PAUK FIVE T H * SPRINOFTBLD NEWS C h arter No *3 County Club Agents’ Annual Report Shows Much Activity Commercial Beaerve D tatrfct No. 11 RCPORT OP THC C O N D ITIO N OP T H C TOWN AND VICINITY I Local W om an III— Mra. Ihilnam !a i Hara Pram Pan gro- M r and reported recovarlsg at her home from H. W Rltbardsun of Panera Hprlngfleld v isito r* Mondap. an Itlneaa Hara Prom Jasper— Mra. Crawford Bailey of Jaapar waa a vlaltor bora Halurday. R a tu rn a P rom P o rtla n d — M ra M ra Raturna to Collage— W allace Halsey returned thia waak to Gorvallla. where be la attending Oregon Htat«« college Decomber 31, 1*37. ber 3. The Southern Pacific Company, through M r. E L. King, presented ber w ith her transportation The M cM or- RC8OURCC8 The m o a l pleaaaut teak of the club ran and W aabburne «tore and the Eu­ year la com piling data from the final gene F ru it G ro w e r* preaented gift« to Loan* and dlacounta, Including redlacounta. acceptance* or bilia 1. report* aubmltted by 4-H boy« and fxila In recognition of her achieve­ of exchange, aold w ith endorsement of th e bank, (Including glrla club m em ber* T hia report ment«. T be Eugene Cham ber of Com Item« shown SB, 3V and 32, If any! ..................... — .................... - ........... 1142,2(3 »1 cover« the work done by l i t * boy« marce made It poaalble for M illard 2 O verdrafts aecured and unsecured .................. 78 46 and girls of the county t)f thia num ­ Hhelton to accompany Lola to the 3. U . » government securities owned. Including theae shown 6,400 0« ber 403 are boy« and 7(4 glrla. Club Congreaa and a t thia expokltlon In Item» 30 and 36. If any ......................................... —....... - ............ W itho ut the aid of local leader«, theae two latne county club m em ber* I 4. O ther bonds, w arrant« and aecuiitkea. Including foreign d u b m em ber* could not enjoy their added aeveral achievem ent* and tro-1 government, «tate, municipal, corporation, etc., Including work T h e local leader« prealde at all phiea to th e ir already quite complete ! 37,827 17 those ehown In Items 30 and 36, I f any ....................................... m eeting* and lend Inaptratlon to the H at Banking house, 814,>00; fu rn itu re and fixtu re*, 83792.37 ---------- 18,8*2.37 club mem ber*. The num ber of men T he greateat achievem ent of Lane 6,441.67 Real estate owned other than banking house and women giving their tim e to the county 4-H club* waa when tbe can (c) N et am ount* due from other banks, banker* and trust work totalled 113. Du» of thia num ­ nlng exhibit waa awarded aecond place 46,173 63 ber Z( are form er 4-H club m em ber* In tbe national conteat and the meat 16 O ther asset*, If any, ________ ____ __________________ _______ 17 00 and 3« are leader* who have led club* exhibit waa Judged the beat In that before. O f thia number two women aectlon at the In tern atio n al Liveatock , T o t a l _____________________________________________________ (266,0*3.81 have lad club* for flva year*. In thia Expoaltlon and Club Congreaa. L IA B IL IT IE S connection It may be aald th a t the new T be great aatlafactlon came when club leader* tbla yaad were moatly tbe hoapltala In Arlxona and Alaaka M .S M .M Capltal Stock Paid In --------------------------------------------------------------- farm men and women The«« leader* and the needy of Lane county enjoyed 4.000 0S Surplus fund and Savings C a p i t a l ------------------------------------------ are aaalatad by acbool teacher* of the county club m em ber* during the aum- (a t Undlvldied p rofit* ............................................_... 