The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 15, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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    With a pretddentlal y e a r in th e offing and (he
Seventieth C ongress facing a stag g erin g am ount
of w ork, the co u n try uecds m ore th an ever real
leadership. Mere politicians need not apply, for
Record for Progress Is Made
f e te r e d as »econd c l u i m atter. F «U ru a ry 2 4. l»OJ a t the politicians' feet w on’t fit sta te s m a n 's shoes.
in Protection People of Vast
la c k of leadership has been one o f th e chief
poatofflce, Springfield. Oregoo
— reasons for the decline in interest in m a tte rs poli-
Flooded Section.
Itical on th e part of the alarm ingly large percent
O m yaar la Advance ... 8175 T hree M onth*
T5c|age of voters. T h ere are issues In p le n ty - but
Record health prutvctlva actlvlilaa
M onth* ----------------------- |1 OS Single Copy __
Ac I an issue that is straddler! will not bring th e voters mark*«! th« raar'a aarvleg of th*
— Ito the polls Here is a chance for real leaders. American Red Croat In ih l* fl*ld T h *
— Istro n g men who w on't straddle hecauae they don : oulstaudlng health accomplishment
was (he successful conclusion of th*
“ ' ' know how, to add to th eir following
T he tendency In C ongress probably will be to emergency health program launched
I dodge Im portant votes a s m uch as poaaible. but a t part of th * re lie f work la tb * M l *
Valley flood. In co-operatlos
C h ristm as shopping is hard bu t th e wise ones there are som e m a tte rs facing C ongress th at can alsalppl
with S ta t* and Fadoral health agen
will m ak e is easy by reading th e advertisem ents hardly be sidestepped. Aid for the fa n n e rs , r e ­ glaa, th * Red Proaa auccsssfully eon
ts th e ir new spapers before m aking th e ro u n d s of duction of taxes. Mississippi flood relief. Muscle ducted a campaign designed to pre
the stores. In th a t way the shopper will know Shoals and B oulder Dam art* am ong them . Ixtad
sent epidemic* a* a result of flood
w h a t th e progressive m erc h an ts are offering f o i | ers an> needed to force th e issue
Thousands were ltum unlied against
C h ristm a s and often w hat is the cost. It's the
T he stag e is set. and th e c u rta in h as gone up.
p resen t th a t is bought a fte r reflection, ra th e r The co u n try w aits for th e leaders to m ak e th eir typhoid and am allpot. preventive
measure* against m alaria were un
th a n th e one grabbed up in the excitem ent of the bows. I t’s an excellent chance for som ebody
dertaken. and a * the flood receded an
last m om ents, th a t usually please the m ost.
I Who will It be?
Intensive clean up program waa art
P ractically everything you can th in k of is ad-1
• • •
In motion to purify w ater aupplt**,
▼ertised by m erch an ts during the C hristm as sea-1
provide sanitary aurroundlnga of ru
•on. M erchants spend m oney for th eir advertís
ral condnunltlaa and complete othvi
ta g wholly fo r your inform ation. It's paid ser-
U h"
!•! Kains during health protective step*.
Tice to you and if you use it during the evenings k , '
“ Z8 i * c r r t w y ° i A griculture William
Beside the emergency work, the
• t y o u r fireside you'll be rew arded and m ore sau s- n ¡„
hls a " nual rejxirt
T h e fa rm er's
Red Cross Public ttealih Nursing
fled with your C hristm as list.
‘K “ “ 1, h o " ev« :' £ not ve< >*«*•
Service developed about too new com
• • •
n n,any Pa r ts of th e co u n try on e-th ird of the muntty uurslng aud health services
throughout the country.
Nurse In
I fa rm e rs’ n e t incom e goes for tax es on farm land
SANTA CLAUS— REAL PERSO N — DISPENSED s e c re ta ry Jard in e says d ep artm en t figures sh o w ’ atructora atnl others operating under
! Vet th e fa rm ers' tax problem s a re chiefly s ta te the Red Croee also extended train
W ho says th e re isn't any S an ta C laus? If a n y ,a n d local, only a sm all |>art being paid to th e cen- tng In Home Hygiene and Care of the
to both adult and Junior groups,
Buch th ere be, let him read this.
