The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 29, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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1 9 2 8 W ill M ark C hange
In Size o f P ap er M oney
Morrleon Fam ily Visit— B B. Morrl
•taw art at Portland— Harry Btewart
«on and family, accompanied by B. U.
■ prat t'hrlatniaa at Portland
' Sutton and Mra Cllngan »pent Chrlet-
Pall Croat« Polk Horo— Mr. anti Mr«. 1 tnaa In Portland at the home of Mr.
C Nrot ut Pall Crook were Sprlurtlolil Morrleon'» mother, Mra. Ferron.
vlaltora Monday.
Visit Blom Home— Howard Blom
Madtord Man In Town—Joy Walltor anil Mr. and Mra. Ituel Marah of Port­
of Medford la brro thia wrok vlaltlng land were vlaltora at the home of
frlrnda In Bprlngflold and Eugand.
lt> ». and Mra. C. H. Ulum over Christ
Oakridge Woman In — Mra. Huy mm
l » r e of Oakrldgo waa a Hprltigfirl'l
vlaltor Monday
Pollards are Horns— Dr. and Mra.
W II Pollard has returned to Bprlng-
Mablo 'Raaidont Haro— Mra. J in n< Id ufter spending Christmas with
Windham of Mablo waa a local vlaltor I-la slater, In the northern part of the
Raturn from Portland— Pr and Mr'
Canadians to Live Here— Mr. and
N. W. Emory returned after apondtn«
Mrs. D. A. Shaw and family of Shaun
Chrlatmaa at Portland.
avon, Saak.. Canada, have arrived In
Californian In Town— llllry Baker Springfield and probably w ill make
of Lodi. California, allied hie »later In their home here.
Sprlngfleld early thia week.
Family Reunion Held— An annual
Haro Vlaltlng Pathor— Milton Kinta family reunion waa held at the homo
ley of California la here «lotting hl» ol Mr. and Mra. K W Colllna Chrtot
mas day, with children home from
various cl I lea of Oregon.
Pleaaant Hill Man Haro— K M
Matbewa of Pleaaant lllll waa a bual
Blank l*romtaaory notes and re­
lleaa »tailor here Saturday.
ceipts printed and In stock at the
Mabie Man In— I. (1 Parla of Mablo News office.
eaa among oul of town vlaltora her «
i CALL AND SEE Dr. N W Fmorv
- >w> nrtree on plates end ether work. if.
Nawlad Vlalta Portland— It. W New
land, local merchant, «tailed Portland
Chrlatmaa day.
Hero from Thurston— Mr» Chari-»
llaatlnaa and non. Jamoa of Thuraton.
were Springfield vlaltora Tueoday.
Sneed at Orovo— Mr and Mra. A. it.
Sneed apent Chrlatmaa at Cottage
Prove vlaltlng friend».
About l/ou f
Thing» You Should Know
Robhana Hava Vlaltora— Pr and
Mra W C. Itebhan entertained hla
elater, Mra. Templeton, of Brown«-
vllle. at Chrlatmaa lima.
Ratuma to Portland— Maude Gorrle
and Pr. Gerald Van Valaah returned
Jo Portland Monday evening after
■pending the holiday here.
Horo from W aahington— Albert lied
ding of Rlderwood. Waahington rota
Uvea and friend* In Springfield early
thia week.
Haro from W altarvllla—C It Sylve«
ter. W altervllle merchant, waa a bual
neaa vlaltor In Springtlald Tueaday
R. A. Bates Injured— Il A Bate»
waa Injured at the Booth Kelly mill
here Friday Two finger» were badly
lacerated on a «aw.
Petaraon Rolurn— Mr. und Mrs. 1. M
Poteraon were back Monday after
«pending ChrUtniaa at the home of
her parent» at Hllleboro.
Blue Rlvar Man Here— W. E
Schwerlng of Blue Hirer waa a vlaltor
at a local phyalclan'a office Tueaday
morning of thia week.
