't u PAOB SEVEN TUE 8PRINOFIBLD NEW« THURSDAY DECEMBER IS, 1927 TRAIN SCHEDULI Springfield Stoga Northbound No 82. . ............... .. ... 8:88 P M No 16 ........ 4:87 A. M Flag Southbound No. 15 . 9:38 P M k'lft« No 81 ... .......................... 6.45 A M. I Poach Special for Klamath Kalis I and beyond, on flag at 2:01 P M »»a i Sunday. Tuesday and Friday If-IT a1-- drareq. a pm oxel reply one addraaa M»a> Ph). to ear» a/ fhta aeieapoper CCT RESULTS? ELOPEM ENTS ARE DANGEROUS ('all the Fix It «hop for «atlnialea POR SA LE W O O D on »our plumbing and boating. Souta Did Growth Fir, Second Growth Fir, Fifth nrnr Kirxi National llunk l*hona in u I.- Oak. Aah. All lengths. Phono Spring fiekl 104 if All k lu ila of bouse (luinllng, Kulm, mining | i p«r room aud up Hoy Will sacrifice line high grade piano Koch. Call 13 5-J for quick sale Addreaa Box M rare of News. D. 18, All Hot for tli»' Holiday ('loaning— Buautlful Golden Oak Kimball Now MiKloru Cleaning iTant - (Joe In»» Mnrvlco J E. Llndaoy, 240 Main. piano, one of the »••yy beat Kimba.’l pianos ever made, for sale cheap, at I). «• 16 12 18 00 a month. Phone Eugene 1635 It |y 15 Wa specialise lu awtaa brarlat watch evenings / repairing Hoyt'a S2I Main BtroaL If tf. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S IN T U B CO UN TY C O UR T OK T H E s e p t ic STATE OF OREGON FOIl LANE Y a n k « CO UNTY. Ready for yon to Inatall For family of fl»a _................ , , ,, |2 t For fam ily of e i g h t _____________ |88 at our plant Sewer Pipe— Drain Tile Chimney Blocks EU O EN E C O NCRETE P IP E CO. U. NOTICE o r P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Notice la hereby given that T K. Fklwarda, Admlnlatrator of the Re late of E It Griffin, deceaaed, ha« filed hla final report and arrount ua «udì. with the Clark of the County Court of Lane County, Oregon, anil the Court baa aet Monday. January IS, 1928, at 10 oo o'clock In the fore nram. In the County Court Hoorn in the Court Kouae at hiugene. tuine County, Oregon, aa the time and piare to bear objection« to .an annw, and for tb>< final aettlament of aald catate T E Edward«. Admlnlatrator V M IX a A WE1J4I, Attorney«. D 15 22 29 J a 5 l t : In (he Mutter of the Estate of A. C. Schoonover, deceaaed The undersigned having been ap­ pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for lame county ad­ ministratrix of the eatate of A C. Schoonover, deceased, and having qualified, notice la hereby given to the creditors of, and all persona having 1 lain)« aguluat aald deceaaed, to pre­ sent them, oa required by law. within six months after the first publication of till» notice to the «aid Louisa Schoonover at 434 Miner Building, Eu­ gene, Oregon Hutu of first publication hereof, the Mth day of IJecember. 1927. LOUISA SCHOONOVER. Adminis­ tratrix of the Estate of A C. Schoon­ over deceased. SMITH A EVANS, Attorneys for Administratrix. 434 5 6 Miner B ldg, Eugene, Oregon 1» 8 16 22 29: N O T IC E OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T N O T IC E OP P IN A L SETTLEM ENT Notice la hereby given that Eva It. Htegdionion. Adminlatratrlx of the E m late of J. H Stevenson, deceaaed. haa filed h«,r final report and a cco u n t na «lidi, with the Clerk o f the County Court of Lane County, Oregon, and the Court baa aet Monday, January Id. 192« at to oo o'clock In the forenoon, In the County Court Room In the Genet Hnuac nt Eugene lame County, Oregon, a« the time and pluie to hear obfectlona to the aam»', und for the final settlem ent of »ntd estate NT \ II STEPHENSON, Admlnln tratri x Estate o f D ora LjfOins, Deceased Notice la horehy given that Jesse Wallace, executor of the last will and tentSmeut of Dora Lyona. d< ceased, has filed In the County Conrf of the State of Oregon. In und for lame County, hla final report aa such executor and that ten o'clock In the forenoon of Monday, the 2nd d a y .o f January. 1928. at the Court room thereof In Eugene, Oregon, have been by the Court fixed and appointed as the time and place for hearing oh jectlon« to said report and for the final settlem ent of th e estate of aald deceaaed. JE S S E W A L L A C E . E xe cu to r. W E I.L S « W E L L S . A tto rn e y « I» 15 22 2!» Jn 5 12 B U S IN E S S A. E WHEELER. Atiorncy. D 1-8 15 -82-29 D IR E C T O R Y I’honM 13Ö-M Life, Automobile ¿nd Fire Insurance CARL A. WYMAN Rcaldcnt \gi nt ."id. Oregon 734 D « tr o t. Rea. Phone liti il I A R C H A M B E A U 'S WOMENS SHOP r 'laity Dru»aniuktng ¡ l>: i«»— H»nd Made » lía la W ATCH CRYS TALK--Fancy shape» and regular« Hoyt'a Caah Store. tf. FOR BALE OR TRA DR— W hile La? horn chicken« Grant McGinnis. R. 1. D 15-22: P E