816,358.2* com m unity which m ake* a splendid m er and preaented to them a t Christ- 4.209 *3 (b ) Leas current expense*, Interest and taxes paid (12,148 34 combination for efficient work. maa time. 26.04 And 4-H club m em ber* dem onatrate 20. Dividends U n p a i d ------------------------- ------------------------------------------- W hen club« were enrolled, blank* D E M A N D D E P O S IT S , other than bank*, subject to reserve: wore aent to the club m em ber* to dally w hat they have been taught to Ind ividu al deposita subject to eheck. Including deposit* dne algn and return to the County Club do. They love to aerve, they love to the state of Oregon, county, cities o r other public f u n d * ------ 143,326 ( • 1 Agent Thia note premia«« that tbe pass on to o th e r* w bat they have 830« Demand certificate« o f deposit o u ts ta n d in g ----------------------------- . lub project would be completed and a learned. T h e y are never selfish Each 3,924.94 Cashier’s check* of thia bank outstanding payable on demand. ■ final report filed Every club member club la naked to have a demonatnatlon 10.0« Certified checks outstanding ................................................. F ifteen dem onstration team * making one of theae note* haa fu l­ team. Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposita, subject filled bla obligation. Ae a rew ard to were trained during the year. The to reserve, Rame 23, 24, 25. 24 ..... ........... _.............*166,343.(3 the eighth grudera In the county who crop* dem onstration team won Aral T I M E A N D S A V IN G S D E P O S IT S , «abject to reserve and pay­ took the Agriculture exam ination, place In the atate conteat a t the time able on demand or subject to notice: Superintendent Moore granted special of the atate fair. T he poultry demon- 30.0«» 8* T im e certificate« of deposit outstanding ----------...--------------------- conceaslons M any took advantage »ration team and the canning team 18.445.36 Savings deposits, payable subject to notice — ............................ of thia special privilege and the re „ placed ______ fourth at the state conteat an l T o ta l of tim e and saving* deposits ’payable on deimand or »«Hs of the exam ination showed bet ■(hroughout the year aeveral Jem««- subject to notice. Item s 27 and 28 -------- --------------- (48,515.25 i ter work and higher grade« than pre-1 nt ration» were given before service ■ ,OUH pXaln|na,|„ nil , club» and the Cham ber of Commerce, T o t a l ______________________________ .______________________ (255,0*3.81 T he enrollm ent» for the year »how- Tw o tim e * d uring the year the club ed that 32 glrla and 1* boy» have con- ! girl» and th e ir leaders prepared and Btata of Oregon, County of Lane, as. ¡Unued in club work for four or more | served the weekly luncheon at theJEu- I, C. t Kenyon, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly eweer y e a r* The record for the boys In : gene Cham ber o f Commerce. T he tk a t tbe above statem ent la trua to tha beat of m y know ledge and belief. length of lim e spent In club work was first one « « « an ‘‘A ll Oregon Products C. E . K E N T O N , CaebJer. that of M illa rd Shelton, a sheep club D inner" and the proceeds of this, as Correct A ttest: M M. Perry, M rs. M ary M Kcssey, Directors. boy who completed hla lenth year j w ell as the other dinner, were used 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of January, 1*28. W hen the fa ll term of school began, to reconstruct the fa ir buildings on tbe [ (SEAL) I- M. PETERSON, Notary Public. 21 club members and form er club county fa ir grounds. T he girls were My Commission Expires June 13, 1928. 