ONLY 8 MORE Shopping Day« TILL CHRISMAS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-FOUKT11 YEAR PROGRAMS 10 TELL CHRISTMAS STORY 8PRIN0F1ELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY DECEMBER 15, 1927 SPRINGFIELD PEOPLE ORCHESTRA AND GLEE SEND CHRISTMAS MAIL NUMBERS, PLAY, TO BE EARLIER THAN USUAL ON S. H. S. PROGRAM ( ( HIS UNCLE’S NIECE 9 9 C ast o f Characters “The Psople'a Raper* A L IV E NEW SPAPKR IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 49 LEGION PLH WILL BE SEISON EO T The oft repeated early mailing plea Announcement of the entire pro­ (In Order of Appearance) gram of a Christmas entertainment of the postal department at Christ­ ' to he given at the Springfield high 1 mas lime Is being heeded by Spring- “ His Unci«’* Niece” will bd Held peopTe. Churches of City Plan Yuletide school on Friday afernooo, December ■ Postmaster F. It Hamlin said this Show at Bell Theatre Friday Services; Methodists First RICHARD TATE, E«q , A Rising Young law yer---------- 23, at 1 o'clock, was made ' today. I morning that Christmas mall Is get- Night; Local People to Pof* ...... ..........................._.........._..... . Dr. Carl Phetteplace. Next Sunday; Others to be Parents and others Interested bare ling out earlier this year than ever tray Funny Characters I rt Held During Week and on FRANCIS FBLTON, The Cause of the Trouble, --------- been urged U> attend the program, before, with the result that he anti­ Three Act Comedy. ___ «...................... ................. ....................... Elmer Maxey. Christmas Day. cipated no congestion at all when the which will Include numbers by the Anal rush comes Just before the holi­ "His Uncle’s Niece,” something dif­ DORA HALE. Very Much Attached to the "Cause” By song. pageant and radiation, high school orchestra aud glee clubs, day. ferent la the comedy tine than here­ .... A.._________,___ __________________ Eula Halleck. the story of Chrlsltuss Is Io bo told and a play The public Is cordially , Additional help Is Joining the postal tofore offered In Springfield, will be staff as It Is needed, and deliveries are ALICE MALCOLM, A Close Chum of Dora’s ......... ...... In Christmas prngrums planned by Invited. played at the Bell Theatre Frida* ................................................................Bmmagene Travis. The program follows: getting ont In good time at present. evening by local amateur actor». A Hprlagflold churches, lo be hold si •'1*061 and I’eaaauL'* by 8. H. 8. Wednesday, 19 sacks of mall were cast has been trained under the sue- various limo» bogtiiulnx asst Sunday orchestra. Miss Orson Potter direct­ MRS. SARAH ANN MULLEN, A Woman of few Words: shipped ont, twice the usual amount. pice» of the local post of the Amert- from Happy Valley, ...________ Catherine Hemenway. morning Children aud young peoph- ing The poatofllce will be closed all can Legion and under the direction "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing.*' day Sunday. December 26. On (he of the churches arc to give the pro­ SIMON F. FELTON, Frank’s Uncle, who never makes of Mrs. Ora Read Hemenway. Prue* following day. the windows will he grams, while sermons will center boys and girls glee clubs. a Mistake, ...___ ________ •------------- Ira M. Peterson. tices have been going on for the laet "Holy City," Tenor solo by, Paul open for general dcdlvery until noon. six wweks and a finished production around the Chrlstinaa theme. PHILANDER F1LMORE, "Humble but W ise,"_______ Potter, assisted by the following Special delivery matter will be dis­ Is promised by the cast ........ ................................. ........................ Harold Halleck Elaborate plan for the program* chorus: Melt» Mellon. Dorene Ixtri patched to the addresses as soon as The play 1s being offered a s a b«ai- are being shaped, although complete oar. Jule lOllard, Wvelyn Manley. It arrives, regardless of the day. TIMOTHY HA YE, Colored Gardner at Happy Valley fit performance for the post debt aad schedules of each event are not yet Ufa Luce and lluy Streamer. Junction, .... ........................................ Donald McKinnon. also for playground equipment for the available, Chrlatmaa trees will be "Silent Night." song by snme group MERCURY DORPS TO Brattatn school. The cast has give! erected this week In all the churches, SILAS SICKLEMORE, The Constable of Happy Valley, » "Joy to the World.' by glee clgbe. 