T T Y J O H N 'S A N N U A L REO TA O SALE P A LL W ild.li» HUtTKCII. Prop. l'I FlCE AT SERVICE GARAGE 533 Main Street 8ucce»«or to Sutton T m nafor Rea Phono 3 Curi H. Phetteplace, M. D. Gtweral l’rnctlco. Special Attention to Obstétrica and DIaeaaea of chll- I am eighteen yaara old, and vary much in leva w ith a young college studanL . Ha want« to give me an angagemant ring for Chrlatm aa, but mother aaya aha w ill not perm it ma to accept IL She aaya m arriage la out of tha question for a taw yaara at leaaL and a long angagemant isn’t f a ir to eith er of us. I know I'll never love anybody else, so we ara planning to slop«. Of course we w ill have to keep our m arriage a secret until Jack ia able to support me. Oo you thin « we w ill be happyf Don't you thin k I am old enough to know my own mind and know what I w a n tf Joan. th e k in d to be a w .irtie d th e sp e cia l fir s t a id a rm Ins gn-a hy th e A m e r i­ can Red C rc r s in to k e n o f to m p le tio n o f th e tr a in in g . T h e Red C re ss in th e pa st y e a r q u a lifie d ? 2 p e rso n s in fir s t aid and a w a rd e d c e r tific a te s to m e m ­ b e rs o f p : lic c and fire d e p a rtm e n ts , in d u s tr ia l g ro u p * an d u t ilit ie s em ­ p loye s n t o v e r th e U n ite d S ta te s. ONLY S M ORE tr Practical Pattern No. 1254 W. F. Walker Funeral Director One Dozen Beautiful Cards Printed With Name and Yuletide Sentiment Will be Given Away Residence 126 C Ht 62 M Full Auto Equipment Lady Aa«latant FREE First National Bank Building DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL D E N T IS T W M. G. HUGHES P IN I A N O A U T O IN S U R A N C E N O T A R Y P U B L IC as premium with every yearly subscription to Phong 43 First Nat’l Bank Bldg., Springfield THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS O ffice at F IR S T NATIONAL BANK AN EXCLUSIVE SELECTION OF CARDS AND ENVELOPES HAVE BEEN SET ASIDE BY US FOR THESE PREMIUMS. Oregon Sgrlngflald, MAX STOVE WORKS DR. N. W. EM ERY OKNTlìV Sutton Bldg. Phene 2CJ Will take your Old Slyle Range In exchange on a Later One. Main n»iar Mill St., This Offer is Made to New or Old Subscribers as Long as the Supply Of Cards Holds Out Bprlngflehl Residence Phans 153 M a Springfield, Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. General Io»w Practloa 1. M. PETERSON Attornay-ftt-Law L— City Hall Building Springfield, Oro, All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Button Building Springfield, Oregon TYPEWRITER RIBBONS— Aaeortrd makes In black and blue In atocY nt Itr New« offleo. For the eonvunl once of customer« who have hither to not hcon able to got ribbon« In Bttrlngfleld we havn «tnrtod thia now lino of ribbon« for Undnrwood.i. Remingtons. Royala, L. 0. Smith, aad other makes. tf S H Q P P I NO. p A Y S T I L L C H R I S T M A 8 (tthrtsimas r H ÌC -C - 7r«n. S p rin g fie ld . O regon «ponslblllttes of marriage When you j with memories of a gloriously happy have had years of happy girlhood— wedding day—you will realise that carefree gaiety—when you are able mother's objections were wise aad mentally and physically to consider justified the responsibilities of being a wife and mother, then, and not before, are C IT A T IO N you old enough to marry It Is neither IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE fair nor unselfish of Jack to ask you STATE OF OREGON FOR THE to give up your own youth and sit COUNTY OF LANE. at home—ft married woman—waiting In the Matter of the Estate of Henry for him to graduate and give you » H. Cnlkea, deceased. home of your own. And If you do To Lula E Cullen and W illiam Roderick Cullen: marry him—and find at the end o f , IN THE NAME OF THE STATE four years—that be does not love OF ORBOON. You are hereby cited you—then who is to blame? .Married ■ and required to appear In th > County life lasts a great deal longer than Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of I^ane, at the Court R.xirn youth. Why make it longer? thereof at Eugrene, In the County of Elopements are dangerous, and nr Lane, on the 16th day of December. a general thing, not conducive to hap­ 1927 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of piness, even when tboae eloping are that day, then and there to show not Impetuous youngsters The -wed­ cause, if any you have, why the fol­ lowing described real property should ding »lay oelongs to the girl—and cot be sold at private sale by Henry B. her marriage should be bright, cheer­ Slattery, the administrator of the said ful and happy. The wedding should estate, to make sufficient to pay funer­ be sacred and beautiful—not merely al and othi expenses