« T I IIHWOAV JANUARY 6, lt>2* W heel C h air Needed and alao gave a talk oa the relation Mrs. M II lluntly reported today of fixxl and the proper method of By Secciai evoking to the condition of health that a wheel chair la badly needed Corra spendente The guests report a pleasant and In­ by the Red Cross tor a patient In structive evening. Chances were Springfield, and she is anxious to get _ . drawn and Mrs Loa Raines drew a In touch with some one willing Io do­ frying pan. Mrs W O. Bailey will nate or rent the use of a chair She | UPPER WILLAMETTE I I be hostess for a dinner In Wendllng can he notified by telephone, the said. September 1 to Decomber 1 THURSTON I Tuesday evening Mrv. Fish, the host­ C L O T H IN G R R O JgC T About one lucbe of enow fell at ess was also presented with a trying Mr. and Mrs Curtis Price and Perry H iggins In Town—Richard Higgins price returned to Corvallis Monday IHeaaant Hill Friday night and EM- pan. The dlnuer guests were; Mr. Clothing Renovation: Tw en ty l. of Creswell was here for medical at where they are attending O. A. C.. urday morning This was followed by and Mrs Maine« and children of Wll- tentlon to bis arm. recently Injured nine meetings ware held In 18 dlfferoul hfter spending holidays with home rain that froze as It fell covering laglllesple, Mr. and Mrs. F. 0, Potter xaum unliles on clothing renovation at a loglng camp. telephone wires, fence wire, the limb» and daughter. Dorothy, of Springfield. folks here. Work In renovation of silk and woolen Miss Marjorie Grant who Is teach of trees and the ground with a solid i Mr. and Mrs. A. C Travis. Mr and Canning o( vegeiaui«» on a cummer materials, alteration of commercial fag at Coquille and Jay Grant, who at- coating of ice. The roads became vary Mrs. W t) Halley and Mr. and Mrs K. d ll scale will be tried out In Salem patlerna. tailored finishes and practi- lands O. A, C. at Corvallis, spent the slippery and dangerous, several cars 8. Bailey of Wendllng. and Mr and this year tor (he first lime, according rnl suggestions on choice of style and holidays with their parents. Mr. and skidded into the ditch at the Moore Mrs. J. R. Fish and faaully. lo announcement made recently. The color for (he Individual are Included Mrs Charles Grant, rteurnlng to their HUI and one was thrown over the Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pattee and family Paulus cannery will pul up a large la this aeries of meetings. A series bank at the Williams' ranch. Sunday of Wendllng spent Monday night at work last Monday. of three meetings for each community Mr. and Mrs. Adams from Portland I a crowd of young folks took their the J. R Fish home. They were re­ quantity of carrots, parsnips, beels and Is generally necessary to complete (he other vegetables. Officiale of Ihe cor Utslted Mrs Adams' parents Mr and sleds and coasted down Cooper Butte turning from Portland where they had portion said (he pack probably would work, three meetings are scheduled In Mrs. Homer Phetteplace during Ike until the warm rain drove then In been visiting Due to slippery roads three successive weeks on a day con­ exceed 15.000 cases. pretty well soaked. Two parties were they were obliged to leave their auto holiday«. venient for the women of the com Despite the oft repeated estimates Miss Eva Phetteplace spent her called off Saturday night becausc in Portland and return by rati. munlty and the agent. A total of ISO of some of (he leading cranberry In Christmas vacation here with her par-1 the condition of the roads was not James Maxwell and Arthur Sullivan teresls that this season's crop In Ore­ makeover dresses were completed at gnts, returning to Blachley on Mon- : safe for travel. an average coat of 91 08 per dress, and of, Portland left for Menlo Park. Cali­ Profeaacr Douglaa Cooper teacher fornia. Tuesday. Wednesday James gon and Washington Is going (o be a 87 dresses were planned at the meet gay where she Is teaching. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Needham and In the Pleasant Hill high school was wired hit folks that they had reached record breaker, latest private survey lugs to be completed at home. Four­ Moy Mitchell returned from California receiving congratulations from the Redding and were (laving an enjoy­ falls (o confirm such reports. Ths teen coala were constructed of used latest Idea of the crop from Independ last Monday where they have spent students Tuesday. Professor Cooper able trip. m aterials—three of which were wo­ eat sources Is for s rather good pro Bore than a month visiting relatives was married during the holiday« to Loalae Archler of Springfield spent duel Ion