X PAGE THREB T H S SPRINGPniJD NBWB THURSDAY DECEMBER 2». 1927 — TRAIN SCHEDULE Springfield Stops Northbound Qassffi - 9: 33 P. M 4 27 A. M. Hag Southbound 9:33 P N o 15 . 6 46 A. M No 31 Coach Spacial for K la m a th F a lls and beyond, on Hug at 3:01 P. M od Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. No 32 No. 16 (BUYING 0% SELLING e e e e e e e e e e e ’ <«ll tlln Flx lt Shop for «»tliliel-» FOR HALE Olt T R A IlE -W h ile l.eg -I AFTER HHOPPINO AROUND TOWN • HOME POINTERS • on your plunililng *i»l hoatliuc. Boutn horn chickens. Grant Mi-GInnla. j TAKE A MJOK AT OUR DISPLAY (O. A. C. Horn« Economies • It I. D 15-22: ' OF RELIABLE USED CARS YOU • Flfib near Pirut .National Bank Khan« School) • 173 ________ J ll NEVER SAW BETTER — THEN • e e e e e e e e e e e COMPARE OUR PRICE». YOU'LL PCR SALE WOOD Ali kluda of hnuMi- painiini; Kala» Attractive and appetizing salads AGREE THAT THIS IS THE minin« 12 p«r ruutu and up. Roy Old Growth Fir, Second Growth Fir. Koch. ('ali 1H J. tl. Oak, Ash. AU lengths. Phon« Spring- PLACE AND NOW IS THE TIME may be made for the winter. •‘Porcu­ pine" aalad Is made by sticking TO BUY AND SAVE. field 104. if "needles” cut from unblanched al­ Wo speciali«« tn aariaa braclat watch monds Into halves of canned pears. 1926 Ford Coupe. repairing Hojrt'a S il Main »treat, tf UNBREAKABLE WATCH CRYS Ford Touring. Blank Promissory notas and re TA 1.8— Fancy shapes and regulars. Dodge Touring. Fruit aalad In a wafer box Is made tf Willys Knlgbt Touring. celpta printed and la Block at tha Hoyt's Cash Store. by tying three aaltlnea together with 1926 Bulck Standard Coupe. N ew s office. ribbon and filling with a lettuce leaf NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1926 Bulck Standard 4-door Sedan. and fruit salad. A garnish of marsh­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE mallow or candled cherry adds to the STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE 1926 Bulck Standard 1-door Sedan. SEPTIC TANKS 1927 Bulck Standard Roadster. COUNTY. appearance. Ready for yon to Inalali In the Matter of the BtRate o f A. C. Bulck *'4” Roadster. (amity of five ___________ I I I Schoonover, deceased. 1923 Bulck Touring. Butterfly aalad la made from canned family of eight __ (28 The undersign'd having bean ap­ Several good cheap cars from (30 pineapple. A slice Is cut crosswise at »or plant pointed by the County Court of the and the cut edges placed opposite to »76. State of Oregon for I.ane county ad­ Rawer Pipe— Praia Tila each other to form wing«- Apple cubes ministratrix of the estate of A. C. Chimney Block« nnd mayonnaise form the body. Strips EASY TERMS Schoonover, deceased, and having EUQENE CONCRETS PIPE CO. of pimento make feelers. qualified, notice la hereby given to the P. W. PETTYJOHN CO. tf. An attractive holiday salad Is made creditors of, and all persona having Seventh and Olive St. Eugene. Ore claims against aald deceased, to pre­ by adding chopped walnuta. celery and Phone 1267. cranberries to a cranberry gelatine. NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT sent them, as required by law. within six month« nfler the first publication »otic« la hereby given that T E of thia notice In the said Louisa BETTER AFTER-HOLIDAY Shamrock salad is made by stuffing ■dwertla, Arlmlnlatrator of the K.a Schoonover at 434 Miner Building, Eu­ BUSINESS IS FORECAST green pepperH with a mixture of chop­ tato of B It Ortflln. ddSMMdd. ha» gene. Oregon. fllwd hla Anal report and account aa Pate of Aral publication hereof, the ped olives and cheese, seasoned to Bad effect« of the holiday aeaeon on auob. with tha Clerk of the County taste. Rings are sliced off and three (V-ert of I«n e County, (»repon. and 8th day of December. 1927. the business of the first few weeks of tha Court haa aet Monday. January IZIl’lSA SCHOONOVER. Adminis­ the new year are not expected to be so or four placed on lettuce in shape 14. 