30' DURING NIGHT much time In preparing the play and ____ _______________________________ Tom Swarta. and Ihe yuletide decuratlons will be Play Is Next hope that it will be well attended. put up. A oneact play, "The Stocking's Re­ Springfield residents shivered again > The play Is a three act comedy that The Methodist Episcopal church volt," will follow, directed by Miss this morning in winter weather. has scores of funny situations and 11 SCENES: veil! hold the flrst Christmas services Francis llodge The entire cost: During the night the temperature sure to create side splitting laughter Mary Hadley dropped to 30 degrees. This record, ACT I. Interior of Francis Felton’s and Richard Tate’s on next Sunday, when. In the morning, Ernestine all the way through. Dual character! bachelor establishment at Boston. the choir will present special music j Nell ___ __________ Audrey Scbulis while two degrees higher than the with one man wearing a dress and Lloyd Mattison . Jack appropriate to the occasion and Rev night previous. Is two degrees below posing as a woman, another wearing ACT II. Same as Act 1. Afternoon of same day. Jule Pollard Gabriel Bykes wlU preach on "The ! Mother Arnold freexlnc and unusually cold for this a barrel and a woman In his attire Humble Origin of Christianity; the I Father Arnold ...... Richard lin t polo district. Snow still lies In spots on ACT III. Exterior of Uncle Simon’s newly acquired all to fool an old wealthy uncle, Gladys House 1 Grandmother Arnold. Only Hope of Humanity.** In the even­ surrounding hills, and ice formed dur­ cottage at Happy Valley Junction. Evening, three days create» a tense but comical condition Doudolle Williams ing the ulght on ponds of still water. ing, services will be alao of a Christ Baby Arnold. later. that runs throughtout thep lay. Final­ Grandmother Stocking . . mas nature, with the Epworth league ly "His Uncle's Niece” turns out M TIME: Midsummer. ....... .......................... Maude Hrattaln In charge Miss Mary Findley, dlroc- I ......—.... ....... be a nephew aa the curtain falls. ONE ACT PLAY GIVEN AT M arg a re t Sw arta tor of young people's work of the Ku- I Mother Stocking, The Christian church orchestra wiM ..... Jack Danner HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY gene Mjelhodlst church, who visited j Father Stocking, furnish the music for the occasion in­ lMlastlne last year, will speak o f . Brother Stocking. ...... Gordon Houk stead of the high school orchestra Id PAGEANT AT CHRISTAIN A one act play, "The Stocking's PETERSON ELECTED HEAD Vernlce Hawke Bethlehem In a Christmas message to | Ulster Stocking, was flrst planned and published od Revolt" will ge given at the Christmas OF LOCAL MASONIC LODdE CHURCH NEXT SUNDAY .....J case Beals Baby Stocking the congregation. posters. The orchestra will give d Ennis Yarnell program at the high school next Fri­ Darned Stocking -------- -------- On Friday night of next week. Pec day afternoon. ’.lie remainder of the Ira Peterson was elected Worship- j Women of the Christian church will musical recital between acts so some* ’ program will consist of Christmas ful Master of Springfield Maaonic present a pageant “Perfect Love" i thing will be doing every minute fur ember JS. the Methodist church Sun­ two and a half hours. music by the glee cinb and orcbestm day achool will give Its Christmas en­ STOP STREET MEASURE lodge number 171 at the I. O. O. F. Sunday evening, December 18. The The full cast la given in other tertainment. with Mrs. Oanta In THERATENING TO DIE Immediately after the program. cast follow«: hall Tuesday evening. Sidney V. columns. charge The Christmas tree will be -------- school will be closed for the Chrlat- held at that time, and treats distribu­ Wlthout friends, t h e proposed ' mas holidays, the reopening date be- Ward was glected Senior Warden; P ilgrim _____________Mr». Lombard ted to the children Hprlngfield stop street ordinance la lng January 3. Because the Univer- Roscoe Perkins, Junior Warden; C. Spirit of Christianity, Frances Travis 1 POWER PEOPLE HAVE slty of Oregon students are having E. Wheaton, secretary; C. F. Eggl- Special music and appropriate ser­ Ihrealenlng to die. ENTERTAINMENT HERE Spirit of