The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 22, 1927, Image 1

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Shopping Day«
Festivities to Be LOS ANGELES SLA VER
Enjoy edChristmas REPORTED IN EUGENE
Many.Cnther Her« Under Home
Was William Edward Hickman In
Roof« for Holiday; Other»
City Divided Into Four Section«,
Visit Elsewhere
the question that la being
to be Ci»nvn»»ed Thoroughly
Christmas day will find many Investigated by Sheriff'« office today,
By Vnrioua Churchea in Inter-
following the report that Hickman,
» eat of Chriatian Work; Infor­ gathered In Hprlngfleld from else- the Loa Angeles girl killer and muti­
to rt-tiKWi old family lie » or friend­ lator, waa seen In Seattle laat night.
mation Baaia of Programa.
Homecomings and reunlona
are being planned throughout the city,
and Incoming trains and buses will bo
carrying the vtaltora today, tomorrow,
Saturday and Sunday
Many, alao, are planning to vlall
elsewhere over the holiday«. These
Include most of the teachers of the
local schools, whose homes are situa­
ted In other parts of the Northwest.
Monday, the day following Christ
maa, will he a legal holiday, with
bank« rinsed and few business houses
open for business. The poslofllce will
be closed that day after noon. Schools
will begin the Christmas holidays with
the Anal programa tomorrow after­
Evidence coorberatlng the belief (hat
Hickman haa fled up the const was
gathered In Fhigene today, and It
appears that actually the youthful
murderer stopped In the lame county
seat Tuesday morning.
H R. Larson, a tailor with quarters
In the Hoffman hotel, positively ha«
Identified the picture of Hickman with
the face of a young man who stopped
at hla place early Tuesday morning,
end had hla clothes and an overcoat
The young man, nervous appearing
and shlfty-eyed, curne Into the tailor
shop and removed his clothes for
pressing. Ho staled that their bad
condition wa» due to the fact that he
had been driving steadily for two days.
Here to spend the holidays with bis He was nervous, and Jumped percep­
parents, Mr. and Mrs Earl Lepley tibly when a car passed or some one
arrived thia week from their home In ; stopped at the door. He watched the
California Mr. Ixrpley la the son of street constantly.
Mra. Larson and Alfred Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lepley.
Mr and Mrs C. E. Kenyon will were In the tailor shop at the time.
spend Christmas with friend* In Eu­ Immediately after the young man
went out, leaving an overcoat to be
Mrs H. H. Harms of Cottage Orove. pressed, all three turned, and admitted
slater of Walter Ooaaler, la here *o they had the same thought. They be­
spend (he holidays with Mr and Mrs lieved It waa Hickman.
Sheriff's deputies were called, and
Mrs P. M Ooealer of
Sprlngfleld Route No. 3 also Is a stayed at the place about five minute»,
according to lairson They left before
guest at the Gossler home.
Visitors at the E W. Collins home the stranger returned for his overcoat
Christmas day will be Mr. and Mrs.
The young man w i n dressed In a
B W. Collin*. Jr. of Marshfield; Mr. light brawn suit, browu tap and brown
and Mr*. Frank Parrish, Lorane: Mrs overcoat. He paid his bill In change.
Clara Fawver; Mr. and Mrs E. 8. 31.50, and left
He mentioned his
Collins; Mr and Mrs. Walter Griffin. name aa Armstrong.
Today, more evidence corroborating
Mias Esther Clapp, nurse In the thia story was given to the sheriff's
office of Dr. W. C. Rebhan and Dr. office. A resident of the northern
Carl I’hetteplace. will spend Christ­ end of Eugene said that on Tuesday
mas with friends at Bend.
morning, about 9 o'clock, he was ac­
Mr and Mrs. Fred Frese will en­ costed by a party In a coupe auto­
tertain as guest« Mr and Mrs. Paul mobile. evidently lost In an effort to
Bchlewe and Mr. and Mrs. Bam Mont­ And the Pacific highway north.
A young man, driving the car, look­
On Saturday night. Chrlatmas eve. ed like Hickman. There was an elder­
Mrs Arthur Roberts will entertain ly man with a three-days growth of
relatives of her family at an old-time beard and a middle-aged woman in
Christmas party. A Christmas tree the car. They seemed anxious to get
away In a hurry, and roared away
will be enjoyed.
Dr and Mrs W. H. Pollard plan to when directions had been given to the
spend Chrtstmn» at the home of his northern entrance to the city.
sister. Mrs. H W McDonald of Tigard.
Hickman. If he waa in Seattle Wed­
They will be accompanied on the trip nesday night, might well have passed
Saturday afternoon by their children. ' through Eugene Tuesday morning,
Jule and William Mr and Mrs Walter and the evidence helnx gathered In
Price of Marcola also will be guest« the Ioine county seat will do much In
turning the man hunt to the north.
nt the McDonald homo.