Vlatt Father Here— Mra. Vera l.ewla
and Mra. Roy Smith have returned to
PorUand after «pending the holiday«
with their father. A. E. Senaeny of
thia city.
Many In Saturday— Among people
here «hopping on the day before
Chrlatmaa were Mra. W. C Kirk,
motor route C; Mr». Perry Wallace.
Jaaper: Mra. Verle Thayer, Oakridge.
G II. Snyder, Oakridge; Mra I. M
Norman. Wendllng.
Return from Portland— Mr and Mrs
N. L. Pollard returned Mond.iv front
J ortland, where they -apent tie holi­
day. They drove In tlielr automobile
hark from the northern city, and nar­
rowly avoided two accident« In the
heavy truffle of the Parlfle highway.
A *—
Prevention of Cold»
T o prevent a cold at thia season
of the year, la. poaaibly, to pre­
vent a much more disastrous HL
neat; colds lead to eorioua dta-
essts, especially when neglected; a
chronic cough may develop, to last
til winter; a chronic throat it usu­
ally initiated by the common cold.
Pneumonia it too often a conse­
quence; hence my topic Is timely.
The proper time to fortify again»!
taking cold ia, right now. No de­
lay is permissible. Our every-day
task should tv supplemented by
sane prec--,«ons against disease.
At tht» ti ne of the year, taking
cold i.. the foremost thing to be
dreaded, even if the attack be a
mild one.
. . .
First of all, don't overload tne
stomach. To eat more than the
digestion can dispose of, is the
surest way of inducing feebleness
of the body; and disease do-s not
appear, as a rule, unless use's sys­
tem is in some wav weakened in
resisting power. The “run-do«rr!
constitution is the waiting host for
water. At feast two glasses should
be taken on rising each morning,
hot or cool, as p referred
glasses of water daily keeps the
ashes of the body-fire moving to­
ward elimination.
It Is a good
practice to take a good drink of
con) water just before starting on
a trip in the w intry air,— it render»
the throat and mouth fit for the
dash of much colder air outside.
Keep the surface of the bodjr,
and especially the feet— warm. To
keep the head cool, the feet warm,
and the bowels open. Is advice as
old as the hills, but it is as sound
today as it ever was. And, lastly,
don't worry.
A contented, cap­
able nervous system is one of the
best safeguards against disease
that I know of. 1 would mention
clothing, more specifically, but you
wouldn't obey— so there I
All Fordson Owners and any one Interested In the Tractor
and Its many uses are Invited to attend our
A n n u al T ractor S chool .
And Clinic
Representatives of Fdnl
and Mitchell Lewis Imple­
i’tkd Motor
ments Distributors wit
Tractor will be torn down
/Il preside.
and reassembled. You u can’t afford to miss this opportunity.
OBTUNATE la the iron
sufficiently versed la the art
of cookery to be free of the
ny of recipe and cook book,
I N io
ot t that
they are not excellent
¡end neceteary things, but because
It la euch fun ta vary and «ubeti-
tuta, and take liberties with them.
When a recipe calls for cornstarch,
for Instance, to dare use flour or
arrowroot, or bo able to leave out
or add flavoring« and apicos auc-
ceasfully ia the reward of knowl­
edge, and any woman can acquire
it if she wishes.
In the fall and winter, apple
sauce, Apple Betty, baked apples
and apple tapioca often seem to
do double duty, and, good as they
are. both the cook nnd the family
tend to weary of them. Here’» a
hint. Pineapple blends excellently
with apple or can be substituted
for It in many of the common and
every day dishes. Canned Hawaii­
an pineapple is available In both
the crushed and sliced form, and
to requires a minimum of effort in
Pineapple sauce will please
the whole family and enough can
be mad« from one can of crushed
pin- - i’e and an equal amount of
ancle »«uee to serve the averngo
: ’i i’ y as u aaueo and save the base
" -
.Mr'‘ton “Betty" or pie.
