TUB BPRINOFIBLD NI7WB THURSDAY JANUARY 5, 1928 TRAIN SCHEDULE Springfield Slope Northbound No. 32 ___________________9:33 P. M No. 16 ..... ............ ...... 4 27 A. M Flag Southbound No. 16 _____________ 9 3 3 P M No. 31 ....... .................... ....... 8:46 Coach Special for Klamath Falls and beyond, on flag at 3:01 P. M OR Bunday, Tuesday and Friday. tETKESUUS) You thing Hiiuih Phone break II anil we'll fix It. Every­ FOR SALE WOOD repaired at the Fix It Hhop, Old Growth Fir, Second Qrowth Fir, Fifth near First National Bank. Oak, Ash. All lengths. Phone Spring 17a. j .j j . field 104. if. All kinds of house pulntlng; Kalso mining 93 per room and up. Itoy UNBREAKABLE WATCH CRY8- Koch. Call 126-J. t(. TAI.8— Fancy ahapea and regulars. SKFTIC TANK! Hoyt's Cash Store. tf. Ready for you to Install NOTICC OF FINAL SETTLEMENT For family of five Ill Notlre Is hereby given that Eva B •For family of eight 111 Stephen sen. Administratrix of the Es- at our plant tat« of J. H Stevenson, deceased, has Hewer Pipa— Drain Tile filed her final report and account aa Chimney Blocks sue*, with the Clerk o f (he County Court of l4ine County. Oregon, and C U O C H I CONCRETA F IF E CO. the Court haa set Monday, January 16. tf 1118 at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon, In the County Court Room In the NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Court House at Eugene. Imne County, Wotlce Is hereby given that T K. Oregon, as the time and place to hear ■dwards, Administrator of the Ks obfaettona to the same, and for th<- tale of E !i Griffin, deceased, has final aettl- ment of said -estate WYA B. STEPHENSON. Admlnls filed bis (Inal report and account as such, with the Clerk of the County tratrlx WKEI.S A WELLS. Attorneya. Court of la n e County. Oregon, and the Court hae set Monday, January D. 16-2229 Ja.6-12: 16. INC. at 10 00 o'clock In the fore- nnss, In the County Court Room tn the Court House st Idugene. fa n e NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, County. Oregon, as the time and place FOREST EXCHANGE to haar objections Io xie same, nnd No. 017762 for the final scttlament of said estate T K Edwards. Administrator D e p a rtm e n t o f th e In te r io r . U n ite d WISHES A WEl.IJt, Attorneys. Stale Land Office, Roseburg, O re­ gon. December 21. 1127. D 16-23 29 J a l 11: NOTICE TO CREDITORS Nt »TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the undersigned has been duly ap­ pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of la n e as administrator of the estate of J ,m u » M M iit lie « dSSSSSSd, nnd all person* having rlalms against said estate are hereby notified to present the same properly verified to ms- at the office of Prank DePar. attorney for the estate at Springfield. Oregon, on or before six months from the date of thia notice. Dated December 30th, 1127 C MUNHALL. Administrator. FRANK DrPVK. Attorney for the estate. Ja 613 1926: F 2: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mike Hognn, of Minerva. Oregon, on December 34. 1927. tiled Application No yl7762. under the A c t nt March 20. 1922, (42 S ta t, 485» to exchange the NW ’4 N E 'i. E>4 N E1. N F.l,. NW'4 NE<4 NE>4. N'k 8 W '( NEH NB14. EH »E>* NEH . KE<4 SWH SE>4 NB%. WH SW H NEH. NE'-i SW U NEH. NWH SK’i SW H NEW. Be.- lion 13, Township 17 8 . Range 11 West, and Lot It NWH N W 'i) Sec 18. Township 17 S Range 1C West . W M, (173 82 scresl within (he Slits- taw National Forest, for the timber off 18 seres on the HW’4 Section 16, and NW«4 Section 22. Township 1 South. Range 8 East. W M . within the Snntlam National Forest The nnroose nf thia notlre la to allow all persons claiming the lands selected, or having bona tide objec­ tions tn such application an opportun­ ity tn (lie their protest with the Register of the V. S. Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon. Any such protest nr objections must be filed In this office within thirty days from the date nf (he first publi­ cation of this notice, beginning Jan­ uary 6. 