J THE SPRINOFIBLD NEWS THURSDAY DEX'KMHER 22, 1927 ... ."" TRAIN SCHEDULE Springfield Stops Northbound No 32 . 2:38 P M No. 16 . ...................... 4 2 7 A. M Flag Southbound 9:33 P. M Flog No 16 .. No 81 ... .. 8:45 A. M Coach Rperlai for Klamath Falla and beyond, on flag at 2:01 P. on Sunday. Tuesday and Friday, 6CT RESULTS) M Call (he Fix It Hhop for estimates Hpeclnl Christinaa flower», either FOR SALE OR TRADE--White Leg TRACTOR CLINIC TO on Four plumbing and beating. Ho in plunta or cut flowora at Oldham* <4 horn chickens. Orant McOInnia, BE HELD DECEMBER 30 Finn near Ftral National Ituuk Phono Hehän tola. R. 1. D 15-22: The annual tractor school and "clinic” conducted by the Danner All kind* Ot In .m i. p i i t l i l l u g , K e ls o AFTER HHOPP1NO AROUND TOWN FOR S A L E W O O D mining J2 |,„r room and up. Roy Motor company of this city Is sche­ TAKE A LOOK AT OUR DISPLAY Koch. Call 135 J. tf. Old Orowlh Fir, Second Orowth Fir, duled for Friday, December 30, at Oak, Aab. All lengtba. Phone Spring- OF RELIABLE USED CARS—YOU the local garage at Fifth and A streets. NEVER SAW BETTER—THEN COM tf. All Hat tor the Holiday Cleaning-— field 104. PARE OUR PRICES. YOU'LL AOREE Representatives of the Ford Motors New JModnrn Cleaning Plant— Ona THAT THIS IS THE PLACE AND and Mitchell Lewis Impllment Distri­ rKy Warvloe. J K Llndaey, 240 Main UNBREAKABLE WATCH CRYS­ NOW IS THE TIME TO B‘UY AND butors will have charge of the affair. D. 8-16-22: TALS—Fincy shapes and regulars. A tractor twill be torn down and Hoyt's Carb Store. tf. SAVE. reassembled, with explanations of Its Wa apaclallaa in Swiss brarlet watch various parts. A luncheon will be 1926 Ford Coupe. reporting Hoy fa 221 Main Rtreet. If N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S served at noon. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Ford Touring. STATE OF OREXJON FOR LANE ■ Dodge Touring. COUNTY. I Willys Knight Touring. SEPTIC TANKS CHRISTMAS MAILING IS In the Matter of the Eatate of A. C. 1924 Butck Standard Coupe Ready for you to tnatall APPROACHING ITS PEAK Schoonover, deceased. 1924 Uulck Standard 4-door Sedan. For fam ily of live __ «21 The undersigned having been ap­ 1924 Bulck Standard 2-door Sedan. For family of eight - . jïg Peak of Chrlatmaa mall rush Is pointed by the County Court of the 1927 Bnlck Standard Roadster. at our plant to be reached shortly, as the final Blate of Oregon for Lane county ad­ Hewer Pipa—Orain Tila bags of packages and greeting cards ministratrix of the estate of A. C. Bulck "4" Roadster. Chlmne» Blocks Schoonover, deceased, and having 1923 Bulck Touring. arrive and depart from the local post- EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. qualified, notice la hereby given to the office. tf. creditors of. and all persona having Several Good Cheap Cara from «30 Out going mall has approached 50 claims against said deceased, to pre­ to «76. sacks dally this week, and the latter sent them, as required by law. within Easy Terms. part of the week Is witnessing the NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT six month" after the first nuhllcatlnn Nolle« la hereby given that T K of this notice tn the said Louisa heaviest Influx of Incoming mall for F. W. FETTYJOHN CO. Ehlwarda, Administrator o f Hi,. K» Schoonover at 4.14 Miner Building, Eu­ j Seventh and Olive SL Eugene, Ore. the season to date. On the whole. tot,, of E 11 Griffin. deceased, has gene, Oregon Springfield people were exceptionally filed hl" (Inal report and account as Dole of first publication hereof, tho Phone 1287. auek. with tho Clerk of th»- County Rih thoughtful o f the portal employees day of December. 1927. Court of l.une County. Oregon, and this year, and the result Is that no tho Court baa Ret Monday, January LOUISA SCHOONOVER. Adminis­ trouble Is anticipated by the local 14. 1928. at 10 0e o'clock In the fore. tra trix of the E la te of A C. Schoon­ HIGH SCHOOL TO GIVE staff. nnoa. tn the County Court Room in PROGRAM ON FRIDAY the Court House at hlugene, tome over de: eas' d Postmaster Hamlin reminded local County. Oregon, a" the lime and place SMITH A EVANS. Attorneys for people today that the postoffice win­ to hear objection» to ..ie same. and A d m in is tra tr ix , 424 541 Miner Bldg., The general public la Invited by dow will not be open at all on Sunday, for the final a.