The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 15, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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.'OF GENERAL INTEREST'- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
•n e f Resume of Happenings of
the Week Collected for
Our Readers.
, . ...
,»,» » ,
P enial savin»« On deposit al the As
t o r t. p t o t o f f l« Decem ber 1 sm o»«.ei!
to ,3 5 1 7 « # an i n c c . s e of »iiMM dur
tog . oven» r
Ground » a s broken In Klamath
p a ils laal week for the construction of
a tw o .lo r y brick garage to coat in
the neighborhood of ,3ü.tHH»
. . ».
The Madras sta le bank w tn c h c lo .e d
M e m b e r 10. 1926. h s . declared a SO
to r cent dividend Io all .o n ,m e rc i..
iep ogltp re and paid all s a v in g , ae-
eeun^a Itocem ber 10.
Moya than W.dOu people from all
M T t. of the V ailed S t a le . andI Canada
t o e t l e d Klamath F a ll, and the K lam ath
basin during the tourist season from
June I to December I
W infield Charles Clarke of K lam ath
P alls has been named by Pre«,dent
Coolidge a candidate for W es! Poln
m ilitary academ y
He w ill take the
axam inatu-n March 6. 19ÎS
sra t a in t forward»«!. Kv»rett llroa.
I >»f S an d ; »1» loading their tilth v»r
Mr W K. Gilbert. which will leave the
Jochs Saturday for California
car ha» a lto been shipped to Chicago.
K siabllshm ent of a radio broadcast
ln< sia llo n in Salem will be tuidar
taken within the neat few day» by J
R Hugboa and K B Aldrich of Port
T his was announced after ,.t
form ation had been received
W ashington that a permit would be
Issued by the federal radio commis-
Medford I. ready to accept the com
mtotolty chest m .th od of charity dis
trlbnllon Thia w as decided by prom -.
mtin)ber> of {ha rtetdrloua Medford
high t<hoo,
«quad were gu ests
)f honof.
Jg m
fBjj range conditions. An abundance j
grewn grass, still free from snow.
.-over» the m idstate range lands The
.heepm en and cattlem en to Crook. Jef-
[BrM)n itoschuta» and Lake counties
have p|tfnly „( hay.
Yam hill county's sh are of the state
Love and Jam es Cooper, both
m arket ronds for IMS is to be ,34.043 ploneer resid en ts of D ouglas county,
or »1189 more than the 19Î7 appor
dead w llh iO a few hours of each
tw niucnt. The cvuntiy is to m atch oth^r ,asI W(lt. k
\tr j
dled ol
th is fro:., its own road fund.
heart d isease while working In the
Owner» of property in the city ef barnyard at his hom e in Cam as valley
Astoria lu 1928 » .1 pay a tax levy of anij Mr Cooper collapsed and died
approxim ately .92 m ills on eat . dol- while w atching men unload stock near
lar of a ssessed valuation, a s estim ated his hom e in North Roseburg
by Charles Henry», ounty a ssesso r
With laying o f ste e l com pleted, eon
Seven years in prison and a fine oi , tractors have only six days of surfac
»25eo was the sen ten ce im posed upon nig and after that approxim ately two
J. V. Burke convicted president of w eeks of trim m ing left before the
the defunct Bank of Kenton in Pori Great Northern exieaaion south from
land by Circuit Judge Steven son last Rend to a connection with the South
era P acific at Chemult w ill be ready
After four w eeks of'rigld quaroaltns for trains
It la expected that work
l i t city of M arshfield lifted the ban w ill ha finished by D ecem ber SO
at midnight last Friday
S ch ools re : , T icket validations In Portland be-
epened Monday, a fter being d o sed for i tw een May 15 and October 31. Ihs
lour w eeks on account of infantile tourist season, totaled 16.754. or a
gain o f a fraction m ore than It) per
Cheeks distributed during the past cent over the 11,591 reported for the
week by the receiver of the First Na sam e period of 1925. according to the
lion bank of Bandon brought the total report just m ade public. The figure»
liquidation of the bank a affairs up io give a fairly accurate check on Lhe
75 p e r c e n t
T h e institution failed I growth of rail tourist travel e n jo y e d
by that city
two years ago
Approxim ately tw o-thirds of Ore­
gon's ISO.000 pound m ini oil crop has
been sold, according to statem en ts
m ade by Salem dealers The growers
recetred an average of »2 54 a pound
tor their product
Mrs Gemlma Beach 85. pioneer res
Ident of Ontario, passed away In her
sleep last Friday night
W hen she
did not arise Saturday morning her
aged husband weal to as. ertalo the
cause and found her dead
g ^ a N T lM P H lU d g im
Strict enforcem ent of all law s af­
fecting the Im portation of ant tree*
into Oregon, and step s looking toward
the enactm ent of additional lew s for
the protection of th e nat growing in
dustry qf the state, were urged upon
the state board of horticulture In res­
olutions passed by the W estern Nut
Growers' association In Its c losin g see !