1 members entered some h igher educa delighted to ..elp raise funds fo r thia , ln „ ttu llo n . w ork and , o|d Bandw1ches. canned O acam bar 1, 1*26 te D ece m b er 1, 1 * 2 / lla r l Mi-Pharaon waa bark from Portland th ia w ee k. T har« ah« vlaltrd h.,r brother, who la 111. Jaapar Man In —C 1«. W allac« of Qrova Man V laltor— I I . A. Hammier Jaapar waa a Hprlnrfield vlaltor Hatur- form erly of W eal Hprlngfleld but now day. of Cottage Grove. stopped for a brief Haro Prom C resw ell— Mra. F R vlalt on hla way hom from Portland Roberta of C raaw all » Ialtad Spring Vanata Polk Haro— Mra. N ew ell Raid Tuesday. Jobe and «mail aon of V en ala ware Raturna to Portland— A J. P e rk in * | BmoBg oui.of town vlallora her« M on­ roturned to Portland Monday a f v r day. apandlng the week end here H a a A n O p a ra tie n — M ra. Gladya De T r i p — Delbert and Bauer underwent a m ajor operation Make M eter J a a e a M itchell drove to Portland a t the Pacific C hrlallan hospital M on­ New Year'« are. day W ln b a rry Polk Hara— M r and Mra It M R aker of W ln barry were Spring- field vlallora Tuaaday • State Bank of Springfield At Springfield, In thè State of Oregon at tha cloee of bualoaaa oa Return from Ban Pranclaco — M r. and Mra. C. O. W llaon are bark from Han Pranclaco, where they » lilte d for two weeka. Btavena at Portland— Mr. ami Mr«. W elby Htevana returned to Portland M r. W a lta rv llla Man In— F rank Kniinrr- a fte r «pending New Year'« here Htevena la aervlng on the federal Irk of W’a lte rv llle paid Hprlngfleld a grand Jury. business vlalt Halurday En tertain N « w ly w « d * - M r and Mrs. Spend New Y e a r* Hara— M r and „ .. K E. I yne gave a luncheon Bunday. Mra II O. Hrolth of Natron «pent New Year'« day at the home of M r and entertainin g M r and Mra. Charle» E Jordan, n ew lyw ed* of Saturday even Mra. Charlea Meyer« of thia city. tng, and Mr» Sophia Berg and M r E. R e tu rn te Portland— Herschel H u t­ Berg ton and Fredore Cltngan returned- to Moon Injuraa Finger— ito llle Moon Portland Monday a fte r vlaltlng at the of Cresw ell called at a local physl- E. E Morrlaon home j clan's office Monday for attention to „„ h i. I..n h»n,i which h i Jaapar Man In H ospital—Juliu s j a finger on h l. left hand, which he Peeraon of Jaaper waa taken to the stru rk w ith an ax w hile chopping At Ihe annual summer school at the fru its and made Jelllea to raise money. Pacific C hristian hospital for medical t wood' Heveral stitches were necea- Oregon State College 23 Lane county On each article «old a atlcker bearing boys and girls took advantage of tbe I the 4-H emblem and tbe follow ing in-, aary Io close the wound. attentlon Monday. short course, Hix of these had their , script Ion: "T his Is a Lane County, expense* paid aa rew ards for superior ' Oregon. 4-H Club Prod uct' Is put on Lssvas For P o rtla n d —Mrs. Kate Raturna to Monmouth— D eE tta Du- exhibits at the 1*2« State Fair. The a conspicuous place. , Brunette left Tuesday for Portland ryea relu m ed to Monmouth Mondny , rpmalndpr pa|d th e ir expenses by th e ] Six Judging teams were trained d ur-l w h r rr ah« Is visiting here aon. John, a fte r spending the holiday* w ith re­ club to which they belonged giving j ing the year. T h e two poultry teams who la In a hospital there. latives here. M ia* Durye« la a gradu­ entertainm ents aud special ways In | placed second a t the r.tate fa ir and m aking the money. At the annual ; the Portland P o ultry shows. The al« of Ihe Hprlngfleld high e rh o o l and stunt night, the Lane county group livestock teams placed elghtn at the Lakavlaw Taachar Raturna— Mlsa la studying at Monmouth before be- were Judged the best. T his is a covet-I state fa ir and thirteenth at the P ad - Beulah H arp er ha* returned to her I ginning teaching In the public schools, ed honor and has been won by th> fle Intern atio nal. T he potato grading , Lane county group three years It teams placed second at the state fa ir leaching duties at L akeview , a fte r i M m v i n A s t u r d a v ___ A m o n c H atu r- I* recommended that more club mem- and the Pacific Intern atio nal. spending the holiday* w ith her p ar­ i r h , P i„, ,r P«nin. ber" this summer encam pm ent During the year 1S2 farm s were day visitors here were Elm er 1 pa(.