The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 22, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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    T 1 1VUS I )A Y 1IKCEM BEU
AAetxxiitE Nicholson
without leave, begged a breakfast and
walked until Archie cried for mercy
At the end of the fourth day as they
kicked their heels against the pier of
a bridge that spanned the Sandusky,
watchlug the stars slip Into their
Places In the soft tender sky. the Gov
ernor's quick ear detected the step
of a pedestrian approaching from the
"Vales* we've missed a turn some
where, that's Perky. A punctual chap,
this Is the exact time and place for
our meeting, and he should bear till
Inga of Interest In our affairs."
The man who was dressed like a
farm laborer, respoltdad carelesaly Io
the Governor's greellnr. and swung
himself to a seat beside him on the
hlllly and leave you here when I de hla If II leads Ills to kingdom come!
part, which will he tonight as dewv If you want Io see your Isabel again
follow Putney Congdon
Yon will of
eve spreads her sparkling robe
"Leave me here!
My God. twin, course he a model of discretion, hut
"|>o you mean to .ay you'll tell
I'm not going to he stranded In thl-i
him where you're taking his child?
w ilderness!“
•'I shall not of court» spoil the
'I*atlence, little brother, and not
quite so vociferous! This much I will
of kidnaping by taking Putnev
Impart; tomorrow morning Perky will Into my conUdence, Inn after Hie
whisper Io Kllphalel that the Govern I child's well out of the way I shall
ment la wise Io the gold piece trick send him a » ire telling him where
and that they are watched
I'erk,, Ills daughter may be found a gentle
will throw a scare Into him und then hint, bul sufficient to lease his curios­
he'll advise him to heal It. and the ity."
"You'll wire him where you’re head­
old chap will throw his arms around
I’ srky'a neck and beg for protection ed for when you haven't told me!"
" I'll Just whisper the addreaa In
Ami IVrky, with a reputation for
never deserting a pal, will setae him your ear and you'll do well to retnem
(Irmly by the hand and away they'll ber tt. Heart o' Dreams Camp, Hud­
Next. I take the little girl Into dleston. Michigan; post office, Calder-
my care and start for the canto* You. vllle. Good bye and God bless yonl"
Hut the Governor's blessing failed
Archie. wl'l remain here to watrh
Mr Ibitney t'ongdon. The part I'm to dispel the gloom that settled upon
assigning you flatters your Intwlll- Archie aa he crept through the shed
gence You are to iwatch Putney where the laborer* were housed and
t'ongdon and follow him when b<t | found hla cot
.The morning opened ausplcloualy
with a raking from Grubbs, who. (lut­
'P ut that rubrtish and listen to m
said Archie, his voice quavering w 'a ing Ih. t ' l l » Governor had decamped,
auger; "you think Hu going to toll»* most uiifci'iierously held Archie res­
him? What If he atavs nil summer! ’ ponsible for hla departure
laMik here, he asked suddenly, d'ye
"He won't," the th ■ ernor answered
(Continued on Page 81
He's going to follow that child ot
yacht, without “hutment.
her. but the father in la * is a m alicious ; est efforts to rent a
“What news of the lamb In the pas
mischief maker! I came here to meet confiding to Archie just what use he
K,„ .» .h i« ture?" ‘ he Governor Inquired
Ruth, who is an oM friend of hers, expeoed to make of it.
"The ........................................
lamb Is uot happy The
hoping she might be abld to deliver being in the market, the tto»*r»orI
I the little girl to me undetected 1 was . H about hiring . i tug and ; d
|h „
, .
from a dredg
. to run with Edith aa hard as I 1 « could leaae one for a mouth
- - k
ih . rvnorvation
for M mR O' Dream* ^ 1 . « eamp. lug company, paying caah and the
wages of the crew in advance, and
. you know, up m Mtchlgan
ti 1 »o imv
Th« trie and you drop Into the bat »•
an option to buy.
“How stupid I am! With a word you |
steps during the night; the intruder
Arthur B. Grover luma to be sent to
tn w woH hms h w || <pokrnt
fires at him and misses. Archie flies ! might have made unnecessary our a . Cleveland and held there for enters
We have but in J He might want to negotiate the lakes I r^ . h'J
in return. He doesn't know whether ' two altercations!
"The son hasc been long on the
he has killed or only wounded th-- moment more, and I shall give you
as far as Ouluth, he told the president
load What caused him to linger?"
man. but fearing the publicity, plans tabloid form my adventures to date
° f the company, who was surprised
Of the Governor he spoke guardedly.