1928. Non HAMILL A CANADAY. Register. Ja 5-12-19 26: F. 2: NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. Thnt the undersigned has been duly ap­ pointed by the County Court of the Stale of Oregon for the County of la n e aa administrator of the estate of Jacob Ruining deceased a n <1 all persons having claims against said estate are herby*notified lo present the sam e properly verified' lo me af the office of Frank DePttU. attorney for the estate at Springfield. Oregon, on or before six months from the date R e g u la r R affle of this notice. Dated December 30th, 1127 Prof.: “A Turk never sees the face IRA T YOUNG. Administrator. nf his fiancee until after they are FRANK D el’UB, Attorney for the married. estate. S tu d e .; “Can Turks get divorced?" Jl> ^L*— 28 22u— — B U S IN E S S Rea. Phone 119 Plana Moving SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER WILLIS RERT8CH. Prop. OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE (33 Main Street Successor to Button Transfer (»Mice Phone 43 Rea. Phone 3 Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. Deaerai Practice. Special Attention te Obstetrics and Diseases of chil­ dren. First National Bank Building Springfield, Oregon WM. G. HUGHES FIRK H 5 Offers ItsReaders ?ThisWeek0nly [ESAT D IR E C T O R Y ! W. F. WALKER CHAS. P. POOLE Funeral Directors 228 Main St, 42 J zibur Choice Of A n y 5 Residence 125 C 81 42 M Magazines and ThisNewspaper Full Auto Equipment Lady Assistant DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phons 43 AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY FUBLIC Office at Flrrt Nst'l Bank Bldg. Sprlngflsld FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ingfleld, Oregon MAX STOVE WORKS DR. N. W. EMERY OKNTIST button Bldg. Phene JO-J R eeldan ce Phone 168-M Springfield, Oregon General Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorney-« t-Law City HaU Building Springfield. Ore. An u n h e a rd of b a rg ain . E no u g h re a d ­ in g fo r th e w h o le fa m ily — a w id e v a ri­ ety of high class m agazines— a ll at a p ric e to fit y o u r pocketbo ok. D o n ’t fa il to ta k e ad van tag e o f this m o n e y- aaving o p p o rtu n ity . N o need to w a it as R en ew als w ill he exten ded fro m d ate o f present e x p ira tio n . Will take your Old Style Range In exchange on a Later One. Main near Mill St., Springfield SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. A \V and mail this FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Button Bedding Springfield, Oregon D. W . R oof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon TYPEWRITER RIBBONS— Assorted makes In black and blue In stock at • te Newa office. For the conveni­ ence of customers who have hlther- j te not been able to get ribbons In I Springfield we have atarted thia H new Una of rlbbona for Underwoodo, Remlngtona. Royals. L. C. Smith. I ^coupon to-day/ Gentleman: I w ith to ta ke a d v e n ts *» of your M agazine B argain Offer. I am enclosing the above amount In payment for a one year subscription to your paper and the F IV E M a fa z to e t I bays m arked w ith an X below. A ll subscription» a t e lor a fu ll year. Atsses . M. O. HOOE Attorn ey-at-Law Practise U. S. and State Courts Rügens, Oregon OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Sort Hopkins was arrested last Thursday, accused of killing Ferdh nand Kanday, near Flora, late W edne* day. Officers were called to FlorK 40 miles from the railroad, before Brief Resume of Happenings of daylight, to make the arrest. W C. Hobeugh, hie «rife and three the Week Collected for children barely escaped with their lives when a barn in which they w ets Our Readers. living near West Woodburn waa «•> strayed by fire last week. A collie dogb The annual mrrUng of the Oregon entering (he burning building avldenh NOTICE OF SH E R IFFS BALE ON CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. E m en E X E C U T IO N I N F O R E C L O S U R E Woolgrowers' association will be bold ly In search of one of the children, wafi •w- nrieee on pistes and ether work. if. Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ at Pendleton January 9 and 10. burned to death. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT tue nf an execution and order of rale When the Canby union high school Gold proved to be Banta Cis Notlre Is hereby given that the un­ In foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ dersigned admint -ator of the eatate cuit Court of Lane County. Oregon, on resumes work, January 9, It will be In I greatest gift to Mr. and Mrs. o f L ittle M W ilton, deceased, the 29»h day of December. 