TUB HPRBomBLD NEW8 THURSDAY DECEMBER 22, 1927 PAGE POUR COMMUNITY In Merry Christmas appreciation of your H ap p y N aw Year peroua New Year. The Farmer« Exchange Mutt and Jett J. FULOP, Prop. SERVICE STATION Bell Theatre May you have a Christmas that will linger long In the treasure chest of your mem­ ory. We wish yo a merry, merry Christmas, uid express our npprec iatloi of your patron- age, which as made ours so happy. To our friends, loyal and true; to our valued friends; and to thorn* whose friendship we strive to deserve we heart­ ily wish unmeasured happi­ ness and good f o r t u n e throughout the coming year. First National Bank Gray’ilCaih and « Grry Independent Meat Company of Springfield Just a word of Greeting That’s old yet ever new A Merry, Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year too. W. F. Walker CHRISTMAS 1927 At this season of Peace on Earth, Good WIIJ to Men, The Willamette Press Joins in best wishes for a Merry Christinas and a Happy New Year. To our fellow merchant« as well aa the cltlxen body of Springfield we extend the season's greetings. A Merry Christmas! Christmas never found us more Indebted to you, our friends, than during this year. The beet of the sea­ son to you! Springfield Bakery J. F. Nadvornik FRED FRESE, Prop. THE TAILOR E R. Danner Motor Co. Accept our good wishes tor continued Prosperity and Happiness also our thanks for the favors re­ ceived from you during the past year. NEWLAND’S E C. STUART AL D. W. Roof b ts A U T O C S »T fg It la our hope that we may continue to serve you In the future—not however without thanking you for your past favors and pausing to wish all a very Merry Christmas. In almost tw o thousand years, nobody has found a simpler, more sincere way of greeting, than by saying, “Merry Christmas.” We must rely upon the old form. Ketels’ Drug Store Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. Jeweler “The Home Print Shop" We wish you even more than we wish for our­ selves this Christmas. PRATT HOLVKRSON Wishing you a most enjoyable 1 Christmas and all g o o d ) wishes for your health and 1 happiness In the coming year. I i The Willamette Press PAOB FIVE CHRISTMAS GREETINGS The beat we can wlah for la that, until we wlah again, we remain aa food friend* aa we hare In the paat. Good W ill wa extend the Seaaoa't Greetings and wt»h for you A m o il I ’roa- AND THURSDAY DECEMBER 22, 1927 cc The dollars that come In over our counters go out again in trade. But your friendship we have locked into the vaults of our hearts—our most dear possession. A merry Christmas to you! At this Holiday Season we think of our customers as our friends. We like to feel that in a broad sense our custom­ ers are our partners—that our succ ess is hut a reflection of theirs. And so on the eve □f a New Year, we extend to you our hearty good wishes. Eor your past favor—and with a hope for your contin­ ued friendship—we pause to send forth earnest greetings and a wish for a Merry Christmas. 1927 If Christmas finds you happy, ami leaves you glad—then will this Yuletlde season have fulfilled our ardent desire. M o u n t a in S tates P ower C o m p a n y J I JOHN HENDERER, Prop. If Santa brings us nothing more than the assurance of your continued friend­ ship, our Christmas will he very merry. C. E. WHEATON “A ” STREET Service Station HARRY WHITNEY ROY OWEN FRANK LOGAN AGAIN the nentiment behind the nxprcsslon, la what counta. Hearty Christinaa creet- Inga to you! M. B. Huntly DELICATESSEN At This we wish to appreciation and sinceri yours a Joy! a ITosperoti liday Season ress to you our past favors wish you and Christmas and < ew Year. we wish you and yours A Merry Christ­ mas and A Prosperous New Year. W. N. Long Plumber i With full appreciation of the many courtesies shown dur­ ing the past year we extend our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. White Front Grocery Flanery’s Drug Store Wright & Son Henderer Electric Kindest Thoughts and Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year. ijriöttnnä -Peace on Earth—i thought sent through mortal flesh —gave to man a vision whih has survived through more than nineteen hundred years of strife ever advancing until today, na­ tions know and have turned to discussion of outlawing war. It was not nor is not a false promi e from creative power. Instead only a rule of life, so simple tha man has found it difficult to be­ lieve and follow its tenets. It i this; “A Little Child Shall Lead.” With that understanding, true 1 mility and simple faith, the won­ Not by might, ders of “ Peace on Earth” unfo not by power; but by the Spirit >f God born in the life of man. HAIL CHRIS MAS. Casey Service tion f Main an Seventh St. Christmas never comes, but It leaves us with renewed memories of our most cher­ ished possession — y o u r friendship and understanding. S p We wlah you the biggest chockful of the beat that stocking you can Imagine, life can afford you. A Merry Chriatmaa. Springfield Mill & Grain Co. W. A. TAYLOR, Prop. Service Garage W. M. RODENBAUQH Accept our sincere good wishes for Prosperity and H appiness; also our thanks for the favors dur- ing tha past year. May the good fortune we wish you thia Christmas, be with you throughout time. Merry Chriatmaa! Simple, but aa sincere aa the moat elaborate wlah we might conjure up for you. Turner’s Novelty Store HARRY M STEWART FUEL CO. Jolliff-Scaiefe Motor Co. - M • - . , - ad -