as planned some time ber of friends at bridge on Tuesday. street, reported to police that thieves field. Mrs. J. F. Ketels, Mrs. E. May, Mr«. ago. Luncheon was served by the hostess again visited his chicken house and Mammy’s Cabin Looted W. H Pollard. Mrs. S V. Ward. Mr«. The state, county, and hureau of tv-esent were Mrs. 8. C. Wright, stole 21 hens, last Friday night. Earl­ Danner Team Loses "Mammy's Cabin," situated on the Harry Stewart, and Mrs. BennetL • public roads were to finance the road Mrs. Hairy Whitney, Mrs. John Hend- ier In the week Robertson had report­ The Danner Motor company volley- Pacific Highway between here and guest from Wendling. and Mrs. M. work, each standing one-third of tho erer, Mrs. Mary Kessey, Mrs. Anna ed tne theft of 12 hens. hall team lost two games out of Eugene, was looted by burglars some Rupert, Eugene. The next meeting cost. The county has now spent Its Kessey. Mrs. W. N. I-ong, Mrs. C. A. Chickens have been stolen from three to the Eugene Y. M. C. A. squad time last week. Jack Crafword, will be on January 19, at the home cd part, and will ask the staate to Ao like­ Swarts, Ma Swarts, and Mrs. H. M. the state game farm recently alto, it at the Christian church gymnasium owner, has closed the place for a Mrs. Carl Olson, at which time the wise. Perry from Eugene. to reported. Monday night. month. new members will he Initiated.