THURSDAY DECEMBER 22. 1 »27 THE 8PRJNQFIHLD NHWtì P A G I TWO W ilto n s E n tertain THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Pubi,»bed Every Thureday a t OR. FRANK CRANE SAYS Springfield, l-ane County. Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H K M A X E Y . Editor. Miss Rsbhan Home — Mias Con I stance Itebhan. student in O. S I'., 1« i of M a rn ila was a visitor here Friday, affair. vlsltlns her parents here B rew er In Town— Hoy llrvw .-r of There were seven laldea of bridge. Here From M areóla— l.em Beisset F all C rvek waa a visitor here M euda, DelieloH* refreshm ents were served of M arcóla paid Springfield a business Physicien at Maroota— Dr. W . II. by the hostess visit Friday. i Pollard tuade a professional call at NOW ENJOYS EATING. H arrisburg Man Hare— T. D. C arr M areola early Monday THE RIGHT KIND OF PATRIOTISM A patriotic deed Is one w hich reflect* honor and glory upon one's country. M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E We recognize General G rant, the Duke of Wel­ One year in Advance-------»175 Three M o n th s------- 75c a . M o n th s ______ _________ »1 00 Single C o p y ------------- be lington and Napoleon as patriots because they led arm ed forces of their respective countries. T H U R S D A Y D E C E M B E R 22. 1S>37 The exploits of Colonel Lindbergh, together ° f H arrisburg was a local visito r fh with that of Chamberlin and Ix'vine. have glorified dsy. MOVE FOR NEW FEEDER LINK the United States. But this glory was not offset Break« Leg In F all— Jam«» Vaughn, Surveys have been made and right-of-way is by any ran co r incurred by other countries. France broke hie leg In a fa ll from ali oak reported to have been pun hast'd for a new n til- ; and Germ any were Just as enthusiastic in ........ ac- ire « while playing Saturday. road up the South Fork of the Santiam trom Leb- > the exploits of our fliers as we were, gnon. Just who is back of the move has not -pj,js is right kind of patriotism and partiotic Mra. H arris H ere— Mrs. Archie yet been officially announced but it is indicated aejjon. for p ¡s one which exalts one's native H a rris of M a b u rg was a visitor here that It is either the tim ber owners or the railro ad s.; countrj. and a j sam,. time does not awaken thia week. W eyerhauser and Louis Hill, of the Great North- anim osity In other peoples. am railroad, are two of the largest tim ber holders., Vndoubted|y Thom as Edison has glorified his W a lta r v illt Man In— C Sylvester of Both the Santiam and the McKenzie river J » H Own countrv quite as much as General Grant W a lle rv llle transacted business here leys are marked for development in the next few . On R votp taken ,n b>anee recently the most Saturday. ara. They are the rem aining poten ta les of popular Frenchm an was found to be not Napol- W endling People Here — M r. and ge ----------- tim ber stands. . , The . sam . e . tim ber . . owners u. v con. but Louis Pasteur. M r* Howard Mol »on of W endling *re largely interested in both watersheds w h ic h , So 1>arwin and Jenner bave done more to exalt ■poni 8uuday In Sprlngfleld Join on the ridge between the two stream s. 'th e prestige of England than l»rake and Wel- There are 10 billion feet of tim ber on the Me- iingt„ n Hara From Canyonville — Misa Kenzie watershed with owners anxious to C“ 1 ° r | Koch and Goethe have spread the fame of Ger- M adeline Miles of Crmyonvllte was a dlspose of it. Furtherm ore the bouth Fork of le m any fa r more than Von Moltke and Ludenberg, Sprlngfleld visitor Monday. McKenzie offers a good entrance into eastern and and Bellanca have made Italy Home From Hospital— Mrs. M S Oregon by a connecting road which would be fam ous and are neUUed , o , he gratitude of their Sw alley returned to her home from flanked with m ervhantible tim ber even at i countryp quite as much as Garibaldi. Summit of the range below the bouth Sister at Tolstoy has done more to spread the renown (he Puelflc C hristian hospital Sunday Elk Lake. . . . °f Russia than all her warriors. Undergoes O peration— George ltux This throw s a welcome light upon true patriot- ton was operated on at the Paclflc A bridge scene on the Columbia River highway ¡gnt fhich is found in that harm less rivalry of I Christian hospital Monday by a local —a picture taken in California." appears below a achievement by the members of the various na- ; surgeon. half page cut of Multnomah falls in the current tional groups. Issue of the American magazine. We can expect There is no bad blood in this competition. Then« Returns to M arshfield— Miss Lucille to hear of a riot breaking out in Portland any js nothing gained for one country