— v— — —. Foreign Calls fo r H elp Anawered by Red Cross Even Toyland Grows Up! If Santa C I«u».tiaJ.t»ll«l> aaltwti l *< ii y ia rs »a** «utl MWjjk» ti»lay. bu f.< »«rjr uiiiub. iiui*»«‘U a t ,the airld»» , tfcat T u jla a d b*H taken > Oulta ara llir atintiU- luy train» I»,« bur»«' mill wagon »eta tlta aluff«'>l «toll» that ilall«lit»>< etolldran « da- «tala ago in th r lr ataad, ha would to il ro iitrapllo na which are n tlrn rla i <>l i rout I»«' gt-nlua. I l l p ln rr of the tiny lotninotlva and I wo m iniature «are which d»|wnd«d upon a hand wound »prlug to Jara t i . around tha wobbly »«<1 of tro ik a n rr ► litiM u iu r »trtng» which thread th e ir way lu and out of tunnel», »low it g down at i roaalng». ■topping »1 autom atic algnul light» and all tbl» 1» • Ic c tr ld t y l i lotted wliuurtbn dnUa were pho -d in a , hurlaoutal position »«>nt» through a set with which he ai.n build a m iniature a kyarru per « 1« vatoi n and a ll' T he little fellow wlio Intrnd to tin k e r w ith th* doitrbellw t«.- a chance to liario*»» ele ctric ity tq tto ateel sti in I ores that can la* nindc t in another » e t; running the elrv .i tor». liftin g and carrying toad» / The »Impte »c<«>ter ha» given way tc motor driven toy cycle», the late»! o » 4 h p motorcycle with » »Idv cii . n which the young oullant drive» hi» ew rnthegrt tiai and front school! PAGE THREE TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY DECEMBER IB. 1927 T ak e ' I m o r Leave 'Em 11«— in it ia lly ) "M en are (onto IB m arry ." She—/ ‘Yea. 1 agree w ith you. But what else cen »<• m arry." r" naîw Oelptte th» unusual requirement» af relief tn 77 Miaastere w ith in the United State», the people of the country, through'the American Red Crota, satendatf relief to sufferers In 20 dlaaatera In foreign land«. Theea lnotud»d hurrlean»» In th» West Indie», desolating portion» Of | Cuba. Santo Domingo, Porto Rica, th» Id a ot Pin»», tha Bahama», and othar ialanda In tha group; flraa In H a iti and Porto Rico, floods in M rs loo and Jugoslavia, aarthquakaa In Japan, tha Aioras Islands, Armenia and Albania, and rafugaa relief oper­ ations In Bulgaria, Syria, and China During tha eleventh Annual Roll Call, November 11 to 24, tha Am eri­ can Rad Cross w ill aeak a member­ ship of 5,000.000 to kotp Its disas­ ter ra lltf and othar services con­ stantly ready for any call. I s V T ru th in Advertising Prospective Roomer— “ B ut yon »4- vertlsed a bed-sitting room." Landlady— "C ertain ly, thia Is IL " "W ell, I see the bed but where ,S the s ittin g room?" 'On the bed." Jump»— Like a Flea Found on Pharm acy State Board exam paper: Q W h a t Is the akallod nicotine? Ans. A pow erful drug, on« drop o f which on the end of a dog's tall w ill k ill a man. Mtude— "J hope you w ill pardon my dancing on your feet. I'm a little out of p ra c tic e " C o ed — "1 don't rndtul your dancing on them It's the continual Jumping oif and on that aggrnvatea me." Tha Optim ist Doctor to Dying M an: But my dear man, why must I tape up your fingers? P atient: So they w on't h urt whea I play the harp. Bella *’l wonder how the expression i'a ll «rm of the sea' originated?" Ikm (w ith a tender look) " P e r - 1 The Bookmaker Says W h eth er ahe be blonde or b ru n e ttt, beautiful or plain, gay or morose, tha ixlda are about fifty to one that she w ill not be on time. haps omebody notlcwl that It, hugged the » tim e " p enalty poaed p o rtrait of An eapecially Larson, ahlof ehlel o of l tha Larson h a rts ■ of dairy ledwstrles, depars- " W w. Dr C C W o i aarlctrfMirs. who hai ro- S tó .,1 UUB Jaaaary I. IB M Fortune T e lle r : "llew are of a ban I same, tall blonde ' Wear« W illie I sadly I I've m arried her ” ' Too late fC o Omi Gosh " I hear th a t you and (tolly b ars q u a rre le d ” • "Yea. -1 found aomefhing about bar that I didn t like.'' W h a t « a a th a t" ' "Another fellow'» arm ." T hte 1» a story o f the W ild ami W ooly W est. It concern» the aherlft : of T in Sprout. who (li»per»e«l an angry mob w ith a few wetl-chosen words. "Y , ~ »aid the aheriff. re la tltir the » lo r y , "I managed to quieten 'em down nil right W hen the boya »warme-J i around ,he gaol I stepped out w ith a 1 couple of gun» In my hand» and »poke sorter »nothin' to 'em." "W h a t did yon aay?" "I Just reminded 'em th a t my broth- . r was rttnnln' the only undertaker's >n the town, an' everybody that know j cd inc knowed I was a strong fam ily i man who'd do anything In reason to ' boost the business of a relative.'' H o tel M anager: "Y ou must please pay in advance, air. Your luggage la too em otional." Quest: "E m o tio nal? ” "Yes— easily m oved.' P : "B lffcr ha» worked him self up, hasn't he?" S: ''H ow do you ruean?" , "H e used to be it chirop od ist now , _ be a ,a ( ent at ! You had better be X- Doctor rayed ** P a tie n t; ’’There*s no need., (Jet mv w ife; shtt’a alw ayn been able ‘.o see through m e ” Facta in the Case H e — "D arling, 1 love you. W ill you m a rry me and become m y Income tax rebate?" ' She— ' ‘Yea. my love. And w e'll hava a lot of little exemptions.'' T he Bore: '' I feel thoroughly wound up tonight.-' Hostess: "H o w strange! And yet you don't seem to go " "Oh. yes." ahe said, "we can traed our ancestors back to— tn— well, I don't know exactly who, but we'vg been descending for centuries." Man, Ob M an! A t the Grand Canyon: " T e ll m e; what are some of «he chief beauties of the neighborhood th a t we must not miss." "W e ll, there's Old man Johnson's daughter down by the mfU, and Tom Jones' w ife up that there m ountain." William’s Self Service Store 77 EAST BROADWAY NEXT TO I. O. O. V. BLDG. FANCY UM BRELLAS T U R K IS H T O W E L S In Cross-Bar Border Effect. Do Your Christmas Shopping Leisurely I Your Christinas shopping will prove far?mor e pleasant and economical this year than ever before if you do it here. No one to hurry you to make a decision. Suggestions for Her Men's Silk and Wool Fancy Socks, pair 48c Women’s Boxed Hdkfs., 3 for 23c Women's Boxed Hdkfs., 3 for 48c Men’s Fancy Rayon Socks, pair Women's Silk Hdkfs. and Powder Puff 48c Men's Rayon, Wool and Cotton Socks, 25c pair Women's Full Fashioned Silk Hose, $1.48 Men's Clever Plaid Rayon Socks, pair .......... Women's Fine Feathers Silk Hose, pair 98c Women's Silk and Wool Hose, pair 48c 25c Men's Elastic Side Leather Slippers, pair $1.99 Men's Padded Sole Felt Slippers, pair 89c $1.1» Men’s Hi-Lo Felt Slippers, pair, $1.59 Men’s Sheep-skin Slippers, pair Men's Cut Silk Four-in-hand 48c Men's Gen. Broadcloth Shirts $1.48 Men's Fast Color Dress Shirts 98c Men's Outing Night Shirts >78c Men's Outing Pajamas 98c Men's Colored Bordered Hdkfc. 9c Men’s Extra Fine Quality Initial Hand­ kerchiefs, eftch 23c .Men's and Boys’ All-Leather Belts 48c Men's Regular $500 A ll-W ool Shirts, $3.69 Men's Khaki and Grey Flannel Shirts $1.69 Men’s and Boys’ Knit ties 24c Men’s Belt and Buckle Sets 73c Men's and Boys' Colored Border Handkerchiefs 5c Little Boys' Red Top Rubber Boots, pair ................................ .............. $1.89 Boys' Novelty Golf Hose, pair 48c Boys’ Fancy Rayon Sock, pr. 48c Boys' Jack Knife Hi-Top Shoes $3.99 Boys' Fast Colored Blouses 79c Boys' Fast Colored Shirts 89c Suggestions for Her White and Colored Novelty Handker­ chiefs Women's Hi-grade Novelty Hdkfs. 9c Women's Hand Painted Hdkfs. . 15c 2 9 c'3 9 c IN T H E W E S T 5 2 .1 5 ’ 5 5 .4 5 J 609 Willamette Eugene, Ore. IT PAYS TO SHOP AT BREIERS Special in Ladies’ and Childrens’ Wool Dresses $1.98-3.98-4.98 Suggestions for Him 48c Always Suitable G ifts and Woman's Rayon and Silk Hose, pair 48c Women's Fine Quality Rayon Hose. 3 pairs for $1.00 Women's Novelty Plaid Hose, pair 48c Women's Fine Quality Rayon Vests 59c Women's Reinforced Rayon Bloomers, pair ... 89c Women's Lace Truvmed Teddies 98c Women's Rayon Princess Slips 98c Women's Outing Night Gowns 98c Women’s Hand Emb. Gowns *98c Puis Linen Lunch Cloths 79c Pure Linen Cloth and Napkins $1.19 Hand Embroidered Towels 48c Tinted Boxed Stationery 23c Child’s Boxed Stationery 10c Children’s Novelty Hdkfs, Dolls 23c Set of 7 Child's Handkerchiefs 38c Misses' Novelty Plaid Hose, pr.............. 38c Misses's Rayon Hose, pair ................ 38c Children’s Umbrellas 98c Children's Coat Sweaters $1.48 Children's Fancy Wool Hose, pr. 48c Children's Padded Sole Felt Slippers, 73c Women's Padded Sole Felt Slippers, 68c Women's Embroidered Satin Slip­ pers, .............................. $1.59 Women’s Patent Leather Slippers, $1.59 Women's Leather Sole Slippers, $1.48 Infants’ All Wool Sweaters 98c Children's Stitched Satin Slippers, 73c Child's Mirror and Comb Sdts ............ 98c i Vests, rayon knit with piqued rayon straps. In all the new and zjq wanted colors DizC • I/C RIoomers, rayon knit, with large reinforced So Practical HOSIERY X;j“r'98c-$ 1.39-1.89 Make your gifts with Breier's Quality Hos­ iery. No. 875— Service weight, silk to top hosiery women. Slipper heel. Six popular Q Q colors. Mock fashion ............ IzOC No. 165 All silk thread. 42 gage, full fash­ ion. Slipper sole. Fine lisle a* < A Q garter top. Service weight xj) 1 • T r lz No. 658—Guaranteed all silk thread. Service weight. Slipper sole. Top -J QC grade. A -l quality 1 »izO Nos. 4503-4502 — Women’s and Misses' Rayon and cotton hose. Very dur- able. 3 popular shades O IzC For growing g irls .......... 49c No. 371 Misses' shaped sports hose of line quality lisle. Fine forschool wear Q^-. Smart patten» Hri/C No. 27—-Children's lisle hose— sport rib. Elastic and strong. Light colors a Q _ and black ^Tc/C No. 600— Cotton hose for girls. Regular rib. Light colors and black. QCx» All sizes 6 to 10 .... .................. «¿OC No. 10—Girls' 7-8 hose in clever sport pat­ terns. No. 46- Infants' very soft cashmere, 100% wool. American Raby—an old yi q standby. 4 to 6’,2 ............. — ....... T r l z C No. 17 — American Raby Hose in pure white Rayon with lisle sole and 9 C -, heel ......- ..... - .............................. — OwC Appreciated Lingerie The intimate g ift of Lingerie every woman loves. French pants, rayon knit. Attractively two- tone trimmed. Well made. In QQ three colors, each ..................... i/O C RIoomers, Jersey knit, in conserva- tive shades. Double elastic knee RIoomers, cotton crepe in peach and flesh Double elastic knee. Z ?Q Three sizes ...... O«zC RIoomers, cotton charmeuse, double elastic knee. Pink and peach. Q Q z» Three sizes ............................. t/O C Outing night gown for women. Double yoke. Extra quality. Hemstitched in- rt* sertion. Sizes 16 to 20 ...... »n 1 .D iz For Gifts SLIPPERS Puzzled about what to give your femi­ nine friends? Try Slippers for them. Ladies’ felt slippers. Silk ribbon and pom pom trimmed. Soft f\O soles. B right colors D izC ’izOC Something new — Velvet house slippers, gilt binding. Embroidered