THURSDAY DKCBMBKR » , » » 7 THE 8PRINGFIRLD NBWB PAGK POUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published E very Thursday at Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. E MAXEY. Editor. stared a* second else* matter, February 34. 1903 at the postofflee, Springfield. Oregon M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E year In Advance $1 7S T hree M o n th s -------- 75c M onths......... ................ 1100 Single C o p y --------- Sc THIRSDAY DECEMBER 29. 1927 WHY NOT A BETTER HOME MARKET Lane county farmers can raise all the fruit and vegetables necessary *o feed all the people living Inside the county’s bounary yet there are thous­ ands of dollars worth of produce consumed her«' that is grown elsewhere. We find Yakima. Hood River, Idaho and California fruit and vegetables being sold in the grocery stores in preference to Our own. This is a condition that does not make from prosperity either for the farmer or the mer­ chant. We do not blame the grocer. He depends on the wholesale produce house to supply him every morning and if he didn't he could not supply his customers regularly and with uniform produce. The grocer buys from the farmer when he can or more likely trades for the farmers produce. Yet he cannot depend on the farmer to supply him daily with the quantity and quality that his trade demands and necessarily the grocer must depend on the produce house. Produce houses are usual­ ly owned by a large concern having a chain of such houses and buy only at certain points and there only certain produce. They buy in quantity and secure better prices—sufficient to pay the freight to far away points of consumption. This system that works a hardship on the county should be changed. Either the farmers or the grocers should own cooperatively produce houses of their own in Lane county whereby the produce could be collected and graded and then sold to the grocer for the home trade. Many farmers who have good soil and can raise fine vegetables do not know how to prepare them for m arket The grocer has not time to help him out and they both suffer. Usually when cooperative marketing is referred to it means the selling of farm produce in distant cities. Yet there is an opportunity at home to further farm and merchants' interests by local cooperative marketing. ICAUTION STILL NEEDED TO PREVENT PARALYSIS William Edward Hickman, youth chargtnl with the gruesome murder of Marian Parker, drove a stolen green automobile the full length of the Pacific Highway from l.oa Augeles to Seattle and hack again to Portland ami over the Columbia Highway to Echo before lielng captured. He crossed three states eluding the officers yet never left the pavement. If he had been a bootlegger instead of a murderer he likely wouldn't have gotten across one county w ith a green stolen car. Modern otticcrs are trained to smell booie hut a murderer is out of their line. It took an old time policeman from Pendleton to catch this fleeing young criminal. • • RUN— BEFORE Dear Mies Flo: — • Many month» ago I read your article Going home after dark Christmas eve on the in which you advised a girt to give s’reet beside the drug store we picked up a chick­ up the m arried man whom the loved. en (meaning a feathered fowl). We suppose it I too was faced w ith the tam e pro had escaped from someone's Christmas dinner blem— and I tried to follow your ad- Now if the owuer doesn't claim it before New ' vice. I woe deeply in love w ith my Years day—well we are liable to have a chicken em ployer— eo I gave up the lucrative dinner at our house. position which I held. I haven't seen Chicago gangsters are reported to have sought ourt protection against the activities of police, and some kind judge may yet place a number of them behind the bars where they will be safe. • • • You'll find most of the Presidential candidates parked under the mistletoe these days, hoping that their party will spy them. • • • Probably the purpose behind these schools of crime occasionally mentioned in the newspapers is to teach the young idea how to shoot. • • or heard from him since, but my leva for him hae increased ra th e r than abatad. and my trium ph of w ill power and self-respect le bringing me very little consolation. I am u tterly miser­ able. I know th a t he le making a For general plumbing and repair effort to forget end fulfill the duty he owes to hie w ife and children— and work call the Fix II Shop, phone 172. that he It Just as unhappy a t I. South Fifth Street. J-13 Olvorce le impossible. ... And. w ithal. I cannot