but no records are likely (o men's coats, (he remaining children’s Miss Beryl Brown of Bend. Oregon gnd friends. coats. Saturday with Alma Fish be broken. Mr. and Mrs. Ray John, who were Hasel Edmiston. who is teaching at Mr. and Mrs. W H. Anderson and 2 Dress Forms: Three dress form gt Helens returned there Monday married Wednesday December 18, re­ sob Forrest were New Years guests demonstrations were held resulting In after Spending holidays with home turned from their honeymoon trip of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kneeland of Eu­ If your radio doesn't work well, let the completion of 3* dress forma Sunday. Mr. John will continue h's gene. folk here. ns fix It. Fix-It Shop, South Fifth These forms were made by the women Margaret Russell, who Is attending teaching at Tlem an and his wife, who J-12 The members of the J. W. Chase Phone 17». Normal at Monmouth visited her par­ was formerly Miss Mildred Morning fam ilies were guests of Mr. and Mrs. star, will finish her year's teaching Truman Chase of W illagillesple New ents here during the holidays. Alex Mathews, who runs one of the at Goshen. They plan to attend Nor­ j Year's day. Those attending the re­ SPRINGFIELD FOLKS Stale's graders on the road, drove to mal next winter. union were; Mr. and Mrs. H L. Chase Clarence Holmes has entered the and family; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Salem Monday after repairs. Helen Eyler. Madue Edmiston and Pleasant Hill high school. He is liv­ Chase and family: Mr. and Mrs. Homer James Edmiston spent last wee-end ing with his mother in the house call­ Chase and son; Mr. and Mrs. Chester ed the “old cheese factory" at Pleas­ Chase and children; Mr. and Mrs. pear Vida. Several o the Thurston young peo­ ant Hill. Lester Cyr and daughter; Mr and Now that Christmas it over and a Mrs. Everett Chase and daughter; Mr. ple motored to Vida last Friday even­ new year started thoughts of the and Mrs Eugene Chase; Miss Maude ing to the basketball game. Miss Maida Ehlers visited friends poultry raisers are turning to babv Chase and J. W. Chase. here during the holidays. She is going : chicks. Several poultry raisers have tL Normal at Monmouth the remain gone into the breeding business and N E W Y E A R S P E C IA L S der of the year. , are raising eggs for hatching, among Perry and Mildred Price attended them are R P. Laird. Ernest Schrenk, WE ARE STARTING THE NEW the matinee at McDonald theatre last J E. Mornlngstar, who have the 1 YEAR RIGHT— WITH THE BEST SELECTION OF USED CARS WE I White Leghorn ; W. L. Bristow and Saturday evening. HAVE EVER HAD COMB IN AND The Ladles Aid gave a chicken din- , Mr. Brabham who have Rhode Island INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELF Ber and held a bazaar at the Thurstou Reds and E. B Tinker who is special­ kail last Thursday the proceeds ising in Black Jersey Giants. '27 Bulck Sport Roadster. Twenty ladies gathered at the home amounted to 881 80. 28 Bulck Coupe, fully equipped. Miss Whitlock, who Is on of the high of Mr. and Mrs. C. E Jordan Wednes- '28 Bulck Sedan, bumpers and trunk. school teachers here, spent the holi­ day and finished one quilt and started '27 Oakland Coach, very good, day with her parents at Newberg. to piece another one for Mrs. O. M. | , This family drug store is an lm|M*tus to better liv­ i '28 Jewett two-door sedan. Professor and Mrs. Park visited re­ W illiams whose house burned recent­ ing- to more Joyful appreciation of each day's, '28 Bulck Master Coupe. latives at McMinnville and Newberg ly. Those who -were present were as possibilities of comfort, and « harm. Every good '26 Nash Coupe, like new. during the holidays. follows; Mesdames Dora Harden, Car- wish to you for the year, folks. '26 Chevrolet Coupe, a snap. Miss Izora Gregory, who is teaching ruthers, Swifts, Baker. Stewart, '25 Star Coupe, new Duco. Baughman, Miller Linton. Barnum. Bt Myrtle Point spent the week-end 21 Bulck with glass enclosure. «rith Miss Marjorie Grant. Schrenk, John. F Smith, Morton Bris­ Robert Sharade from Eugene visited tow, W. L. Bristow. Kabler. Higgins, Also some of the best buys In the at Mr and Mrs. Charles Grant’s last Mary Harden. Esther Miller, Cora valley at prices from 825 to 8485. Sunday. John. Mrs. W illiams is the recipient You will find these cars ready to go I Mrs. Silas Gay and children from of 10 quilts since the fire. and priced to sell. Silverton spent the holidays with her C. E. Jordan is working In Eugene Cash—Terms—Trades brothers, the Conleys. this week taking Inventory at Farmers County Home Demonstration Work Reported For Period Community News of the rlaaa for