I “BLACKSHEEP” (Cuntluuixl (rum Page >) know anything about horausT” "Oh. I've always been «round PAGE 8 lX T U B S P R IN O F IE U ) NEWS THURSDAY DECEMBER 22. 1927 Community News By Spacial Corraapondanta of the county council. Mr. Tyaon FR IEN D S KEEP RECORD I urged that Springfield Scout» take OF 16 YEARS SPENDING advantage of the opportunity for a few HOLIDAYS TO G ETH ER I dayg winter aporta, recreation and Instruction. Much pleasure wa» derived from the first visits, and they determined to keep the custom. Not once has tt been broken, and this year at For sixteen year». Mr and Mrs C. Thanksgiving time Mr..and Mrs. Vinc­ K. Wheaton and Mr. and Mrs. Bert ent were Springfield visitors as guests Vincent have spent two holidays to­ of the Wheatons. gether annually. This record 1» not to be broken thl» year, and Christmas Christm as Party Enjoyed I day will find Mr. and Mrs. Wheaton, j of this city, guest» at the V incer’ A pleasant Christmas party was en­ ¡ home In Eugene. The plan, adopted long ago, was joyed Monday evening at the home for the Vincents to be guests of the of Mrs. L. A. Tobáis. The affair was Wheatons on Thanksgiving day. Then, In the nature of a shower, accorded reciprocating, the Eugene folk were Mrs. Francis Plummer by women of to entertain the Wheatons on C h rist the Springfield Baptist church. Boy» over 15 year« will pay a fare John »on arrived from Aatorla Hun of 15 15 for transportation by tm ln horaaa," »«W Archie. "Guess I cm day for a day*« vlalt at the O. H. Neal | UPPER W IL L A M E T T E handle 'em «11 right.'* homo Monday they motored to Rose to the camp. Thoae under 16 will pay 1186. The train will leave at 6 30 "Well, go to thn barn «nd clean lip I’rof ami Mr«. K. K. Kilpatrick burg where they will vlalt for a few a. m on December 27. and will re the |»>ny. «ml cl«P on u Ixty's saililLt day« returning to apeud Christina« turn on Friday or Saturday. Heavy you'll find there; mid there'» a «urrul drove to Ashland laat Monday. Prof. with Mr. and Mra. Neal. clothe», mess kits and food should mare In the |«»t stall on the left you Kilpatrick returned Tuesday but Mr». can take The old man'» grumlduugh Kilpatrick will remain In Aahlan I he taken by the boy» making the ter want» to ride. I gotta wn»te a where »he will undergo an operation trip. Scouting officials here will give TH U R STO N flora« rlahl now »« a grown n a n ran for removal of her toualla. further Instructions. Christmas vacation at the Pleasant play with a kid! Oue»« all them The T eína club met with Mra. Roy Coagdon'a got »otnethlng wrong with Hill high school will begin Friday Edmlaton la»t Wednesday, there were LEGION PLAY BRINGS afternoon December 23 and extend 'em! The old man’» »kipped thl» morning without »aytn' whether he'd until Tuesday January 3 The public sixteen In attendance. >75 IN TO TREASURY Mra. HUI from California haa spent ever be hark again not only that, arhool will only have Monday Dec­ hut he'» took a arrub I wa» usin' aa ember 2« and Monday January 2 for several days visiting her »on. James, Funds for Brattaln school equip- I and family. She Intend» to go on to ment, and for funding the American vacation. handy man on the place The Plea»ant HUI ba»keteer» twill W«»h1ngton to »pend the holiday» Legion post debt, were Increased by I Archie »et off »tolldly for the barn . Hl» . . . appointment ...................... — ____ . for .. — more than »75 as a result of the play, j a» . groom the meat Mohawk team next Friday at ' there parly to her abduction, and danced Mohawk Mohawk defeated the Pleas- The Ladies Aid are going to give • His Uncle's Nelce,” given at the Bell j pu y was daughter of Ihttney Congdon wa» only 1 »nt HUI boy« three week» ago so the , a chicken dinner and baxaar tn In the h()Ug(. waH trowdr<,_ Bnd j Thurston hsll on Thursday December pronounced a success another Ironic turn of fate The child hoy» are looking for a hard game. came running Into the barn lot follow* The Pleasant HUI girl» basketball 2«. The public la Invited Dr Carl Phetteplace. Elmer Maxey, ed by the woman who had been a learn defeated the Creswell girl« laat Eula r Halleck. enw 0 Mr, > |l. H and UH s Mrs. w a in . swv.eass Noah a Hildebrand a . . u - . . . « ..» . iU llf* C K , L Catherine B U IC r iO C n H C I em MCM we