"A broken arm. so the old man
to make hla escape. In his tligh, h
kne’w nothing aUmt ““J chagrined when the singular .Mr.,
has It; and repairs have been made
m eets 'The Governor "—a master-mind finding that Isabel
Saulsbury readily accepted a figure
in a hospital at Portland by the east­
criminal who mistakes him for a fel- him beyond a shadowy Impression she
that was Intended to be prohibitive.
ern sea"
low criminal Archie afraid to tell the had derived from Ruth that he was a
"We must be ready for anything.“ ,
Do I understand." Archie asked st
truth, falls in with “The Governor." A wanderer who had charmed her fancy
___ him to
_ ______
h* remarked to Archie. The signs |eng(bi "that tomorrow we're going
series of events . lead
believe When
he finished he said:
-W e can't
can't stay
stay here
here a any
1 . point to disturbance of great waters. ---------
Bb J . — . . on
•„ plantation
he has shot Putney
Putney Congdon—the
_ longer.
owner of the house. They precede to suppose; there's a young blade at the and there s nothing 1 e
• ng p e
k!(Jni|p h|ll granddaughter?"
Much as 1 hate to anticipate, Ar­
New York. where they are visited b , door looking for yon now. 1. there any
doub, „
chie. It's not only little Edith we're
Julia, the Governor's sister. Archie way I can setve you
“ w h ere aavinga a r e g r e a te s t
"Ruth has explained all that to Mr to his mentor’s connection with the going to kidnap!
We're going to
promises her he will stick with the
942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon.
underworld of which he talked so steal the old man too!”
Governor through the strange phase Staulsbury by now. She felt sure
entertainingly was removed. Reach­
she claims he is passing througn. that he would help; and. believe m-.
ing the city at midnight the car was
P8>e ____
While strolling In the park. Archie I have confidence in you
"I never saw a tramp yet that was
Archie and the Governor walked left at a garage dotwntown. their worth hla breakfast." snarled Grubbs,
sees Mrs Congdon with her two chil­
back to the hotel in the best of humor. ! trunks expressed to Chicago, and they
the foreman of Ellphalet Congdon'.
dren. and is witness to the kidnapping
of the little girl. Edith. He learns As they crossed the lobby the Gov-I arrived by a devious course at an farm. "There's some old hats In the |
ernor suddenly slapped hla p o ck ets; Ill-smelling boarding house. Here, the barn; shed them pies y' got on yer
from the Governor that the father-in-
and walked up to the cigar stand. A . Governor Informed him. only the aria-
heads and try C look like honest men
law of Mrs Congdon—a very wealthy
tall man In a gray traveling cap was tocracy of the preying profession anyhow."
man—is engaged in the circulation of
were received.
Special H eavy-W eight
counterfeit twenty-dollar gold pieces. talking earnestly to the clerk, mean­
After supper Perky strolled stray
Next morning Archie was dragged
The go to Rochester, where the Gov­ while spinning a twenty-dollar gold
In one direction; the Governor In an­
Glacier Flannel of special
ernor receives a letter from Ruth, the piece on the show case. The C over-1 from the hardest bed he bad ever other. and Archie, left to hla own de­
construction, aa
girl he loves, in which she tells him nor purchased some cigarettes and 1 slept in.
vices. fumed at thia desertion.
featured by the J. C Penney
he may be able to serve her. At a
An hour later, wandering Idly about
in nightwear —
where we get down
dance at Rath s home. Archie meets the stranger who absently responded , Governor. Here's
j , . ... . . k i . v . . . the premises, he stumbled into the
W A R M AS A B L A N K E T I T ­
and began tapping the coin with the
Isabelle! Now read on:
handle of a penknife.
"Mooning? Perky and I have been
Not many of those things in circu-
Cut full all over — big
-In spite of my warnings you con­
smoking our pipes off yonder in the
sleeves, ample elbow room:
tinue to follow me!" said Isabel wh-n lation nowadays." the Governor re- on a chair and bade Archie to get In- woods
He says old Ellphalet la
military collar Exceptional
they were established in the supper marked, thrusting the cigarettes into to It as quickly as possible
more and more delighted with his
value» at. per pair—
“We shall leave thia thriving city
work. The more he's delighted the
as farm hands eager to step softly
"Are we to have another row? 1
better the sport for us."
don't believe I can go through with IL" ¡ng dress and handed the coin to the upon the yielding clod. We go by | ”1 don't see where the sport comes
trolley a little way. and If you h a v e ,
"No; for rows haven't got us any Governor.
In!" said Archie testily. He resented
where. And Ruth whispered to me a I "What d y e think of that?" he never surveyed the verduous Ohio hla exclusion from the conference
M cn’a Glacier Flannel
Valley from a careening trolley car
moment ante* to be very nice to you ' asked.
with Perky and said so.
Night Shirts
While the gentleman on the other side j The Governor turned the gold disk
'•My dear boy. suspense is good for
of me is occupied we might clear up j to ‘he light and then Hunt It sharply i don't assume that we shall ride all
the onllttfur
counter, j ' 'Ilf
the M
way; It's afoot for ns. Archie! We the soul; I'm merely cultivating In
a ,..«
v* the wooden c end
St ,1 of tEu
matters a little.
shall be’ tramps seeking honest labor ?«u ‘he Joy of aufprlae
The disci-
“It's not in my theory of life to ex­ where it rang musically. He handed but awfully choosey about the Jobs pH“» of w aiting will sharpen your
plain things; I tried explaining myself it back with a smile.
wits, which is Important, as I mean to
“The real thing, all right! Wish I we take!'
at Portsmouth and again at Benning
honor you with considerable responsl-
ton but you were singularly unsym- | had a couple of million Just like It.
pathetic. Please be generous and tel!