-ttlument of said estate Eugene, O regon high school officials to attend the pro­ T E Edwards. Administrator n m s? ;;» : Christmas day, and that on the follow­ gram to be given at the assembly hall W E I.L H * W K IX 8 , A tto rn e y s ing day It will be open only during tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock. 1» 1 6 -U -t« Ja ". l? the morning hours NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT featuring Christmas numbers, and In- eluding a one-act play. ‘ The Stock­ NOTICE OF FIN A L S ETTLEM EN T E sta te o f D orn L yo n s, Deceased RESPONSE IS GOOD AT Notice Is hereby given thn, Eva B. Notice Is hereby given that Jess, 1 ing's Revolt." Ht«g«hen»on. Administratrix of the Es­ Wallace, executor of the last will . The orchestra and glue clubs will MISSIONARY PROGRAM tate of J 8. Stevenson, deceased, has and testament of Dorn Lyons, de i give several numbers under the lead­ filed her final report and account as eeased, has filed In the County Court i Women of the First Christian su<4i. with the clerk of the Countv of the State of Oregon, In and fo r• ership of Miss Grace Potter, whose Court of Ltnr County, Oregon, and Lane County, hlx final report as such work In the music department at the church missionary society, who gave and that ten o'clock 'n th<- • high school Is receiving favorable a benefit pageant Sunday night, were the Court has set Monday, January 14. executor forenoon of Monday, tho 2nd day of j 1924 st 10 00 o'clock In the forenoon. January, 1928. at the Court room 1 comment. Thp play will be given un­ accorded a gratifying response by th ­ In the County Court Room In the thereof tn Eugene. Oregon, have been | der the direction of Miss Frances at dience and more than «20 was sent Court House at Eugene. Lane County. by the Court fixed and appointed as : Hodge, who has directed several suc- to the state mission board as a result. ( irvtgon. as the time and place to hear tho time and place for hearing ob ' The pageant was entitled, "Perfect obp- tlona to the tame, and for the Jectlons to snld report and for th« re s a fu l amateur performance« here in final settlement of said estate ‘ Love.” final settlement of the estate of said the past. UVA It STEPHENSON, Admlnls- deceased ■ traini JESSE WALLACE. Executor. it ____ J 13 > W E LLS * W E L L S . A tto rn e y » . A E WHEELER. Attorney, D If. 22 29 Ja 6 12 D t 8-16-22-2«: B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y l Phon» 130 M Life, Automobile and Fire Insurance CARL A. WYMAN Resident Agi.nt 754 D Street, Springfield. Oregon Rea. Phone 180 zibur Choice Of Any 5 Funeral Director — Rea. Phone 3 Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. (Jenaral Practice, Bpoclal Attention to Obstetrics and Diseases of chil­ li roo. First National Bank Building Springfield. Oregon WM. O. HUGHES , B I H 1 } ^WhisWeekOnly Ì^ÈWMAGAZINES AT W. F. Walker WILLI» BERTSCH. Prop. OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE 633 Main Street Successor to Button Transfer PIRE ARCHAMBEAU'S WOMENS SHOP Specialty Dressmaking Evening Dress«»— Hand Made Flowers — Hats and Coats Cor. Main and Second Streets. Phone 166 W Offers ItsReaders Plano Moving SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER OfBIca Phone 43 , AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office at 228 Main 8t. 62 J Resilience 125 C 8t 82M Full Auto Equipment l.ady Assistant DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phons 43 Plrrt Nat’l Bank Bldg., Springfield FIRST NATIONAL BANK Bprlnqflald, Oreqon MAX STOVE WORKS DR. N. W. EMERY DENTIST Sutton Bid» Phone 80-J Residence Phone 16S-M A n u n h e ard of b a rg ain . E no ugh re a d ­ ing fo r tha w h ole fa m ily — a w id e v a ri­ ety of high claae m agazines— all at a price to fit y o u r pocketbo ok. D o n ’t fa il to ta li« ad van tag e of this m oney- saving* o p p o rtu n ity . N o need to wai> aa R enew al» w ill be extended fro m d ate o f present e x p ira tio n . Will take your Old Style Range In exchange on a Later One. Main near Mill St., Springfield Springfield, Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO, 1 All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill •treat. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. General la w Practloa 1. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law City Hall Building Springfield, Ore. a tto rney at law D. W . NOTARY PUBLIC S Springfield, Oregon TYPEWRITER RIBBONS— Aa»orted mak.-a In black and blue In »toe* at rte Naw» office. For the convent