TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS HAGS TWO ThisW-ek Arthur Brisbane LINDBERGH NEEDED. THINKING COMES FIRST. BACK 5 ,0 0 0 YEARS. ABOUT FLOOD RELIEF. Lindbergh, world's champion fly­ er, landed in Mexico City, notifies the world that young men in this country know how to fly, in spite of the fact that their Goven.ment does not yet realize the importance ’ flying < The United States Government ought to enlist the services of Lindbergh to instruct American flier* and enlighten those raspoa- sible for our air defense. If an­ other war ever comes it will seem very extraordinary to future his­ torians, writing of American cities bombed and gassed, that the rich­ est cities in the world should have gone along without adequate air defense. Not one of our cities is protected today by anything but distance. Coast defense guns and battleships are obsolete, anti-air­ craft guns absolutely inefficient We spend $600,000,000 a year for "defense” and have none. 4 The L’nited States Gypsum Com­ pany, with offices in twenty cities and twenty-two mines and mills in fifteen States, has this good idea: all headquarters managers derote two hours, from 9 to 11 am., to “concentration.” They allow no interruption exu p t in emergencies Fr-'m II to 5 tnfcy sc« subordinate* snd business visitor* generally. Each manager ha* at least two hours a day for real thinking John D. Rockefeller had that Idea many years ago One of hi* local manager*, pointing proudly to a desk , loaded down with papers, said to him, "A lot of de­ tail, but I shall get through it all ay night" Mr. Rockefeller, quol- fcg that, said to hi* directors. “I rant all important managers in fur organization to sit with their ret upon clear desks, thinking low they can make more money » •'•» • -«i . . . a. :. as ‘with Rockefeller's direction, and ro w he spends it nanfully, fighting disease and ignorance. To get •head. remember that thinking first. The rest is secondary. Learned professors in the Uni­ versity of Southern California say that slang, within reason, is good. , Jt makes students select their ex­ pressions instead of using them i gutomatically. To call your friend a “dim bulb" is better than saying to your brother “Thou fool,” and It means the same Use of slang “makes a dent in the brain" and Causes thought, says one professor. t also takes the place of thought, ut that is too long an argument. I Britaih is sending a commission go India headed by Sir John Simon to see about helping India toward Self government. The help should have begun 5,000 years back. How can you give self govern­ ment to a people in whose litera­ ture the word liberty does not ap­ pear in 5,000 years, to millions Who believe that little girls eight gnd nine year* old should be mar- fled to middle aged men and that when the old husband dies the young woman should be burned alive with the husband's miserable eonise? That’s a long way from sell government The President recommends a ten-year plan for Mississippi Val­ ter flood prevention involving $296,100,000. Altogether, $25,000,- 000 would be spent the first year end $30,000,000 a year thereafter Why not spend every year as much as can be spent wisely to hurry the work rather than risk, in the course of ten years, another flood that might cost in destruction more than the total appropriation- Sec­ retary Mellon could borrow the money for three per cent if he irplus Couldn’t take it out of the surplus. Haste is important; floods don’t trait Last August the stock market broke when President Coolidge’s first “do not choose” came out, and a few days ago that foolish market broke again because the President said he meant it. What frightens gentle stock brokers and specula­ tors? . Do they think Hoover, Lowden or Dawes would declare war on Patagonia, abandon the gold standard, suspend the writ of habeas corpus, close factories, Stop the rainfall and destroy crops? Mr. Coolidge is a good President, wisely allowing those that know how to run the country’s business to run it. Other good men are ready to do the same. The wise will not choose to sell their stocks because Mr. Coolidge does not choose to run. QsUl the Fix-It Shop for estimates on jrour plumbing and heatlnc South Fifth near First National Bank. Phone 17$. J-12 T Y P E W R IT E R RIBBONS— Assorted ■takes In black and blue In stock at R e Newa office. For the conveni­ ence of customer« wbo have hither- te not been able to get ribbons In Springfield we have rU rted this aew line of ribbons for Underwoodo, Remingtons. Royals, L. C. Smith, Mtfl other makes. tf. THURSDAY DECEMBER 2». 