which is not j Olson ha* returned Io Mershfleld h itle r visiting Mrs H u rl McPherson time now. equally valuable for the whole world. Will those eastern m agazine editors never We are learning that to be a good national is i here. learn their geography? Can it be that they do to be a good world citizen, and the applause of In From Lorane— M r and Mrs not now where the Columbia river—the thin! m ankind is quite as valuable as the applause of F ra n k I'a rrls o f txiraio- visited over largest stream in the United States— is located? one's fellow citizens. I We .propose to all western newspapers the way to In order to elevate our country and to magnify j ,h'' * ',,k >nd at the home of M r and m ake an impression on these eastern w riters is it. it is no longer necessary to go out and k ill! Mr*" B W. Collins. whenever the Hudson river is mentioned in the somebody to annex some other territory; It is Miss Duryse Home— Mias D e E tta press, refer to it as being in Florida. better to *lo som ething that shall excite both the Duryee returned from Monmouth, Stared aa second class m a tti r, February St. I »03 at the postone«. Springfield, Oregon % • • • Mere From M arcias— C arl Johnsou emulation and the applause of the whole world. If it had not been for the gruesom e m urder of True patriotism consists in m aking our countrv the little Parker girl we would pay th at this m ur- stronger and better and not necessarily belittling der chase in Southern California was another another country. moving picture set up— something to keep Los Angeles in the limelight since Aintee has ceased Com ment» to produce any more sensational copy. The vil- llan always seem s to get away in the glare of CAN C O N F IS C A T E S T O L E N CAR California sunshine. W e s tfir People M e re — M r end Mrs W a lle r G rlflln of W estflr were Sunday visitors al the K. W Collins home Down from Rainbows— Mra. George W illia m s of llalnbow visited Spring field Monday. M ita Perkins Returns— Adeline Per kina, mho has been visiting her fath er some lim e at M apleton, haa returned to here home here. V is it at Salem — M r. and M r* Mansion Adam * and M r. aiat M r* W a lte r lotxlon were Sunday v is ito r' a t Salem If your name Is spelled backwards or anyother mishap.-* befall an\ Item of nows oom i-rnin k von please don't blame this newspaper too much, You see our reporter has become a father for the first time. Any and all of you who may have gone through that experience for the first tim e can •ym pathize with him and pardon his mental stat The Springfield News pereonel. M ssrs. Mal­ colm Epley. E. E. Pync, Fred V> ith and Mr. an.I Mrs H. E. Maxey, wish you all a very M< rrv Christmas. • • • HIS WIFE "F o r years I suffered w ith stomach trouble Then, my w ife got me to lake A dlerika Today I feel fine and eat what I like."- -W m . Opp Adb-rlka relieves stomach gas and sourness In T K N minutes. Acting on B O T H Upper and lower bowels. Il re­ moves old waste u m tler you never (bought wae In your system L et Ad- b rlk a give your stomach and bowels a ItK A I, cleansing and see how much better you w ill feel. It w ill surprise you! Flanory'a Drug Store. For general plumbing and re p a ir work call the Fix It Shop, phone 17*. South F ifth Street. J 12 START NOW In « fc •hs’r t »nofuh« v»'u can h r f hu tc fH M ilttonand o n ( h r rtwtU to You can go te h rre yuu u « n t . huv w h at you w an t* l)E w h a t yo u w a u l, w h e n yo u to m h in e the a b ility w ii!t t n r n ^ h t tra in in g . Write I *’•»<«•» » n i l St *1 v r C m Dr. Geo. A. Sii Specializing in Tonsils > Over Penney’s Store Phone 355 We Eugene ; h > s UU> u * !••( s*«r. |l< hnkc-Walkcr BU SIN ESS C O U FGE ; where »he Is attend ing school, last Saturday atul w ill spend .the holiday* here and in Eugene. W inxanreids Back— M r. nnd M r* John W lnxenreld who have been aw ay from the c ity since Septem ber , have ik turned T h e y spent a l l iweek* at New port and the rem ainder of the ( T he question has often been raised by motorists a* to tim e In Portland. Both are Improved th eir responsibility If th e ir automobile is stolen and used in health and say the are glad to he In the transportation of Intoxicating liquors Would It be back in Springfield. forfeited to the Governm ent w ithout regard to the rights >f the owner? M a n y H e re F r id a y — A m o ng out of- M otorists have also been desirous o f know ing th e ir res tovrn visitors here F riday were M r*. ponsiblllty If they loaned th e ir car to a friend o r gave a I Tobe L itte re ll. W endling; Mrs F K i “lift' to a stranger and the car wag veiled while the friend i Roberta, Jasper; l.em D ru ry. Jasper; or stranger carried a hip flask containing Intoxicating G A. F in dley, L o w e ll; M rs Fr.