Dr and Mrs N W Emery wtil go
to Portland Saturday to spend Christ­
Arrives from Colorado—Mrs. Nellie
mas with her sister, Miss Abbie
Jordan, mother of Mrs. E. E. Pyne,
MS and MVs. FI G. Jarvis and arrived last night from T»»*ner. Colo­
Program* commemorating Christ daughter. Betty Jane, of Portland, will rado, and will make her home with
mas will be given by Sprlngfleld he holiday gueats at the home of Dr. Mr and Mr«. Pyne here.
school children tomorrow afternoon. and Mra. Eugene Renter.
Mr and Mr«. Dallas Murphy will
Dramatic number», vocal «election»,
f and recitation» make up the malor spend the day after Christmas st the
portion of the school program», which home of Mr. and Mrs. I. E Murphy.
will be given by Individual grade». Eugene. Miss Era Dell Murphy of
The parent« have been Invited to at­ Great Falls. Montana, who la well-
known here, iwlll he at the Eugene
tend three program».
All program» will start at 1 o'clock home for the celebration also.
Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Pollard will
In the afternoon. Many of the lower
grade« plan to have Chrl»tma» tree» spend Christinas In Portland, visiting
In their rooms following the general relatives.
Christmas dinner will he enjoyed
programs. At the Lincoln school, a
basket of foodstuff» 1» to bo prepared at tin- homo of Mr». Georgia Orlffl» by
Mr. and Mr». S O. Moahler, Will
for the needy.
Moshler, Mr. and Mr». Benjnmln Endl-
cltt and daughter. Betty Jean. Clifford
Haya, Lela Orlffl» and Ethmer Grtlfla.
City Attorney and Mr». Ira M.
New officers were Installed by the Peterson are going to Hillsboro to
Sprlngfleld American Legion post spend Chrlatmas with her parents, Mr.
Tuesday night, Jack Iutraon assuming and Mrs. A. Bendler. They will leave
leadership of the organization. W ,W. Saturday and return Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bushman will
Stuart, district commissioner from
leave Saturday for Wallowa. Oregon,
Albany, was Installing officer.
Perry Stnlmacher, alio of Albany, whore they .will spend Christmas with
and a past district commissioner, ad­ Mrs. Bushman's parents.
dressed the group with regard to dis
Mr. and Mrs. John Bushman will
abled veterans. Ben DotTls, Ameri­ spend the holidays with her parents
can Legion leader at Eugene, de­ In Astoria.
scribed his recent trip to the veteran«
Mr .and Mrs. Alfred J. Morgan will
convention at Parle.
go to Eugene Christmas day for din­
ner with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young
Here from Wleeoneln—Mre. Ina of College Creat.
tartln of Oehkash, Wleeoneln, Is here
Mayor and Mrs. O. O. Bushman will
letting her sisters, Mrs. William enjoy dinner with their daughter. Mrs.
lonaldson, and Mrs. M. R. Wagner. Oraham B. Smith, and family, of Eu
I Eugene. Mrs. Martin left the Mill­ gone.
ie West In the grip of winter, and
ras much Impressed iwtth the climate
Two Sustain Injuries
f Oregon, which, she said, "seem»
C. C. Wilson cut one of hla fingers
Ike summer.”
with a scythe Tuesday, and was
treated at a local physician's office.
The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Clar­
Library Hours Given
The public library will be closed ence Brown of Wnltervllln wns treat­
both Saturday and Monday, because ed for a hadly gashed nose, the Injury
af the holidays, according to announ- being received when a saw fell from
a shelf and struck the boy.
cemenet by Mary Roberts, librarian.
Detailed plana of the religion« sur­
vey to I»' made by the churchea »1
Bprlngflald In a cooperative program
atartln« the day after Chrlatina« were
announced ihla week by Rev. Gabriel
Hykca. paator of the jjprlngfleld Me-
thudlat church and head of the survey
committee. Hopreaenlatlvea of all the
city's churchea »111 call at the homes
of the city between Chrlatmaa and
New Year». obtaining Information aa
to church membership and preference,
Pooled, (hie data will be made the
buala of future aggrceelvo prograina
of the Hprlngfleld churchea. For the
purpoeeea of facilitating the cauvaaa,
the city haa been divided Into four
aectlona. which iw>»ll be worked
thoroughly by the church people.
Here are the aectlona. aa announced
by Itev Mr. Sykes:
> Section 1. The eaal aide of Klglilh
atreel. »Handing to the city llmlta
at all point east of Eighth atreet.
Thia la to be canvaaaed by the Method-
let church.
Section 3. Bogina with the weat
aide of Eighth atreet. and la bounded
on the south by the north aide of Main
on the weal by the aouth aide cf
Third, and on the north by the city
Thia will be canvaaeed by
the Chriatian church.