”I‘ 8 a good thing yon haven t! the
roe whv yon were skipping all over man remarked with a grin.
New England, darting through trains
“It doesn t seem possible we can
and searching hotel registers and lo se!” he sa;d when they reached
manifesting uneasiness when police- their rooms. “There will be cross-
men appeared."
. currents yet; but a strong tide has
•’It occurred to me after the Ben- set In, bearing us one. ’
afngton interview that I might have
“That chap was Dobbs, a Govern-
been unjust, but I was in a humor to ment specialist in counterfeiters, and
suspect everyone. When you said that twenty-dollar piece had almost
you'd shot putney Congdon you fright- ‘he true ring, but not quite. The man
ened me to death. Of course you did who turned it out showed me the dlf-
nothing of the kind!”
ference only yesterday. Perky? Car
"This Is wonderful chicken salad," tainly! He said Ellphalet Congdon
he said hastily. "I beg you to do it bad taken a bagful to pass on the un- I
full justice. The people about us must- wary. The old boy had changed a
n't get the idea that we re discussing lot of them in New England and the
homicide Now, to answer you ques- Government is not ignoring the mat­
tien 1 had shot Mr. Putney Congdon ter.
and in edging away from the scene
"You don't think old man Congdon
of mv bloodshed I was guilty of other ‘la8 been here lately?" asked Archie,
indiscretions that made me chatter
’’Only a day or two ago! I picked
like a maniac when I saw you."
that up while I was buying my maga-
“My own nerves had gone to pieces zine. Congdon bought some stogies
or I shouldn’t have flared as I did at at ‘he cigar stand and changed that
Portsmouth and I was even more ir twenty. “W e’re all loaded for Ellpha-
responsible when I saw you in that let, Archie. After you told me your
parlor car at Bennington. And please kidnapping story. I telegraphed to
don't think that because I am showing Perky for all the possible places
you so much tolerance I am wholly where the old man might be. Perky
satisfied that you weren't trying to has ranged the country with him and
thwart my own criminal adventures, from his data we can keep tab on the
When we met at Portsmouth I was
hoy. Dobbs knows nothing of
though she be miles away—shopping, out
Plcture Mother's delight on Christmas
trying to meet poor Mrs. Congdon ‘he kidnapping; it’s the gold piece
for recreation or nway with the children; w
somewhere to help her kidnap her ‘hat interests him. I overheard
i ful, modern range In her kitchen. Our fewer kitchen hours, easier cooking; bet­
enough to know we're on the right
little girl!'
special Christmas offer makes It the easi­ ter cooking— without watching or guess-
“Edith—i lovely child," Archie re­
Ing; a range easily kept “as clean as a •
est of all gifts to give.
marked, and picked up the napkin farm In Ohio. Perky spent a month ;
china plate” ; cleaner utensils; cleaner
that slipped from her knees. He en-
8uper-automatic cooking, done perfectly kitchen.
we've got to do, Archie, is to find the
Joyed her surprose.
“If I hadn’t been warned by Ruth Congdon child and turn her over to
that you were to be trusted in this your Isabel and my Ruth. A very
business I should begin screaming. pretty Job. demanding our best at­
How did you know the child's name? tention.’’
“But we're not leaving here until—’’
What do you know about the Cong-
“You were about to say that we
lA L I B E R A L
“Volumes! Let my Imagination play f"an ‘ shake the dust of Rochester
on your confession. You were trying , fcom o ° r sandals before we've made
to find Mrs. Congdon and whisk the our Party calls. Alas, no! We shall
child away to your camp, when I ran ; nn‘ communicate with our ladles
into you. Vou had missed connec­
tions with the mother and thought I confidence In us and find the Congdon
was trying to embarrass or frustrate child. It’s still the open road for us,
Goodnight and pleasant
you? I had troubles of my own and Archie.
you couldn't have done me a greater dream s!”
The new car which the Oovernor
ountain tates power company
"Mrs. Congdon was In a panic, skip­ purchased proved to be a racer and
rfY /'w
ping about with the children to avoid he drove It with the speed of a king's
her husband; but it was really her m essenger bearing fateful tidings.
“We ride for our ladies! Let the
father-in-law who waa pursuing her.
Mrs. Congdon loves her husband and constables go hang!"
At Buffalo the Oovernor made earn-
from what Ruth says he’s devoted to
Isabel Perry recommends a life of
crime, adventure, romance and ex cite
w ent aa a cure for Archibald Ben
nett's nerves. Archie goes to Bailey
Harbor to inveatigate a house for hia
•later—and .p en d , the night in .he
empty hoaaa. He is awakened by foot
I 927
25 Anniversary]
Glacier Flannel Pajamas
W A I I E F 8»
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$ 3 .9 5 U P