W ishing You a Happy, Prosperous New Y ear 1rHE SPRINGFIELD Ni F7.T5 SI’RINOFIBLD, LANE COUNTY, ORBOON, TWKNTY-FOUllTiI YEAR Rranluítnnfl? L eu p y « a r IO WELCOME I Bank* and School* Cloted, with Postoffice on Holiday Sche- duls; Booth-Kelly Mill Will Opearte a * Usual; Watch Night Parties are Planned. Springfield I n preparing for aiiolhui di-ublo holiday, to come thia week-end when, by virtue of a New Year's Hun day. It le decreed thal Monday, also, ehall be observed with sumptuous meals, leisure and other holiday fea­ tures. Hanks, some hualuess houses. an-' the schools will be closed Monday, noon, when It will he closed for the remainder of the day. There will be one mail delivery (employes of the llooth Kelly Lum­ ber company here, however, will earn their usual day's wsges on Monday, for It was announced this morning that the local mill will operute as usual on thal day. Plan Week of Prayer The churches of the city will de­ vote their Bunday services largely to New Year's toplca, and several church social affairs are centering around the holiday. The -week beginning Hunday has been set aside as a national week of prayer, and proper observance of this Is planned In Hprlngfleld. Prayer services will be held every night by the Baptist church, both at the church and at various homes, while similar plans are being made by other churches. At least two watch-night parties have been announced The Christian Kndeavorere of the t hrtstlan church will witness the passing of the old year and the arrival of the new at a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moon The usual watch night party features are planned. At the church parlora. members of the Epworth League of the Methodist church will swult the arrival of 1828. Osasss which will come to a climax at the stroke of 13 are planned. Special Services Arranged DELAYED REPORTS ON HEARING EXPECTED Further delay In the decision of the public service commission on the clos­ ing of Second street appears probable, according Io City Attorney I. M. Pet­ erson The Southern Paclflc. he said, has been granted until January 1 to submit Its brief In the matter, and 't will take some time for the commis­ sion to decide after Ihe brief la Aled. Other parties to the hearing have Aled their briefs, and are awaiting action of the commlsalon. The Springfield bridge plana have now been completed, but further action will be held In abeyance until (he cloning Is decided. The highway com­ mission and public service commis­ sion hope to get help from the 8. P. toward financing the span If the Second street rail crossing is closed. Bunday morning aervlcea wilt fea­ ture special music and sermons de­ voted to New Year's toplca. Rev. C. H. Blom of the Baptist church will speak In the morning on “Home Things We May Expect Thia Year.“ and In the evening at 7:M o'clock hla topic will be "How to Make 1828 the Best Year.** Members of the Christian church will begin the New Year with a busi­ ness meeting and dinner at the church CHRISATIAN CHURCH TO Monday night. HAVE ANNUAL SESSION LELA GRIFFIS WED Meeting at the church next Monday TO CLIFFORD HAYES evening, member» of the first Christ­ A wadding of much Interest here oc­ curred Tuesday evenln« when Miss I-ela Griffis, daughter of Mrg Georgia Griffis of this city, waa married Io Clifford Hayes. The wedding took place In Eugene at Ihe home of Rev. S Earl Childers, pastor of the Spring field Christian church. Mr. Hayes Is Ihe son of Mr. and Mra/ Robert Hayea, formerly of Springfield, now living In I - or Anegele. Mr. Hayes for some lime held an In­ terest In the Eugene Springfield auto park. Mra. Hayes hoe been employed ot Bgglmann'a enndy kitchen for a year, and has a wide circle of frleuda In Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs Hobart Pierce and eon, and Alex Mc­ Intosh left thia morning for Los Angeles The Pierces will spend a two-weeks vncatlon In the southern city, while It Is possible Mr. and Mrs. Hayes will make ihelr homo there. ian church will conduct their annual business meeting following a dinner served by the women's class. Repqrtg from depivtmrnl heads and comm j chairmen, election of varl- ou s^L jlftl officers, and consideration of } pr grflm of activities for Ihe new ydhr will bc\among Ihe features of the annual ycsalen. ~ ri Better Pay Some THURSDAY DECEMBER 29, 1927 LEAP YEAR POSSIBLY MAY ¿UT MEMBERSHIP MASONS. EASTERN STARS I N S T A L L OFFICERS AT OF LOCAL WIDOW CLUB TUESDAY NIGHT SESSION í ' L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 51 ( I l l APPOINTEES IB GET JIBS BACK Kidnapping Victim Membership of