sion at Salem last week
A tlmLer A le . resulting In the die- (
posai of seven tracts of governm ent :
tim ber on grant lands in five counties,
was conducted by the Rosebnrg land
office last week The governm ent real
ised 192.(26.17. The next sale Is to be
held January 16. and It Is expected
that the com ing sale will be one of the
largest to be conducted for several ;
The interstate bridge will be made
years. It will include som e valuable
free of tolls, save for com mon car­
tim ber lying east of Portland
riers Decem ber 31 192» a cording io
—to , e
. -to-
Bnrhueissm for the proposed new
a te a lstiv e agreenipn' which war
from Portland to the Clatsop
reached betw een the Oregon state
beaches via Vernonia was augm ented '
highway com m ission and the Mulino-
a, a m eeting In the grange hall In Ver
mac county com m ission, at a confer
I uonia with representative« of Port­
MU in f rfla. last week
land. Seaside. Banks sn d Vernonia
- A repri sen tatlve ol lie state bank
pr-scnt. A resolution v s » adopted
leg departm ent will have charge of
pointing out that s lm e lh e new rout,
the liqnn ation of the defunct Farm
would be about 40 m iles shorter th a t
ere and Slot kgrowers' bank of V a l I the present Columbia highw ay and the
according to a decision reached at a e x p e n s e of widening the present high ;
m eeting of the state bunking board at way about the sam e as betiding th-
Salem last week
The bank failed to new road, the highw ay com m ission b<
•pen its doors Monday
asked to give early consideration to ,
Jam es M Sm ith. Marion county tom
surveys of a short road from Portland ,
m i-sinner has Issued a call for all io the seashore
couniy ju d ge, and i otnrnissio.'c . in
One-fifth of the ne, land ares ot
the s ta te io m ‘-et in l‘. rrlund January Oregon and W ashington is em braced,
15 and 26 to con -id ei III' proposed wi’hin the boundaries of naiional for I
initiative m easure lord ir.g to a reduc­ ests, at cording to a « ts 'e n e n f for lh-
tion of motor vebii 1« In case fees in las, fiscal yeer Issued from h«adquar
Oregon .to 13 p-r year
ters of thi North P acific district a'
L G Lv el 11 ng o ls lric t a tto rn e y of Portland. Tl r.' are 22 national for
elected president of e s t» in this c is t r iii. c o v -.ln g a Iota!
Linn <<»unl
tb«- Linn CoUDty B
ar »4>o<ia»ion at net area of 22.959,074 acres 13.229 3»/
Mr .ihuual iu»» na in Albany last acres in Oregon, 9.352.103 acres ii
w eek. A S Tui.*ing o i Browns/dlf* W ashington and 377.'»nJ a ir e s In north
w&fe nani«-d vt« pr»*.«>;<!*-«»; M h. era California
Bhanks, L* hanon. ( r e a s u r - :. anti C. C. I A public m eeting to consider an ap
Bryan« Albany sectetary
propriallon of ,275.00h for the con
Klam ath basin as a »*•**<1 p* soan • strip tion ol a to u c h o n s- was <ail»i:
lor Caliiorriia is r* %4iuvd a* a pus«*:
for Rosel,,!.,- Janu aiy 21, In an oid- :
Vilify, follow ing an inv»-dtig.,tion oi , sign id by tlie D ouglas county court
eftmal«* and *oil conditions) by a rep . The court recently set aside ,2U0.00< ,
renentative of h» ' alifornia Ps' king from the Oregon A- California gram ,
O tfirialg of the pa< Ring land funds for th purpaoe* and ib add
rorpiM-atitin have ten tatively agreed to j Ing »75,060 already o s hand, but in
prt-vid. w e d fo r a p p r o x im a te ly io u o r d e r Io com ply with the law must
sire« <>f K ian,a,l land as an exp,-ri 1 call a publh m eeting befora lhe ix
peudilure < an he authorized.
