4 THURSDAY JANUARY TUR SPRINGFIELD N.JW8 PAO® SIA li. to your chivalry right now to help ,„r „tvp th« tight right now than Jumped Into the water and »warn to wharf, where he waa Immediately loo In * very delicate m ailer- aud a have your hurt!“ vary dangerous ouo that call» tor Tht, Arthur It llrover ha hanging oyer the rail of the tug grip her. The Governor gave her Ihe detail» own child ovac there al the mercy of ping un umbrella. Ilow do you »up- that acoundrel I couldn't refuse, and po«o Perky'» explaining all thia to of Ihe afternoon and when lie had linlahed »he cried: I assure you that I cherish no reaenl- I ..tphalot ?" ML rZ \ i n "You angel»! It'» perfectly aplem "Truat IVeky to lie plaualhle." meat .»gainst Ml»» Perry. I enllat J H T CMAKLBS SCKIBNIRS SO N S-1 ÏLy.-, ^ " t B t Ö ~n/BLXSHXX5 AJjrOCASTEK 3KV” "Ï OCi By the tima the Arthur It Orover did I" right now." "By the way," Ihe Governor added, ••Good" the Governor cried, "and had warped In. t’arey had tirough: “when does Ihe camp close?” hla launch to within a doaen yarn» now to get hack to business Tha to deal with." INTRODUCTION j nor gave th a stgnal to »top and they "August twenty. If Mr Carey does­ "W ell make for the camp aa fast tug that’» bringing the supplies tor of the tug. and hla companion w#< Isabel Perry recommends a Ufa of draw together for a conference er me L X t u r e . ronmnea and excite They must be keeping watch. saW a* possible. I'U take tha oar«," «aid the camp Is also towing a launch foe »landing up anxiously sorutlnlalng the n't close l( «oonar." "That dale ahull »land without re­ ment 'aa a cure for Archibald Ben Archie, calling attention to lig h t. «« tha Governor. "You and Leary follow our Use. Now, Congdon, If you've no men o • board. ference to t’arev'a wlalies. Intentions, 'objection Io taking order« from the. "Prisoners!" he bawled: "every one In my canoe. M t t s serv es Archie goes to Bailey the »bore. "If we could land without Pleane 'r ile your father When they reached the camp they ,-|| a, a , ou to ua „j, Heart O’ Dream» ,,f you n prisoner* I know you Perky or art« Hartavr to investigate a house for h i. , frightentng the girto to d e a t b - ■in io lie here on that laal day «nd bring were met by the camp doctor and ln , he row boat, white the supplies «nd you needn't try any trtrka on ' hla eplacopal robe» with him Have unloaded Our landlord, a iruat- me or It'll be Ihe worse (ur you " •Trapped! Ixw t!” cried Rllphaie'. ' you anything Io add. Archie?” peraon In every particular. I •‘Ytm in «ht aay lo laabel," »aid Ar- Ith you. fou lly and I will tragically. ■ hie slowly, 'Thai Auguat twenty "You're mighty right you’re loot!" tug and pick up the launch." hether I repeated fitfully for several minute* In return. He doesn't know While they walled tor Ihe tug » ap yelled the officer. "You're a nice old strikes me aa the happiest possible ,hA t “It'a Carey tinkering with hl» cn able Io walk but laabel became th” ba has killed or only wounded gtae He'» been playing possum o.T object of their* Immediate concern p„arance Archie and the Oovernor scoundrel, lA he circulating plugged dale for our we,Idin« '' "You two talk of wedding» »» , h ere„ i She lay In the boat muttering taco- hung off Heart O' Dream» ahore, pad gold pieces, and a rich man al that. to make hla escape. l a hi« flight li The launch waa so near that they herently. Archie gathered her In hl» d|«,d ,-tose enough to talk with Ruth You're under arrest, do you under­ though we were not In the midst of m eets "The Oovernae“ —a master mind heard the waves slapping Its sides, arms and bore her to the hospital at the wharf haul», murder and sudden d eath l” stand?" frwiiHsj who mistake» him for a fel­ Suddenly Leary sprang up in the lose tent where a nurse awaited therm She folded her arm« and regarded Perky was thoroughly prepared for "Everything'» all right.” she report­ low criminal Archie afraid to tell the i "We're lucky devils, said Ihe Gov- ed cheerily. "The doctor Is keeping ihe expeditious delivery of hla carg), them with an odd little »mile, half truth, falls in with "The Governor.'’ A "Look ahead!" he exclaimed, legel ernor. as they wrung the water from Isabel ir. bed today but merely lo real. even lo wheelbarrow» In which Ihreo wlalful. half questioning, playing series of events lead him to believe ln< his arm at a shadow that darted 1 ihelr clothes in the bath house. Tf *i be camp's running smoothly and the men now began truudllng supplie» up about her lipa he has shot Putney Congdon—the out of the darkness and passed be- » . hadn t been Just where we wvre girls don't know that tln-y ate our the wharf aud along Ihe beach lo tin "I was Just thlnkln«." she said in owner of the house. They precede to , iween them and the launch. T h e ! «hose girls would have drowned. In last bread and butter for luncheon.” ■ amp »lore house. He paid no hre-l a few moments, "how we seem to bo New York, -where they are visited by I ‘* « « n them an<1 An exclamation from Ruth caused whatever lo Ihe threat» nltered by living ta the good old time» whan Governor saw It and stifled a cry of their skirts they couldn't have made Julia, the Governor s sister. A rct.e Archie and Ihe Oovernor to turn to­ the officer. and Ihe work was proceed­ knights hastened by land or water to the shore!" dismay. promises her he will stick with Gie Mrs. Perry came down presently t> ward the lake. The Arthur B Grover ing rapidly, without noise or confu­ the rescue of ladles ta dlatreaa. But •Two women in a canoe! They're Governor through the strange phase report lhat Isabel and Ruth were waa steaming slowly Into Ihe hay A sion. when they were startled by a I don't quite see through to tha end!" going to run for it!" The smile was gone and her eyes the claim s he is passing througo moment later Leary whistled to call yell. The Governor had already turned asleep. darkened aa she ended with a little While strolling in the park. Archie "I wish." she said, “we might pro­ Leary and Congdon In the row boat attention to the Carey launch, which the canoe and was furiously plying quavering, despairing note: "Some­ eees Mrs Congdou with her two chll . . . . u .. . ... his Diuldlt? A lantern shot Its beam claim to the world your gallant con was running rapidly toward the ramp. had been stealing up behind Carey'a draa. and ia w itn ess to the kidnapping p . thing serious and dreadful threaten, launch W ary sprang aboard while the duct; but for any report of this mat­ "Keep out of sight," the Oovernor af the little girl. W ith He lea r n . H T * “ ’ bU‘ the 1 *hl He learns ter lo get abroad would be lilaastrous. onfered Ruth “and send your young two occupants were snitching the ua. one aud all of ua maybe! It’» only • vanished Immediately. from the Governor that the father-in- landing of (he stores. Carey, diving —whal do you call such a thing- -« "There -goes his engine.” Ihe Gov- a dire calamity, as you can see. It charges to play In the woods. law of Mrs Congdon—a very wealthy would be best for you to return to under W ary's arms, seised a club and presentiment?" "Please." she cried, turning to go. ernor called as he took the lead. "He » (TO B I CONTINUBO) man— engaged in the circulation of .Dotted that light and will try to run Huddleaton aud keep silent as to Ihe ~u ge care of yourselves! We'd bet- knocked him overboard The detective ---------- is --------------------- - ------------------- counterfeit twenty-dollar goM piece* ! i own ” a b c id e n f w The go to Rochester, where the Gov-1 ' “ Rulh atteml>tlnK :o You may count on our discretion." ernor receives a letter from Ruth, tha I ,g gn(J he(p , ald the Oovernor "Let me say first girt he loves. ta which she te ll, him Hudd,eston w„ „ forclnr . crisis 1 that as to the danger of starvation were forcing a he may be able to serve her. At a l that might at any minute result in you need have no fear on that »core dance at Ruth’s home. Archie m eets i disaster It was Inoredlble that Carey I wired yesterday for a tug I'm some­ Isabel and they are reconciled. Archie ! would attempt to run down two wo- what Interested ta to pick up supplies and the Governor promise to find i men on the dark bay and It was a p at Harbor Springs and it will put ta Edith Congdon and srhlsk her away parently hts lUt ention to circle round here some time during the afternoon." to Isabel's camp. They secure work CHAPTER IX. i them and drive them back to ramp on E liphslet Congdon's farm, where ! Neither the canoe of the adventurous When the