I tra l G overnm ent. Hencg. th e fa rm e r's tax pro- Sick
th * la tte r lu educational institutions
S ain t N icholas w as an ac tu a l person. He w a s , Wonts m ust be w orked out on a s ta te and local In certain Instances. Every State
bishop of Myra, In Lycia, Asia Minor, in the first 1,a8ls-
Alaska, the Hawaiian Island*, th*
r t of th e fo u rth cen tu ry of th e C hristian era
H ere ls » sen ten ce from ids report th a t will Philippines. Porto Rico, and the V lr
s fa th e r w as a w ealthy m erch an t, and N icholas P ^ a r stu d y : "W hile fa n n e rs them selves are r e - 1 gin Island*, bad Home Hygiene
w as know n a s a dispenser of th e good things o f H u c*nP th e ir co sts of production th ro u g h In­ classea which showed a large In
life. T h u s he cam e into universal popularity a s , creased efficiency, public agencies should co- crease.
One contribution to natloual health
the gen erous giver.
op erate w ith them In effecting a b e tte r a d ju s t-
achieving a growing recognition I*
T h e A m erican term , S a n ta Clus, probably ori- ,nent of production to dem and, also efforts should the nutrltlou Instruction service, I
fin a te d . says one au th o rity , th ro u g h th e slurring be n,ad e to dim inish w aste, to lessen m argins through which thousands of adults
of th e generous old fellow ’s earlier nam e. S aint | betw een p ro d u cers’ and co n su m ers' prices to re
and school children are learning the
N icholas. This au th o rity thinks A m erican e h i l - |duee tran sp o rta tio n and distribution cost’s, a n d ' proper foods for health and the funda- j
d ren are probably th e only ones in th e world wh>>, to 'es8*>n th e fa n n e r’s overhead c h a rg es by lower
mentals of correct food habltg In re­
lation to health.
Classea Include I
eall him S a n ta Claus.
ing o r red istrib u tin g tax burdens and bv Improv
housewives, school children, foater i
• • •
I'n g ag ric u ltu ral credit facilities."
m other*, policewomen, women having
• * .
charge of homes and Institutions ,
T he A m erican Legion Is attem p tin g to pay its
business girls and students In uul i
d e b ts and also to raise som e m oney tow ard play­
g ro u n d equipm
ent < at
the e o B r rattain
- -
*<• m
a i u u n s school,
c n o o i. by
Dy p put-
u t - 1 *n addition to th e A m erican T elephone and eersltle* and college*.
Beside* these direct services for i
th re e -a c t con.edy p l a y - d a y evening a t T elegraph C om pany and its 21 associated com
better health, the Red Cross enrolled
th e Bell T h eatre. T he L egionnaire should h a v e , l*a n i**. th e re a re in th e United S ta te s »08 9 dlf
reserve of nurse* mount* to more j
th e support of th e com m unity in th eir u n d e r ta k - ,ferent connecting telephone co m p an ie s-^ n o t in
than 45,000. These nurse* are avail :
tag. not only will y o u r a tte n d a n c e be helping a eluding som e 45. 000 ru ral lines w hich a re not able for disaster relief service, ep! 1
good cause bu t you will see th e funniest am ate u i ¡designated as com panies—
in iXUUIlllJll,
addition to
481 t demies and other serious emergen I
• -------
v and
a«.»A ail
— to ~ n ifa n le s. m aking in all a to tal I cles, and are ou call for duly with the
production ever produced in Springfield—som e
r ------------
2 ? u in," 7 't “ ing
Arm y, Navy ansi the Veterans' Bu
th in g yo u ’ll split your sides laughing at.
of 9a98 telephone com panies in th e United S ta te s
• • •
Red Cross health services are In
revolutionizing an industry
creasing in scope, It Is pointed out.
It would be Interesting to h e a r those hom e eco
Bonnes experts fit the U niversity of Chicago, wh
O utput or m an u fa ctu red gas m ay be doubled In calling attention to th * forlhcom
recen tly figured out th at a girl m ust earn $1 8 0 t within th e next five years th ro u g h an Intensive Ing enrollm ent of new members In
B y ear before she can afford chifTon hose and go program of research and education It is believe | the Red Cross rank*, through whose
aupport all Red Cross a r tie llle d nr.
to th e th -a tre . trying to tell $15-a-w eek Nelli-
hat with consolidation of gas p lan ts g re a te r uro- made possible. The enrollnieni will
w ho types for a living, th a t she really shouldn't
t i c t i o n m ay he o b ta in e d ,a t low er cost, because
tu k • p ,.n o fro m N ovem ber I I 1» 21
be ex trav ag an t.
he larg e r centralized producing u n its will he abl^4
o m ake use of m ore m odern fa< ilities
Junior Red Cross Artnv
• * a
"W h at’s > om panionate m a rria g e ? "
w hite-haired old lady at th - mnvi (lie r
An orang-outang can sing, says a German |>i of 6 .,000*000 in Schoos
p attin g 'li- hand of h er h -D a n d whoi
ried fort;, years ago.
