THVKBDAT PfceK M BK n It. 1M7 T H « BPRINGFOBLD NEW S PA G E FIVE la »pita of tba Governor's frequently When Archie finished b< H e lore open the envelo pe » a d Ula to blm nelf eagerly, then avowed assertion that Ira wished to clapped him on the shoulder Buffer» trembeled os he held the note second m atch and read aPiwe (Coattaued fn a a > * « • 4) "By Jove, you've loosed my a u r a to the light. He rood the tw o sheets (io n tin a e d on P a g e d ) know nothing about him. Archie felt For a few moments »be waa bu»y strongly Impelled to _ make a clean around like eo many dice! I'v e got lb« »brill comforting the child and Archie, deep breast of tba Bolley Harbor affair, le consult the oracles imwadiatoly."’ t « M a p le irln g arresi ÜÄ In thought. Vumod to meet the soaruh He darted from the room, and when tba two encounters with lsabel.aad.hi« cry «r • vhild in terrur. log *eae of her gray «yen. meeting with Mrs. Congdon. Hie reso Archie reached bis study the Gover­ “Help! >l«lp* Ob. Kdlth! K d ltb " "You are a gentleman;' I am »are lutlon strengthened when the Gover­ nor was poring over a map of the The < rlee ««nt him ■( • run toward of that; »lid I feel that I can truat nor appeared, dressed with bis usual heavens. the p le ie lu wMrfc ha left (ha Cong you I am In a »trange predlrameni. care and exhilarated by bis day's ad ‘•Your Isabel's all tangled up In our j don« ami l ‘m forced to e»k you help Tin- Hounding • cur»« In tba path he name and uddre»» I gave the police ventures. Ilsring retired after the din affairs!" declared the Governor wtt:i 10« a man rushing down th» mad Were fUlltlour I know It ha» a queer tier had been served, and the Gover­ moi k resentment She will dawn up- j nor. In cosy accord with hi» cigar, re on your gate again very soon—I feel I with Rdlth In hl» arui» look; but I had to do It I know per It coming. Gur next move la outlined ' Ar, tile redouble# Ilia pair, pa«»ad feetly well who carried away my marked suddenly; "Odd, yoti might almost say sin -—we must go to Rochester." Mia. Cungdoa ami «aiued th» car a» Utile girl. The man and woman you “Would you mind telllnu me Just (ha man with th« child In hl» arm», eaw In the car were servant« employ­ gular! I've crossed old mau t.'ong- jumped Into It The car was moving ed by my fatbarln law who cordially don's trail again! You recall him— what Rochester had to do with all the old boy we left to the tender mer­ Iht»?'” demanded Archie testily. rapidly and a man'» vole» had» tba dlallkee me “My dear boy, Rochester ta one of I cies of Bee brook and W alters’. Well, driver hurry. Within th» child'» "Of course I'm not going to Brook Give your wife an “electric servant’’—to save her time, »«ream» were suddenly stifled, th« lyn. Please tell the man fo drive to I met today oue of the moat remaru- the aurburba of Paradise. You m ay re­ to save her step«. At practically no cost after the Ini door .w ung open for an Ineianl. and a tile Altniore, ladles' entrance, ('ll able of all the men I know who camp call that I told you of a certain tile tiaJ outlay, electricity in ready to ..elp ip all the house­ blow, delivered full In (he lace, »»nt walk through th» main door and lake outside the pale. Perky ta bU n a m e - In a summer house where my adored work— and do it better than by tee old fashioned way« jeweler by trade, he fell froth hla promised to leave a message for me Arafcle raeltng Into the road. another taxi Cm only worry your high estate and went on the road aa If her heart softened or she needed When he gained ble feet. Mr». Cong name hail Io be brough* Into It." me Well, the secret poat-ofllee ta at dim »tuud beside him moaning and "You needn't bother about that at a yegg then entered Into the game of ELECTRIC TOASTERS ........ $1.75 UP. wringing ',h»r hand». A mountad all," Archie repttetl with a rea» boring neat holes In the rim of twenty- Rochester; there the Incompaumble * t patlrrmad rod* upon (he acwo», Hetati- ■urlng »mile "The name and addra»» dollar gold pieces, leaving only the visits her aunt and about this time of outer »hell and fillin g ,’em up with year she-'a likely to be there. And If «d far an mutant to Archie'« i ip U im I gave were both false." ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS, $3.50 to $11.00 a composition he Invented that made you knew the way of the stars and lira«, »ad sounding hla w hl.tle, »et He looked at her covertly end (hev could understand my calculations off after the car at a gullap ELECTRIC URN S E T ..................... ......$22.00 laughed with the mirth df chlldr,«, the coin ring like • marriage bell youd see that your Isabel is likely to While he wa» »till experimenting he Mr» Congdon bad falntad Arahle's planning mischief In »caret have some business in that neighbor- none bled from tb« r»P 1» the face "The little girl." he ventured; "you ran Into old R llph.let sitting with h l. hoot Just now." WAFFLE IR O N S ............ .......$10.00 to $15.00 famous umbrella on a bench In Boston and hl» back ached wher» h» had are not apprehensive about her?” "Rubbish! I happen to know that Common. Perky thought Kllptialet «track the earth The »ergeant plied Not In the slig h test My father-ln her business was ail to be In northern ELECTRIC IR O N S ................... $3.50 to $7.75 h im with questions which he answer­ la«1 la most disagreeably eccentric, waa a »tool pigeon for a con uutfll, Michigan this summer. Your stars ed carefully. When hie name w a. but he le very fond of my children but explanations followed and It wa» have certainly made a monkey of you CURLING IRONS ................... $1.25 to $3.50 »eked he answered promptly. It wa» quite like him to attempt to a case of Infatuation on lloth sides. "John It Wrigtit, Boston; »tupping carry off the little girl alwaya a parti The old man »«« a» tickled with the this time! You talk like a nonaease How much luggage ore we scheme a» a boy with a new dog. He book! at the lintel Ganymede." < ular pet of hl». I wa» shocked. Of taking?" "Hu»me»»r‘, course, when II happened But I am now asslala Perky to circulate the The Governor rang for Timmons to "Broker. Nanonet Building. Boston." not worried. I meant to put the cbll spurious medium of exchange. Perky ChriKtnias Tree Lights and Decorations. sa y . he's a wonderful ally, endowed j d° U*’’,r and feH upoD * ,lm e Mr» Congdon had recovered eultl dren quite out of my husband'» wav table. Complete Slock of Everyready Flash Lights. ctrmtly to tell her etory. »nd to It'» rather odd. a» I think of It. that w ith a ll th e q u a litie s o f a Brut fLass ) They wrote them selves down on Archie'» relief cooberaled hl» own ver my husband didn't persons!!» try to crook." the hotel register at Rochester os • nm In a manner to dl»p»»e of any take the child from me," "You'll appreciate 'hat better," said Saulsbury and Comly and were quick-) quaatlnn a» to hi» Innocence. Her com This, uttered mualngly, gave Archie Archie, “ when you I; ar what I know ly In the rooms the Governor had en­ WESTINCHOUSE LAMPS AN F APPLIANCES poanre »truck Archie a» remarkable a perturbed moment. But the car had »bout the Conydon family You've gaged by wire. A short time later and her repllee to the officer'» quea reached the Altmore, and he lifted been mighty decent In not pressing tlema were brief and exagt To A r- the boy and accompanied them to the me for any account of myself, but Archie found him self whisked away to a handsome residential area where chte'a aurprtae. »he gave her noma aa you've got to hear my story now. We’ll the Governor dismissed the driver at H r« George W. Kendall. 