the. Springfield Joint Installation of officers of thu widows club, which has remained In- Springfield Masonic lodge and the lncl from tiny possible onalaughta of Cascade chapter, Order of the Kaateiu No Changes Contemplated By Cupid since the organization several Stiy. waa held Tuesday night at the -Awake ago. may receive a blow with lodge hall amid Impressive cere Mayor Bushman; Dr. L. S. monies. the arrival of IMP year. Kent Named Milk Inspector; Member# of the club admit this poa- The Masons Installed: ’. M Peter­ Local Man Considered for En* elhlllty freely, pointing out that there son, worshipful master; Sidney V. gineer; Installation Jan. 9. Is no doubt that leap year has Its Ward, senior warden; Roscoe Perkin». certain advantages. The widows have Junior warden; C. F. Egglmann, trees The new year will find the Spring* entered Into a pact whereby they urer; C. E. Wheaton, secretary; senlo- field city staff Intact, save for new agree that the Aral to again rlak matrl- deaenn, Levi Neet; junior deacon, appointments necessitated by the w«>ny will present others with a treat Harold Philips; senior steward. creation of new offices or the filling of Widespread knowledge o f tkls agree­ Harold Stewart; Junior steward, Carl old ones vacant for some time, it w l I ment. It Wt»a pointed out, may prove Pbetteplace; .. .er^J C. Ketele; ohap announced this morning by Mayor O. a deterrent to aome eligible man. who lain, J. F Ketels; marshall, Oswald G. Bushman. The official lest of w probably would have to provide thu Olson. polntments will be submitted by the money for the treat as one of the The Eastern Star officers Installed mayor »o the council at the first ISM first expenses of the marriage state. are Mrs. C. A. Swarts. worthy mat­ meeting, January 8. for approval, and Ih-aplte this, many of the widows are ron; R II. .am. patron; Mrs. Opal the officers will be Installed immedl* hoping ately. Roberts, associate matron; Mrs. Elsie "I doubt If (here Is a member of Martan Parker, 12-vear old ; Pollard, treasurer; Mrs. Jeanette The arrival of 1828 will see the be­ of Perry Parker, chief Ih e organization who would not forego Wright, conductress; Mrs. Jane Cro­ ginning of milk inspection In Spring- the Lot Angeles Trust and the advantages of the club for matri­ wn, chaplain; Mrs. Paul Schantnl. field, under the provisions of a recent­ ng» Bank, whose kidnapping mony. provided the right man appear­ slaying hat aroused Southern ly-voted ordinance, and Dr. L. S. Kent, marshall; Ada. Mrs. Margaret Ward; ed.'' said a prominent member of the fornia and the nation. Ruth, Mra. Hazel Adrian; Esther, who has charge of Eugene Inspection, group thia w«ek. Mrs Edna Dlppel; Martha, Mra. Mar­ has been named official milk Inspec­ The Aral leap v«-ar meeting, when tor for Springfield, Mayor Bushman garet Kenyon; Electa, Mrs. Lena MRS. FRANK PALMER these things cun ou talked over, will Frederic kit; warder. Miss Margaret PASSES AT LINTON said. Dr. Kent's appointment will be he held at the home ot Mrs. Vina Oorrle; sentinel, Oswald Olson. included in the list of 1828 officers. Mi l,uan on January «1. Services were held at the Natron Three officers were not Installed, Local Man Considered hut will take office at the first meet­ cemetery yesterday for Mrs. Frank Since the resignation of Simon LIONS HAVE CHRISTMAS ing In January. They are Mrs. Oer •I Palmer, formerly Irene Deane and for Klovdahl. the city engineer’s office TREE AT WEEKLY MEET trude Wilson, associate conductress; 21 years a resident of 8prlngflel(t. who has been vacant, but Mayy Bushman Mrs. Jane Ketels, secretary; Mrs died at Linton, Oregon, on Christmas i is making an Investigation of candi­ day. Rev. C. H. Blosn of the Baptist dates, and stated that the appointment Exchange of presents from a Christ­ Dora Neet. organist. church had charge of the services at of a local man for the Job Is being mas tree was a feature of the Linns the grave. club meeting at the W. O. W. hall contemplated. This appointment like- WOODCRAFT INSTALLS At the time of her death, Mrs. ly will be made In time for the council Friday. Each Lion received a gift of OFFICERS JANUARY 11 Palmer was 28 years of age. She Is meeting January 8. some kind, and Elmer Maxey wee survived by her husband, three chil­ awarded the grand prise when he re­ City Attorney Ira Peterson. Street Record attendance of members and dren, her parents, one sister and two Commissioner George Valller. Pollen ceived the lucky number IS. The guest» la expected at the annual In­ brothers, all of Linton, bat formerly Chief and Fire Chief Jess Smltsofl, prise