1927. In a the new building Just completed. Oliver of St. Helene, la the crop TO» 9 f has filed In the County Court o t Lane suit wherein tn the 27th day of Dec­ a White Leghorn chicken, which th af Nineteen hundred dollars was ob­ County, Oregon, his final account as ember. 1927. in said court The Pacific such administrator of said eatate and Saving A Loan Association, a Wash­ tained In a holdup and robbery of the had bought from D. J. Ulcklee of YaAfe thnt the 4th day of February, IMS. at ington Corporation, plaintiff, recover­ Mount Scott State baak, a suburban ton for their Christmas dinner, thdf 10:00 o’clock In the forenoon of said ed judgment, against the defendants bank of Portland, last weak. foand a gold nugget about twice a f day has been fixed by the Court as W W White and Mary A. W hite, his Mrs. Millie Ml chi I sen, 44, was killed ! large as a pinhead. the thne for hearing any objections to wife, and H. R. Oldham and Edna E. said report and settlem ent thereof. Oldham, his wife, for rhe sum of last Thursday at Lake Grove station , Secretary of War Darla anaoaaspi The first publication of thia notice 91990 81 and Interest thereon at the near Oswego, when struck by a South­ approval of expenditures for constra* rate of ten per rent per annum from being January R. 1128. Jun. 4. 1927 until paid, and for the ern Pacific southbound electric train. tlon of aa admlnletratioa building as4 Il D. WILSON, Administrator. completion of an electric system S i further sum of 912.00 with Interest ALTA KING. Attorney for Estate. Poultrymen of the lower Columbia Ja 6-12 19 25: F 2: thereon at the rate of ten per rent per the Oregon National Guard camp I f annum from Dee 27, 1927. until paid district will bold their anaual conven­ Gearhart aa part of the program M f tion In A*torla, January 4, sponsored and for the further sum of 2200 00 as NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT reasonable attorneys fees, together by the Astoria chamber of commerce. the last half of the proseat flaafif year, ending June 13 next. Notice la hereby given that the un­ with the cost and disbursements here­ A new church organisation baa been dersigned administrator of the estate in In the sum of 918.80. and said ex­ Industrial expansion ia P ertlaaf of Otlo Clarence Zlnlker, deceased, ecution to me directed commanding Incorporated at W est Linn. Articles has filed In the County Court of Lane me In the name of the State of Ore­ have been filed by the Glad Tidings during 1927 has increased payrolls County, Oregon, bln final account as gon. In order lo satisfy said Judgment, 91.659.700 and haa brought 91.10S.Mt such administrator of said estate and Interest, attorneys fees, costs of suit Assembly and a new building is to be in investm ents In new buildings, a * thnt the 4th day of February- 1928. at and accruing costa to sell the follow­ erected. cording to figures announced by HR 10 00 o'clock In (he forenoon of said ing described real property, to-wit: The case of E. Henry Wemme com­ Industries department of the Portlaaf day has been fixed by the Court ns Lot Four (4) In Block three (3). pany of Portland ve. Ben Selling and chamber of commerce and the OregoM (he thne for hearing any objections to said report and settlem ent thereof. Mountain View Addition, situated In others, trustees ol the Wemme estate, Manufacturers association. The drat publication of thia notice Eugene, County of Lane and State was affirmed by the supreme court Organised for the purpose of com of Oregon. being January- 6. 