iT eeld i nl Coolidge has signed an
A peppermint idd factory has h ie ,
e m s-u in e old er withdraw ing from th-
started In Salem qnlntly and i, nnv.
publli dom ain rocks and pinnacles running steadily at a capacity of 25 !
along th< Oregon coast. The order pounds per hour, it Is announced 'i n*
was made lha, the ca a st may be pro
plant Is ownea by L. O. Herrold and
tocteu against m isuse and the marring is soon to be increased to 225 pounds
n t Its scenery.
par boar capacity
T h e lifth anniversary of the fire that
The John DeW all and O. J. Goa, i
destroyed the hear! of A storia in 1922 partnership boar went on a rampage |
was observed last week with sp eeches last Ssturday near Scio and atlai-ked
describing lhe big strides In progress the horses belonging to these men
and recovery the city has m ade In the with the result that one e f Mr Guar’s
past five years. N ew spapers printed korsaa was aa badly poisoned from
toeelhi edition*.
'ha anim als' tusks It had to bti killed
G overnor hewed low over her baud,
uttering explanations In a low lone.
Her surprise bad yielded to what Ar
(C ontinued from IMge 51
id le , loitering behind, thought an ex
"If thia reat lies you. rem ain near pn-sslon of relief and satlafaetloii 11«
at baud until I can s e e you. P lease moved bow aid as the Governor Ulin
utidei «land 1 proiutaa iiolhiug. hut It ed toward him
"M iss H astings, Mr C o itily "
la very possible that you may In- able
"My nam e here." the G overnor was
to serve m e
My auut la givin g a
party for me Thursday night. 1 m ust saying, "la Saulsbury."
"It think." said Archie, "II, al tha
leave It to you as to how best to ar­
range for a sh ort interview the day m om ent has com e for me to retire.'
"We sh all not turn you adrift!"
follow in g
A very dear friend needs
cried Ruth. "I have a very dear friend
help The m atter is urgent.
I m ust Introduce you to."
T he m atch curled and fell upon
"Oh. Isabel!"
A r c h ie s llngera. A ten se sile n t« lay
Follow ing her g a ie he was glad of
upon the gnrdeu. The Governor clasp
the slight pressure of her hand on
ed A r c h ie s hand tightly.
his arm Here at least Was aom elhlng
"It's about tim e h>r us to clear out."
tangible In a world lh.,1 loiterer! to­
would c om e! And som eth in g tells me
ward chaos
For It was Isabel I’errv
I am near the end Kven with all uiy
who lururtl a t the sound of llu lh 's
faith, boy. It's staggerin g
Ami this
is the very ulgbt of the dance
"Miss I'erry. Mr t'om ly!
‘ T l's aout tim e tor us to clear out.
"Oh. Mr. t'omly !" T here was th -
A rchie rem arked
I slig h test str e s s otr the assum ed name.
"W hat! Leave this sacred soil when “After this d a n c e - "
s h e s her«? Not on your Ute, A rchie'
She slipped away, leaving hint alar
I sh a ll not leave until I've had speech Ing anil Archie. In a dar
lead Itutl,
with her " The fe sta l occasion ofle a back to the Govern«:
an ideal opportunity tor the m eeting!
At the ton cliislon of the number.
It s going to be a big affair and we . Isabel rem ained, t o Ar« hb « dlsn u n
c a n m erge with the happy tliroqg ano , hiure. at the farther end of the plai
trust to our w its to get us out alive
form, and when I, hurried forward
He urged Archie, still resistin g, in the hope of (Id a. hlng her from the
through the grounds to the front e n ­ group that surrounded her «he did
trance. where they were adm itted with not see him at all. which was wholly
\ pa:
s.-m lu I,
several other gue.-ts who arrived it discouraging
the m om ent.
T he sta tely old ladv for lhe I.. XI ryaioe «1,.i as io m usic
ill lh e draw ing room lifted a lorgn ette struck up he math bold to accost her
"I am nor to be eliidk-il!” I,*- said I
as they appn-ached. sm iled afTably and
gave the Governor her hand
in,is! have at least one d a n ce' '
-'Me card Is lilted but I am reaerv-
"Mrs. Lindsay, my friend. Mr. Com
ly. He arrived U liexpecledly an hour trig a boon for you' You shall bav«
ago and I thought you wouldn't min ! the Interm ission "
He passed Rmli returning to pul
my bring:ng him along
i h e fse lf in the path of her next partner.