believe that such a remedy la ever a cure. Life it to short— eo b itte r— w hy aren't w« justified In takin g our happinaas where we find it— forgetting our con vcntione and Inhabitione—and »teal Ing a few moments of love. Specializing in Tonails L. A. Dr. Geo. A. Simon • After seeing how some of them look, it is easy to understand why children don't believe in Santa Claus. Although Springfield's Infantile J paralyxle cares are Improving, and I I here have been no new ones develop, ibe lime ha» not yri arrived for school ' children and others Io throw caution ; io the wind». It waa pointed out thia I week by W. II. Hughes, chairman of the city school hoard Mr. Hughe» drew attention to the fact that a child «1 Twin Oak« died IT'S TOO LATE recently of the dl»eaae. which waa clout lost. Anil the moral ot the tlory conlradcd seemingly without the vic­ —for other glrla never work In cloeo tim's coming In touch with persona nacoclallon with u married mau with oualde the immediate family. Thia, whom you ihluk you are falling In he said. Indlratea thm paralysis may strike al any place without warning, love. Run- before It 1» too late. and It le well lo observe great caution until the la«l veallage of lha epidemic M cNabb It Nabbed Accused ot speeding Ml mile« an has been blotted oul hour on East Mein street. N. McNabb was balkd before I'lty Recorder I. M 1‘eteraon Monday by Traffic Officer Herbert Moore McNabb pleaded guilty to Ibe chargee and paid a lino of |20. I One argument which has often been working In of Some men wouldn’t want to wake up and find flees Is lhal they are always falling themselves famous if it meaut losing any sleep. In love with their employers anil be­ s e e ing miserable about It. While I know A maximum sentence often means a minimum lh a l such accusation Is unjust. I am becoming rather Impatient with those of words. women who do seem to Justify the argument. They se etu to envelop the man with a veil of glamor and ro­ mance which he la far from deserving BEN L IN D S E Y D E H Y D R A T E S H IS 'C O M P A N IO N A T E —and manlike, he can t resist the M A R R IA Q E " Battery and ibe first thing you know A little while ago Judge Lindsey, father of Juvenile here Is what Is commonly called "an courts, startled the Christian -world wih the suggestion affair." • • • And a most uofortunale affair for that a system of ''companionate marriages'' might reduce Salem has financed locally the second large promiscuous Immoral relations among modern young wen everybody conceroed. If It Is a mere scratch on the hearL each aa most woolen mill built there. Salem has attracted more industries than any other city outside of and women and educate them for permanent matrimony. affairs with married men are. It nAght Portland In Oregon. The chief reason is that In common with the rest of the world, we assumed that heal In a tew monhs without even Salem people have faith in Salem and are ready Judge Lindsey meant a free and informal union to be dis­ leaving a scar. to put up their money when new industrial op­ solved as Informally as it was started. We were mistaken, But no remedy la a universal c u r e - guaranteed never to fall, and while portunities present themselves. though. When Judge Lindsey left Denver and cakne to It Is true that lim e and absence do • • • the Coast, he explained that his Idea of a "companionate almost always cure, they are Out al­ Napoleon Bonaparte may have been an impor­ marriage" was a formal union undertaken with bell, book ways effective. For «here are men and tant personage, but he never rated a box on the and catadle. with ring, license and liturgy, but apparently j women who love but once and who front page, so he couldn’t have been so famous, are faithful to that love until deadh with the understanding that it could be dissolved at any (Then the wound goes deeper—and H after all. time by mutual consent. It was his hope that Informal m ight lake years for even the surface inexpensive divorce without Its present stigma would en­ the wound to heal over, and there The American man needs more clothes con­ courage earlier marriages among the youngsters with large of might never be a moonlight night on sciousness, says one authority, but it would be demands and no incomes, thereby Inducing them to stay which the old hurt would not throb too bad for some of them if it came on them put. to quit shifting their evanescent attachments from with dull pain. quickly. one person to the other. Perhaps you are one of those fe» • • • Russia has made it extrem ely easy to get In and