-d liquor meat? THANKS Returns to W ashington— M r* A T M eier returned Io her home at H ihju lam. W ashington, a fte r visiting her sister, M rs A C Peillcurd Editorial “Live languages in schools” will be the chief topic of the next State teachers convention In Portland. This doesn't mean flapper slang or *Uek jargon they are going to discuss but foreign languages spoken today as compared with the TO- ma nee languages—Greek, Latin and what not. M r and Mra Clifford W olsln were hosts to more than 3« friends at a parly held Monday evening. The house was a llra . lively decorated in keeping w ith the holiday sp irit, and the party was eutlrely a Christmas FREE DELIVERY e Free .afternoon deliveries daily in Springfield, Phone us your needs before noon. QUACKENBUSH’S HARDWARE — HOUSEWARES FARM EMPLIMENTS. 160 East Broadway Oregon w ouid their can t o ■ ■', .i -1 ■; . • • ■; . N(1 , T h e Oregon State Motor Association In Investigating-th<- ' I'am p C ree k ' ibove question find* that the best legal opinion holds i. Hr< Fr„(1 <*rai,tr,,. M t * J w.iinc F Moore. F il l i . v that the Federal G overnm ent has the right m d. m .n.i t h - v . t i h . , * . H ea»..n t m u . Mrs v.-ri • fo rfeitu re of any vehicle seized by its agent* w hile b- Ing i T hn yer. Oakridge, and Mr». F. iused to transport or conceal Illicit into xicating liquor* h ' M allndn, McOlynn. makes no difference. In law at I- w hether t h - vel is an autonxihUe, wagon, boat or bicycle, nor ■the ■ p< rson in control Is the owner bailee, condlt : tl vend-e REBEKAHS GREETED BY ! or thelf. OLD MEMBERS AT MEET The statue giving the Governm ent this unlim ited power Now that “His Uncle’s Niece” has come and la known as Section 345«. Revised Statutes Under I gone the town is back to normal. But there is when liquor IS being carried o r concealed, the vehlcl still some people who insist in “kidding” th ; I becomes “tainted with the crim e" and may I»- forfeited actors and actresses. to the G overnm ent through proper proof In a libel action • • • As the situation now stands, the Governm ent may have If a few more Eugene tax levies are invalidated any vehicle forfeited If It can prove that at the tim e the city government will have to be abandoned for vehicle was seized It was being used to ••conceal or de­ the lack of funds. Those small towns do have posit” Illic it intoxicating liquors on which the proper their troubles. Federal tax had not been paid T he statute applies to • • • every bootleg liquor case w hether the Intoxicating bever­ Sit tight and hold on—It won’t be long now. age Is »n a container in the ear o r In the pocketa of a per Another week and the old year is gone. son who Is* In the car — O. 8. M. Association. G reeting cards from many forme! trom berà of the lodge were read at the unnual homecoming of the Rebekah lodge at the I. O. O. F. hall Monday night. In vitatio n s to attend the session had been sent out to all | form er members, and many of these | responded w ith message». Including several from out of the state. Ea. h F o rty attended th«- reunion. Re- W h » called upon for a short talk fre*hm ents were served. Making Refractions Every Day for Many Years Is a Valu­ able Asset in Our Work. ¿Pl Seaman W ffloody Suite 831 M in er Bldg. Eugene, Oregon, Telephone 362 See our Azaleas, Cyclamen, and Poinsettia» before you plan your C h ristien * flower gifts. Oldhuin Ä Schanlol. I f your radio doesn't work w ell, let F ix -It Shop, 9outh F ifth ns fix It. J-12 Phone 172. F O R S A L E — Carbon paper In large sheets, 26x39 Inches, suitable for m aking tracings. T he New s Office. To Our Patrons and Friends On the tide of seasonal good wishes follow­ B lank ITo m issory notes and re celpts printed and In stock at the N e w t office. A Christmas Suggestion Perhaps you haven’t con­ sidered glasses— But m any a father or m other would have 305 days of pleasure and enjoy­ m ent if the Christm as gift was a pair of our Invisible Bifocals. Secure one of our Gift Certificates. Also our beau­ tiful "L eather Gift Cases” m ake an attractive present. Dr. Ella C. Meade O p to m e tr is t WATTS OPTICAL CO. No. 14 8 Ave. West Eugene, Oregon ing your way, let us assure you th at none are more sincere than ours. May we express the hope th a t the year draw ing to a dose, has brought you Peace, Plenty and Contentm ent, and th at the New Year holds in store, more prosperity and good cheer for all of our custom ers and friends, Sincerely yours, Commercial State Bank SPRINGFIELD Protected by Electric Burglarly A larm Syatem A GOOD B A N K IN A GOOD C O U N TR Y