"I aiiould have been disp leased if
"This Is your punishm ent for com ­
you had hesitated a m om ent—any
ing late!" laughed lh e girl
frieno o f yours, you know ! "
was hap piness In her e y e s
O ther arrivals facilitated their es
perfectly ridiculous you iw o men
cape, and as they stepp ed into th • are'"
conservatory tlie m usic reused and
"Suppose we talk a hit," said the
there w as a Untie, a s lh e dancers
i G overnor when they hud found a
sou ght their se a ts, or stepped out
bench on the lawn
upon the lawn
Archie, acutely un­
" I ts m-arlng the end!" he said
com fortable, heard tlie G o v e ru p r atlfle
i solem n ly “There are other ch an ges
an exclam ation .
and chances, perhaps, hut the end Is In
"That Is sh e! Stand by me now! sight Th> whole thing was unalr.-r
imr ch ance!"
i able from the beginning; I! m akes
That c h a p s just left her
T h is is little difference what we do now- Ami
our ch an ce!"
it's you— It's you that have brought ,t
A young woman w as Just seating all about. We are bound togeth er bv
h e r se lf in a chair at the farther end of lie s not of earth ly making."
T he
"You are beginning to b elieve al
moved Inward her quickly. ‘ Archie l a s t r
saw her lift her head suddenly and
“I don't know whar to believe,"
her lip s parted a s though she was
about to m ake an outcry. Then the much do you understand of II’ ”
•'Preeloua llttla!
Your Isabel ati-l
my Ruth an- frlem la, quite Intim ate
friends Indeed
Tlral'a new s to you.
Isn't It?"
"Most aston ishing new s'"
"And now I'll prepare toll a H ili'
(or w lia l I prefer you should Item
from Isabel I go, It from Hull,
t o u t e not quite 111, I shed yet with that
E .M H K U
I». 1»»7
' pistol shot In the t'ongilon housa
» e v u is
to be echoing riHind the
i wnrlt)!"
S ee our A i s lees. C yclam en and
l*oii,eelllas b if o r e you plan vour
ihrlatn-ua Dower g ifts O ldham
Si h aï,loi
Beautiful Xmas Cards
Printed w ith ••n tim n n t and
Sundors nninn.
P la c t Y o u r ORDER NOW !
HO you w ill llliv« ' f i l i n ' to »«'till
them before C h rls i” ’«*.
A :»rge aneortineut to neleot
fro m but come before
they are a ll gone.
Springfield News Office
Z ^ | WV
/ 1 I 1
>» N A T IO N W /D C
fN S r t T U T IO N -
JC P enney C o
*’tc/iere savin g * a re g re a te s t
!U2 W illam ette St , E ugene, (iieg o n
U n d erw ear for C hristm as
Solves M any Puzzling Problem»
—and Inexpensively, T oo
The charm of lovely underthings
makes them alwajra a welcome gift
— begin right now to buy them for
vour friend«.
Crepe de Chine and
Gowns, pajamas, chemise, 6tej>-
ins, bloomers and lacey dancettes—
in delicate pastel tints— such a fas­
cinating assortment that you will
have to select several!
98c to $4.98
Prominent Odd F ellow s from all
ever the northw est gathered at Salem
last week and participated In the dia­
mond jubilee celebration <ondu. ted by
Chem eketa lodge No 1. the oldest of the orttor west of the R ockies
Getting Ready for Christmas
- e t o -,
Is a H eap o f Fun! !
On the street, in the store, jostling crowds
of good-natured shoppers. At J. C. Brill’s
Store—everywhere, color! Sparkle! Excite­
ment! Brilliance of Christmas decorations,
Vivid reds and greens. Silver tinsel that
glistens. Mothers, fathers, sisters, cousins
buying gifts for others. Everywhere the spirit
of giving, the joy of doing for someo 2 else.
Yes, the Christmas season is a heap of fun
and here (Brill’s) in the store we «3re ready
with lovely gifts.
Hurry! Hurry!! Hurry!!! Only 8
More Shopping Days Till Christmas