each other—all mem her* cooperating In (he eouatructloa. The malerlal la purchased from the demonstration agent al a considerable saving 8. Millinery: One class In fell mil­ linery was held, with a large atlend- ence record Twenty-one hats were completed at an average coal of 8 40 realising a saving of 82.70 per hat. Used materials were renovated and made up Into acceptable models, felt materials were also used with suc­ cess: soft draped bats were the gen ­ eral style selected. In addition work on renovation of hat materials, points on selection of suitable hats for the Individual were given by Ibe agent N U T R IT IO N Two communities were given Ihe work In nutrition, comprising a study of foods and (heir relation to health, formation of correct health habits In children and balanced meal planning. A representative luncheon w as pre­ pared at each meeting and served by _ (hose allending Each member was weighed and condition checked for normalcy; Individual problems In diet were taken care of In round table dis­ cussion The response In these com mtiollles has been very good. By J. F. K f t t h € l ) e W IS H v o u ALU A HAPPY ANO PROSPEROUS N E W Y E A fc MUG £ to We Give Green HEALTH AND HAPPINESS IRE PROSPERITY Discount Stamps Mr and Mrs. Earl Stain from Co­ , Union warehouse. F. W . P E T T Y J O H N CO. quille spent New Year's at Mr. and Seventh and Olive SL Eugene, Ore. Mrs Ira Gray's. Phone 1207. Mr. and Mrs. McAlister and son, ' I GARDEN WAY James, from Eugene and Miss Grace . We specialize in sw lss braclet watch Nelson from Eugene spent last Thurs­ The I. C. Smith family of Tillamook repairing Hoyt's 321 Main Street, tf day In Thurston and attended the were visitors at the A. W. Ferreo Chicken dinner and bazaar given by CALL AND SEE Dr. N W. Emery home during the holidays. the Ladles Aid. Mrs. J R Fish was hostess for an on prices on plates and other work, tf aluminum demonstration dinner Fri N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G O F F IN A L For general plumbing and repair day evening Mr Barlow, the de­ ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the ad­ monstrator assisted by Mrs. Clear­ work call the Flx-lt Shop, phone 172. , ministrator of the estate of Nellie water prepared and served the meal South Fifth S treet J-12 ; Deedon. deceased. has filed his ac­ count for the final settlement of said Charter No. 8941 Reserve D is tric t No. 18 Mtate in the County Court for Lane R E P O R T O F C O N D IT IO N O F T H E County, in the State of Oregon, and : Jfcaf Saturday, the 1th day of Eebru ary, 1928, at the Court Room of stid Court. In the County Court House, in At Springfield, in the Slate of Oregon, at the close of business on Eugene, Oregon, at ten o’clock. In the I December 31, 1927. forenoon, has been, bv s&lu Court,' ............. as ..................._ RES O U R C ES fixed the time .......... and place for hear . ing ohjectlcr- thereto.,”and for final ^x>ans an<’ discounts, Including rediscount«, acceptances of other banks, and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with In­ settlement of said estate. dorsement of this bank ................................................................ 8 99,614.72 F W. DEEDON, Administrator of I 239 6) , the E s ta te of N ellie Deçdon ' c a s e d OTi-r,iraftH. secured. none; unsecured, 8239 80 U. 8. Government securities owned L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. Deposited to secure circulation (U. 9. bonds par value) 96,25000 Ja 5-12-1928: F. 2: All other U nit'd States Govemm- nt securities (Including premiums, if anv) ... .................................................... 85234.57 N O T IC E OF SA LE O F R E A L Total ... ........................ ................................ 11,484.67 P R O P E R T Y BY G U A R D IA N Other bond-. k-. securities, ,-i, 106.449 35 Notice is hereby given that by vir­ Furniture and fixtures, . ... .. ........ ....................................... 6,324 75 [ tue of an order of the County Court Real estate owned other than banking house ................................. 19.274.03 ■ of Lane County, Oregon, duly made Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve B a n k ............. .............................. 18,029 67 , and entered of record on the 17th day Cash in v a u lt a n d . u r i - , i i n t d u e from n a tio n a l b a n k s 46.709 79 of December, 1927.' in the matter of Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting liank, .. 501.78 the Guardian-hip of Ed »art W Pet- Total last two items .......... ......... 947,211 59 erameyer. an incompetent person, the M iscellaneous cash Item s ... ............................... .... 