Education, Mrs. Cliff Abram» The measure, which would requlrr examinations this week, there will be mann. treasurer; and O. H. Jarrett mon subjects will be the only observ­ Spirit of E vangelism ,___________ Employees of the Mountain Stated ance of the day on Christmas day, tralUc to stop upon entering Main no more gymnasium or swimming was re-elected trustee for three years. _______________Mrs. Elsie Pollard Power company's Willamette divlsloa or Fifth streets from side streets classes for the high school girls until The other two trustees are Oswald Sunday, at the Methodist church. Spirit of Missions, Mrs. Dallas Murphy met Wednesday evening at the MIA within the city limits, came up for after vacation. Olson and D. W. Crltees. Baptist Plan Pageant further conalderatlon of the council / - — - - ...... — way pavilion In West Springfield taf These officers will be Installed at a Spirit of Womanhood.___________ The beautiful pageant. "Nativity,” a Monday night _______________Mrs. Mabel Tyson a dance and entertainment program. y p p E RCAMP CREEK TO Joint meeting of the lodge with the to be presented by young people of the Although at previous meetings It HAVE XMAS PROGRAM i Ra!,tern Star member» December 17. Angel of M ercy,_______ Wilma Hack This was a regular get-together meal* Springfield Baptist church on Thurs lng of employees that are held periodi­ had been looked upon favorably, the At that time the Master will announce day night. December 22. at the rhurch. coundlmen Intimated that they had Recording Angel. _Louisa McDowell cally to get acquainted. A Christinaa A Christmas program will be given the selection of appointive officer» M.vTtle Harvey and Oscar Gladlsh Voices of Prom ise,_Agatha Beals, trees and other season features added discovered little favor among the peo- Friday. December 23, at the Upper have charge of thia presentation. On to the merriment of the evening. Glad)*» House, Emmagene Travis, vie to auch a ruling. They discreetly Camp Creek school, which Is taught MRS MARY E. MULLIN the same evening, children of the pri­ Invitations were sent to the Coo! Audrey Danner. put the nuttier on the table, and It la by Mrs. Glenn Riddle. The pro­ DIED HERE TUESDAY Imps of Selfishness, .. Lloyd Harris, mary and Intermediate departments Bay and Tillamook divisions to parti­ likely to be there permanently. gram will start at 8 o'clock In the will give recitations and music. A cipate. There were a large number Jean Phillips. Jimmie Phillips, Mrs. Mary Elisabeth Mullin died at evening. Christmas tree will form the chief from towns In the Willamette valley Charles Cole, Roscoe Cole, Irving Tw’enty-elght numbers will be given her home at 1285 E. Main street at Interest of part of the program, when SURVEY COMMITTEE TO from Deles to Cottage Grove. Davis. by children of the school. A Chrlst- 12:20 oclock Tuesday morning The treats are given out to the children. Mrs. H. T. HAVE MEETING SHORTLY m8g tree and treats for the children body » H k Shipped Tuesday evening to Fruits of the Spirit. "W h ite G ift Christm as’* SECOND HAND STORE IS Mitchell. Mr». William Vasby, will be special features. Baker, where funeral services will be This Is to be a "white gift*’ Christ­ hbtrther plans ft>r the general Ì Altie Manning. Nellie Luce. Aud­ NOW OWNED BY WILTSE held. mas to the Springfield Christian church survey lo be made coopera- i rey Daniels, Jewel Hilterbrand. Mrs. Mullin is survived by the fol­ Safety Meeting Held—Practice in church, and at the program on Sunday Uvely by Springfield churcbea will b, Elsie Beals. Charles Wiltse ie the new pro­ ! resnscllatlon and other first aid work lowing children: Mrs. C. G. Williams evening. December 26. children w ill' shnped at a meeting to be called short- V n lfrld Tyson will play the piano prietor of the second hand store oa of Springfield. Mrs. W. P. Drum. Mrs was given employees of the Mountain bring gift offerings, wrapped In w hit«,' ly by Rev. Gabriel Bykes, pastor of i States I*owv r company at a Safety C. K. Kompp. and V. W. Mullin; and accompaniment, and a girls’ quartet 6th street between Main and A. to be dtsrtrlhuted later among the the Methodist Episcopal church. will sing. streets, having traded a ten acre im­ by one grandson. meeting Wednesady afternoon. poor nr glvpn to missions This Is For various reasons, the