|, year aa t he total cost of the tri > »i„ited on which agricultural asslst- ent*. M r. and Mrs. Bert Harper. - of * w , . . rv . n llle i . . M * * rs - - D. r, W w Glaapey P l . . , — , of „» ! and . m P --------------- .------- *.— , . la - 15 dollar» j..,,— ance wag g(Te aeren ty-flve homes W a . i lte two w eek* achool F all C reek. M rs Joe M rln tu rlf of ] At the county fa ir trips were award were visited and new practices in A *» n y fro m M a rc e la — A tnflpg M a r home economic« lines were adopted aa cola people here Tuesday were Mra. W endling, Ira Baldwin of Pengrs work during the year was most out- a result of these visita. Seventy seven George Redmond, l-eonard Boggs. Mrs. F E. Roberta of Creswell. M rs standing This year t w tfo f ,nose club , (, By» were spent In the office and 231 Mra J. A. Murdock and M ra. Bert C It Hast lint» of Thurston, and B members recommended and sent to i days were spent In the field. Two Salem wero chosen two o f the four ' thousand eight hundred seventy-two F Simmons of Mnreola Gau-s. outstanding club members of the . office calls were made and 2544 tele­ — ' '■ state. They were entertained by E. L. ] phone calls. Four hunored tw elve K ing. Superintendent of the Southern , bulletins were distributed In addition Pacific Railroad lines, and they are to the reg ular club m a te ria l given out. looking forw ard to a week in August | T he local county papere assisted at the C rater laike Lodge as t h e , m-estly in le ttin g the boys and girls I guests of M r and Mrs. Price, man- In the county know w hat otner boys ! ligers o f the hotel Barbara Dunn, ono and girls were doing In club work. I ! of these d u b members, scored perfect They have graciously printed pro­ | In two home economics projects and grams. announcements and accounts ’ M illard Shelton had the chanvplon of club happenings. Shropshire ram lam b of the entire T h e state club staff, consisting of | show. H C. 8eym our, L. J. A llen and Helen AH 4-H club members are taught Cow gill, assisted m a te ria lly In the to be a good w inner In a contest is w ork this year. The to .a l of 11 days to be a good loser when the prlxe Is . waH 9p,.nt here by the extension s ta r awarded to auother person. They are M rs U. A. Hum phreys w ith the Crown taught to prepare th e ir w ork for an M ill» and M rs. H as k e ll w ith the Sing a ttrac tiv e exhibit: to compete with er Sewing Machine Company both as­ Meat I k the most Important part of any meal and wo others and to abide by the decision sisted In tra in in g leaders and helping deem It our duty to Me (hut this community In supplied j of the Judg" M ore thnn 700 club the girls In the home economics pro- with good wholesome meat handled under the most sani­ J members exhibited at local, county, The w ork that the boys and girls of »tate and national expositions. At the tary condition. We stand behind every piece of meat that »tate fa ir »this year 71 ribbons were the county have done has attracted goes over our blocks. We want every one of our customers won by club members as compared state and national attention. Several to be pleased. w ith 24 In 192« Seventeen of the local and county clubs leaders have We enjoyed your liberal patronage last yt^ar and hope to j ribbons won this year w ere blue, visited the county and observed j which means that 17 boys and glrla methods and the work carried on serve everyone of our okl frlenda and a few new ones as w ill spend two weeks a t the annual The D irector of Extension, the State well In 1928. i sum mer school encam pm ent at the Club Leader and his assistant of Cali fornta spent a day at the county fa ir | Oregon State College. A fte r the state fa ir I^oie Bailey was Inspecting exhibits and observing the selected by the com m ittee In charge lo work. Miss J. B. Simon, an a g jfc u l pick out the most outstanding girl In tu ral student from C « M Town. South