1928 last week. structlng a railroad line from a polgf PAUL ZINIKEIL Administrator. Now, therefore In the name of the A fall from a high chair Into its Just north of Albany In a general ALTA KINO. Attorney for Eatate. State of Oregon, 'n compliance with Ja 5-12-19-26: F. 2: said execution an1 order of sale and mother’s arms resulted In a broken erly direction to a point in or In order to satisfy said Judgment, In­ arm for the 18-mot>ths'-oid baby of the city of Bend, the Albany A terest attorney» fees, costs of suit Mrs. W H. Wyrick of Bridge, near ern Railroad company haa died Sf4^ WINTER WEATHER HITS and accruing costs. ! will on Saturday the 4th day of February, 1928. at the Myrtle Point. ciea of Incorporation with the stAlS SPRINGFIELD DISTRICT hour of one o'clock In the afternoon Yarns manufactured by the Oregon corporation department in Salem. of said day, at the Southwest front Linen Mills, Inc., of Salem, are pro­ The first of the Oregon soldier# Springfield people are Just begin­ door of the Countv Court House. In nounced faultless by Thomas Barbour, bonus bonds to mature, a block of ning to warm up following a siege of Eugene. Ijine County. Oregon, offer world-known linen thread manufactur­ 9500,099. became due January L a a f winter weather which featured the for sale and sell for cash, at public auction, subject to redemption as nro- er of Belfast. State Treasurer Kay forwarded a draft passing of 1927 and the arrival of vldert by law all of the right, title James Samuel March, widely known for the amount to the state ftsosi 1928 last week-end and Interest nf «aid defendants W. W. ; Temperatures dropped as low as White and Marv A White, his wife, j pioneer minister and a resident of the agent tn New York. After the pay 20 degrees above during the cold spell H R Oldham and Edna E. Oldham, j Rogue River valley for more than 40 meet of this amount there was sttfl hla wife, and the First National Bank j spell, and about an Inch and one half of Eugene, Oregon, a corporation, and years, died last week near Phoenix, outstanding 928,500.000 In soldier# bonus bonds. of snow blanketed the ground A few all persons claiming by. through or : aged 83 years. While playing with a .22 rifle last minor accidents resulted from the ! under them or any or either of them Elimination of tolls on the PortlaaA week, the 10-year-old son of Mr. and Vancouver Interstate bridge on Ja condition of thu highways, but as a In and to sakf premise» FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff., Lane ( Mrs. Leininger of the middle Hood ary 1, 1929, was assured last we whole this district escaped much of County. Oregon. River valley shot and killed his 12- when the Oregon State highway the trobule which the winter spell Bv BEULAH BR1NNICK. Deputy. year-old brother. Ja 5-12-19-25: F. 2: mission and the board of Multnomah brought parts of the state farther north. Mrs Mary Henderson, who died in county commissioners reached tMk The W illam ette river still Is con­ FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large Baker last Monday, at the age of 90 agreement for the transfer of tM sheets, 26x39 Inches, aultable for years, was an Oregon pioneer of 1843, bridge to the highway commission 4 Statistics as 19 per cent above thg average for the years 1920-24 and M .increase of four points over that • ( October. —— Four fatal accidents in Oregon 1» dustrles were reported to the statg Industrial aocident commission for the week ending December 22. WorkmM reported as having lost their live« through industrial accidents are Chas, Kerr.^Marshfleld; Henry M. SesthofL Maupin; Joe L. Polson. St. He'.enR and Alton K. Holman. Seattle. A total of 696 accidents subject to the prouA sionz of the workmen's compensatloA act were reported to the commiaeloS during the week. National banks of Portland. wltK capital of 95.600.000. made 61.011.09< M t profits. Including recoveries, d«R Ing the fiscal year ending June 59» 1997, according to the report of ths comptroller of currency. Of theas earnings 9749,000 was paid ont In divfi (lends to stockholders. During tM same period the national banks of tM state, 90 In number, with capital # 99,210.000. earned 91.476.000 net, ks> eluding recoveries, and paid 9976.009 in dividends. Gross profits of tM Portland banks totaled 96.098,009 aM for the np-etate banks 96,099.099. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Roaa of Mtfl City celebrated their 62d wedding aS> nlveveary laet Saturday. Mr. Roes tg 71 sad Ms wife 76. she being Is MT M a ith and ha being hale and h eart* leading a s active life on hla ranek. TM Oswego Lake Water. Light A Power company Is required by aa SA dar of the puhllo service cc m tnl gsloth leo«94 raocoUy. to establish m ads» qsM« water service (or its patroaa k f April 1. Patrons oomplalned that tM sarvtaa was Inadeguate and