THURSDAY THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAOS B IG H T Get Off The Beaten Path, Mr. Man Acc»M-diu« to ilgurw« cumpttod by W ILLIA M W. HALSCY IS APPOINTED CADET CAPT. «aUaUcet experts. gleeaed iron» ih» rwcovtto ol Uto past '»u years. IU» Oregon Agrtclultural College, Cor- »!*««> (.AriAma»’ <*u '-<*•« •**»“ » I vail la, December 18— Cadet officers Sr« utotot*. to to exacl tour duller« and promotions in the Reserve Officers lurvp-ase c e s i» ' Training Corps at the college, uum •, I t o awtuwei a.«'., ml «4 W “toaal to tiering 71. Including one student from , cavai auto sexes. eua laereia u m a Stiringfield have been announced by ' tau.-y Because by our o » u observe Colonel George W Moaes, command­ uou. il »vea* were oul to IbUf we) ■ ant. and approved by Dr. W J. Kerr, Uivea ♦ »»• to «vautl ay oue ni«o auU president of the college William H. aba wouuui lor gilto to eacu Other, the Halsey wan appointed Cadet Captain, BMb wuSM prabaoiy » auu Uie one of the highest honors given to wouiau >3 to. students in the military department 2v»c eeeauae w as are mora geiieious Halsey Is finishing hia fourth year bui Ixcaue« »oiuea ara bvUrr Mioy- | in military training at O. A. C. He la > a senior and la majoring In forestry Feor Foriom Mala Men a r e ' required to take only two ua Ihe poor, benighted male years of military work, but may ob­ la uiu-ny at at toes aa to « b at to give tain a commission In the reserve corps or »bat to ^ eu d The customary , by continuing for two more years. procedure w tor bun to wonder into a Four branches of military training are »tur«c lurUveiy aeeak around trying j offered at the college— infantry, cav­ not u»' gut into the way ot active fe- alry. engineers and field artillery Btoiee. until he in t r a ile d b> some Halsey Is a member of the infantry . v"» with ah instinctive love (or help unit. ieea bea.t and being*. The cadet officers and non-commls- ! A tew rvutiua quselioue and Mr. sioned officers are selected at the ! tint giver buds biwselt minus go and beginning of each college year, when plus a p s s s this year. I'll sign It!" SMALL W ORLD W ell Il's a small world after ail, SMALL PEOPLE My. he looked lia ndsome all laid and It takes i lot of people to dll It out. Herald MoFhereen F rem eled _ Crl Thera’a only one trouble with thia ► Illg brother seal out a car* bearing custom of giving gifts at Christmas ’'Meat Ckrialiuaa Withee for IMS. vate Harold Me I Tier win has been pro moled ta thy rank of corporal In ll»e Aa' that la - lk t s custom of giving 1887. l» lt. Iff» and I I » '* kwial Nattoaul Guard compaav Non- gifts at Christines. Drat Ion of the promotion was rnrelved a » • • Tight» Why ihe whole family by C A Hwarla Friday. Ho far aa dad raa ngure out thy squeaks wken one bends whole thing »nr planned by a couple of notherls-law a. The Flx-ll Mhop now open for bust « • • • They make the kids h a n g s up uocka neaa. Heulh Fifth street, near P l» t on (he chimney, Christinaa eve; they National Hank ITione 171 1-11 Itoat Christmas ihe boas called us hold much lesa than «lockings Into his sanctum and said "Well, you Ilian« lTomtaaory certainly worked hard all ihla year, eelpta printed and In «lock at the kids and don't think 1m not appreciative Their gecond cousin tell Ihe New« office. Now. here's a check tor 150 An next ■ here ain't no Hanty Claus, so they ......... — '"— SB"" Select U our Christinaa utur c N O A V /a $15.75 to $19.75 $8.75 to $16.00 v $9.85 ... to $16.50 $6.95 to $13.50 42-Piscs Dinner Sets , China Dinner Sets, 6 1 -Piece. Electric Waffle Irons Smoking Sets $8 90 to $12.75 $28.00 to $30 50 $7.50 to $18.00 $1.50 to $13.50 Piste Glass Mirrors Venetian Mirrors ..................... $3.75 to $10.50 $8.75 to $19.75 W right & Son HARDWARE — FURNITURE — PAINT Phone 18 Vitus Block DEPENDABLE EQEQLASS SEKWCE Dr. Royal Q ick O PTO raeTiiS T— EIJESiqHT SPECIALIST 876 ’Dillam elte St Phone 020 EUGENE Jttft OM ’hlûQ—- fttrt I do Ü nghl W t G ive V z . G r ç e n D iscount S tamps Our Xmas Gifts Are Now on Display NORWOOD NOVELTIES PERFUME ATOMIZERS PEREUME BURNERS PERFUME SETS GIFT CIGARS STATIONERY TOILET SETS INEANT SETS SHAVING SETS MANICURE SETS INCENSE BURNERS KODAKS AND MANY OTHER GIFTS i SEE OUR WINDOWS AND INSIDE DISPLAYS NOW READY Remember: We give S. 4 H. Green Trading Stam ps on all your Xmas purchases Ketels’ Drug Store ■ BBSS O 1- I