Section 3. Beglna on the weet aide
of Third atreet and la bounded on the
aouth by the north aide of Main atreel
and on the weat by the city limit*
Thia will be covered by member* of
the Bible Mlaelon.
Section 4. Bounded on the north by
the aouth aide of Main, on the eaat
by the weet tide of Klghth, on the
eaat by Mill atreet. and extending
eouth to include Weat Hprlngfleld
J Thia will be canvaaaed by the Baptist
The worker* wRI aak for the follow­
ing Information, purely In the Interest
of Chriatian work through the
churches: name and address; church
membership; where persona have
membership; preference, any or none;
number of children and agea; numtoe.
of persona In Sunday school; any
remarks desired.
"The hearty cooperation of all will
be appreciated, »aid Rev. Mr Sykes.
"In caae there la no one at home, a
card will be left with a request that
It be filled oul and handed to a rep­
resentative of some church.”
Holiday shut-down of the Booth-
Kelly Lumber company'* Sprlngfleld
mill will extend from Friday evening
at closing time until Tuesday morn-
MASONIC CROUPS’ PLAN Ing, giving the workmen a three-day
• '■ 1
! lay-off with Christmas »amlwiched be
Joint Installation of officer* will b e , tween the two special holldys. Thia
observed on Tuesday evening. Decern-1 announcement waa made officially
her 27, by the Sprlngfleld Masonic through the EugeDe headquarters of
lodge and the Cascade chapter, Order ; the lumber company.
of tbe Eastern Star.
The mill will be running full blast
I. M Peterson, worshipful master of again Tuesday morning. At that
the Masonic lodge, today announced tfcne, It is also expected to resume
appointive officer« of the organization, operations of the camps at Wendtlng.
They are: senior deacon. I,evi Neet; I which shut down some time ago be-
Junlor deacon. Harold Philips; chap- cause of cold weather and »naw.
lain, John F Kelels; senior steward.
Carl H. I’hetteplace; Junior steward,
Harry Stewart;
tylor, John C.
Ketels; finance committeemen. Senior
Warden Sidney Ward. Harry M.
Schedules for tbe various Christmas
Stewart and Carl Olson.
AppolnUve officers ”of the Cascade program» at Sprlngfleld churches lndl-
chapter, a» announced by Mrs. C. A. I c»te that »Prlngfleld people will have
Hwarts. worthy matron, are: Adah.
of entertainment during the
Mrs Margaret Ward; Ruth. Mrd next three days If they care to avail
Hazel Adrian; Esther. Mrs. Edna themselves of the opportunity at at-
Dtppel; Martha, Mrs. Margaret Ken : t*'nd Programs.
The schedule follows:
yon; Electa, Mra. Lena Frederick;
Thursday night (tonight)—Batplst
Warder, Miss Margaret Gorrfe; sen­
tinel, Mrs. Oswald Olson; marshall. church pageant, “Nativity," at the
Mrs. Pearl Hchantol; chaplain, Mrs. church. Also program by primary
Jane Cruzan; musician. Mrs. Dora I »nd Intermediate grades.
Friday night—Methodist program
! and Chrlstnia8 tree at church. Treats
I will be distributed to children.
Sunday morning—Services at Me-
TAP McKENZIE TIMBER thodlst, Christian, Bible Mission. Bap-
tlst and Catholic churches at usual
A railway development program time, with children’s programs at the
which may result In tapping timber i Bible Mission.
along the summit of the McKensie
Sunday evening—Pageant program,
ridge appears as a possibility with the and “white gift” ceremonies at the
depositing of J10.000 bond with the Christian church. Miss Mary Findley
state highway department yesterday | speaks at Methodist church. Special
by railroad Interests represented by services at Baptist a n d o t h e r
R A. Biggs The bond wa» given to churchea. all at regular hours.
show good faith In the proposal to
construct a railway line from Lebanon NEEDLECRAFT CLUB IS
through Sweethome, in Linn county,
and beyond Into the heavy Umber of
tbe mountains.
Husbands of members of the
Another project is being proposed
Needlecraft club were guests at a
by Interests represented by H. P.
dinner at the Eugene hotel last Thurs­
Byers, but the latter has not deposited
bond. Ostensibly, the projects are day.