out women capable of feeling a great love. New York drinkers have been warned by physi­ of the state of matrimony, but the Russian experiment, so If you are. you have no choice but to cians to test their hooch during the holidays, and : far as we can learn, has not been a success. Children will go on loving Time will lessen your they probably will wtyh their eyes. make ihelr appearance, you know, and their arrival means grief and dull the edge of your los«, • • • I that either one or both parents will have to buckle dowr., and while you may never he complete keep their noses close to the grindstone and sacrifice their ly happy, you will not always be If their dispute over the Army-Navy football J , complete game proves nothing else, it shows that both the ration. freedom of action for the sake of the next gene­ miserable. Not nearly as miserable as you will Army and Navy are ready to fight. be If you yield to the temptation to • • • All mating, be It orthodox, companionate or wholly steal a few moment s of love. You without benefit of clergy, means the assumption of re­ have no more right to steal that which Mothers might find it easier to coax some work sponsibility, self control, self denial. In the very nature of rightfully belongs to another woman out of their daughters now if they would only put the process no means can be devised to dodge this responsi­ than you have to steal anything else a steering wheel somewhere in the kitchen. bility, to have one's cake and eat It, too, without sacrificing you want and haven't got. You can­ • • • the next generation. And It's doubtful whether the en­ not Justify the philosophy. The brand of farm relief the country needs is couragement of Irresponsibility is really of benefit to the What happiness would you find race.—November 8T7NSET. less than one-half of one per cent vocal. knowing yourself guilty? There are women 'without moral sense, weak creatures who are the victim» of their h.ORE THAN U\X> PAYING PO SIT IO N S were tille d Is»« vssr by B eh nke- W a lk e r M u d en i* an d g r a d u a l« , and a» u m e l m o r e p o s itio n » w ere op en th e n we co uld A ll. W rtM kx »kkl)S«w..wce'»Uw-M»ell an OH«»*. Atwitus t L wlJ Æ iA u ü te -V lX tlK or Over Penney's Store us**d against women Phone 355 Eugene Editorial Comment/ way to Ihelr desires and who may pos­ sibly be happy and content following , such a code. But the kind ot a wo man who of her free will and accord , haa had the courage to make a good i fight against lomiplalIon— would be • utterly miserably In such a manner There are too many centuries of vir­ tue behind her—too many women who have held their honor spotless. Yo'i could not abandon yourself to your temptation—for you 'would die of self loathing. All that I said before—In the artlcb to which you refer—holds true- and you must give the time cure a suffl- --------------------------------- i GLARE is Everywhere STO P that COUGH This is the time of the year when coughs and colds are ever prevalent. A few of Eggtinann’s cough (lro|w wtll stop even a very hard cough anil lak«Ti when a cold first starta will prevent coughing. Hggliuann's cough drops sre widely known and sold. They are the cheapest and surest preventative that can be had. z lAXik for the box with the pictures ' the egg, the eye and the tuan." That's E G G IM A N N ’S “Where the Service Is a Little Different" Neglect and thoughtlessness have ruined more eyes than a thousand battles. SAi rman WIHoodu O P T O M F .T O IS T 8ulte 831 M iner Bldg. E Y E S IG H T S P E C lk l i- i" Eugene, Oregon, Telephone 362 W h y N ot N ow ? An honestly acquired bank account Is worth more than Its real money value. It gives the owner stability, confidence, self- respect, and credit. These surely lead on to Influence and fin­ ancial success. The hardest time In saving is AT THE START, but It Is worth all the effort, at the FINISH. All must learn to save who would prosper. The earlier the start, the surer the success. Why not open an account with us, not next week or next year—but NOW? Duo-Site lenses protect as well as correct vision. The reading segment is even less visible, “ Rain­ bow" reflections are de- mlnlshed. To the wearer “Duo- Site” means bifocal vision with complete eye comfort —In all lights. Have at least one pair of Bifocals with Duo-Site len­ ses. Protected by Electric Burglarly Alarm System Dr. Ella C. Meade Commercial State Bank O p to m e tr is t WATTS OPTICAL CO. No. 14 8 Ave. Wont Eugene, Oregon Springfield, Oregon A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY