M B BOUS T H B SPR IN G PIB LD NBWS tthtbhday nncH M H H R r t . i « r r vary cruel happened to h im ; some- with merriment, »aal his thought« ffy j the man ha had shot. ‘ thing that ¿ really em bittered him. a lag to Bailey Hörbar. •RLACKSHEEP! ¿LZ X M m ü t k M dúlfc» CÖPVTUOKT CKARLM 3CXIKNXR3 SONS “ IN T R O D U C T IO N good »«oner A rchibald Bennett, w ealthy bach •lo r, travel» cuaatantly in the Interest < hl» health H e meet» laabai Perrjt. toko recommend» a life of crim e, ad- ewntore. romance and aic-ltem ent a» • cure for hie nerve». Archie goes to Bailey H arbor to Invaattgate a »um • o r house for his alster. A heavy torca» him to »perni the night During the night he Is awak- by footstep», and la a . encounter w ith the intrud er, who see. A rc h ie * h g u r. re fle c t« ! in the m irro r and rtoots- A rc h *, flro . in return, wound- A in V C A B T E R S Z X V IC I Archie ueed a» decoy— led Congdon the (o Uovernwr'a Archie »later. that har neat ' brother 1» paaalng through a »irange meet eccentric A rchie and the Governor d riv e : pbaae- cauaed by a cruel »hook aoma here away w ithout creating auaptetan and a*eed acroaa the atata to deliver the ftftO.iMU to tra in robber Leary a t W alk * „ „ Bew •ig h t Into working» of the crim e w orld. At the flrat opportunity W alk or'» daughter appeals to A rchie to Me(p b to ^ i U ( from Oo¥ernor t4ktn< the (n # wJW A n Old-fashioned S to Combat Julia, explain» day. tag the Intruder, who tan es a ea rtj e.A rchie see» Sally onto the tra in — gape. Archie p aoa g t to eva • be reeranled w ith a fond farew ell pabttcity H e s ta r t, enm acountry kl^ ^ d he , u r M nnd l - b e , •lo o t In the night. A t dawn he is w w , u* ““ P erry had witnessed the whole scene stopped on a lonely country road by i j . i , Isabel n« not pleaxed St meeting “T he Oovernar. m aster-m ind crim in al , Archie aguoi and accuses his of apv who mtstahes him for a fellow crim i lag on her. She tells him that If be aaL Archie, fleeing, is afraid to tall ha» really shot Putney Congdon as he (Ms tru th — falls la w ith "T h e G over­ claims, he has ruined everything nor," Is whisked serose country in a Archie returns to the hotel greatly •token car. Sees story Is N e a »paper myattSed. N ext m orning the Gover­ of h illin g a t Bailey H arbor and. nor a rriv es — explains to Archie that •Tightened, he decides to say nothing be baa aided Sall'.e to m arry a note» t o t »tick w ith his strange friend and i lous diamond th ie f— and that Bailie • w a ll developments. A t Concord. N. ■ had deceived him concerning the M-. A rchie cemea upon Isabel Perry »1 * t h . hotel desk hat »he refuses to j I whole affair. They proceed to New York to the ppeagnite him . T h e Governor, by • I „ , . __ . _ ,__ _ . G overno r» home, where they are visit •le v e r plan, switches stolen m oney for ' CHALLENGE by m aking love to niece of agent aent to : Julia THE NEWLAND CO., QUITTING BUSINESS lime before Now read on T h e draperies at the end of the room »waved a little and A rrh le walk ed hack ami glanced Into the dining room He sodded reassuringly and ahe Indicated a teat a little nearer than the one he bad left. "Please don't be alarm ed, but I f . a stngular fact that I know you. we met once, passingly at tea In Cam- bridge; It's a good while ago and we exchanged only a word, so don't try to remember. 1 much prefer that yo-» sho uld n't" Archie did n't rem em ber; he had attended many teas at cam bridge during rom m encenibiit festive tles and had always hated them "It was not u ntil we were a t the table that I placed you tonight. I m re­ lieved. infinitely relieved, to know that you are w ith my brother How ‘t came about Is none of my affair. B it you are a gentlem an; in the strange phase through which"— her Ups form ed to speak a name bul she caught herself up sharpie—•'through which he Is passing I'm gratified th a t he has your companionship Once something thing. Indeed; and C H A P T I R X. W hen tile Governor reappeared Julia and AY, hie were seemingly In the midst of a leisurely discussion of the drnnis « I-Ater., when they wer again alone (or a few momenta, she slipped a sealed envelope Istn hla hands “ If anything should happen to him I should like to know tt was under stood between Us when he called me by telephone this morning that I was not to hint lu any w ay as to hla identity, o r mine, far th at-m atter, and I shall not break faith w ith him I Ira n i you com pletely I shall be at that add res* until the flrat of October. You can wire me In any em eigency.” Shortly after, she ton her leave. Archie learned from Itartng. who brought his breakfast, that the Gover nor had left the house, and would hardly return before six lA te r he chose a stick w l(h care from a rack at the front door, walked to the Avenue and turned determ ined ly cityw ard, w alking Jauntily Ha grinned as he saw seated In Ute upper window of the most conservative of all his clubs one of his several pros perous unites, and having sufficiently exposed him self to the eyes of the world he determ ined to eat luncheon in the park reusturant He watched a young woman with two children who occupied a table d irectly In hla line of vision Children always interested him. and the boy was a handsome little fellow , but It wa» the g irl who held Archie's attention, with a perplexed sense that he had seen her before T he fine oval face, the eyes dancing' T he «'onsdoaa had «alea their amai hurriedly sad wer» already pay««« th eir ebook, Ho watched them more away toward the In te rio r of the park m arked th e ir direct loe and ehoe» a parallel covra» w ith a view of keeping them In eight K'untiauod on Pag* ft) Enroll » NOW! for the N ew Ford The Enrollment Plan works like a savings aeount. By starting now you will have the money when the New Fonl car Is delivered. Small payments. ' Start and you will have a New Fonl before you know It. Orders are now being taken for the new car. First come first served after car deliveries strat. Come In, sign up today. The New Ford car Is a wonder. Thousands of them ate rtow being sold Get lu line for yours. DANNER. MOTOR CO. A U TH O R IZED FORD DEALERS 5th and A Sta. The Newland Co., Springfield, Oregon Quitting Business - . Springfield THE NEWLAND CO., QUITTING Business LADIES HI-TOP LACE BOOTS Ladies Coats ¡T imi j He contlaaed to Inspect them with a a fte r the flrat shock of It— ” Hb» tarn deepening raavtetlo a that the woman It -was a dispirit ed her head slightly and her lipa was M rs tNiagdon lag thought that there under hla eye», ’ Quivered "T h a t 1» a ll." ahe said, and farad so rloae (hai the babble of the children him again w ith her beautiful repo»» occasionally reached bis aeroes the accentuated, her perfect selfconUrol Intervening tahlsa, was the fam llv of that touched him with an In An Its p‘ty. very rauei. hard Regular Prices >35.00 Closing Out Price Famous Duckhecht Regular ITIce >1000 Closing Out (Tice $16.75 $5.95 a»d . p i a . Z e w ith haa am bU ahed ü u a u » i < m a » t a d ! » « « to th e w w rid n i ra d a .: idaaMaaft « to n a to n e « a M Extra Special FRIDAY 9 A. M. Large 3 Lb. Cotton Uatts, Stitched Closing Out Price today aa m stood from the bed». —« • long as Zenith males » it «rill be I the beat radio. Zenith ia the only radio set that M cM illan would take to the Arctic. Zenith is the holder of the 79c Japan to New Jersey. Zenith has been first in moat of the important developments ia 75c Laundry Bags radio—25 original mechanical Closing Out Price w o r ld ’s long d istance re c o rd — and electric achievements that have revolutionised radio. That ia why Zenith ia tha most logical choice in radio. The Sale that is Attracting Crowds from Far and Near And increasing in volume from day to day dem onstrafes the people ap­ preciate Real Genuine Bargains. We are Quitting Business and the people know we are in earnest. With a stock like this, no wonder people are enthusiastic over this Sale with Thousands of lktllurs worth of S ea ­ sonable .Merchandise absolutely Slaughtered In Price, Including every dollar's worth of our Holiday goods. No wonder the people are resjiond- ing to this Sale as they never did before. But Don’t Wait! This Stock will not last long at the rate it Is going. Come, and com e prepared to buy. You w on’t regret It. M e n ’s Union GOWNS Outing Flannel and Voll Gowns Values to $1.59 Closing Out Price , Extra Special Saturday 11 A. M. One Lui SUk Punge In assorted p l a i n colors. On Sale for one hour. ro a 8OC Suits Heavy weight and Ribbed Closing Out Price $1.10 RAIN COATS For Girls Closing Out Price $2.59 See Heiniä SPRINGFIELD GARAGE M ain 8 tre e t, Springfield THE NEWLAND CO. QUITTING BUSINESS Newlands SPRINGFIELD, OREGON the N ewland co . QUITTING BUSINESS