Good and Different
Another day. All the cavities left
by the removal of the core of bak­
ing apples with a mixture of
crushed pineapple and raising and
see how good and different they
are. To make pineapple tapioca,
drain the syrup from either the
crushed or sliced variety, and use
it aa part of the required liquid.
Pour the cooked tapioca mixture
over sliced pineapple or mix with
crushed pineapple.
A dish which will prove fasci­
nating to people who have not
tried it is really a plate meal to
be called "Pineapple and Sausage
Sandwich with Sweet Potato Puff."
To make the sandwich, split large
slices of canned pineapple in two,
so that they will be half the thick­
ness, dry and dip in flour and
sautfi until brown in sausage fat.
Shape sausage meat into flat cakes
about the diameter of the pine­
apple, and bake until thoroughly
cooked, then place between two
pieces of the sautfied pineapple.
Fill the core hole with c! pped
parsley and a spoonful of some
red Jelly. Serve with mashed sweet
potato to which beaten white of
egg has been added.
Data for the state crop outlook re­
port will be gathered In Lane county
next week by farmers In various
school districts. Representatives from
21 school districts met with the county
ngent and county agrlrulural council
yesterday In Eugene and made plans
for the crop census.
This Information gathered to make
crop eethuates for the coming year
In order to advise spirng^ planting
nnd anticipate the market.
FOR SALE— Carbon paper In large
sheets, 26x39 inches, suitable for
making «racings. The News Office.
hrenk It and we'il fix It. Every­
repaired at the Fix-It Shop,
Fifth near First National Bank.
Lane county's tax levy In 1928 fot
state and county purpose» w ill be 22.3
mills, or one-tenth of a mill higher
than the 1927 levy. It was announced
trom the county clerk's office. Total
assessed valuation Is figured at 81S.
687,160 91. an increase of more than
82,000,000 over last year.
Just what Springfield's tax levy will
he was not known today, due to the
fact that not all data hes yet been
aupphed the county asseasor's office.
The Sprlngfleld valuation, also, had
not been segregated from the general
county figure.
County Assessor Kenney has Int!
mated that Increases may be expect­
ed In various cities nnd districts in
the county. This, he says. Is due to
Increases In local taxes, anti not to
the state and county taxes.
Friday December 30 — the date.
Dr. Roseli Qick
Phone 62C
878 tpillamette St
Just one thing— but I do it nqht
G r e e n D iscount S tamps
For Thrifty Housewives
There is keen satisfaction in getting gro­
ceries at saving-priees—but the small saving
is not worth while if you are getting inferior
products. That sort of economy is penny-
.wise and pound foolish—for the health of
your'family depends upon good, wholesome
Our patrons know that
stands for quaMty, satisfaction, service and
low price, and that they can do no better
than to make this store their regular head­
quarters for good groceries. If you do not
trade here, let us convince you, too.
Phone us yotir order if it isn’t convenient
for you to shop personally. We will select
your groceries with the same care you your­
self would give to the order.
handle and will also be more durable,
i The new notes w ill slip into a bill­ PASTOR CONTRIBUTES
fold or pocket. It is claimed, without
creasing or folding, and for this rea­
son are expected to have much longer
Rev. C. H. Blom, pastor of the
life than those now In use. The life
of the average bill now Is not more Sprlngfleld Baptist church, sent the
than six or seven months, treasury following peom to The News office.
officials say. Folding Is one of the In view of the arrival of th«! new year:
chief Items cutting short the life of
paper money.
Another year Is dawning; dear Master,
Designs on the bills are also to
let it be.
be standardized. Many designs now
In working or In waiting, another year
appear on the different denominations
for Thee;
and the various kinds of notes. Wash
Another year of leaning upon Thy
lngton’s portrait, for example, appears
loving breast.
both on the 81 and some 829 bills.