117 Knot "Thank you. very much,” »he said. probably b oth , be more comfortable if a corner and continued afoot for sev­ Owning Btreet. Brooklyn." I don't tell you tny name, but you shall I In a tone that dlamlaaed him. eral blocks. It was Incredible that any one could have that. too. If you cxre for It. Bo The Governor ran hie stock along CHAPTER XI. He with »o convincing an air. He many things have happened since I I Fifth and Main Street - - Springfield the top of u wall that grimly guarded Hefreahed by a nap aud ahower, waa eatlefled that »he was Mr«. Cong left Bailey Harbor that you don't ■ the rear of the premises. He caught don. and that the child »he called Archie waa dreased and waiting for know about, things ' tuat I haven't the edge and was quickly on top. Rdlth wa« the original of the photo­ the Governor at seven, who arrived a dr red tell you. that I'm going to spout ! When Archie hung back the Governor v a m a frT > graph he had seen at Bailey liarbor. few minutes later It nil now and here. If you want to 1 grasped him by the arms and swung "Here * an extra I picked up down When the owner» of »«veral machine» cliuck me when you've heard It. well i offmed to take her home, »he glanced town The »cream of the evening 1» enough; but I don't mind shying that , him up and dropped him into a dark »boat uncertainly and her eye» falling a kidnapping—vnoel deplorable line to part with you would hurt me terrib- , corner of the garden. Then he left him vdith the Injunction #to remain upon him »eemed to Invite hl» a»»l»t- o' bualneas." ly. I never felt so dependent on nny" where he was. Wlille Archie waited for the Gover­ »neo man ns I do on you; and I've grown : "Archie! Oh, Archie!" the Gover­ "Pardon me. but If I can aery» you nor to dree», he carefully read the mighty fond of you. old man.” nor whispered excitedly, brushing an account of the kidnapping In the park In any way—" "Thank you. lad," said the Governor envelope across the bewildered Ar- •Thank you.” »he »aid with relief The police ban not yet learned that He listened patiently, nodding o c -, chle's face. "Strike a match before T anunt get away from this; It'» un­ the two moat Important w itnesses had caaipnally or throwing In a question. I perish." given fictitious names. bearable '' “BLACK.SHEEP” He put her and the boy Into a t a i l , ead laetrueted the d river to go to H ru o klyat" HENDERER ELECTRIC THE FARMERS EXCHANGE Annual Christmas Offering I AT For thisoccasion we have reduced Prices so drastically that people of -small means can well afford to buy beau­ tiful Christmas Presents for the whole family. Santa Claus Headquarters In Springfield Shop Early as Stock Is Limited Compare our Prices with others an d you w ill find th at we w ill save you $ $ $1.25 Holeproof Silk Hose ....... .......... .......................... 89c J 1.39 $1.50 Men’s Silk N ecktie«.............................................. 8 9 C 75c Men’s Silk T ie s ................. ................................. -.... 39c $5.00 and $6.00 Men’« S w e a te rs .............. S3.9S $3.50 Men’s Wool S h ir ts .......... .... $ 1 .9 5 $1.50 Boy«’ All-Wool B la z e rs.................. — ....... $ 2 .9 8 $2.50 Men’« Heuvy Flannel Shirts ...................... ....... 98C $3.50 and $4.00 Boy«’ DreB« and Work Shoes...... $ 2 .4 8 83 Munsing Bavon Vests ...................... 89c $6.00 anti $7.00 W omen's Sm art Shoes, >2.95 to >3.95 $15.00 and $20.00 Women’s Silk Dresses $8.95 75c Fancv Turkish Towels ............................. 39c $7.50 Girls' 15-Inc.h High Top Boots $2.98 $5.50 Silk U m b rellas.............. ......... $3.98 $8.50 Silk Umbrellas .......... ................... $4.9 8 $12.50 I^adies' Llndenberg R a in c o a ts ............. $ 5 .8 5 $20.00 and $25.00 Ladies’ C o a ts .............. ............ $ 1 3 .9 8 $3.00 Ladies’ Golashes ............ .................................. $1.9 8 $1.50 Baby Dolls .......... ....................................... 79c $1.50 W omen's Felt Slippers ................................... $1.65 Kyzer Silk Hose, Slipper lleel .................... ALL TOYS AT HALF PRICE THE FARMERS EXCHANGE “The Christinas Store of Springfield”