1927 The universal observation by those who have been forced tc take their meals several hours after the regular Correspondents meal hour Is that the food Is not ap­ petising Food lhal Is cooked too long makes Hie fillers tough and re — — — — — — — — — — school in Portland Is home for the duces their digestibility. Kiperlmenls I UPPER W IL L A M E T T E | holiday* on feeding rats with food properly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mrs Beulah Harbtt had a family re- cooked and food cooked several hours Pleasant Hill public school and the “nlon 1 'hrtslmas day at the home of give (he following results: The rats high school had Christmas trees Frl Mr ami Mrs latureuce Uoaaler Those fes Christmas j radishes, cucumbers and celery are Program Given at School novation ever Introduced by man lo church Friday night under the super­ day. Those who enjoyed the dinner ’ eaten raw Not all foiuts can tie taken vision of the Sunday school and the • An Interesting Cbrlstmaa program were, Mr. aud Mrs. ll 1» Wylie. k< u protect himself against Infection is 1 raw with advantage Most starchy public school pupils. After the pro­ was given at the school house Friday neth and Lucille, Mr aud Mrs. Frank cooking Most micro-organ lams harm­ { fluids such as cereals and potatoes afternoon. The program was well at­ ful to man are destroyed comparative gram boxes of candy were given to tended by relatives and friends of the Kingsley aud family, Mr. and Mrs ly easily hy heat Cooking has other and unripe fruit must of course lx» the children and presents exchanged. pupils. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington, the Robert Crawford and family. Mrs. Nel udvantages, ll softens food, makes rooked In oreder to tie mnde lit to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Phelps and two teachers, had charge. After the pro­ He Bryan and daughters, Mr. and Mia. II mote tender and enhances Ils eat. Those vegetables that are cook­ children. Evelyn and Robert, motored W. F Cline ano daughter. Bernice, Mr. ed should he boiled only until tender. to Roseburg Saturday and spent gram the children enjoyed their tree and Mrs. Charlie Meyers aud Doris ot digestibility. one of the moat Im We must not defeat the purpose iif the and presents. The school will have portal« functions In the preparation of Christmas with Mrs. Phelps sister. Mr a week of vacation. The (oUowing Sprlugfield, Mr Ira Cline, Mr. aud food Is to render It savory and ap food by destroying the good qualities and Mrs. J. E. Dent Mrs. U. Smith aud son and Mrs. Will hy overcooking peltsing Food that appears Inviting The ladles of Pleasant HIU will meet program was given: Dodd came for I he supper and spent Greeting ___________ Charllne Fish aids digestion by stimulating Ibe sec­ at the Mrs C. E Jordan home Thurs­ the evening. Many Holiday Weddings retion and flow of the digestive Juices. day to make a quilt for Mrs. O. M Bong, "Christmas Bells," ___ School James Maxwell and Arthur Sullivan Recitation, “When I*a Shaved Off His ” I hit log the past week marriage Ils- Williams whose home burned recently. Cooking, however, has some d I sail Whiskers." _______ _ Roscoe Cole ot l*ortland arrived Wednesday from eases have been Issued by the county Mr and Mrs M E. Hays spent vantages; there Is a loss of mineral Menlo Park, California. Arthur went Christmas with Mrs. Hays' mother at Recitation, ‘Father’s Present,"....... | to bis home In Portland. The boys and some of (he nutritive constitu­ clerk to the following: Ray t hr la tian. ____ '_______ ___ Richard Hardte Noll, aud Edna Trout. Elmira, Lesli« Roseburg. will return to California after New ents; there Is also a diminution In the ___ Laurence. Gayle and A wedding of much Interest took Song, vllaurtn property of food generally. Ooheen, Cottage Urovn, and t-ktna years While on their way they hue place at the Pleasant Hill Christian 1 UuroU*Jr