Phone 63 4th and Main Sts. the home economics project for the Africa, spent two days In Ihe county PRATT HOLVERSON B. C. STUART I year. As a rew ard for her work, gathering data for clubs in her Montgom ery W ard & Company pre- country, N ineteen projects were carried on i m - nted her a trip to the Sixth National I Boys' and G irls' 4-H Club Congress in this year. Follow ing is a sum mary of — Chicago from Novem ber 25 to Deceni- these projects: DEPENDABLE E1JEQLASS SERVICE Dr. Roijdl Q ick OPTOmETBtST— EUES1QHT SPECIALIST Phone 820 Jo»I one thino—bat 1 do it nqht CUQENE 878 IVillamette Si . - J' , FREE A Full Size Package of Kotex M eat is chief One box Free with every TWO you buy for 98c Item of Diet 49c Gauzetß specially priced at 39c or three for 95c This Offer is for a Limited Time Only Flanery’s Drug Store The Jsssii Stvn INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. " w h e re savings a re g r e a te s t’ 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. Outing Flannel Gowns A re aa Investment in Comfort for W inter Night* Perhaps you don't want to wear then* aQ tha time, but it it wise to have an outing gown or two In reserve — for bit- tar cold night*. Ours are inexpensive. 79c and 98c Stripes, White, Solid Color» M an y style«, and many patterns and c o lo r* — both regular and extra sixes. Our bu>ing economic« wc pass on to you. No. Clubs 1 1 3 1 2 3 10 1 24 4 43 2 3 B 6 3 1 1 Num ber Completing IToJect Boys Girls Corn 10 Potato 11 Dairy Cattle 82 6 Ile e f Cattle 1 7 Swine 20 Sheep 49 8 Poultry 61 30 Goals 8 1 Cooking 6» 187 Canning 7 32 Clothing 24 434 Home M anagem ent 13 8 Home Gardens 20 8 Rabbit 31 * Record Keeping 2 M arketin g 31 17 Flow er 7 19 Ilee ( Home Beautification 1 1 Totals 403 760 T herefore these reportn show a total valuation of articles Involved In the club projects of (29,311.20. T o pro­ duce these product» (15.943.70 was »pent, showing a profit of (13,367.60 Value Cost ( 147.16 386.18 519118 717.14 609.80 621 11 1336.90 113.18 1198 49 916.14 1527.98 171 14 216.00 472.81 1749.84 ( 696.02 289.96 3280.03 221.71 (96.09 Ü&IS.Ö8 2602 24 153.82 y 14.83 533.81 636.52 98.73 188.91 1104.64 181.79 42J.18 640.00 521.09 191.11 238.40 139.14 230.07 401.60 381.95 (15,943.70 Springfield, Oregon Main Street Near 4th g ------- . Profit ( 743.18 (76.14 8471.21 938.85 1305 89 1479 19 3939.14 267.00 2113.02 1449.95 2164 50 269.87 401.91 1577 45 1931.63 (29.31120 ■ Heaters ml 2 o % » if (13 367.60 For M y Club M y Com m unity and M y County. W ith this I^ine county In 1928 w ill " M A K E T H E B E S T B E T T E R .” T he biggest thing In club work, however, I* not the financial aspect but the tra in in g that the club m em ­ FIGHTS 18 YEARS TO ber receive» In the contact th a t la GET RID OF GAS established among themselves; and-the greatest lesaona of club w ork are to " I had stomach trouble for 18 years. earn money, acquire propel ty, work ' and play together, learn t ->do the Since tak in g A d lerlk a I feel better helpful things, play the game fairly, than fo r years and have not been : develop high Ideals and atandarda, bothered w ith g a a .''--L . A. Champion. ! achieve, dem onstrate, aerve and be­ Even the F IR S T spoonful of Adler- come leaders. ika relieve« gas and oftern remove« W hen a new mem ber enters a 4-H astonishing am ount of old waste m at­ Club, the follow ing pleage 1» taken: te r from the system. Makes you eh- I Pledge Joy your meals and sleep better. No , M y Head to clearer T h in k in g m a tte r w hat you have tried fo r your M y H e a rt to g reater L o y a lty M y Hands to t a r t e r Service stomach and bowels, A d lerlk a w ill sur­ and My H e a lth to bettor L iv in g prise you. Flanery'a D rug Store. To Clean up Our Stock ot Heaters we are giving a 20% Discount for Cash on all Heaters Wright & Son HARDWARE — FURNITURE — PAINT Phone 18 Vitus Block