Of ever-deepening trustfulness, of
Treasury officials point out that
quiet happy rest;
through standardizing the designs the
Another year of mercies, of faithful­
new notes cannot be so easily “raised''
ness and grace;
to higher denominations by the crook-
Another year of gladness In the smil­
ed gentry who make this their busi­
ing of Thy face;
ness. In addition to standardized de­
Another year of service, of witness for
signs on the new paper money there
Thy love;
will be a relation between the por
Another year of training for holier
tra it on the face and the engraving
work above.
on the back, except in the cases of the
— F R. Haveryal.
81 bill and those above 8100.
On the face of the new 81 bill w ill
be the portrait of Washington and on M A S O N S H O E M ’FG. CO-
the back wtll be the word "ONE'' in
of Chippewa Falls, Wiscon sin
lange letters. On the 82 bill w ill be a
portrait of Jefferson »“ th an engrav­ has appointed me as their local
ing of Monticello, his home, on the Representative for the famous
Mason Shoes, direct td you.
Lincoln's portrait w ill be on the Made to measure for men, wo­
face of the 85 bill with the Lincoln men and children.
I will call on the people of
Memorial for the back. Hamilton's
portrait will appear on the face of the Springfield and vicinity with
810 bill and the Treasury Building on samples and take your measure
the back. For the face of the 820 bll: and orders for the shoes you
land's nrotralt has been may want.
chosen, with the W hite House tor the
Grant's portrait will be on the face 338 Fourth Street, Springfield,
of the 850 bill, Benjam'n Franklin's Oregon, Phone 173-W.
To start the New Year off
Right—Begin Trading at
5th and A Sts.
Tiny individual turnovers are liked
u - Í the
L T pastry
“ " 7 eating members of
on the 8100, McKinley's on the 8»0g,
W ritten for The bprlngfleld News
Jackson s on the 81.000, Madlaon'a oa
the 86.000, and Chase’s on the 810.000.
Through Autocaster Service
All these designs have been ap­
Waahington, D. C.— Dec. 29— The
year 1928 -«dll mark the first change proved,
changed later.
In size of paper money since 1881
For months the Bureau of Engrav­
No retirement of moneymaking
ing and Printing, the greatest print machinery will be necessary by the
shop in the world, will be busy oinking change. It 1« »aid.
new and smaller 81 bills ao that upon
some fixed day next fall they may MANY DIVORCES ARE
be Issued almutaneoualy throughout
the country and the old ones retired
at one swoop, to be redeemed, of
Marking a record for laine in cir­
course, upon demand. Notes of other cuit court. 23 divorce decreet were
denominations will be printed and put handed down by Judge Sklpwoith
In circulation probably In 1929.
The new notes will be < 6-18 by 2
Among those granted decrees were:
11-16 Inches whereas the notes now In
Cowden, from Joel B. Cowden;
circulation are 7 7-16 by 3 18 Inches.
By the change the Government ex­ Vida Callaway from Erhan Callaway;
pects to save 82,900,000 annually. The , Brasler Bailey from Elizabeth Bailey;
reduction in alxe of the bills Is expect­ H arry B. Jonea from Rutn Lillian
ed to Increase the capacity of the Bu Jones; Mabel L. Pitcher from Lillian
reau of Engraving and Printing by 60 R. Pitcher; Frank E Maxey from
per cent because twelve of the smaller M arjorite
notea can be printed at one impres­
sion upon the tame press which now E Elson from Bruce C. Bison; An-
drem ML Burk from Califford Gleen
prints but eight.
Through the change in size the bills Burk; Rachel Herman from W iliam
will be made more convenient to Herman.
Prescriptions Accurately
Compounded from the
Purest Ingredients
There is a great satisfaction in using toliet artl-
1 cles and hygienic necessities that bear the best
known labels—for the label is sufficient assur­
ance of quality materials and pure Ingredients.
We are always completely stocked with standard
products and we can fill your every need promptly
and efficiently. In an emergency we will deliver
to your door anything you may require for first
aid. But safety demands that you keep your
medicine chest well stocked with some remedies.
Prescriptions accurately
purest ingredients.
K etels’ D rug Store