Chase Zlnler, Creswell, Oren Fvfles. Eugene, the llckllah experience of being held Cooking Is an Important art. but aumi and Alice Clark. Medford: Vincent church Wednesday afternoon at two Recitation, "Just Before Christmas.” foods when rooked lose certain sub­ ... Charles Cole and searched' by officers who were McIntire, and Zeta Holland, both of o'clock when Miss Mildred Morning-' stances called vllamlns These are on the look-out for Hickman. star became the bride of Roy John. Song. Dorothy and Laurence Chase, found In the skin or coating of grain ('row; I-eo Goodman, Tidewater, and and Thelma Wells. Miss Mornlngstar Is the daughter jf especially rice, also In folk of egg. Beatrice Sassa, Glendale; A O. Addi­ Ptona Solo............. Arllne Harrington If your radio doesn't work well, let raw milk, fresh fruits and fresh vege­ son, and Ada Wilson, both of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mornlngstar of Enterprise, gradated from Pleasant Rec‘UU° n- ------------ »»oner ns tlx It. Fix It Shop, South Fifth tables such as peas, beans and toma­ George Tindall and Ines R u t, both of Patty Baer Phone 173. Hill high school in 1925, attended Recitation. x j-ii. toes. Some raw or uncooked foods Eugene. Robert Bridges. Gunther, and Normal for two years and Is now * Saxaphone Duet, .. Laurence Chase, sueh as lettuce, celery, fruits, and nuts Mildred Churchill. Isadpre; Bert Park­ Raymond Holton teaching at Goshen. Mr. John at­ CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W Emery should be used In order to supply the er and Quasi« M Nret. both of Eu- gene. tended Normal last year and is at Carol. “Silent Night." __ School girls on prices on plates and other work, tf necessary vitamins. present teaching at Tiernan. Oregon. Carol, “Oh, Little Town of Bethle­ hem," ............ ...............School Girls F. W Smith who has been at the hospital in Eugene for the, past month Recitation ...................... Leland Chase was able to go to the home of his ! Song. "Wily Do Bells at Christmas Ring?'' _____________ School Girls nephew. E. B. Tinker, for Christmas Arllen dinner but returned to the hospital Lullaby, Harrington, and Gayle and Dorothy again in the evening. Chase. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Curts and three children motored to Portland Saturday *'an‘°mlme. “Christmas Carol Sanford Holton to spend Christmas with little Vadette Piano Solo, Recitation, Dorothy Wells Curts who Is In the hospital there. Recitation............. Leslie Hard!-' Recitation, Lucille Nonda Piano Solo............ Leland Cha - - TH U R STO N I Play. — Negroes. Ruth Oldham Recitation, . Ralph Bonnie from Portland spent Chase Family Gathers ! last Thursday in Thurston. Followln an old family custom the Mr. and Mrs. Perry Beaman and son 1 Billy, from St. Helens, spent Christ- i Chaae ,amUi•‘,• iathered celebrate, : mas with Mrs. Beaman s mother. Mrs.! Chr:",ma’1 at •» W. Chase home Beulah Harbit. M ts . Beaman and ! December 26. Those who attende-J , Wonderful Bargain Offer made by thia NewH|iniflL- during tbe nlbnth of the dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. H. n. Billy are spending this week also. January. You will want to fiubwrlbe for a o n Ä iA th e a e leading m aga­ Chase, and family; Mr. and Mrs. Tru- Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Price and Perry zinea that you read nearly every day. / W ’ Price and Jay Grant. O. A. C. students , m“n ChaBe and ,ara"y; Mr and Mra Marvin Chase and family; Mr. and > < at Corvallis, are spending the holidays Mrs. Chester Chase and family; Mr. ' here with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Belmont Russell from I and Mrs. Homer Chase and family, | near Salem Bpent Christmas with re-1 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Chase; Mr. and ; Mrs. Lester Cyr and Dora May; Mr * ' latives here. and Mrs. Frank Kingsley and family; ! Leonard Beaman who is attending school In Salem Is spending the holi-, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Chase and ' daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Chase : days with relatives here. Re g. Price Special Offer Mrs. Genevieve Beaman and daugh-, and Jean; Mr. and MA h . Clarence American Magazine ........... $2.50 Hpringlleld N e is , $1.75, Both for $2.85 Chase, Mollie Madeline and Nancy ! ter, Zora, from Marshfield are spend-1 $2.00 Christian Herald ” $1.75, Both for $2.25 Ann; Maude Chase, Carol Chase, | ing the holidays in Thurston. ” $1.75, Both for $2.25 CoDtera ........................ $2.00 Gladys Chase, Merle Chase, J, W. \ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bertsch and ” $1.75, Both for $3.25 C osm opolitan....... ................ $3.00 family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edmlston Chase, F. B. Chase, Helen Wastell ' $2.50 Delineator ” $1.75, Both for $2.75 and Harry Wastell of Eugene; Mrs ' and family spent Christmas in Spring- $2.50 ” $1.75, Both for $2.75 Everybody« .Magazine John and daughter; Mrs. Dean anil j held the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. $3.00 ” $1.75, Both for $3.25 Good Housekeeping Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kingsley and sou McKlin. ” $1.75, Both for $1.85 McCall's M agazine............... $1.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Price and falmly ' of PaclOc Beach’ Washington, $3.00 McClure’s Magazine ” $1.75, Both for $3.25 motored to Blue River on Chrlstnms Mr “n'< Mra J K- p“ h and ,am"’,‘ $ .50 People’s Home Journal .... ” $1.75, Both for $1.25 and spent ,.ie day with Mr. and Mrs. Mr 1V d Mrg A’ C‘ B<,K“rt and "o“ oi , $2.50 ’’ $1.75, Both for $2.25 Screenland .......................... Felix SparkK Junction City, and John Lynch of ” $1.75, Both for $2.75 Sunset M agazine................. $2.50 Hazel' Edmlston. who Is teaching Springfield were guests of the G. It ” $1.75, Both for $2.75 True Story ........................ $2.50 at 5ft Helens Is here to spend the fam'ly Christmas day. I Community News • y Spacial W h e re T h e 8*4 W e n t B o w n Leading Magazines and The Springfield News A t Cost Save Money By Taking A dvan tage o f this Clubbing Offer h o lid a ys T he ftHBUg o f W «DflUng | Cecil Snider whose home Is in Colo-, accompanied by C. B. Bailey arrived I rado. who is a student at C. of O. this •$ J 14 home Monday. C. E. year Is spending the holidays w ith; Hs'b y w|ll remain for an Indefinite lyiren Edmiston, they are house. visit. brothers. ' Mr an<1 Mr"- A- c TrttVl1' enter , Clifford Weaver and Mrs. Mary Me talned their son (F. L. Travis of Se*t-> Elroy from Salem spent Christmas, tie, Mr, anu Mrs W. J. Morrow and j family of Tillamook, Mr. and Mrs. i with A. W. Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mathews enter ' W. M. Richards of Eugene, and Mr. : talned for Christmas dinner Mr. and and Mrs. Win. Brown ot Leslie, Idaho, J Mrs. Ross Mathews and family from Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Morrow Dexter, Mr. and Mrs. Lem Drury and returned to Tillamook Tuesday. I family from Jasper, Mrs. Alberta Master Eugene Morrow will remain ■ Weaver and children from Leaburg for a week's visit and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gray and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Maxwell and [ family. family were guests of the F. X. Gal­ Miss Marjorie Urant, wbo Is teach­ lagher family of Banta Clara Christ-1 ing at Coquille Is home tor the holi­ mas day. I Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnson, Randolph , I day«. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Adrian from Port­ Ingram and Miss Effie Ingram arrived | land spent Christmas with Mrs. from Roseburg Friday evening to Adrian's parents, Mr. and Mr«. Ruth. spend (lirlstmae with Mr. and Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Oray and O. H. Neal. They returned to Rose­ family from Landax spent Christmas burg Monday. here with relatives. Lucille and Miriam Male arrived | Mias Monica Ruth, who is attending I home Friday for the Crrlstmas Holl- Woman’s Home Companion, $1.00 Youth’s Companion ......... $2.00 ” " $1.75, $1.75, Both for $1.75 Both for $2.50 CHECK THIS LIST OVER CAREFULLY You can get any one of these m agazines and The Springfield News for one year for alm ost w hat you have to pay for either. THIS IB TH E GREAT­ EST READING OBVER OE TH E HIGHEST QUALITY MAGAZINES EVER MADE IN SPRINGFIELD. Act Today — Send in Your Subssription Money to — The Springfield News Phone 2 Opposite Postofllce