1928. at 10 00 o'clock In the fore­ tratrix of the Estate of A. C. Schnoll of a clover leaf. serious In Springfield thia year as last, noon. In the County Court Room in according to local bankers and other« tha Court Houae at klucene. la n e over deceased. Kolnsetta salad la made by placing SMITH A EVANS. Attorneys for Interested In watching the bualneas County. Oregon, aa the time and place petals of pimento on a rim of canned to hear objection« to ule aatne. and Administratrix. 434 ( 6 Miner Bldg. Itaroiuelers. for the final aettlament of aald estate Eugene, Oregon. pineapple. The center of the flower One reason for this. It was pointed T K Edward«. Administrator. D 9-162( 29: la made of mayonnaise celery and out, la the fact that the Booth-Kelly WMLt»S A WEIJJI. Attorney«. nuts. mill, the targest local employing unit, D 16029: H U I : NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT began operations Immediately after Daisy salad la made by slicing tne the holiday. Last year a longer shut NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT Batata of Dora Lyons, Deceased while of a hard boiled egg lengthwise, down cut off the earning power of Notice Is hereby given that Jesse Notice la hereby given that Eva B and placing It on bed of shredded BtaoSenaon. Administratrix of the Ba Wallace. ezecutor of the last will many local men Immediately after lettuce In the position of petals. Cent­ and testam ent of Dora Lyons, de­ tato of J. 8 Stovenaon. deceased, haa 1'hrlatmaa. ers of grated egg yolk and mayonnaise Sled her Anal report and account aa ceased. has «led In the County Court In general. It 1« said, people did not of the State of Oregon. In and for auto, with the Clerk of the County lame County, his Anal report as such spend as freely this year at Chrlstmaa are used. Court of l« n e County, Oregon, and ezecutor and that ten o'clock In the time Thia will eliminate the sudden Individual servings of fruit salad are tha Onurt haa set Monday, January 14. forenoon of Monday, the 2nd day of drop In business which usually follows attarctlve when served In cups or IM S at 10:06 o'clock In the forenoon, January. 1928. at the Cpurt room holiday spending. ta the County Court Room In the thereof In Eugene. Oregon, have been baskets or orange or grapefruit peel. n e w t Houae at Eugene. I-ane County, by the Court Died and appointed aa FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large raregon. aa the time and place to hear the time and pines for hoarlng ob­ _ _ _ _ ___________ C A l.l. AN D SEE Dr. N. W. Emery ebfactlona to the same, and for the jections to ««Id report and for the sheets, 36x39 _ Inches, suitable for Anal settlem ent of the eatate of aald final settlem ent of «aid eatate. making tracings The News Offlcs. prices on plates and ether work, t t WTA B STEPHENSON. Adminis­ deceased. JESSE WALLACE. Ezecutor. tratrix A. B. WHEELER. Attorney. W K LIdt A W E1.I.8. Attorneys. D 1 8-15-13-19: D 1(12 1» J a S l l : Offers ItsReaders B U S IN E S S Phene ISO M Life, Automobile end Fire Insurance CARL A. WYMAN Resident Agent T64 D S treet Springfield. Oregon Rra. Phone 160 ARCHAMBEAU'S WOMENS SHOP Specialty Dressmaking Evening Dresses — Hand Made Flowers — Hats and Coats Cor. Main and Second Streets. Phone 166 W »’'«no Moving SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER WILLI» BERTBC'H. Prop. office at service OARAGE (33 Main Street Buc-caaor to Button Transfer Bice Phone 43 MisWeekOnly l ZINES AT D IR E C T O R Y Rea. Phons 3 > r l H. Photteplsce, M. D. •nersl Practice, Special Attention Obstetrics and Diseases of chll- W. F. WALKER CHAS. P. POOLE Funeral Directors 223 Main St. 63 J iVour Choice Of A n y 5 Residence 136 C 8t 62 M Magazines aud ThisNewspaper Full Auto Equipment Lady Assistant sa. First National Bank Building Springfield, Oregon WM. G. HUGHES ib e ano auto in s u r a n c e NOTARY PUBLIC ( DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 43 First N ati Bank Bldg., Springfield Offlcs at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ä l s l d . Orfflon A n u n h e ard of b a rg ain . E no u g h read - ing fo r the w h ole fa m ily — a w id e v a ri­ ety of high claaa m agazine«— a ll at a p rice to fit y o u r p o cketbo ok. D on t fa il to ta k a ad van tag e of thi« m o n e y- saving o p p o rtu n ity . N o need to w a it a» R enew al« w ill be exten ded fro m date o f present e x p ira tio n . MAX STOVE WORKS DR. N. W. EMERY d e n t is t Sutton Bldg. Phon' R ssldsncs Phone 153 M Springfield, Oregon General Law Prectlos > . M. PETERSON Attornsy-at-Lnw City Hall Building 8prlngftel4, Ora. Will take your Old Style Range In exchange on a Later One. Main near Mill St., Springfield SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL 60. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk- era at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. and mail this I coupon to-day.' Cantlanwm I w i.h to take ad vent««« of your M agazine B»r««ln Off«r. I am enclosing th . above am ount In paym ent for a one year •'‘h.cripU on to your paper and the FIVE MaeeznM« I have (narked w ith an X b«low. All •ubacrlptlona are lor a lull year. Namt FRANK A. DE PUE A TTO R N E Y at law NO TARY PUBLIC Bartton ■eliding Springfield, Oregon T T F K W R IT E B RIBBONS— Assorted makes in black nnd blue In stock nt • e News offlcs. For the oonvenl- skae of customers wbo have hither­ to eot been abls to get ribbons In R jr '- g M- ,J tra have started thia Uns of ribbon« for Undsrwoodo, ningtotu. Meyala. L C. Bmlth. D. W . R o o f JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon m . a HOCE Attomey-at-Law Practise U. 8. and State Courts Dugene, Oregon 5'rafs.. T sw e....» ...........— ------- St. or R. F. □ □ □ □ □ □ 0 □ □ □ .... A m e ric a n P o u ltry Jo u rn al A m e ric a n Sw ineherd C a p p e r's F a rm e r D a ir y F a rm e r E v e ry b o d y ’« P o u ltry M agaaine F a rm A F lm aidn F a rm L ife F a rm Journal F ru ita A C arden« G en tle w o m an M agasfna CHOOSE ï t î ï ,. _ M a rk t h l . □ □ □ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G ood S toriaa H ousehold M a g azin e M o d e rn H o m e m a k in g N eed lec raft O p en R oad (B o y s ) People*« H o m e Jo u rn al P aop la’a P o p u la r M o n th ly S p o rtsm an’« Digest Successful F a rm in g W o m a n 's W o r ld nww an d b rin g Busina«« O ffic e V * w Z K /z > X OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. - g y Search for Thomas H. Cormier, Port» land man lost sines December ( Ik tbs wilds of upper Drift creak, neap Taft, has been abandoned. Searching parties combed the entire region but clothing. only found some torn clothing, Drilling was scheduled to be resum­ ed at the well of tbe*Guaranty O il company near Eugene last week. Bunk* bouaes and a mess ball have been pre- Linn county’s total Indebtedneto for pared and everything Is reatdy for ao> the Albany bridge has been cut to »47,- live operations. It was announced. 300. The original debt, contracted In A Hlualaw chamber of commerdd was organized nt Florence last Sat« 1926, was (112,600. Mrs Emma L. Hufstater has bean day when a group of men repr.aenv nominated by President Coolidge as Ing West Lane county met there. Lack postmistress at Knkppe. a position district chose two men to reprstok» she has bald for many years them. Bari HUI of Cushman was else* „ , . . «d president and Jack C. Penalsr « Approximately (00 carload, ol broc- , w > ship of 900. nearly double that of Mat , w year. the bottom of the narrow gorge. There are 1628 children of school By a margin of 26 votes at tha spd* age In Albany thia year, according to clal election held In Seaside last Modi- D. D. Hackelman, school clerk. This day, the measure to provide for S Is a gain of only five over the 1936 fund of (2(00 “to advertise the beak- census. ties and advantages of the city to The Bert Mullins confectionery and Seaside, as a pleasure and health r * newsstand in Heppner was robbed sort" was defeated. The rote stood early Wednesday aad about »70 taken 104 In favor of the measure and 1(9 from the safe, which may have been against. unlocked. State highway crews have not only The Fowler-street bridge was opened kept tbe McKenzie highway open to at Roseburg last week. Creek ranch, a winter sport, cek* tb . long highway detour, over wtoch McKenl,e b rid l< traffic h a . been routod for the peat enQu