S ubscrip 1 l 0N
The f a r * on Ihe barroom Boot tut?
h a t*
on» man outright, hot
in.»at of tho faces seen about th * *lr«-»i
cause nothing hut alow tortu ra
f o r B U S I M U S 5 S
W U LIas < la w a » ,,a lb a v a a aaa b a aasa-
lea a a s s a s . la a * . W i n a a u k • t o t u is
A a k u u a k a « | . l a . « U . , s w lOOOsSaAaata
l a f s S l l . « . Is a seas
as a a a a l
-— <•» « ssn eae w iv . O O s a a s s a * h a lf
a U . . , , , a A o ns«U
M as.
a A ils sa,„Jl„a W p S i s Sas g*Bg
r*c th ing t. I r
Specializing In Tonsils
Over Penney's Store
P hone 355
We make Free afternoon deliveries daily in Springfield.
Phone ue your need* before noon.
Eu«*” a -
160 E ast B roadw ay
How much of success and happiness depend on your eyes
Be good to them.
r gg/Maes«
O re g o n ,
T e le p h o n e 362
'A '
ham needs p re te
now, is a political ring th a t won'
bla> k- ri h - 'inger.
*lV\-ima Caul»,
Or, Geo. A. Simon
From th e full-Ir
our ” ’
to tine r ••
out <
le AmwAa's UOI 1» MSOAl S.k^.4
W hat We Q ffrr
.Motion picture dfn>ctors m av not have
influence on th e sun as Jo sh u a had. hut tl
t.-nnly can m ake th e s ta rs Ft(.p around.
Life ¡s a paradoxical, a fte r all, and th is probably
M en m arry to settle down, and from th«n on cplains
why even the extrem e
a ró set on
It s a m atter with them of settling up
tire by w ha t th e y te rm d rv Knioke Kerpens."
• • ♦
» «
' l l ’ -
4 - A .
W ashington should be a hot place th is winter,
A cross eye alw ays looks ask an ce but neverthr
now th a t C ongress is in session again.
- - -
, ,e8s 8olne o f
a«« thing» a t rig h t angle«,
c a n 't convince fa th e r of • t h a r a t ^ h T J X e o f '/ a r . I A n ? the neTt dfiyni* n o w e d .Can,e
r.h u ia d 47.500 to t h 1' r c t t . f t u t r l li
.r Red Crcaa m einhcra sh i n .I Ij
In i '.nclriii tlon w k In the Slid
weal to rn a d o severs! years ago, afl> • J
the F lo rid a etorm , and are In the
post-flood o p e ra tio n s r f 'he Red Cross
am ong II •> people In ih e M lxalaalppt
V a lle y .
Junior Red Cross haa 5,822,757
n icm tx rH, an Increase of 273,328 In
(be last year.
More than a million of Ihe Junior
Red Crosa membership Is dlatrlbuted
In the Philippines, Haw aii, Guam,
Porto Rico, the Virgin Island*, and
Alaska, and Includes Indian and
Eaklmo children. Through the medium
of the Junior Rod Cross Io the United
States, and sim ilar groups abroad,
children all over the world are being
brought Into closer understanding by
International correspondence carried
on by classes In the school*.
The Juniors at present have nearly
twice the membership of the senior
organization, but In the forthcoming
membership enrollm ent of the Red
Cross, from November 11 to 84, the
th tt
U f lu lt
B v x rn h a ra h l n
r h e r e « m ore to lia iik iu g tlu m m e re ly
T A L K IN G a bo ut it. <JU| hank ra n > ifm'y
g u a rd y o u r m oney, hut It la al»o o f i- i vice to
you in m a n y o th e r ways.
We ra n give you the advice of m en i-xpcrl-
••nerd in invcHinirnlH and biiHincHM deal» We
have a N otary Public to acknow ledge your
legal paper«. We can «ell o r rent your pro-
perty, pay your taxen, m ake y o u r collection«
ex ecu te y o u r legal d ocum ents, care for vour
Jewelry and valuables, in fact are In a posi­
tion to be of real «vrvice to you.
Protected by Electric Burglarly A la rm Sy.tem
Commercial State Bank
Send a Box of
E ggim an rìs C andy