was an electric toaster. The Lions purchased batteries for stallation of officers of the Neighbors of Springfield. all are In line for re-appolntment NJ the radio at the poor farm as one nt of Woodcraft at the lodge hall on changes In the make-up of the council* their charity g'fts nt Christmas time. January 11. Plans for the event were LIONS TROOP RESUMES manic committee organisation are W. F. Walker, president, who re­ made at the fortnightly meeting .u this Methodist Episcopal church will be set lation at Portland this week. Mrs. the rush. Pages was officially elected by the | honored at a party to be held Friday district. evening at the home ot the teacher. county teachers' group. To Attend Eugene Meet Much Interest is being shown in Mrs. A. B. Van Valsati. Games and Transient Injured Many Springfield people, members the Portland sessions, which Include John Kelly, a transient on his way refreshments are being planned by the on their programs many members of of the Christian church, will attend to Portland, was Injured when struck committee In charge. the county rally to be held at the Eu­ 8everal former members of the class the University of Oregon staff. by an automobile on the Springfield gene First Christian church tonight bridge Tuesday night, according to a have returned to spend the holidays Jesse Kellems, recently returned fro« NEW HAYDEN BRIDGE report made by local police. Kelly season with home-folks. These In­ South Africa, will be the chief IS NOW COMPLETED speaker. was able to continue his Journey clude Toni Lusby. Miss Sykes, Charles Girard, and others. north. Construction of the new steel Quarterly Muster Tonight bridge on the Wendltng road across Quarterly muster of the Springfield the McKenzie river has been com­ Attention To Him By Albert T. Reid pleted. and work of dismantling the National Guard troop will be held to* old Hayden Bridge, which it replaces. night, according to announcement of Is now under way, according to Coun­ troop officials. ty Bridge Superintendent A. C. Striker. One approach to the new bridge has been paved, and the other will be surfaced in the spring. The bridge Is built of steel. To Feature Springfield Springfield is to be featured in a j forthcoming Issue of the Oregon Stnte magazine, it was stated here today! by Albert C. Bouck, member of the | magazine staff, who is here gathering I materia! for the issue. The Oregon j magazine was established In Eugene i some time ago by Alfred Rebel. Dittos Hsvs Reunion Of Interest to Springfield people was Ihe reunion of the Oenrge Ditto family of Portland last week-end. All arq former residents of Springfield. Those present Included Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ditto of Junction City, Dorothy of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fish of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Del Buck- sum of Portland. Mr. George Ditto was a visitor In Fprlngrteld Monday. He Is conduct­ ing a grocery store In Portland. Party It Held The Junior church of the Christian church enjoyed a Christmas and New Years party at the church parlors Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Herbert Moon and Mra. H. T. Mitchell had charge. Religious Census Starts The religious census of Sprlngflelo Is under way this week, but has not progressed sufficiently for announce­ ment of results. The various church committees are busy canvassing the city, and will compile their reports when the Investigation Is completed. Choir 1» Entertained The choir of the Springfield Baptist church was entertained nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Carlton Tuesday right, -lacttce held by the group previous to the social hour. Re­ freshments were served by the hosts. Scouts are at Camp Lane county Boy Scouts this week are enjoying winter sports at the winter Camp at Cruxatte. No Spring- field Scout» were ahto to «sake the “ Ths Pzopls's Papar" Reports Money Stolen ¿2 U«»cc 5~T- n J. M. Thompson reported to police that some time Tuesday night a rob­ ber entered his home at 731 B street, taking 213 from his trousers which were hanging s i the end of the bad. The robber, he said, obtained ll.W from» his 'ses's trotwers. I TAKE STOCK Among your possessions It’s pretty safe to say you’ll find a score of things no longer of any value to you but which some one else needs. This is particularly true o f t h e farmer. Live stock, farm machinery, seed, anything you want to sell can be disposed of through a classified ad. You can buy through the want ad column, too. The cost of a classified ad Is negligible. Springfield Newt