50.23 . undersigned Guardian of sa'd Edward Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and due from U. 8. Treasurer 312.50 j W Petersmeyer will on and after the Total 8307,990 99 third day of February, 1928 offer for iftle and sell at private sale to the L IA B IL IT IE S highest bidder for cash In hand, or part cash and part credit on terms Capital stock paid In____ 9 36,000 00 satisfactory to said guard .an, the real Surplus fund ............ .............— 8,000 00 property of said ward described in Undivided profits ....... »........... 4,868.49 94868.49 said order, to-wtt: 6,250.00 Circulating notes outstanding The W est fifty feet of Lots 1 and Cashier's checks outstanding 420.06 .... .......................................... 2 in Block 3 In Mountain View Park, Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject In Lane County, Oregon. to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): Lots j and 4 In Block 2 In Mountain Individual deposits subject to check ..................................................... 149,994 97 i View Park, In Lane County, Oregon Certificates of deposit due In less than 30 days (other than tor Lots 57 and 68, Tualatin Valley 16,965.88 money borrowed Home« according to the recorded plat sta te, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of thereof, In Washington County, Ore- assets of this bank or surety b o n d ........................ 40.286 43 gon. j Other demand deposits .................. ............................................. .............. 345.01 The Northwest Quarter of the Total of demand deposits (other than bank deiposlts) Northwest Quarter of 8ection 14 In subject to reserve .............................................. 8207,592 29 Township 17 South Range 8 W est of Tim a deposits subject to Reserve (Payable after 28 the Willamette Meridian In Lane days, or subject to 20 days or more notice, and County, State of Oregon. postal savings): Said sale will take place at the Savings deposits (Including time certificates of deposit other than hanking house of the First National for money borrowed) ....................................................................... 68,880.15 Bank In Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ Total time deposits subject to reserve ............... 858,860.16 gon FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 8307,990 99 Total EUGENE, OREGON Guardian of the estate of Edward W. P-'t<3rsmeyer, an Incompetent person. • U t e a f Oregon, County of Lana, an.: First National Bank Ja 5-12-1926: F. 2: I Wm. O. Hughes, president of ths above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. W M . O. HUGHES, President. Call the Fix-It Shop for estimates Correct Attest: L. K. Page, A. R. Sneed, ». M. McPherson, Directors. ea yonr plumbing and heating, South Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of January, 1928. Fifth near First National Bank. Phone (SEAL) FRAN K A. DE PiJB, Notary Public for Oregon. 172. J-12 M y commission expires January 8, 1928. Leading The azines Springfield News A t Cost Wonderful Bargain Offpr made by this Newspaper during Ihe month of January. You will want to subscribe for some of these leading m aga­ zines th a t you read nearly every day. Save Money By Taking A dvan tage o f this Clubbing Offer Reg. Price ..... $2.50 Springfield News .$1.75, American Magazine ...»..... $1.75, $2.00 Christian Herald ---- $1.75, $2.00 C olliers...... »............... $1.75, ... $3.00 C osm opolitan..... —. $1.75, $2.50 ” ' D elineator................. $1.75, $2.50 Everybody« Magazin $1.75, $3.00 Good Housekeeping $1.75, $1.00 McCall’s Magazine H $1.75, $3.00 McClure’s Magazine $1.75, ..... $ .50 People’s Home Journal ......$ $1.75, $2.50 Screenland ................ $1.75, $2.50 Sunset M agazine..... $1.75. $2.50 True Story ------ ----- $1.75, ion, $1.00 Woman’s Home Com| $1.75, Youth’s Companion ------ ..... $2.00 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 9 9 99 99 99 99 99 Special Offer Both for $2.85 Both for $2.25 Both for $2.25 Both fo r $3.25 Both for $2.75 Both for $2.75 Both for $3.25 Both for $1.85 Both fo r $3.25 Both for $1-25 Both fo r $2.25 Both for $2.75 Both fo r $2.75 Both fo r $1.75 Both for $?.5O CHECK THIS LIST OVER CAREFULLY You can get any one of these m agazines and The Springfield News for ono year for alm ost w hat you have to pay for either. THIS IS TH E GREAT­ EST READING OFFER OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY MAGAZINES EVER MADE IN SPRINGFIELD. Act Today — Send in Your Subssription Money to — The Springfield News Phone 2 Opposite Posto fflee