church proved tract in West Springfield te one of Ihe most Impressive parts of survey was not started this week, as William Lubke for the stock of the the Christmas services planned by the planned, and this give time for more store and a house and lot on 3rdstres4 church. elaborate plans. Whether the canvass between Wall and Broadway. On the same evening, a pageant, will be made before or after the holi­ Let's Hope For A Good Brood and program of recitation and songs days has not been decided, but the Faculty W om en Hosts will he presented by Ihe cbnrch meeting will be held within the next Women of the Springfield high school. C. H. Heinple has charge -if few days to perfect final details. school faculty will be hostesses te thia. parents of students at the home of Candy and nuts will he given out to I Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard Saturday the children on Christmas mnmlntr. 1 WOODCRAFT LODGE IS afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock. The At that lime, Rev S. E Childers win TO HAVE XMAS PARTY purpose of the program is to bring preach on ''The Star of Bethlehem '* teachers and parents Into closer coe­ Plans for a Christmas party to be j tact. and to promote friendly rela­ Catholics Mske Plane conducted on the night of December i tions between the high school faculty The Catholic rhurrh Is being ap­ 28 were shaped at a meeting of the i and the community. propriately decorated for the Impres­ Woodcraft lodge last night. sive Christmas services Sunday morn A Christman tree parly will be held,| M arriag e Licenses fo r W eek lng. A manger In which a child la and each member of the lodge Is lo 1 During the past week marriage lie lying Is to form an Important part bring a present for exchange. A pro I enses have been granted by the cotte* of the decoration. gram and refreshments are planned. ty clerk to the following: Carl Mor­ The men of the lodge entertained at J A Christmas tree, special music, ris and Betty Hart, both of Wllbnri and distribution of treats to the chil­ last night's meeting. Initiation w a s1 Lawrence Moxley and Annie Hogaa, dren will alee place on Chrlsmas, hold and several new members voted ' both of Wilbur; Virgil Gowdy, 0«4- morning a the Catholic church. Mid-. on. tage Grove, and Lucille Land, Crse- night mass will be celebrated at the well; Harold Fawver and Margaret I Eugene church. Mahany, both of Creswell; Paul Pros- Kensington Club to Have Party Uch Morrison, both of Myrtle Creek; The annual Christmas party of the Linn Buley, Springfield, and Loreae Car» Collide—Cnrs driven by Art Kensington Club will be held Satur­ Wallace, Eugene. Clough of Rainbow and Theodore day evening, December 17, according Johnson of Wendllng collided at the to announcement today. The affair New Mail Ruling comer of 6th nnd Main streets Sat­ will be at the home of Mrs. John A new ruling affecting the delivery Henderer and Is to begin at 8 o’clock. urday as Mr. Clough drove from the of perishable goods from the post- service station there. Slippery streets office has been announced by Post­ caused another minor accident Wed­ master F. B. Hamlin. Hereafter, whea Children Molest House—Mrs. Ida nesday when Ivnn Nestle of Eugene, Holland, living at 2nd nnd J streets, perishable goods arrive at the post- driving a truck, nnd Leo Willis of Cot­ reported several children to the police office too late for regular delivery, tage Grove, driving a Bulck touring Tuesday for having broken some win­ or on Sunday or holidays, they will car, ran together at 6th and Main dow» In her houie. One youngster was be treated as special delivery matte! atreeta. and rushed Immediately to the nA turned over to Juvenile Officer John dressee. A special delivery collection Marsh. 1» then made from the addr Sunday School W o rker» M eat— Suit- day school workers of the Baptist Visit- Springfield— Wednesady vial- church met at the chhrch (or their tors from neighboring towns Included monthly conference Irst evening. W. B. Boggs of Marcola, H. Z. Cook of Wendllng, C. R. Sylvester of Walt- Mlte Nelson Ill-M iss Pearl Nelson ' ‘'rT,” e' A B of 0»™ dge 1» U1 at her home «tore. “ <» Mr’ NeI,,e ’porcum of Jasper. Visita Daughter Here — Mrs. 8. Schlewe of Molino arrived today to stay with her daughter, Mrs. Baa Montgomery, who recently under­ went aa operation.