an In the pett- a legal form. It should inspire both tlon on file prayed for, to-wit: Th« North 66 6 feet of lot 4 in B\>ck 18 in the girl and the man with a fuller Fairmount, a part of the City of Eu­ understanding of the obligations they gene, Lane County, Oregon. Thia undertake and memories of an ugly citation Is first published In tha little office, with an Indifferent Justice Springfield News on Nor. 17, 1927 Witness, The Hon. C. P BARNARD of the Peace officiating, and curious Judge of the County Court of the 8tat< strangers acting aa witnesses, are not of Oregon, for the County of Lana particularly Inspiring In after years and the Seal of said Conn hereto af It has the appearance ot being tawdry fix»*d. the 17th day of Noweanber, 1927. and furtive. Attest- W B DILLARD, Clerk. WTien Jack has completed his edu­ By EVA L. DUCKWORTH, Deputy cation and is able financially to un­ N 17-24: D 1-8-15 dertake the responsibilities of marri­ age— and the new Jack and the new Loat Bicycle Found— A bicycle be­ Joan still love each other—then get longing to Louie Tuhy. which wan marri»«!. and share your happiness taken from the front of the grist mill with your parents and your friends. Saturday, was found that evening In Start your new life together without West Springfield. haste or confusion—openly and hon­ estly—and It will always be a beauti­ Mrs Youngbride: "I don't want to ful memory. have any trouble with you, BridgeL" Cook: "Then, belad, ma'am, let m s You are only eighteen now and it may be that you will be in love sev­ hear no complaints.’’ eral times before you finally marry. Mean The very fact that you ask for advice shows that you are not sure that you Roomie—Let me congratulate you. my are right—or that youzftre justified in boy This Is one of the happiest days disobeying your parents Talk it over of your life. • Mate—-"You’re a bit previous. I'm- wtth Jack and try to make him under stand your viewpoint. Second thought not to be married until tomorrow." Exactly! Today is one o f the never hurt anv «tie. And in lftte* b:,: pie-». ". • •' rears— when v< it are happily mnrri' and Coala Cur M .in and Second S treets. tl Piume 166 W 228 Main Si. 62 J Dear Miss F lo :— STARTLING REDUCTIONS ON RELIABLE USED CARS— PRICES CUT TO THE BONE Ford Coupe, waa |225 Cut to 8150 Dodge Touring, waa 8300, Cut to 8150 Kurd Touring, waa 9100 Cut to 976 Studebaker Coupe waa 8600. Cut to |4TO Cut to 8365 Kanex Coach. »»« 8476 Nash Sedan, wax 91360 Cut to 81250 Ford Coupe, wa» 8316 . .. Cut to 8265 I am afraid, my dear, that your Franklin Dcml-Sedan. waa 8685 chance, for happlneaa are very alight Cut to 8576 lnd»»ed If you go through with your llul> k Maater Country Club Coupe present plan. For while you are waa 91460 Cut to 81325 positive you know what you want B u lc k R oadster. won 9365 Cut to 8295 now—and no doubt you do—It la quite Buick Roadater, waa 91200. likely you will not want It five year« Cut to 91060 from now You Trill change a»» much Willy» Knight Touring, waa 8450 in that time that you may laugh at C u t to 83l'.’, the klea of ever having thought of Bulck Sid Country Club Coupe, murrylng Jack. Every day of the waa 31.150 Cut to 81250 year you change In some way, and at lleo Truck, waa 8660 Cut to 8550 the end of five year« very little of Bulck Coach, waa 81076 , Cut to 8975 the old Joan will be le f t The things llulck Touring, waa 8150 Cut to 975 that appeal to you at eighteen will Bulck Roadater, waa 8160. Cut to 965 seem positively stupid to yon at SEVERAL OTHERS twenty five. New experiences and a wider companionship will broaden W E N E E D T H E ROOM— YO U N E E D T H E CAR your view point and your mind will You can't afford to pilaa thia oppor­ naturally readjust Itself to the tunity—A xmall deposit will hold Changes. This Is even more true of the boy the car you «elect If you wait the cur you want may be gold Come In. than the girl It is generally admitted TODAY CONVENIENT TERMS! that a boy of twenty-one is not fully developed mentally. Jack Is going P. W. P E T T Y J O H N CO. Seventh und Olive St. Eugene. Ore. to college. He will be caught up in a new current—foreign to you. He Phone 1207. Trill meet new people— brilliant men —he will have new experiences—his life will be colorful—and the changes Capital's Police Women Stand High in First Aid in him will be greater than In you. At the end of the college days he may regard the love affair with you as M t* m b e ri o f th e W o m e n s B u re a u "puppy love." o f th e D is tr ic t of C o lu m b ia p o lice d e p a rtm e n t re c e n tly c o m p le te d th e You are much too young to marry. Red C ross fu s t »«r. /