Oovernor and Archie Bdith has been taken. They learn MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED PHONE 2700 ' women nor the launch was visible went down to breakfast at nine that Putney Congdon—the man Archie from the row boat, though the engine s o'clock the next morning they learn­ shot—Is also there. While Archie Is rapid pulsations indicated the line of ed that Congdon bad risen early and teaching Bdith to ride the Governor gkine out. Carey's pursuit. kidnap« her. The governor drew from hla pocket The launch executed a wide half- When Putney Congdon leaves the a telegram which Leary had carried circle, stopped and retraced Its course. farm. Archie follows him. They be­ up to him while he waa dressing come friendly and Archie agrees to go The Governor called to Archie to stop '•A cipher from Perky at Harbor following and move in the direction of with Putney to Huddleston, -where the town, independently of hla own Spring. He's got the provisions they meet the Governor The Gover­ aboard but reports that he suspects movem«nts. thus broadening the sur­ nor tells Archie that Carey, Isabel's the tug Is being watched. It's pos­ cousin, has blocked the camp and they face they were covering with a view sible of course that he and old E1I- to succoring the canoe. are unable to get supplies. "It that blackguard keeps this up : phaiet were spotted at Clevelaod we may have to swim for It! Give when they boarded the boat and that In their hours together Archie had : the Government is keeping ao eye on me the oars; I want to warm up!” never been able to free his mind of Archie and Leary were changing the Arthur B. Grover." the diaagreebale fact that he had so Archie fidgeted uneasily. positiona when the launch, exeenttng nearly killed Congdon, and he was '•We've got enough trouble on hand beset now by the th-iught that sooner another of its gigantic «volutions, right here without bucking the Feder­ again swept by. A second later they or later he must confess his culpabil­ were startled by a crash followed by al authorities. Of course you’ll warn ity in the Bailey Harbor shooting. screams and cries for help. Leary . him at once not to put ta here!" ‘T've got to tell Congdon I shot whistled shrilly to attract the Cover- ' "My reply was sent Instantly. I him and that he was in no way re­ our’» attention and bent to the oars. wired him to hold on to Ellphalet but sponsible for Hoky's death." he an­ .Carey shut off his power the moment to drop all the men he didn’t need to nounced determinedly to the Governor, he struck the canoe. A shout from handle the tug at the first conven'ent whom he found pacing the street tn the Governor announced that he was point and send them s ngly Into the front of the hotel after supper. hurrying toward the scene of the col­ woods beyond Caldervllle to await In­ "Of course you'll tell him, but not i structions " yet. Unitl we get some other things lision. Bear le ft!” cried Leary, seizing an I They had reached the veranda, cleared up we'll let him think he killed car. "Slow down! Stop!" ’ where Congdon Joined them. Obvl- Hokv. Just to keep him bumble. And The lights playing upon the scene ously he was ln a serious mood. now that he's off the Invalid list we ll from the launch fell upon the struggl- ( "Something’s happened that bothers let him share some of the little ad­ ing women, the Oovernor and i>eary me a little.” he said. "A man motored ventures that lie before us. Tonwhf swimming toward thorn, and A rch ie' up here awhile ago, looked the place we've got a matter on hands that's steadying the row boat ready to aid ' over and asked me a lot of questions better done by ourselves If you think about the hotel and Its guests. You ! he's safe for a few hours ws'll go In the rescue. The rescuers were now dependent understand Comly—” ahead." He hesitated, glancing questioning He stopped on the way to the upon sound and the starlight ta the wood-bordered shore and produced urgent business of marking the posi­ ly from Archie to the Oovernor. "You may trust Saulsbury. We from a fence corner an electric lamp tion of the young women. A hand have knowledge of some other things grasped Archie's trailing oar and In and two revolvers. “Stick one of these ta your pocket a moment with Leary's saslstance he that make It necessary for us all to We'r<- not going to add to our crimes had gotten one of the women Into the stand together," “This fellow seemed to have busi­ boat. The men now redoubled their If we can help it, but—" At a point half a mile from the efforts to find the second victim of th« ness here," Congdon continued. "He village the Governor flashed bis lamp catastrophe, shouting to keep tract looked me over ta a way I didn't like. ] along a bank that hung over the beach of one another and to hearten the g h l You remember, Comly, I took you and found a canoe and a row boat who was somewhere battling) for her Into my confidence about a little dif­ ficulty I had before I came here— " life. It takes more than we, ouraelvea aa owners—or the asalatance of hidden ta a thicket. •‘That little affair on the Maine ! A faint cry. hardly distinguishable our co-worker»—-or the convenience of our new modern building to make "We’re all fixed. Good old Leary planted these things for us while we above the commotion of the '»lives, Coast’ It was a shooting, Saulsbury,” a Hucceitsful »tore. caught Archie's ear and he Jumped Archie explained soberly. were at supper." "Extraordinary!” exclaimed t h e He gave a whistle and ta a moment Into the water -nd swam toward It. In making a stroke his arm fell upon Oovernor, and listened gravely while Leary stood beside them. Only ln the degree that you give us your confidence and good will They had carried the boats to the the side of the overturned canoe. A Congdon described the shooting at can we hope to have this store continue to grow and to »erve— Bailey Harbor. pitiful little whimper startled him; water's edge when the Oovernor auu- "You have troubled about this mat denly stood erect. The monotonous he touched a face and his fingers turn turn of a gasoline engine -wns caught In a woman’s hair. The canoe ter quite unnecessarily," the Oovernor That we have your confidence 1» most gratifying—That we enjoy still retained enough buoyancy to suiy declared with a wave of the hand. borne to them out of the darkness. your good will Inspire« ua to offer »till better service and to build a even “Carey has a boat of some power." port him, and hla lusty cries brought You wiere In your own house, and greater inatitutlon. the Oovernor remarked, "and as he the Oovernor to his side, followed an had every right to be there. You carries no lights we've got to take the Instant later by Ixary, laborously were defending yourself against a scoufidrel who did his best to kill you chance of sneaking around him or get­ pushing the boat before him. "But It’s moat fortunate that we They worked In silence save for ting run down. You and Red take Ever will we strive to merit your good will a» expreimed ln tho the row boat and trail me; I'll scout the sharp commands of the Oovernor. three have mat here, gentlemen and patronage you give ub . The boat had to be balanced against murders all!" the Oovernor wont on ahead with the canoe.” The canoe shot forward, the Gover­ the lifting of the second figure over airily. "Comly tellH me that, he too nor driving the paddle with a prac­ the side, and I-eary managed this, has been dodging the police, and to tised hand. The r e v boat followed while Archie and the Oovernor, after maka you both feel perfectly at. ease j •nd as they moved steadily toward twice falling, with a supreme effort, I’ll be equally frank and say that for Raven years I’ve been mixed up with the middle of the bay they marked got the second girl aboard. "They were both taking care of the leading crooks of this country. more and more clearly the passage of "And now to business. We seers tha launch aa It patrolled the farther them selves when we picked them up.” shore. They were two-thlrds of the said Archie holding to the side of the to be fellows with a pretty taste for way across the bay when the Oover- boat We haven't a case of drowning adventure, and I'm going to appeal ULACKSHEEP! X , More Than a Store — An Institution McMorran 1 Washburne To Our Many Friends In Springfield and Vicinity----- W e Would Like to Grasp Your Hand And “Thank You” for Helping us Make this Store a Success. May 1928 Bring You a Brimming Full Measure of LIFE’S GOOD THINGS.