Those present iwv-re Mr. and Mrs.
for logging lines, and It is known that
some of the timber to be tapped Is Dan Crites, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin May.
the property of Louis P. Hill. Both Dr. and Mrs. 9. R. Dippel, Mr. and
parties hnve made surveys, and Bigg« Mr». Carl Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
has jrt-mlr.ed to start actual con­ Walker. Mr and Mra. Floyd Wester­
feld, Mr. and Mrs. Will Wright. Mr.
struction this winter.
and Mrs. Sidney Ward, and Mr. and
Guy Smith Hurt—Guy Smith, em­ Mrs. G. Hobson, with special guests
ployed by the Fisher Lumber com­ as Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitney and
pany of Marróla, Injured one of h is ''™ Mar) Galller
feet Wednesday when a timber fell
on IL
Church Women
Cook entertained
Ergathea class of
day school at her
Meet—Mrs. Claud
Funeral services will be conducted
the women of the
the Methodist Sun­ at the Walker chapel today for Alvin
P. Garrett. 84-year old Springfield man
home yesterday.
who died yesterday at the home of his
Girl Scouts to Meet — Springfield daughter. Mrs. Sadie McV^y, at Seven­
Girl Scouts will meet on January 5, th and G streets.
Mr. Garrett had lived here for some
according to Mrs. Paul Raaford. lead­
• Ii ne. He is survived 1
er. Thlt
and another daughter.
In 1928
“The People's Paper"
Veteran Springfield Busi net«
Man Sell« to Former New»*
paperman of Thi» City, Who
Obtains Residence and Main
Street Lease.
What is conceded aa the largest
business deal consumated here In the
last few years, Involving the transfer
of three undertaking establishment«
In Sprlngfleld, Eugene and Lebanon,
was announced here today. Detail«
of the big deal are:
Sale of a controlling Interest In the
W. F Walker Undertaking parlors of
Sprlngfleld, to Charles P. Poole, and
son. R. H. Poole, once of Sprlngfleld
and Coburg, more recently of Leb­
Sale of W. F. Walker's attractiv«
residence property at 125 C street ta
Mr. Poole.
Purchase by Mr. Walker of th*
Bush and Sons funeral establishment
at Charnelton and Eleventh street«,
Purchase by Bush & Sons of th«
funeral parlors at Lebanon, from Mr.
Poole and his son, the new Spring-
field undertakers. This property ha«
now been turned over to Harry How«,
a funeral director of Salem.
With the completion of this a«*
usually large deal, Springfield lose«
one of the veteran business men uf
this city, and a life-time resident of
Lane county.
Mr. Walker went Into the under­
taking business in Sprlngfleld in 190«,
locating in the building at the comer
of Main and Mill streets He operated
there until six years ago, when he
moved to the present location In the
Woodmen hall. During this time, he
has built up what is considered M
one of the most successful undertak­
ing businesses In this part of th«
Mr. Walker has been prominent tfl
civic affairs of this city th rough toot
his residence here. He was preside««
of the Springfield chamber of com­
merce for live years, and Is now presi­
dent of the Lions clnb, of which he
Is a charter member. He has bee«
prominent In the Odd Fellows. Masons
and Woodmen lodges, as well as other
civic and fraternal organizations.
Mrs. Walker Is prominent in local
society circles.
In moving to Eugene, Mr. Walkef
assumes one of the most modern and
up-to-date undertaking plants in this
part of the state. It was built recent­
ly by Bush and Sons, and Is located
near the business district of that city,
Milford Allen, who has been with Mr.
Walker as his assistant for four year«,
will accompany him to his new field.
Mr. and Mrs. Walker are moving out
of their residence today, and will be
temporarily located at 83 Thirteenth
avenue west. Eugene.
With Mr. Walker's removal, their
returns to Sprlngfleld a former busi­
ness man of this city, Charles P.
Poole. Mr. Poole has purchased a con­
trolling interest In the Walker estab­
lishment here, and has included in the
deal the assumption of the leases 0«
the chapel and office In the Woodman
building and the Walker residence
property, where he will make hla
Mr. Poole has been in the undertak­
ing buisness In Oregon since 1912. Ha
was for a tin e at Harrisburgb. then at
Browinsville, and for seven years haa
operated the establishment at Leb­
anon. Before going to Harrisburg, ne
operated what was then the Spring-
field News, with newspaper quarter«
In the building on Fifth street near the
present First National bank. Mr.
Poole lived at Coburg for ten years,
operating a newspaper there for part
of that time. He also worked for
Booth-Kelly Lumber company in thl«
The new Sprlngfleld business man
Is already well-known to many people
here through his former connections.
He Is a Mason, an Odd Fellow, and
an artisan. His son, who twill be with
him In the business for the presenL >■
a licensed embalmer. Mrs. Poole Is
a trained nurse and will act as assist­
ant In the business here.
For the presenL the business will
be operated unedr the same name as
previously, and Mr. Poole asserted
his Intention of maintaining the same
policies that have been inculcated In­
to the business by Mr. Walker. Mr.
Walker, he said. Is desirous that the
business« be continued as before.
Mr. Poole Is moving his family Into
the C street residence Friday.
Leading up to thia deal, Mr. Poole
sold his undertaking establishment la
(Continued oa Page • )